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English for Academic

and Professional Purposes

A Critique
“Pamilya Ordinaryo”

Submitted by
Macandili, Sean Ashly S.

Submitted to
Uzelle Bianca E. Wagan

November 2022

English for Academic and Professional Purposes 1

A Critique Pamilya Ordinaryo

Good day Everyone this is my critique so let's begin be challenges of young parents
like Jane Ordinaryo and Aries to survive and find their lone kid, Arjan, are depicted in
Eduardo Roy's 2016 film "Pamilya Ordinaryo." Here, it is also clear that they must engage in
dishonest behavior to meet their child's requirements for milk and diapers. It can also be seen
that they lack proper guidance from their parents because they had children at a young age
Jane is only 16 and Aries is 17, it can also be seen that they are dependent on smoking or
using solvents to numb their hunger; they also constantly engage in sex, perhaps to relieve
their stress, So let's start how this happen in the beginning of the film.

Since Jane Ordinaryo and Aries come together they became a parent at a minor age, both
Aries and Jane live in roadside manila, and the only source of their income is stealing phone
and others, this movie has a lot of lessons that you can learn. Both Jane and Aries are
addicted to a rugby that is inside the plastic bag. Jane's mother is also a drug addict and
doesn't even care with Jane's situation. Jane does not have proper guidance that's why she is
freely do the thing she want. She got pregnant because they don't know the word safe sex.
When their baby got lose because of Ertha. They go to the police to ask for help but Jane got
molested by the police because the police man know that Jane does not know how to file a
case. After going to police they go to a radio station to ask a help but they ignore them when
they got to see a artist who is more popular. They ignore them because even though they are
not finish they stop just to entertain the artist. When a channel discover them they cover their
life. They give the picture of Arjan to the interviewer but the interviewer lost it so they don't
have any picture of Arjan, but Jane said that she can figure it out even though that she can
feel if it's her baby or not. Someone call them and told to Jane and Aries that she knows
where the baby is, but it turned out it was a scam. They steal someone things just to give a
money to find their baby but they were scam by the mother of Ertha. They go to bus station
and go to the Duques house of someone and steal the baby but when Jane see the baby is not
their baby so they turned it back to the house. The guard in the subdivision run after them
because they accuse them as a thief of a baby. They run and run and when they saw a bus
they hop in. That's the end of the movie it ended in the bus. The hardwork to find the baby
become a bubbles because they didn't even find their baby.
In my opinion, as I watch this show, it is also very close to the Critical Approach,
which is the Marxist Approach, because you can see here that people are different when they

English for Academic and Professional Purposes 2

are poor and rich, so when you are poor, you will not be listened to, and when you are rich,
they will listen to you. They are the others who also depend on clothes so there is no equality
is so hard to expect.This film also shows the real state of society and what is realy happen in
the reality, Another when you are poor you will be abused and take advantage that has power,
like what happen to Jane when she reachout to the police station and get mollested by police
chief , Another when Jane lost his Son Arjan in the supermarket and ask the guard to send her
help and look at her head to toe and refuse it, And when someone help them that has a formal
clothes the guard quikly assit Jane and Aries. Another one when they arrived at the
subdivission and approach the guards and they refuse to come in, Another you can see in this
film that some of the people who is poor is need to do wrong things to live, and how parents
in this words can do all things when it comes to their child safety and future.
What separates the show Pamilya Ordinaryo is that we shouldn't be confused because we
might be like the people there who do bad things to survive , And I hope we imitate Aries and
Jane who don't know how to give up about finding their child Arjan, you can do all
things ,but let's not imitate their bad behavior doing like using solvent like rugby, having sex
in the public place, and stealing money from others , let's learn not to lose hope just be strong,
you can do all things when you love that person what ever it is bad or good,thank you for
reading my critique and have a grateful and nice day.

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