Dinesh Return Application

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Mr. _________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________, do hereby solemnly
affirm and sincerely states as follows:

I am the 1st petitioner herein and the 1st defendant herein, as such, I
am well acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case.

I humbly submit that the respondents/plaintiffs herein have filed the

above suit against us. For full particulars, the plaint may kindly be treated
as part and parcel hereof. I am filing this affidavit on my behalf and on
behalf of other petitioners.

I further submit that during the pendency of the suit, a compromise

was arrived between the parties. Accordingly, on 28.04.2022, on the Joint
Compromise Memo filed by the parties, disposed off the above suit.

I further submit that during the course of trial in the above suit, the
following documents were marked on the side of the defendants:

S.No. Ex.No Description of the document


I further submit that as stated earlier, the above suit was disposed off
on 28.04.2022. The above mentioned documents are original documents
and no longer required to be kept in this Hon’ble Court. Further, the said
documents are required for us. Under these circumstances, it has become
just and necessary to return the documents to us.

I most humbly submit that unless the aforementioned documents are

returned to us, we would be put to irreparable loss and much hardship. The
certified copies of the above documents are filed herewith.

Therefore, for the reasons stated above, I pray that this Hon’ble Court
may kindly be pleased to return the original documents mentioned in the
petition to us (defendants) and pass such or other orders that this Hon’ble
Court deem fit and proper under the facts and circumstances of the case.

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