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MAT 132 Exercise set 1 Fall 2020

5. The
The following
average total
total monthly
monthly precipitation
precipitation in Death
in Death Valley
Valley fromfrom
4/1/1961 to
4/1/1961 to12/31/2005
12/31/2005 . .

1. 5. The following graph shows the average total monthly precipitation in Death Valley from
4/1/1961 to 12/31/2005 2.

a. Which month
a. Which had
month hadthethemost
most precipitation during
precipitation during these
these years?
years? What What
was thewas the approximate
a. Which
average month had
precipitation the
in most
that precipitation
average precipitation in that month? during these years? What was the approximate
average precipitation in that month?
February; about
about 0.50.5 inches.
The most precipitation during those years was on February. The average precipitation was around 0.5 in.
February; about 0.5 inches.
b. What is the approximate average precipitation in March?
b. What is the approximate average precipitation in March?
b. What is the
March; approximate
The0.3average averageonprecipitation
inches.precipitation March was aboutin0.3in.
March; about 0.3 inches.
c. About how much more precipitation was there in February than in June, on average?
March; about 0.3 inches.
c. About how much more precipitation was there in February than in June, on average?
2. c. About how much more precipitation was there in February than in June, on average?
incheswas interested in the salaries of university presidents based on
A professional organization
responsesd. from
About 997 institutions.
how many Survey
times more showed the
precipitation wassalaries of campus
in February than in presidents at most California
June, on average?
State University campuses had a mean of $327,143, median $280,750, minimum $65,938, and
d. About
maximum howtimes
$600,000. times
more more precipitation was in February than in June, on average?

(a) d. About
Based on how
data, times more
describe the precipitation
shape of the was
data in February using
distribution, than in June,
any of theonfollowing
times more percipitation
word(s) that apply: normal, right-skewed, left-skewed. Explain.
The data distribution shapemore percipitation
is left skewed because its median is 280,750 making it left.

(b) What2 is the range of this distribution?

600,000 - 65,938 = 28


2 28

28 1

65,938 280,750 600,000

3. Refer to the graph, 2016
Average Ticket Price for a
Family of Four (US$).

(a) Which type of event is the most expensive for a family of four?

(b) What was the average cost for a family of four to attend a theme park in 2016?
(c) Fill in: The cost of a family of four attending an MLB game is ……… than the cost of going to the
(d) Fill in: The cost for a family of four to go to an NHL game is …….. than the cost of going to an NFL

(e) Fill in: The difference between the cost for a family going to an NHL and an MLB game is……………

$248.72 - 124 = 124.72

4. A sample of 40 employees from the local Honda plant was obtained, and the length of time (in
months) that each employee has worked at the plant was recorded. A stemplot of these data follows.
In the stemplot, 5|2 represents 52 months.
m = 66 + 67 / 2 = 66.5
5 2233457899
6 0002344456778889 Q1 = 59 + 60 / 2 = 59.5
7 3455667778899 Q3 = 75 + 76 / 2 = 75.5
9 8

(a) How many employees in the sample have worked at the plant for less than five years?

(b) Find the Median, Q1, Q3, and IQR of data. Graph a boxplot. Are there any outliers?
Explain. IQR = 75.5 - 59.5 = 16
Q1 M Q3
max 16 X 1.5 = 24

60 70 80 90 100
5. A survey of 10 students was conducted to investigate the amount of time they spend on social
media each day. Students were given a timer and asked to record the number of minutes spent
every time they accessed social media. The students’ total times for one day are given below
(in minutes).

45 57 63 79 84 92 99 105 117 145

Find the mean, the median, and the standard deviation for these data.

x̄ = 88.6 5.d = 1/ M - 1 { ( x1 - x̄ )

M = 88 5.d = 29.9

6. An instructor in a large lecture class found at the end of the semester that the total point
distribution in his class was approximately normal with a mean of 530 and a standard deviation
of 80.

(a) One student has the score 600. What is the z-score for this student?
600 - 530 / 80 = 70 / 80 = .875 = .88
(b) Another student has the score 420. What is the z-score for this student?
- 1.375 = - 1.38
(c) Fill in the blanks:
450 and …………
Using 68-95-99.7 Rule, approximately 68% of students will score between …… 610

7. 530 - 80 530 530 + 80

The scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale are approximately Normal, with µ = 100
and s = 15.

(a) What is the proportion of adults with scores below 85? 85 - 100 / 15 = -1
p( z < -1) = .15866 about 16%

(b) What is the proportion of adults with scores above 110? 110 - 100 / 15 = 10 / 15 = 0.67
p( z < 0.67) = .2514 about 25%
(c) What is the proportion of adults with scores between 80 and 120?
80 - 100 /15 = 1.33 .0918 120 = .9082
p (-1.33 < z < 1.33) = .9082 - .0918 = .8164 about 82%
(d) What is the score needed to be among the highest 10% of all scores?
z = 1.28

1.28 = x - 100 / 15

x = 19.2 + 100

x = 119


Volume Consumed While Running 5.0







0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Volume Consumed at Rest

The volume of oxygen consumed (in liters per minute) while a person is at rest and while a
person is exercising (running on a treadmill) were both measured for 50 subjects. The goal is
to determine if the volume of oxygen consumed during aerobic exercise can be estimated
from the amount consumed at rest. The results are plotted below.
The scatterplot suggests that there is:

a. a positive association between the volume of oxygen consumed at rest and while
b. an outlier in the plot.
c. both a positive association between volume of oxygen consumed at rest and while running,
and an outlier in the plot.
d. neither a positive association between volume of oxygen consumed at rest and while
running, nor an outlier in the plot.

9. A student wonders if people with similar heights tend to date each other. She measures
herself, her dormitory roommate, and the women in the adjoining rooms; then she measures
the next man each woman dates. Here are the pairs of data (heights in inches):

Women 66 64 66 65 70 65
Men 72 68 70 68 74 69
(a) Is there a strong correlation between the heights of men and women?
yes, because the points form a line m
(b) Is there a positive correlation between the heights of men and women ? e
yes, the x - axis is increasing along with the y- axis

63 women
10. The data and the graph below show the scores students in an advanced statistics course
received for homework (Hw) completed and for the subsequent midterm exam.

Graph a scatterplot and plot the data. What kind of relationship do these variables have?
(strong/week; positive/negative) Explain.
the relationship between these variables are strong and positive because it creates a line and when

the x- axis increases so does the y - axis

387 275 280 459 395 314 428 366 421 234
190 200 108 323 315 256 341 236 285 125

E 300
M 200


HW 120 200 300 400 500

11. For each menu item at a fast food restaurant, the fat content (in grams) and the number of
calories were recorded. A scatterplot of these data is given:
What is a plausible value for the correlation between fat content and number of calories?

Scatterplot of Calories versus Fat

a. +0.2. 1400

b. –0.9.
c. +0.9.
d. –1.0. 1000




0 20 40 60 80 100 120

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