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Name Characteristics 3 Set A 3 Set B 3

1.Jose Salvador Responsible, Kind This will help Everyone learns to

person, and students become be a responsible
Leadership responsible people person and you will
and improve their be able to do
studies even more, impossible things
and be an example and handle difficult
of being a good situations, there are
leader who is willing many ways to every
to help others and problem and don't
not a boss who only lose hope, be a
knows how to leader who knows
command, you how to share his
should be good for knowledge and
be good to others teach others.
and gain peace of
2.Cecilio Pedro Creative, Strategic, This will help This will help people
Competitive children not just give to not take life's
up on school work challenges lightly,
because it's normal. when you have a
Be creative to have a problem, face it and
good idea, another don't be afraid.
thing is that you Every problem has a
must be a strategic solution, another
student, you must thing is to learn from
be a good humane every experience
of school problems and make it a lesson
and you can solve you learn and turn it
them. into motivation.
3.Illac Diaz Creative, curiosity, Must involve Being creative to
kind creativity as a have more
student to make knowledge about
your projects more things and having a
acceptable, and have curiosity to execute
the curiosity to make more ideas and
your design can thoughts Being a
result in good effect, kind person to so
be kind and see what many people will
is happening in the help you and bring
word. tour success.

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