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Subject: Chemistry Max Marks: 30 Time: 1 Hour

Class:1st year Name: Roll No.
Objective Part-I
Q.No.1: You have FOUR choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. Choose the
option you think right. 1x10=10
i. The rate of reaction determined at any given time is called:
(A) Average rate (B) Instantaneous rate (C) Spontaneous rate (D) Overall rate
ii The rate of reaction __ as the reaction proceeds.
(A) Increases (B) Decreases (C) Remains the same (D) May decrease or Increase
iii Unit of Rate Constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction in:
(A) 0 Order Reaction (B) 1st Order Reaction (C) 2nd Order Reaction (D) 3rd Order Reaction
iv The order of decomposition of Nitrogen Pent oxide 2N2O5 ⟶ 2N2O4 + O2 is:
(A) First-order (B) Second-order (C) Third-order (D) Zero order
v All radioactive disintegration nuclear reactions are of:
(A) First-order (B) Second-order (C) Third-order (D) Zero order
vi Half-life period for U92 235is:
(A) 710 million years (B) 720 million years (C) 810 million year (D) 820 million years
vii Glucose can be converted into ethanol by an enzyme:
(A) Lipase (B) Zymase (C) Sucrose (D) Urease
viii The unit of rate constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction is:
(A) First order (B) Second order (C) Zero-order (D) Third order
ix If the rate equation of a reaction 2A + B → products is, rate =k[A] 2 [B], and A is present in
large excess, then order of reaction is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) none of these
x With increase in 10 0C temperature, the rate of reaction doubles. This increase in rate of
reaction is due to:
(A) Decrease in activation energy of reaction
(B) Decrease in the number of collisions between reactant molecules
(C) Increase in activation energy of reactants (D) Increase in number of effective collisions
Subjective Part-II (Short Questions)
QNO#2: Give short answers of following 8x2=16
i. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.
ii. Differentiate between Fast step and the rate determining step.
iii. The radioactive decay is always a first order reaction, justify.
iv. Define Auto-catalysis, give example.
v. Define Catalytic poisoning.
vi. Briefly describe the following with examples that change of physical state of a
catalyst at the end of reaction.
vii. Rate of chemical reaction is an ever-changing parameter under the given
conditions, justify.
viii. What are instantaneous and average rates?
ix. Define 1st order reaction. Give example.
x. Mention the characteristics of enzyme catalysis.

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