V. Codes. Decipher The Codes of The Words/phrases Provided Below and Vice Versa

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V. Codes. Decipher the codes of the words/phrases provided below and vice versa.


1. LANGUAGE _________________________

2. CONVENTIONS _________________________

3. _________________________

4.       _________________________

5. _________________________


6. BXADQ ATKKXHMF _________________________

7. ONHMS NE UHDV _________________________


8. 4 9 7 9 20 1 12 4 9 22 9 4 5 _________________________

9. 13 5 4 9 1 9 14 6 15 18 13 1 20 9 15 14 ____________________________


10. ESIM EN ENECS ____________________________

Test I.
Directions: Identify the concepts being described in each item. Solve for the hidden code among the
answers by composing a relevant concept using the shaded letters in each item.
1. The Republic Act No. 10175 which defines cybercrimes and imposes penalties for prevention.
This is one of the laws that could protect intellectual properties.

2. This means one can used a copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright
holder under certain circumstances.

3. All literary and artistic works enter this when copyright protection lapses hence they are free to
be copied, adapted, and revised with no restrictions.

4. It is a gap or disparity of access, knowledge, and the use of digital tools between demographics
and regions.

5. This refers to the creations of the mind, an invention, a design, or a brand name.

6. These are the copyright licenses that provide standardized ways to give permission to share
and use one’s work on conditions set by the creator

7. This
excessive and compulsive use of the computer resulting to possible risks.
8. A set of skills enabling citizens to access, evaluate, and create information using media forms
in an

ethical and effective way.

9. It is a set of rules for behaving online.


Test II.
A. Directions: Differentiate the following situations. Write CI if it is copyright infringement and
P if it is plagiarism.
____________1. Modifying and reproducing someone else’s creative work without making
significant changes.
____________2. Including someone else’s photographs on a website without permission.

_____________3. Copying elements of different sources and pasting them into a new

_____________4. Submitting a full text that is not your own.

____________5. Using graphs, charts, figures, or images from a source without

acknowledging that another person developed them is considered plagiarism.

B. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write the correct answers on the space provided.

_____1. Don’t abuse your network – Use your network the right way. Don’t post how your
is going to your network all day long.
______ 2. Don’t be a Keyboard Gangsta: Probably the worst thing about the Internet is the
keyboard gangstas. You’ve surely run across at least one of these in your lifetime
______ 3. Fill out the Subject line properly. People want to know immediately what your
E-mail is about. Help them out by filling out the subject line with the proper text.
______4. Don’t make claims that cannot be guaranteed. Social media is a place to be honest
truthful. “The fact is, rumors and sensational posts may send readers flocking to you
at first, but dishonesty and irresponsible behavior will ultimately come back to haunt
______5. Personalized comments show authors that you’re genuinely interested in what they
have to say, and that you actually took the time to read what they wrote.

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