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First of all, thank you very much for being given the opportunity to present the opinion of the

States of America. Two weeks ago, in Paris, the president said before the world that we needed a strong
global agreement to accomplish this goal an enduring agreement that reduces global carbon pollution
and sets the world on a course to a low-carbon future. A few hours ago, we succeeded. We came
together around the strong agreement the world needed.

Over the past seven years, we’ve transformed the United States into the global leader in fighting climate
change. In 2009, we helped salvage a chaotic Copenhagen Summit and established the principle that all
countries had a role to play in combating climate change. We then led by example, with historic
investments in growing industries like wind and solar, creating a new and steady stream of middle-class
jobs. We’ve set the first-ever nationwide standards to limit the amount of carbon pollution power
plants can dump into the air our children breathe. From Alaska to the Gulf Coast to the Great Plains,
we’ve partnered with local leaders who are working to help their communities protect themselves from
some of the most immediate impacts of a changing climate.

We’ve driven our economic output to all-time highs while driving our carbon pollution down to its
lowest level in nearly two decades. And then, with our historic joint announcement with China last year,
we showed it was possible to bridge the old divides between developed and developing nations that had
stymied global progress for so long. That accomplishment encouraged dozens and dozens of other
nations to set their own ambitious climate targets. And that was the foundation for success in Paris.

In short, this agreement will mean less of the carbon pollution that threatens our planet, and more of
the jobs and economic growth driven by low-carbon investment. Full implementation of this agreement
will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change, and will pave the way for
even more progress, in successive stages, over the coming years.

Moreover, this agreement sends a powerful signal that the world is firmly committed to a low-carbon
future. And that has the potential to unleash investment and innovation in clean energy at a scale we
have never seen before. The targets we’ve set are bold. And by empowering businesses, scientists,
engineers, workers, and the private sector investors to work together, this agreement represents the
best chance we’ve had to save the one planet that we’ve got.

\We want to convey that our country wants to delay the paris agreement. This delay was due to the
state of the Covid-19 pandemic which forced the country to cut budgets to handle Covid cases.

The United States is one of the major countries hardest hit by COVID-19. In fact, the total Corona cases
in that country have reached 10 million cases. The total number of Corona cases in the United States is
the highest in the world. Until today, the United States has confirmed 10,182,818 people in its country
who have tested positive for COVID-19.

The United States government's plans to contain the Covid-19 crisis include increasing the number of
Covid-19 tests via drive-thru across the country, investing in home covid-19 test services, and hiring at
least 100,000 Americans to do contact tracing. The government also wants to invest US $ 25 billion in
the manufacture and distribution of the coronavirus vaccine, so that every US resident can get a free
But climate action must remain a non-negotiable global priority. That means the world must also focus
on creating low-carbon job opportunities and increasing the economic and ecological resilience of

It therefore means countries must continue their work to increase their ambition to tackle the climate
crisis in a socially just manner, by decarbonizing economies and energy systems, scaling up nature-based
solutions and tackling unsustainable agriculture and deforestation, including through recovery efforts.
the economy

Considering that our country is one of the largest contributors to carbon gas emissions. therefore, we
rely on other countries to reduce the impact of global warming in exchange for providing reforestation
funds. Because the budget focuses on handling covid19 so that reforestation fund assistance is diverted
Therefore the United States asks for the postponement of the paris agreement

karena anggaran fokus terhadap penanganan covid19 sehingga bantuan dana penghijauan teralihkan
Oleh karena itu amerika serikat meminta untuk penunduan paris agreement

Dampak langsung kembalinya AS mengambil peran dalam aksi iklim global adalah mengurangi tekanan
jatah reduksi emisi kepada negara lain, termasuk Indonesia dalam mencapai target emisi global.

Dampak lainnya, meningkatnya peluang pendanaan hijau dan pengembangan investasi serta kerja sama
teknologi hijau dari AS di Indonesia.

Sedangkan, untuk dampak tidak langsung, antara lain akan menghambat laju bencana
hidrometeorologis di Indonesia karena berkurangnya emisi global akan berpengaruh pada cuaca
ekstrem yang terjadi di berbagai belahan Bumi di dunia, termasuk Indonesia

Namun, Amerika Serikat (AS) menjadi salah satu negara besar yang paling terdampak COVID-19. Bahkan
total kasus Corona di negara itu sudah tembus di angka 10 juta kasus. Total kasus Corona di Amerika
Serikat merupakan yang tertinggi di dunia. Hingga hari ini, Amerika Serikat telah mengonfirmasi
10.182.818 orang di dalam negaranya yang positif COVID-19. Meski begitu, sebanyak 7.867.291 pasien
COVID-19 di Amerika Serikat telah dilaporkan sembuh. Namun, 126.162 lainnya dinyatakan meninggal

Hal ini pun menjadi tantangan besar bagi presiden terpilih Amerika Serikat, Joe Biden. Pasalnya, kasus
infeksi virus Corona di negara itu masih belum juga terkendali dan cenderung meningkat setiap harinya.

Rencana Biden pada hari pertama bekerja adalah mengendalikan krisis covid-19. Sejumlah cara akan
ditempuh Biden, meliputi memperbanyak test covid-19 melalui drive-thru di seluruh negara,
berinvestasi dalam layanan test covid-19 di rumah, dan mempekerjakan setidaknya 100 ribu orang AS
untuk melakukan pelacakan kontak.

Ia juga ingin menginvestasikan US$25 miliar untuk pembuatan dan distribusi vaksin corona, sehingga
setiap penduduk AS bisa mendapatkan vaksin gratis.
Selain itu, Biden akan menyediakan dana untuk pemerintah negara bagian, sehingga mereka tidak
kekurangan anggaran untuk mengatasi pandemi covid-19 di wilayahnya.

Tetapi tindakan iklim harus tetap menjadi prioritas global yang tidak dapat dinegosiasikan. Itu berarti
dunia juga harus fokus untuk menciptakan peluang kerja rendah karbon dan meningkatkan ketahanan
ekonomi dan ekologi masyarakat.

Oleh karena itu, berarti negara-negara harus melanjutkan pekerjaan mereka untuk meningkatkan ambisi
untuk mengatasi krisis iklim dengan cara yang adil secara sosial, dengan mendekarbonasikan ekonomi
dan sistem energi, meningkatkan solusi berbasis alam dan menangani pertanian dan deforestasi yang
tidak berkelanjutan, termasuk melalui upaya pemulihan ekonomi

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