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Final assessment on ICTFL

Final Exam paper

Integrated Course of Teaching Foreign Languages
(Chet tili o’qitishning integrallashgan kursi)

Year 4 students

Group: XT - 1903 Gained score_____

Student name: Ozoda Tukhlieva
Subjects (modules) included:

 Methods and principles of foreign language teaching

 Teaching Different Age Groups

Entire test tasks follow provided rules below:

1. The answers to the questions should reflect originality. No plagiarism is
allowed. A student will lose points if he or she has the same or similar submitted
Final examination paper as another student accomplished.
2. If a student has not been granted permission to take the exam by reason, it is
highly recommended to consult with the ICTFL instructor in order to participate.
Task 1. Choose any song for making a 45-minute lesson plan for practicing
grammar. Consider the following while selecting the song:
 Cultural appropriacy
 Age appropriacy
 It should aid to practice grammar
Make a lesson plan. You are supposed to create the song related pre-, while,
and post-activities.
Criteria of evaluation
 The aim of the lesson should be specific, measurable, and achievable
 The stages of the lesson should be logically connected
 Each stage should be explained in detail.
 Timing

Teacher’s name: Ozoda Tukhlieva
Date: 08.02.2023
Subject: English
Level: beginner / elementary
Target skill: grammar
Topic: ‘will’
Aim: to teach children how to make promises using this structure. At the end of the lesson pupils
should differentiate them and use them properly.

Time: 10 minutes
Predict the missing words. Students write the missing words in the lyrics worksheet. After they
listen to the song. Students check the answers they wrote in the worksheet. (link to
the song)

Time: 15 minutes
They watch the official music video. (The video ends with a romantic kiss and may not be
appropriate for all classrooms; previewing is advised.) They should practice using will to make
promises. (The song repeats the promise I will remember you four times.) The worksheet below
has two parts. Part 2 is a little more challenging. For levels high beginning and up. (link to
the worksheet)

Time: 15 minutes
Students practice the future tense with will by playing the Memory Circle game. First, each
student writes a sentence beginning with I’ll. All the sentences should be related by topic–for
example, students could write what they’ll remember from this year’s class (I’ll remember our
Halloween party) or a life experience they’ll always remember (I’ll always remember the birth of
my daughter). Then they form a circle and follow the steps below. (A circle should not contain
more than 12 students, so they may need to form several circles.)
Student 1 says the sentence he/she wrote. (For example, I’ll always remember the birth of my
Student 2 repeats what Student 1 said. (For example, Maria will always remember the birth of
her daughter.)
Student 2 then adds his/her own sentence. (For example, I’ll always remember the day I arrived
in this country.)
Student 3 repeats what Students 1 and 2 said. (For example, Maria will always remember the
birth of her daughter. Yoshi will always remember the day he arrived in this country.)
Student 3 adds his/her own sentence.
Students continue going around the circle, repeating what the other students said, in order, and
then adding his/her own sentence.
After the last student says all the sentences, ask students to give him/her a round of applause.
(It’s not easy to be the last student!)

Task 2. Choose one of the classroom activities from the box. Write about the
ways of adapting it for different age learners. Fill the table.
1. “Find someone who…” 2. Toss the ball games 3. Bingo 4. Charades 5.
Picture description 5. Jeopardy
(write the name of the Young learners Teenagers Adults
activity here)

The stage of the Post-stage While-stage Pre-stage

Aim of the task Reinforce a new Teach new Revise vocabulary
lesson vocabulary of a previous
The skill (subskill) vocabulary & vocabulary vocabulary &
to be practiced grammar speaking
Interaction pattern Group work Individual work Pair work
A detailed ‘Easter egg hunt ‘Insect bingo’ ‘Health and
explanation of the bingo’ Each card is sickness cards’
procedure Students are printed in two Students work in
(How does the divided into copies and put on pairs. Each pair is
teacher instruct? groups. Each the desk. Every given a set of
What do the group is given student comes to bingo balls and
students do?) cards. Students the desk and finds words of a
find and write two similar photos previous lesson
where Easter eggs and writes the should be found.
are hidden in name of the insect Once students find
different parts of on the blackboard. all the words, they
garden. After students make short
Prepositions of finish, they try to dialogues. While
place should be remember the one student is a
used in their insects without patient, another
sentences. looking at cards. one is a doctor.
Assumptions Students review Students learn new Students revise the
(how will students simple words by words of a
benefit from this prepositions of remembering previous lesson
task) place as well as a them. This activity and use them in
lot of backyard helps students their speeches.
vocabulary. improve their

Task 3. Write your opinion on the given issue. Write 150-200 words.
How can teachers cope with rebellious teenagers in the classroom? What are the
ways of overcoming this problem?
There are different types of students and most teachers tend to have some problems with their students while
teaching them. One common type of student is a 'problem student' who consistently disrupts lessons, irritates or
bullies other students, and routinely fails assignments (and doesn't seem to care about their dismal grades).
Obviously, their misbehaviour is caused by many factors, one of which is a lack of engagement. Assignments are
simply too easy, and the student will seek out another form of mental stimulation, occasionally in the form of
causing trouble for teachers and other students.
However, there are possible effective ways of tackling with this problem. No matter the cause of students'
misbehavior, taking the time to understand their situation and demonstrating how much a teacher cares is crucial to
managing their conduct. When teachers take the time to show that they truly care and want to help, students will
generally respond well to such affection. Establishing themselves as a trustworthy and caring individual proves to
their students that they are worthy of respect.
As difficult as it may seem, staying cool and taking the high road is absolutely essential in these situations. Even
something as subtle as an eye roll or annoyed sigh will betray frustration, so teachers should be extra careful in
never letting their students see them sweat.
If there is a student who frequently aces exams and finishes assignments before the rest of the class but still causes
trouble, it is entirely possible that this student is simply bored. Without an academic challenge, the child is left to
create his or her own amusement. Whether a student's disruptive behavior stems from boredom or some other cause,
engaging and innovative classroom modifications help keep these children focused on their classwork and not on
their misbehavior.
All in all, rebellious students pose a unique challenge for teachers, but with engaging assignments and mutual
understanding, teachers can put an end to their misbehavior and encourage their academic growth.

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