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Functionality of Wi-Fi:
Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows devices such as
computers (laptops and desktops), mobile devices (smart phones and
wearables), and other equipment (printers and video cameras) to interface
with the Internet. It allows these devices--and many more--to exchange
information with one another, creating a network.

Life without Internet:

• We’d have to go out on the street to do our shopping.
• We would need to look at maps to get to the places in a life without Internet.
• We’d be much worse informed in a life without Internet.
• We’d be so very bored in a life without Internet.
• We should be talking to people face to face in a life without internet.

Use of Wi-Fi at various places:

Wi-Fi is used for different purposes such as data transmission and wireless communication, With using a
Wi-Fi connection whenever possible will most often result in faster, more reliable internet access, and It is
cheap. Wi-Fi is already connecting the Internet to every application that consumers want today, It is
enabled to the thermostats, light bulbs, home security, monitoring and
control systems, appliances, and automotive products.

Goggle Balloon:
Google’s internet balloons are wireless Internet connectivity towers that
float in the stratosphere. They beam Internet signals to earth-based
stations, which then transmit the internet to users through internet
service providers. These floating giant balloons are made from plastic.
They are fitted with solar panels which power the gadgets that control
the balloon’s operations and beam internet signals to earth. Using a special crane, the balloons are
propelled to the stratosphere – a height of about 20km above the earth. Artificial intelligence software
installed in the balloons’ computers controls the floating movements using wind power. A single
balloon can provide internet connectivity to an area of about 80km in diameter and serve about 1,000
users on the ground. It’s expected that the signal strength users get will be similar to 4G browsing


Name: Hania Sarwat

Class: 8C

Date: 23rd August, 2022

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