Bianca Cielo Marie O. Balabag Mls1E Blood Flow Through The Heart

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Bianca Cielo Marie O.


Blood flow through the Heart

1. Superior and Inferior Vena Cava 6. Pulmonary veins

2. Right Atrium (then Tricuspid valve) 7. Left Atrium (then Bicuspid valve)
3. Righ Ventricle (then Pulmonary semilunar valve) 8. Left Ventricle (then Aortic semilunar valve)
4. Pulmonary trunk 9. Aorta (then body tissues)
5. Pulmonary arteries (then lung tissues) 10. Coronary arteries
Conduction System of the Heart

1. Sinoatrial Node
2. Atrioventricular node
3. Atrioventricular bundles (right and left bundle branches)
4. Purkinje fibers

Ma’am, in case the difference between the figures of my two drawings
would raise suspicion, I actually drew the first one by traditional pen, while the
other by digital pen. I found it difficult to draw using the former. Nonetheless,
both were created solely by me. I hope you understand!

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