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Chapter · December 2016

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12127-7_126-1


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1 author:

Fabio Luino
Italian National Research Council


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344 Floods

▶ Dissolution watercourse, a flood can manifest itself annually. Usually high

▶ Erosion water flow is contained between the natural banks or artificial
▶ Factor of safety levees, but when the volume of the flood waters can no longer be
▶ Fluid Withdrawal contained within those natural or artificial confines, waters
▶ Geotextiles expand into the surrounding areas. The flood extent follows a
▶ Groundwater dynamic propagation that depends essentially on the amount of
▶ Hydraulic Action water that overflows, the speed of the water flow, and the
▶ Infiltration morphology of the surrounding areas (Fig. 1).
▶ Liners
▶ Percolation
▶ Voids Introduction

Precipitation events have a fundamental role in the formation

References of a great number of exogenous natural processes. Their inter-
action can promote the formation of landslides, mud-debris
Crosta G, di Prisco C (1999) On slope instability induced by seepage flows, avalanches, and floods. Undoubtedly, floods impact the
erosion. Can J Geotech 36:1056–1073
largest number of people, as a consequence of involving large
Dunne T (1990) Hydrology, mechanics, and geomorphic implications of
erosion by subsurface flow. In: Higgins CG, Coates DR (eds) areas that are often densely populated.
Groundwater geomorphology. Geological society of America, Water has always played a vital role in the life of people.
Special paper 252, Boulder, pp 1–28 From the beginning of civilization, people have tended to live
Hagerty DJ (1991) Piping/sapping erosion. I: basic considerations.
near the water, along creeks, streams, and rivers or along lakes
J Hydraul Eng 17:991–1008
Higgins CG (1984) Piping and sapping, development of landforms by and sea coasts. Land close to water has usually offered many
groundwater outflow. In: LaFleur RG (ed) Groundwater as a geo- advantages to settlers, initially for basic survival and then facil-
morphic agent. Allen and Unwin, Boston, pp 18–58 itating societies, development, and industrialization. The water’s
Hutchinson JN (1982) Damage to slopes produced by seepage erosion in
presence was important not only for having a fertile soil to grow
sands. In: Sheko A (ed) Landslides and mudflows, reports of Alma
Ata international seminar, October 1981, Centre of International food but also for transportation. But now flooding produces
Projects, GKNT, Moscow, pp 250–265 damaging events which affect approximately 21 million people
Jones JAA (1990) Piping effects in humid lands. In: Higgins CG, worldwide on an annual basis (World Resources Institute 2016).
Coates DR (eds) Groundwater geomorphology, Geological society
of America, Special paper 252, pp 111–138
Koenders MA, Selimeyer JB (1992) Mathematical model for piping.
J Geotech Eng 118:943–946 Cause of Flooding
Koerner RM (ed) (2013) Geosynthetics in filtration, drainage and erosion
control. Elsevier Science and Technology, London, 323 pp
The Role of Rainfall
Skempton AW, Brogan JM (1994) Experiments on piping in sandy
gravels. Géotechnique 44:449–460 Flood events are usually preceded by heavy rain: they can
Terzaghi K, Peck RB (1967) Soil mechanics in engineering practice. have different developing time and intensity. Rainfall of short
Wiley, New York duration and high intensity can cause easier flooding in small
Worman A (1993) Seepage-induced mass wasting in coarse soil slopes.
mountainous streams/creeks whereas rainfall of prolonged
J Hydraul Eng 119:1155–1168
time and low intensity can provoke large floods mainly in
larger basins on the plains. In fact, a precipitation widely
distributed over an ample basin can create problems along
the entire hydrographic network. All streams become swollen
Floods and when flowing into the main river they contribute to the
formation of an extraordinary flood.
Fabio Luino
CNR IRPI (National Research Council, Institute for Other Causes
Geo-Hydrological Protection and Prevention), Turin, Italy Flood events are not limited only to rainfall from storm
events. They can happen due to:

Definition 1. Rapid melting of snow and/or ice masses by an abrupt rise

in temperature. The eruptions of the volcano Eyjafjal-
Flooding is a natural process that occurs when the level of a lajökull (Iceland) on March 2010 caused melting of its
body of water rises until it overflows its natural banks or artificial glacier. A flow meter device in the Krossá glacial river
levees and submerges areas that were usually dry. Along a recorded a sudden rise in water level and in water
Floods 345

Floods, Fig. 1 Large area flooded through a break produced by collapsing of the levee embankment: Kinugawa River in Joso, Ibaraki Prefecture on
10 September 2015 (From: – The Yomiuri Shimbun/Associated Press)

Floods, Fig. 2 (a, b) Ceva, small town in Piedmont (Northwestern on its way: not only trees and shrubs from the banks but also cars,
Italy). Bridge before and after the peak of the Tanaro flood occurred on dustbins, and tons of rubbish (Photos of the author)
November 1994. During the process the river swept everything that was

temperature. About 1000 people from the zones of Tête Rousse released 200,000 m3 of water and ice: the
Fljótshlíð, Eyjafjöll, and Landeyjar were quickly evacu- village of Saint-Gervais-Le Fayet (French Alps) suffered
ated (Smith 2013). However, heavy snowfall followed by 175 fatalities (Vincent et al. 2010).
melting due to a sudden rise in temperature sometimes 3. Accidental blockage or the flow along the bed of a water-
causes extensive flooding in temperate areas. course or at its mouth. The obstruction can happen for a
2. Sudden emptying of a glacial cavity, like the case of the landslide fall (very common), for a bridge collapse, for
outburst flood from Glacier de Tête Rousse that occurred floating materials jammed against a transversal infra-
in 1892. The rupture of an subglacial cavity in Glacier de structure (Fig. 2), for sediment bed load, etc. The water
346 Floods

Floods, Fig. 3 Unbelievable

frame depicting the wave of the
tsunami that struck on
26 December 2004 in the village
of Ao Nang (Thailand) (Courtesy
of D. Rydevik, email: david., Stockholm

usually overflows in the lateral areas and upstream of the rose by more than 5.50 m above the mean value,
blockage. In 1961, for example, the riverbed of the Wei overwhelming the sea defenses and causing extensive
River (the Yellow River’s largest tributary) was blocked flooding (more than 2300 victims) (Baxter 2005).
by 1.5 billion tons of sand, and its bed was lifted by 40 m. (b) In Southeastern Asia, in 26 December 2004, an earth-
A large area was inundated, and almost half a million quake occurred with an epicenter off the west coast of
local people were forced to move. Sumatra (Indonesia). The earthquake, with a magni-
4. Sudden release of water from natural or artificial reservoirs tude of 9.1–9.3 on the Richter scale, triggered a series
due to natural (a, b) or anthropic causes (c). of devastating tsunamis along the coasts with waves
(a) On October 1963, in Northeastern Italy, the Vajont up to 30 m (Fig. 3): 230–280,000 people in 14 coun-
landslide (>230 million cubic meters) caused a tries died (Kelman et al. 2008).
man-made tsunami in an artificial basin. Fifty million (c) A mega-tsunami occurred on 9 July 1958 at Lituya Bay
cubic meters of water overtopped the dam with a 250-m (Alaska): it was caused by a gigantic landslide of ice,
wave: several little towns were completely destroyed debris and rock; about 30 million cubic meters of rock fell
with 1917 casualties (Semenza and Ghirotti 2000). into the sea generating the highest wave ever recorded,
(b) Earthquake-induced movement of the subsoil such as with a height of more than 500 m. The wave swept 11 km
like the disaster of Baldwin Hills Dam (Los Angeles). to the mouth of the bay at a speed between 150 and
On December 1963, the collapse of the dam released 210 km/h. The surge and wave of water destroyed the
950,000 m3, resulting in five deaths and the destruc- forest on the shores over an area of 10 km2 (Miller 1960).
tion of 277 homes (Anderson 1964). 6. Military attack. Floods can also occur caused by humans.
(c) In December 1959, the Malpasset Dam failed due to In 1943 the British bombed three artificial dams in Ger-
mistakes in the planning stage. The huge water out- many to weaken the Ruhr, the largest industrial region of
burst caused 423 deaths with 83 injured, 155 buildings Nazi Germany. The disaster cost 1200 human lives and led
destroyed, 796 damaged, and 1350 hectares wrecked. to the destruction of the downstream settlement. In 1944
The worst effects were felt in the valley downstream, the Germans tried to slow down the Allied troops by
in particular in the town of Fréjus (French Riviera), flooding large areas using a tactic of war frequently uti-
located eight kilometers from the dam (Habib 1987). lized by the military in the past (Rettemeier et al. 2001).
5. Water surges at the seashore as a result of (a) storms,
(b) earthquake, and (c) submarine landslide.
(a) Flooding of the North Sea hit the Netherlands, Bel- Flooding Frequency
gium, England, and Scotland on the night of
31 January–1 February 1953. The flooding was caused Not all watercourses experience inundation with the same
by the combination of a high spring tide with a severe frequency. This is influenced by the climate of the area and
cyclone over the North Sea. In some areas the sea level by the condition of the basin (bank stability, riverbed
Floods 347

cleaning, presence of infrastructures, stability of the slopes). duration of rainfall. Measurements can be made through
To assess their frequency, hydrologists use the term “return automatic devices permitting continuous recording or simply
period,” which is the time in which an intensity value using special containers of standardized capacity. In some
assigned is equivalent to, or is exceeded on average at least localized situations, such as streams fed by natural lakes, it
once. For convenient representation, the return time is often helps to know in advance the size of the hydrometric increases
used in place of the concept of probability of not exceeding within the reservoirs.
associated with a certain natural event. In other words, the
probability that a flood discharge can occur with an intensity
is greater than or equal to a pre-determined one. It is important During the Flood
to emphasize that, when a severe flood is defined as a “100- The best way to follow the evolution of a flood along a
year flood,” it refers to an event of a magnitude corresponding watercourse is based on the constant control of the water
to an average annual probability of 1%. This statement does levels, in order to identify a threshold of height limit
not mean that there will be a flood of that magnitude every (warning level) above which overflows and flooding may F
100 years. While the flood-frequency approach does not occur. These observations can be made using automatic trans-
provide a deterministic assessment of the risk, it is useful for ceiver equipment or in faster way, collecting during the event
the purposes of flood risk management or the likelihood of the periodic readings of the level reached by the flood,
occurrence of any given damage in a given time interval. corresponding to a grade rod or other reference points.
Especially in the rising phase of the flood, it is essential to
record data concerning the ascent rate of the water levels
Flood Measurements (cm/hour) and the degree of turbidity of the water. The latter
can be evaluated by measuring the concentration of
People who have suffered the terrible experience of a flood suspended material in water samples collected at regular
are usually astonished at what a river can cause. Geologists time intervals with bottles of appropriate capacity containing
and engineers rather tend to see the phenomenon as a cyclic an amount not less than one liter.
event of natural instability correlating the causes of initiation Repeated visits to the more vulnerable streambanks permit
and studying the most important effects and consequences. identification of the intensity of erosion of the banks by the
Hydrologists compare the flood with those that occurred in amount of land progressively removed. Along embanked
the past, whose measurements have been gathered and can rivers it is necessary to check the levee embankments both
constitute an important database. Generally, the flood is clas- from the inside (the river) and from the outside (to the coun-
sified depending on its “flow,” that is, the liquid volume that try) to recognize the early clues of embankment instability.
passes through a unit of time a section of a waterway or Along the floodplains of the secondary river system that
channel. It is measured in m3/sec or in ft3/sec. The presence flows into the main stream, one must follow the trend of
on a bridge or along a bank of a measuring instrument outflows to detect the possible slowdown of water flow or
(hydrometer/hydrometrograph) may allow measurement and end of the flooding.
recording of the quantity of water discharged in real time. On
most occasions, such sophisticated devices along the river are
absent, or, if present, they were removed by the high flow. As After the Flood
a result, scholars must rely on indirect methods that enable At the end phases of withdrawal and lowering of the level of
one to estimate the extent of the flow in the aftermath. Where floodwaters, it is very useful to record all the consequences
high-water marks of the flood are still present, the width of a resulting from the dynamics of the phenomenon. Within the
peak flow water surface can be measured knowing certain riverbed, it is particularly useful to verify:
factors such as the slope of the riverbed, its geometry and
roughness. Similarly, in the sections of waterway where the • The major aggradation of alluvial deposits
outflow scales are known, it is possible to infer the rate of the • The points with greater concentration of erosive processes
flow from the hydrometric levels measured or estimated. All with particular attention to those located in proximity to
indirect methods must be calibrated and updated over time. structures with potential for exposing their foundation

Finally, with regard to the outside of the river-bed, the time

Observations and Controls period of water remaining in any submerged area should be
recorded, data collected on the nature and thickness of the
Before the Flood deposited material, and markers placed or any stable structure
Since flood events are generated predominantly by precipita- reference points noted to indicate the maximum level reached
tion, initial data to be quickly obtained is the amount and the by flood waters.
348 Floods

Floods, Fig. 4 Aerial view of Passau (about 200 km northeast of Munich, Germany), an important town flooded by the Danube River on 3 June
2013. Following heavy rain and thaw, the Inn and Donau rivers are expected to rise to over 11 m (REUTERS/photo Michaela Rehle)

Flood-Prone Areas methods or geomorphological and hydrological methods or

by an approach based on historical-hydro-geomorphological
Floodplains are the areas most prone to flooding although reconstitution and hydrological-hydraulic modeling.
alluvial fans and all coastlines are also susceptible to a lesser In recent decades, GIS (geographical information systems)
degree. The identification of areas that are potentially subject and LiDAR (laser imaging detection and ranging) have been
to flooding has been one of the most frequent debates among important tools in spatial processing. GIS uses a series of
the scientific community in recent decades. The delimitation software tools to capture, store, extract, transform, and dis-
of these critical areas has been requested by local citizens, play real-world spatial data, whereas LiDAR is an optical
industries, and organizations as well as state and regional remote-sensing technology for creating high-resolution digi-
bodies responsible for disaster prevention (Luino tal models of the earth’s surface. LiDAR is particularly useful
et al. 2012). In the last 25 years, insurance companies have because the ongoing construction of levees, dikes, roads,
shown interest in this field, and various papers and reports railway embankments, and buildings constantly changes the
have been published. It is important to be able to estimate the land’s appearance. Regardless of the method, the quality of
likelihood and the social, economic, and environmental con- the results obtained is always dependent on the assessment of
sequences of a flood disaster (Fig. 4). the natural world. Only after a flood can a model be
The identification of flood-prone areas can be approached recalibrated and inadequacies improved.
by different methods. Some authors have used specific
criteria, including historical, geomorphological, hydrologic-
hydraulic, and remote-sensing methods. Other authors have Conclusions
combined methods, which can yield better results because
such an approach can compensate for the limitations of indi- Floods are one of the more significant natural processes affect-
vidual methods. Notable results have been achieved, for ing populations. In the twentieth century, eight great floods in
example, by combining historical and geomorphological China (the most harmful in history) killed more than seven
Floods 349

million inhabitants. Every year, in fact, there are numerous ▶ Coast Defenses
floods in populated areas all over the world: the waters flood ▶ Coastal Environments
the land and destroy crops, facilities, and infrastructure, often ▶ Cofferdam
causing the death of thousands of people. More people are ▶ Current Action
affected by floods than by any other type of natural disaster. ▶ Dams
More than 20 million people worldwide are affected by river ▶ Earthquake
floods each year on average and that number could increase to ▶ Engineering Geomorphological Mapping
54 million in 2030 due to climate change and socioeconomic ▶ Engineering Geomorphology
development (World Resources Institute 2016). ▶ Environments
Better land-use planning and flood risk reduction espe- ▶ Erosion
cially in heavily populated areas will have to take into con- ▶ Factor of Safety
sideration most of the following aspects: ▶ Fluvial Environments
▶ Gabions F
1. Accurate definition of river corridors based on the
▶ Geohazards
basin’s historical, geomorphological, and hydraulic
▶ Glacier Environments
▶ Hazard Assessment
2. Redesign of the area’s principal man-made structures, after
▶ Hazard Mapping
evaluation of their interactions with the river dynamics.
▶ Hydraulic Action
3. Review of local planning procedures based on current
▶ Hydrogeology
knowledge with recognition of zones at different
▶ Hydrology
degrees of risk where different rules will have to be
▶ Infrastructure
▶ Instrumentation
4. Relocation of urbanized areas. Rather than spend millions
▶ International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
to “secure” high-risk areas, an economically wiser choice
▶ Landslide
would be to build new houses, industrial sheds, schools,
▶ Levees
and other constructions in low-risk areas where inhabitants
▶ Lidar
and business could safely relocate. This eliminates the
▶ Marine Environments
need to compensate a certain percentage of damage and
▶ Monitoring
rebuilding within an area that is likely to be destroyed or
▶ Nearshore Structures
flooded again 5–20 years in the future.
▶ Probabilistic Hazard Assessment
5. Introduction of compulsory insurance coverage. Taking
▶ Reservoirs
the example from countries where insurance coverage
▶ Risk Assessment
has long been a regular procedure, this may be an effective
▶ Risk Mapping
tool to favorably influence urban development of already
▶ Run-Off
heavily populated areas. When combined with a flow of
▶ Saturation
information to citizens and local communities, this mea-
▶ Sea Level
sure would spare the government the relief expenses usu-
▶ Tsunamis
ally spent on helping communities in the wake of natural
▶ Water
6. Only with a farsighted view that embraces the watercourse
as a whole system, including large works upstream with References
flood control reservoirs, or local works like floodway
channels, bridges without piers in the riverbed, and regular Anderson WA (1964) The Baldwin Hills, California Dam Disaster.
removal of natural vegetation from the riverbed can the Disaster Research Center, The University of Delaware, 19.
damage of future floods be limited. Baxter PJ (2005) The east coast Big Flood, 31 Jan–1 Feb 1953: a
summary of the human disaster. Philosophical Transactions
A-Royal Society.
Habib P (1987) The Malpasset Dam failure. In: Leonards GA
Cross-References (ed) Proceedings of the international symposium on dam failures.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 331–338
▶ Aerial Photography Kelman I, Spence R, Palmer J, Petal M, Saito K (2008) Tourists and
▶ Armor Stone disasters: lessons from the 26 December 2004 tsunamis. J Coast
Conserv 12:105–113
▶ Beach Replenishment
Luino F, Turconi L, Petrea C, Nigrelli G (2012) Uncorrected land-use
▶ Catchment planning highlighted by flooding: the Alba case study (Piedmont,
▶ Climate Change Italy). Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 12:2329–2346
350 Fluid Withdrawal

Miller DJ (1960) The Alaska earthquake of July 10, 1958: Giant wave in Occurrence
Lituya Bay. Bull Seism Soc Am 50:253–266
Rettemeier K, Nilkens B, Falkenhagen B, Köngeter J (2001) New
developments in dam safety- feasibility evaluation on risk assess- The early conjecture of Pratt and Johnson (1926) was later
ment. Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Man- confirmed and reconfirmed by countless examples of anthro-
agement, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany. pogenic land subsidence, and especially so in the second half
Semenza E, Ghirotti M (2000) History of the 1963 Vaiont slide: the of the last century. Figure 1 shows the areas of major anthro-
importance of geological factors. Bull Eng Geol Environ 59(2):
87–97 pogenic land subsidence worldwide. The maximum recorded
Smith K (2013) Environmental hazards: assessing risk and reducing settlement amounts to as much as 14 m and 13 m due to
disaster, 6th edn. Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge, p. 477 geothermal water production at Wairakei, New Zealand, and
Vincent C, Garambois S, Thibert E, Lefebvre E, Le Meur E, Six D (2010) groundwater pumping in Mexico City, respectively. How-
Origin of the outburst flood from Glacier de Tête Rousse in 1892
(Mont Blanc area, France). J Glaciol 56(198):688–698 ever, settlement over the range 5–10 m is no exception (e.g.,
World Resources Institute (2016) S. Joaquin Valley, CA, USA, 10 m; Wilmington oil field, CA,
E2%80%99s-15-countries-most-people-exposed-river-floods, from USA, 9 m; Ekofisk oil field, North Sea, 6.7 m). The depth of
webpage Last access 26 Feb 2016 pumping wells may range from those tapping very shallow
water table aquifers just close to the ground surface to those
tapping very deep (4000–5000 m) gas/oil reservoirs. In the
Fluid Withdrawal case of complex aquifer systems, the overall extent of the
sinking area can be on the order of several thousands of km2.
Giuseppe Gambolati China is perhaps the country where anthropogenic land sub-
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental sidence due primarily to subsurface water overdraft has
Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy occurred in the largest number of settling areas with a cumu-
lative size close to 80,000 km2 (see the inset of Fig. 1 for the
major sinking areas and cities in China).

Gas extraction; Groundwater extraction; Oil extraction Mechanism

The mechanism by which rocks deform and compact under

the influence of fluid extraction, and hence a fluid head
change, is well understood. The total geostatic or overburden
Fluid withdrawal involves the extraction of groundwater, ther-
load st, which is the weight of the overlying material column
mal water, oil, or gas from the subsurface. Depth of extraction
acting upon the aquifer or reservoir and confining beds, is
may range from few meters (e.g., water table aquifers) to
balanced by the fluid pore pressure p and the effective vertical
several kilometers (oil/gas reservoirs). Time period of extrac-
and horizontal inter-granular stresses sev and seh, which are
tion is generally on the order of several years or even decades.
the stresses exchanged between the rock grains in contact
(Fig. 2). The introduction of a pumping well into a natural
Introduction fluid flow system produces a disturbance that yields an abate-
ment of the fluid pore pressure with a stress transfer from the
One major environmental, social, and economic consequence fluid phase to the solid phase, and a consequent increase in
of groundwater pumping and gas/oil/geothermal water pro- effective stress under whose influence the pumped and neigh-
duction is anthropogenic land subsidence. To be of major boring formations compact, with the amount of compaction
concern, subsurface fluid withdrawal must occur in densely primarily related to the compressibility of the drained layers
populated or highly developed areas located close to the sea, and the fluid pore pressure decline. The resulting cumulative
or a lagoon, or a delta and take place within unconsolidated compaction of subsurface layers extends its effect to the
geological basins of alluvial, lacustrine, or shallow marine ground surface, which therefore subsides.
origin, formed typically, although not exclusively, during the Most freshwater aquifer systems are normally consoli-
Quaternary period. The first observation concerning land dated and pressurized, or only slightly over-pressurized, and
subsidence due to fluid removal was made almost one century may lack important faults given the typical formation mech-
ago by the American geologists Pratt and Johnson (1926) who anism involving a depositional alluvial/marine environment
wrote that “the cause of the subsidence is to be found in the that takes place without significant tectonic interference.
extensive extraction of oil, water, gas, and sand from beneath However, their geomechanical simplicity may be partly offset
the affected area” which was located above the oil field of by a litho-stratigraphic complexity related to the actual distri-
Goose Creek, S. Jacinto Bay, Texas, USA. bution of clay, silt, and sand-rich soils within the compacting

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