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Marriage is one of the pleasant occasions to be celebrated as a symbol of a relationship's

success. However, life after marriage is significantly different from before. Those who are married
reveal their true self to their companion. Couples confront a variety of situations during this stage.
Marriage in general, is a happy life that should be lived until old age, but not all marriages last
and are as lovely as everyone dreams. Divorce is a period that couples go through for their own
good, but is it the greatest decision for the children? Divorce has certain harmful consequences
on children because they are not highlighted by the parents in this regard.

Unconsciously, the divorce had a psychological and emotional impact on the children.
Depression is one of the most prevalent effects for children living in this broken household, as
they frequently witness and hear parental squabbles. The youngsters are terrified when they
witness a disagreement that includes name-calling and even aggressive behavior. They
frequently shut themselves away to avoid seeing marital violence and to feel more at ease in a
small and quiet area, hoping to be calmer without outside distractions. Furthermore, when a
parent is newly married, the child's emotions deteriorate. The family structure then adjusts
automatically. When strangers live with them, most youngsters grow more emotional. Because
they are uncomfortable and unaccustomed to it, youngsters will become rebellious and attempt
to do unexpected things. Children have been abused by their mother or stepfather in some
circumstances. This complicates matters for the children's emotions. Situations like this can lead
to the conclusion that the divorce has negatively impacted the children's emotions.

Furthermore, the child's attitude has deteriorated as a result of the divorce. This can be
seen when parents split and their affection for their children diminishes, as does their time spent
with them. Their patience is also stretched to the breaking point, causing them to rebel and distrust
everyone, including their own family. The majority of them blame their parents for forcing them to
become broken people. They will begin to learn about the outer world by making new
acquaintances in the outside world. This has caused them to avoid going home and instead spend
time with their buddies. In this way, individuals can de-stress from all of their difficulties. Children
believe that their friends understand them because they always allow them to express
themselves. This causes children to invest their faith in their friends and believe that their friends
are a safe place" for those dealing with a shattered home. However, some children make the
wrong friends, which leads to criminality. This peer influence is hampered by their parents' lack of
oversight. Children have no one to turn to for protection, so they rely on strangers. Misuse of peer
influence can lead to excessive socialization. Most young individuals from shattered households
become addicted to drugs, commit rapes, and engage in promiscuity. Divorce caused by the
actions of parents might have a negative impact on the child's image.

Last but not least, the effect of divorce on children is that it damages their future. Divorce
depletes the family's financial resources. Children will be separated and seated with either their
father or mother. As a result, the financial element will change. Children will be raised in an
economically depressed atmosphere. Half of them cannot afford to spend their pocket money on
school or anything else, such as books and other learning tools. In addition to being ridiculed by
their classmates because they lack financial resources and have broken families. This contributes
to their poor academic achievement. Bullying at school causes students to resist and as a result,
they will break the rules and skip school. They will frequently avoid school sessions because they
believe the atmosphere at school is unpleasant and just serves to irritate them. Some of the
children decide to leave school. Circumstances force individuals to act in this manner because
they need money to survive. They will perform any type of employment to make a living, even if
they are still minors. This makes their future much more difficult because they lack adequate

To put in a nutshell, parents' behaviours have an impact on their children's mental and
physical health. For the sake of their future, children must be protected and adored. Divorce does
not indicate that either party's life will be destroyed; rather, it provides opportunity and space for
everyone to progress and live a new life properly. As a result, the children's lives will be
guaranteed, and they will have a more comfortable and joyful life than previously. Even if parents
are divorced, they should prioritise their children's spiritual and physical needs so that they can
grow up in a positive environment. Children's development will undoubtedly be hampered by the
actions of immature parents following divorce. Children become disoriented and lack role models
to serve as idols in their lives. As a result, it is critical for divorced parents to perform their role as
more mature parents in caring for their children emotionally, mentally, and physically. Even if the
children must accept the fact of divorce, the existence of well-being between parents after divorce
heals their hearts. Outsiders will esteem families that can keep tolerance between themselves
even after divorce. As the phrase goes, blood is thicker than water, and individuals will
automatically change their minds that divorce is not a horrible thing and that they will still continue
as a family.

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