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ENGCOL.Comumers Coaperatve Stores Lid, Jodbit M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No......4s, . ». No. “sous Faculty No.9] [> ahdy tne process of Design. | Mochine Design’ Machina dasign ia defined aatha use of, ACietl ic —_frunciples , techonical infgremabion ond imag fnalto ny Lin the dencription of a amachine ra arnechanical Aystena to. - j -Petpeen Spacific fein ction tity ana Yeu, *Sentaty ond [sing ~ > | te Aubjed “Aubjedk + Machine Design ip tee crteion af rend arnt beter machines ane beth nn achinss and ‘mproni He | 2eiativg Tt [Th pt design in pig ino feng ard tiene conauag one xsyataPHOTO.COPER B STATIONERS: 251619 M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR PIN. cob oe Date oo Experiment No Name .Brashert Shekt Faculty No, Class Batch © | Camitication of Machine Deaign ____—— __|Rdeptive deagn? Ta matt Cases the designer's cr jn oclaptotion st eniating chai gery —___— | | This Hppre of dasign needs ro. apace knowledge cr Abid ound Cercwrre dd cs cal training | = |The dui oo albornation or medifac ot ov printing oa pro cact dayign! This type of danign neccls Lex piclen cle, A Chews bic Buainin g_aad doxign ob t peal Crden wy to wrodiby the exauting dggigny inte a Nes 3 ila bey Fatty ane snl aot mathod of mo m1 anufpectre Synthesis (Mechanisms) | LPratpi gy tre | T Matedat Selection | Design oh dements | ( Gre ang Abresse) | axSHTAHOTO COPE & STATONERS- 251612 M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JALNARAIN VYAS UN ITY, JODHPUR Experiment No. .. PNo.. sv Faculty NO... 4a *O be Aoigned u M dara) . Selec ‘ ~ I D 3. Ate acti ack tre | = 00h racebe H_| Maserial Selection Select the bot auiftd material foreach mombor Of the machine : & | Design of elosentg( Sine oma Greater): find the Size nf each mone ef roachire by Cordicening the force acting on the meombin, Gat | the _porueniarible 26 cite or the motenial cued. Tt bh a 1 eee ae & AKSHTAPHOTO COPIER &STATINERS- 2514512 M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAINARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No. senses PNO nse _» Faculty No.. 2 C1888 snr Bate nnn 6 | mestijcation. Moat the 02s of th enlin apias the the pa SAtinlence cos Inject Soak eg ag snk to facilitate ~ casein Tas seechlfi ep olte he neces org bey _—~ [Teresi tintin ml ch a = |- — - LA dosign enginei rust he fami ar. with the effects which fhe A (ee eS eee _sHTAPHOTO COPIER & STATIONERS: 2814619 M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JALNARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR so» Experiment No. ... Name Braslant: Bhat... Faculty No.l9/2369e. Broce [ATMs “To_sbudy clasigaad, Cobiers Taint _______—. Spigok end 4 Socket end (ii) | The ( _AKSATA PHOTO COPIER A STATNERS- 251819, M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR s+- Experiment No. .. PNo. Name ..Braa! Bret coseu Faculty No Batch (| The sods ate AubjscHd ‘te avial Hesile- force abion dug to the Alot {d neghec ted. The pbreste, due te initial tightening of, ths Cotter, are neglachtd. wii) P= tennile force acti gon nods (~) d= di nan —Ga= Bamnoten of apigat Caller (mam) dt = Grtside Marsden of socket {rmm) 2 = diawoler of Apiget cor t nai cl Hicwater of eckot (wm) dg- di dy = Bicmedtr of socket + Collar (rm ) ce B= Ayton spo ed of lot: fete enclo}_Apiget ‘on 10d (mm) b> wean Seid of Cather (mag C= auia ne fiom Alot fo eed = al} Pte gga AKSHTA PHOTO COPS BSE M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JALNARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY. JODHPUR So ot @) Tet are Aubjecttd 4p auial ewvile exc __{ii)| “The _Grrtentiation dus te the slet aig X sha ngglected "Hila at ge ek fo Da gig he cotide ahs neglected Tensile Foilure Of Sokal rx ¢ -fowa wos krwin | pe Aap a ee & AACN | ) awe | i = i eK ! whe ate by e——+ S &X _ACSHTAPHOTO COPER& STATIONERS: 2514613 M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No. ... ... Faculty No. Agchon 4. gi Lb dia 2 [Tt (a2-at) ~ (aa yt | | Cy J The 4emsile stron at tio Y ie giv be a = Osea _ P= fT (dia*)- ta, (4-4, | c c 7 U Fstona the Ghee Seistinn He Gutaiole llometin of Amcket (dr) Cann ba oe rmined | Tensile Foilurn of, Spigst + Ahaion inthe wickat Ouid-pechon ot X% of the Apiaget Cra OWL iy Aubojected to -Prale sis Peco} pact at xx = [oT a- at | % 3 Thoefos Krulle shes nthe spigct ip gvea by Ti= Tae Rasy Shear Failurn of, Cotter bo Crualring, Fein oh, Lpigst Gna ‘ASHITAPHOTO COPIER & STATONERS. 258613 M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Date _- Experiment No... so PNOw. . Faculty No... «Class .-- Batch, P= f rd-a. «| G 4 The thicknoys of, the Cotter in Adirally clotermined by the (roleuning Lrapisacol relationship The. _cotien. 15 sulbjected to Uwsle ated in Fig The j each, of, the stro Plang thet Sxesst Khecruing foiliorc fe (bt) There tere cheat. sDers inthe Cotter Ly given by ms : Te Pp - : 2(bt) - Pa 0 bere L Where Tus for reidible Shear Strom fee the Cotte —__| i J i Erg Aa sharin in Fig. “the forc0 P causes Compownive stress ON NSE re chongulan aua Et Hrickne + anol tic do Perpownslicalss tothe pleng of the Paper The Compramjve. abu ia givenby a ea Pp : ta, 7 St i Sheare Foilurneof Seuket Gra Door, Fos Jara 4 Spigst Eval - oe —————E_e—_— _ aise f | | oe fat “ll AKSHITAPHOTO COPIER 8 STATIONERS: 2514612 M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JALNARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment NO. «sc snes Faculty NOnnnnennne C188 0 Sheor Faire , Socket Ena |The Accket end ib alae subjected te double Shusce o} Sheton in€ig The. farsa of eoch of the two lowes thak senist Shao foi Ls ta giv en toy duo- (d,-d,) Sheer abies in the pocket eral us givenbg

#-dat ta ql a When the Voluas of Pt duo oars Aubstthuted the abewe otket on the bana di | Of ensile — Abrons in the Aocket |Scom P= Fo (a-ab) -(a-ale To, Gag zy WShran Veluo ob Pd, and Gf Ou Substitutes “the « Sx pseamion becomes 2 Guoelnatie € ENGCOL Consumers Co-operative Stores Lid, Jodhpur M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No, (vi] The dimonwions a Gud ¢ are Calculated by He folleuing (vii Repiseicad -Helatiom hip. Q=C=z 015d | Calaulate the Utidth bi of the totter bey Choar Considenat ba Laing 1&4. Gnd beng bancli ng Conmidetation Using &. Quel Select fre width ~ Uhichener iy oes Ths (Wo Valuer = ‘hes | SP dy - da b= Pp oe #8 fa a pide % 6 Checic the Guiphing And shoor Abwmes in dhe Api gct end tay fi j= _P T= Pp ta, Dad a (ix M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAIL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... . Faculty Ne Chace tre Csushi anol Shere, ATreygos tn the Aocteote oon oe (dy-d, VE z=? 2(dy-d Ie 2 GSE caK thi 2 tl te ues t= 045d Tee _topere of Ha Cotter ty 1 tn Nurnonicat Problems | Atal tracts of Quel diameter Coch red is subjected to an Ariat tensile force of Sole Design the yeink rol t a n Peaty sa_| Selection of fach®r of Safety oe eae ‘ fuint Hee frtigesinng Lacs @ Om nogdecdtet.” ini Hat duets ti 1 i Ati eases gqten) 4 Hes cotter anck M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.. .... Faculty No.. - (| “strens Concentration custo Alt -b Apiget rol Te Occmunt “for tres fectey a Wighcr focter, of daketey ia Gard fn He pSwoynt dorian The factor of, Sefety free Hee ods, —— -4piget enoland Actiet enol iy ariumed ay 6, chile for the Cotter ft is taken 4Y. Thee Oe Hie rectnes for easing a Lorre fecten cf dopey free Cotten Thgy ane oy doll | There -is no sep, Concentration in tre Cotter (iD| The Guat of tre Cotter - waa ComPecredd vith He Aociet (2 eenaned -Aétenals ga ghot. fer eter Tt ty Onpemed toa the yiela Shength I Lempartnion 48 tutte toa viola “Chength tm Jenion FOS fore Cotter » = FOS fos Spiga [Sockor = 6 a i eee: ENGCOL Conners Co-perae StreLi Johor M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No..... = Yoo = 66-67 Simm 6 (Gs ‘Sye = 24S = 2 (YO0) = 133.33] f (4) 6 Sy = O88; = Osl4oe) i) (4) 6 T= 33.33 Nhat Parveninsible ADredder pepe core tamed pall o> See Yoo = 100 Mbt (4) A : t= = OF Sy = OF 14g) = SON [mm® (4) (4) 4 The dimonsio of the Cabier joint ore clotermived : Step. 2 Diamotor of Sod az [up - | ulSoxl3) ~ 20.90 & 3x0 ~ 16 TW (66.67) M. B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Date.... comes Experiment No Faculty No. chinans of, Coble. 42 O.Nd = 0.31/32)+ 99% elom Step Diaraater (42) of Spiget: pa ft aiadt ta, So i= [0 dy = 4, Vo) {é a) 4 ai 12-134 - g5y.pe= 6 Sewing Hee Aloove = ray + flan -y Hasan) a 2 d, = 31-9) @& Yorm. Outer diameter (dy) and pocket _ p={@ (di-ar) - Coa = 4, Jt de, Yt ty J Soxtot ={= (a= Yer) - (4 Ho) (te) J (4g. 07) eo d> -\.734, — 204s. §g= 0 Solying the Glove Quadratec 9, y= 12.1 + Jinat 4 @teu5. gg) 2 ENGCOL Consumers Co-operative Stores Ltd, Jodhpur M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... ... Faculty No Class. dy = §2-0Y Se SSiom SkpS: Diameter ef, & —@— dy = 24d ~S pigat Caller. (dy )and Socket collar (44) LS (32) = Yem = 24 (32) =76. 8 er Somm aA = Sq t Skpé _Dimonsions “Gard ¢ a2 C= O15d = 6.15(32)=24mm = Sox Jo? = Som D 7 UCI 2 (Sox)( le) b= |3p Fd 4 dy] Ce et « J (3 (soxto?) [Yo 4 fe-e (e){tee) E 4 6 = Somm — From O1@ eee M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.. | f= P= Soxid IDE Mw et tidy (le) (Ye) Te P= Sexi? = 26. 04 S/rome -@ Lad. r(2u) (de) TK 133-33 Sled Go CT <3ISRN Ing me Step Check {ee Cuubing Gnd Sheode, Lanes tn pocket eva, = 2p (du-o. Je = Sex Se 2 DOR (80 ~4e) (te) Zee 2 (dy~d,) & Zee Se xis? = 2C6Y Nim 2 ( Go~4e) (24) Te SINBI- 33 Ni ot TC C33 ABN eed Tha _Aboyes induced inthe Spigot arct te poche Sndy orn Wi thing Uwit, Gepte | TWiverey of Spigct Coon ez O4Sd= ONT) = Wu4 we Loam - alee. Aeppor. ¢ fer the GHEL 1 in 3 M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.... ... Faculty No.. Pot Dimomsional -Skoteh of Cotter Joint Tie Aimaonion of Yarustd Gomponew of the Cotte. jsing aro Shown tn Fis, Componente of Knuckle Joint M.B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Knuckle Teint: Knuckle joint sa type of pin joint used f° —— join tus Company tot gro Loaded in Hmsinn Ono Comporonk hos afar ul Ha a hele powkirg —thoetigh bot — Sides, ferering, a Aeuble eye, hile the Gthor Components fas A _Aingle eye. _ SS eS The Aingle eye kn Lraadted between tha double eyes aothet oll Yrowe holes a0 Conconbe'e and a pin io wed $2 Secure the __ Cor ponowts aoe Kerwckle jzinkss abe to temion in Abusctuore Auch ar nook ties , brielg en , ant ___ Cranes, The Links ofa Chain 0o@ Aye Cenaicoreed ‘a agrdes —______ Of, Prsrckle pi. _ usta do Commect Pocls abject ENGCOL Cooumers Co-operative Sri Johar M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.... ... Faculty No.. Class. Krurekte Teta Dsrausirg = “De diameter of each rod (mma) | Di= enlargeat diameter Cf each wae - ds Harmeter of kruckle pin (ma) Do~ Gubaride diamober Shee ce foe (rng) }2= Hhicknees ofeach eye of -faSen (mmo) — } b= thickness of; eye © end of Sed=B Crom) Di = Hamster of Pin head {nom} = distinc st Contre eb fork sedlita R fo tha the eee FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.... ENGCOL Consumers Co-operative Stores Ltd, Jodhpur M. B.M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE Faculty No. — @| Foils in knuckle Joint 4. | Tensile Failure of Rods a | Each sel is pubjectd toa tervile ferwe P The temile strom | An He Sock fa given bay gs ___o» p= |4P - 7 (Zo) - no _ [ sone St the pesmi Hei thus fer te Heel) Tha the Hod near the joink W detrmned | toy ths tellouring enepibrcical selationabip -Dy = 1-4 D 2 hapa aha sen inte pin W given a —_—— £ ' Shear Foilun of Pin: - pe ti Ai Naan eseee ake in_fig. 7 jones thot resist Shear failure in (Ea) p ami 4 2p Re 44 il 4 Failure ey Pin in Eye ENGCOL Consumers Co-operative Stores Lid 100°C” M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE | FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR P. No. | Experiment No..... su. Faculty No.. iit) Guibhing Failure of; Pin in Eye i co Auch so prin 45 Aub ected te Gforrm A prgjeckd area js token ite _cendideration to Gind out the sbeo As sheen in Figure the projected aswa of Hho Cytindocical arpa ia {xd ) ant the Comnpreei ne Stes — 4b given by $ J ga fe = ? Brgjectea aes (xd) (iv) Guahing Failuro. of Pain Four Ay shston tn Figure hele ; He tetel_prejected Sexe8 ch the Pin inte — fork ip (20d) anc! the Comprtaine ‘Sheas betreen the pix (v) | Bemis i. | When te pin is Loete Jt JA Aubjected fo bensling moment 23 Sheca din Figuree bole. Tt DA WMrned thet the loactt acting Onthe SS = pin is uniberrnly dAabributed inthe ere bust tni fpeenly Varying Un tho parla Of the ferck. Fore Iriangulor distiiludion of Leal : | hetseen the Bin Gnd Pre bek, z Tensile Faibwee Eye CO Comemep alnhe - M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE | FACULTY OF ENGINEERING | JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... .... Faculty No. P.No, rthe)=es (vi | | Tensile Feiline of Eye # a & te Weoket Csction of Hoe |_ Section XX hoon in | Oye. The orca of “this section io gn a wa = bd nah x “18 cays —— | Tee tensile. Sam 2_Acctlon Si - _| “Ths - Pp og = - area, b(d.- 4) ba (A~A) appre Sheek, Failure of, Eye NI odie vii) ENGCOL. peru Sore Li Jodhpet M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No. ~-»s» Faculty No. No. las: ose Batch, Uneoe Foilne of; Eye: The eye is Aubjectea to double Choo 82 —Shetdn in Figure “The wo 4 e Sey 20 _plengs [ee tahun gina by oo ile aay = Pp 7 b (a4) Atondlord Prepottion pou Quibike diameter of the eye cutee [fer tn giver ky He follesing Deletion Ship. - anes (Vili) Tensile Foiem of Fouc: : : 5 | Fete iy colouble eye ard as puch Figie 0 applicable te yY | G fork oecepk fore dimension bihich Can be modified at Qa ta cue of G frods The Orca. of Hu weakest “Section |_teeaiaieg —fenatlafailinn -giten by. = axg= 2a(d,-d) TTemile Stross tn tre fed ts aa o>? _ 2a(de~d) (ix)] Shean Foiloo ENGCOL Camumers Cooperative Sores Lid, dod y M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE | FACULTY OF ENGINEERING VI JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR P.No. \ Each ¢f the too Party of the fork iA bubjocted to dowlola ho: € 2a (ded) os |_Stonctard prrepertions forthe dimenin a end bare futen Q= 0.150 b= 19a5D_ The diomotee ofthe pinhead is teken d,= \-Sd Deion Procodiee Fer Knuckle Teint | alate tne ecthoc ch Och te by St —t o= fee Ts Calculate ‘the cng inal ~8f ach thy Smspizucel ENGCOL Consumers Co-operative Stores L1d., Jodhpar M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.... (tshichewor is maxim) “(wy cal the dimowiens de and dh by ernpinicel sulationtip Sey. Gost Seed De ctivestey rl d= 4-5d : bog a Chics the Henaile crushing avo Aboos sbwee in the eye toy eeepc tively . nS b (4-4) _ — — p r a i ibd _ a po 7 —t=— ENGCOL Comomers Cope resid doar q M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE | FACULTY OF ENGINEERING | JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR P.No., Experiment No... sososseee Faculty No. Batch.. Tae A think dn the Foch ofp a d=) <4__Bespeotiont _ ee Ph a ae c= P Lad coi er 7 2a (a.-d)_ Naraxical Problemy Ge | Design a benuckie joint te troneit [S20 The eign sone, § Mey, token a, ISM intmjon 60 MPa fn Shea and 1SoMPa Sw + an OY) ~ 2 G Pa lSeky Te = TSM pss 1S Nine a T= GOMPa = Sonim 9 Te= {Some = \Se Noy % 4 | Failxe of, the Soliel > sod intemsion aoe “Le¢ d= Diameter. of He #24 __ re: te food Sraneitied (P) _ \Soxlo® = W deo = TW ygtxis= Sadb q d=: |Sex 10°} g = 2SY4o Cu d= Soy Sey Samm 5001 Coma Coaprn Sti ot 1 M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.... Faculty No. New the Various Climowions ore fixed on telferts « Dicmoater off knuckle pin y= d= 52mm Quien Carweten of eye > J, = DAs Ux $2 = loUmm Mime —| —Diowaten. of He io Set aan 4, = 1-Sa = Sx 52> 1mm a a eye 6x Hed “en t= 123d = Th areas mth O-1gd = 0-1SxS2= 39 Sey -Hormm Thidenen of, pin baal = t= Sd = O.5x51= 2ém ~~ Fei bane of the kenchle pin in Shasta _ | —Airgle tha fericles sin im ows Shesse 4 agree besa (9) Vee es ae ep ee ee Se SUE Soy 0x T yf r q - T= {Sox ll, ye = 35:3 Niet = 353M Pa pee 7 3 Goitune 4 a pigle ye Hed Ondin Kwon | “Te single eye ox Med Gnd may tal in Kegion dur te tulead WT boca Wroxid = (dd )txqp= (lot s2)eSxqe 3380 % G =_15ex lo? = 4u-d NI} p= WY-4etPe ENGCOL Consumers Co-operative Stores Ld, Jodhpar M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAIL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... ee Tine single Cys 10d enolmay fail jin Shearing dus to tha beat. wict loaet (e) [Soxlod= (q.-d))t xt= (e452) 6S xT = 33807 ad Te s0xtP hg = Yuu nro =" Wirt Ce Ss Faile of the Single Cupar Sod ent fn Cumbiry | The Angle eye che 102 ero! may fell fm cousling due fotte feed Wut. Leaa (P) [Goxle= Gxt xq = Sax b Orn = 33g0e%, C= [soxte [asp = Yuu Rime = W449 Pa 6] Foe of te fer ked ert fatten ai He food WET Lecalf) The fedeted eno rey io fasion _duoto 7 \Soxlo*® Ort xe = (lo4-cr}ax Hone = Hloo Te ce ISXNP yo = Terirnt = TemPa _ Ts | Feibe of the joes Crt in Choar _ : * Min Shearing duoteo bra load He knew det-lord The perked Eno sey i 5 4 U Isoxjot_ = CA-di)2t) x7 = (lot Sz) 2x Hox Z = Mite 2 [soxiel,,, = o0 Mant = Sis pocaaeee [tes NGCOL Conners Capri Soe Lik, dopa a M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE \ FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.. Faculty P.No. © @©)| Faitre 2] He forte Eno in «Cuming 7 Th fruccd Evo meey fail jn Ganong 2Cuvhning diverts Hea lead p | He [new treet oad (2) _ [Sox loi= dx 2eixe = S2%2% Yo Ke, = Uleo pe = _[$oX IF fg, = 34 Pinon = semen [gn coin liam Kane fon toe Joint is Aa, From Gheve we Ace that te lnouus SOonges are lon tron the Qe} Baign a je _jpine ck tute raid Steel bars Unda a tenile | toad of 2.5 tn The alo able Atrorsy are 65 MPa in devin Se MPa — @ | Fartwone of Sotid oa in Feraion din Shete anol PIMPa in Cruhi So" | Given P= 1 5 kw = DSxl% T= 6SPNPa TC SoMa D= up a [ux asec fee aie Bux 65 7 D= 221 wm | New Various Dimension ou Fixed - ee Cnergoa diomr f, tok ted D= Ltd = Lexus Dy, = 29.3 mew ENGCOL Conumers CapertveStrs Lid Jodhpur M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... oo Thickness f exch eye of forme as O-1SD~ O.1¢x224 a = le-bmm thickaoy of ey Leal Sod b= ATO = 125K 22-1 b = 216mm 8. #2 Di ameter of the iy by Ahear Conuolorat on d= [2p = [2x25xb> Jat Vee ce de i765 Chock Pin dicmettn for Cuatrgt a hing 6, fens a Lo = 2Sxle “20d 2% 16-6X 17.8 ) C= MUS MR < 3 MPa Se ity Sele from _cComuahig Nou Check fen bend ing of {Pin - = Se EE rs = wa 4 2 xe = ae] Fiaetingy 2 al = 0. 1h 6SMPa So sets tl tS Pormisinstble. __| ni Calulate Lanetr 4. pin _d enh ben Abate mg Stiom M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No - Faculty No. Red C= 65 Mla d= ( 32 Pre aj) _ To, 2 by j = eT Pan + Ieee] _ a Buyxes * Cos s [a = 29 23.9 mm| 7 thd & Aohe dicmeter ee diaweteng dd = 1Od= 15K 28G= "434 Pin head, 3 | Now We caleulate, cutside camel of enor fark by cbematte. SRE 44 fya — a dex = Pp = Lert? —— a — blae-d) SHIT d, = Po +d = 25%? 4289 bE LOOT d= SESS [te Chee d= 12: Sumy ot , Sheon or net? 3 = po © 25 Ke b(q.-d) at4x (rs-20g) Te 65MPy yy So Mh Poymitible Aron Strays {%6COcmme Cop Sk oie : M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... ... Faculty No, | Ao st id Unjote fore Ghee'e _[poibere off Gye Neo ds =P td be T SE pete een Ng) _ Sox U6 a lle Gostem) =O Now we collate “outside diameter ofr Cyeor forts fou Henile ancl Shes Atrebisy in tu fr o> Pp La (d.-d) 6S = Lyx lee uxt (4-289) doz Yo. Tmm, | —@ We Ikney tem e¢ One Shor e¢ As Same yore dade eee 2a ld.) Se = 28x13 axlee (d.- 28-9) d= 43.3 | —@ fades 5-3) ENGCOL Conumers Capea Sars 1 edgar M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.... ... Faculty No. Ch. Batch.. | by@ ©, @ SH oe tule martirmun Vebened de = UT mar | ___Ore1__Checle fer Shear feitnnct fer. PLN T= P = _25x10> a Lala.-d) Lxled (We 294) - as = Hoy eed Sols (Pore tie) wo de= 41mm | Ae ENGCOL. Consumers Co-aperatve Stores 4, Jodhpur M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... Eee eee ae i G T. ee : Counes 4, Bron. Contentnation. ee - oa_9 The Prepertios, — = — = Varsotion jn wodtmrial proportion ae St Trdesinal Cracks ara Hoss Like blew helo a | Cawstien tn welabe - oe — Riaz by in Steet Cormpononts — fe Noa ragkelic ond ee fersign inclusion UNCC Camumars Carnpurnive hares 44, Sodhyar M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAL NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No. 9, No, .. Faculty No. | VasoHon in the psroporties > | In nt machine Clomonk , Ut iy arsurnod tat the rradtros | ty howvagencous toreugs, cut the Comporert «Mud ta proche | tHe Preepenticn of material Vary {gor One end to Aton ed, 2 | Taternal cxacly and [Yous : | Canities incselds 7 | Aix hetos ete ___| Alssupt chonges in pechon = | Sudelon changes in tre Creribection jd alae o cena of, Strum Concer Prtion o—_—— ___| Machining Ser athas af Stamp _ Marka , Aur), oce rroaghmon cue te roGcining Procens are, | Aurc face Aroq oonities which Cause Abus Conconkration , - 3.0) 3.0 \ 29) Ph. a \P 2.8) L OF 28) i 26) 217 i 2a) 26 22! K 25 209) K 24 18) 23) HH 1.6) 22) 14) 24 12) ?%0 01 02 03 04 05 06 "%o 04 02 03 (dw) (aa) Fig. 5.2 Stress Concentration Factor (Rectangular Fig. 5.4 Stress Concentration Factor (Round Shaft Plate with Transverse Hole in Tension or with Shoulder Fillet in Tension) Compression) 30 30 28 28 [oka J-P pa 26 26 24 24 22 22' kK kK 20 20 18) 18) 16 16) 14 14) 12 12 1 So O41 02 03 $0 O41 0.2 03 (ad) (ad) Fig. 5.3. Stress Concentration Factor (Flat Plate with Fig.5.5 Stress Concentration Wee (Round Shaft Shoulder Fillet in Tension or Compression) with Shoulder Fillet in Bending) ENGCOL, Comaumars Coraperstive Mares $d etigwe M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING. JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No.... Faculty No. 2) | Stren Concentnotion £ Factor (Cok Plate with Sheuldon ldo Ellat tn Tension | Com pscrtion )___ orn _ | Stroy Concentrotion Feckee (Round Shalt with Sheuldn Geb & | Tension) a eee eee ca eee Whe, L=md" ond Y= dt ey 2 Kt 3.0 2.8) 2.6) 2.4 2.2) 2.0 1.8) 1.6 TTT Te TTT tT TT PTT TTT TT TTT TT PET TT TT TT TT TT TT PTT TTT TTT TT Tt ENGCOL Consumers Co-operative Stores Ltd, Jodhpur M. B. M. ENGINEERING COLLEGE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR Experiment No... ® | Mumonical Prctslem we] A Yor plate gubjecta + a teraile fence a Seb 2a chown tn Pig, The — _| plots material js grey cert ion Fe 200 ond rd_the factor of Safety | 4 2:5. Determine the thickness of the plete — = Given P= Tks Sp = 2oom/mat fps 25 [ sep Cal Udetion of poreraiisrible Fecvie_ptiers _ ieeeeeeneeeeeeee pag Se = 20.0 2 80 Mang —_____ —— (fF) 2S Stepo. Reus Si oP Bi Asction The Shesse; are critical ak two Section = wets sortion One hele Section At th. HUet Sec tion. c-e ‘P = ( S000 \ E Wace

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