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Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

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Overview: Additive Manufacturing Enabled Accelerated Design of Ni-based T

Alloys for Improved Fatigue Life

S. Shaoa, , M.M. Khonsaria, S. Guoa, W.J. Menga, N. Lib
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803, United States
Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, United States


Keywords: An in-depth overview on an emerging area of the additive-manufacturing-enabled, accelerated design of Ni-
High-frequency fatigue testing based alloys for improved high-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue life is presented. Existing literature on the
Ni-based alloys subject is critically reviewed, and key knowledge gaps are identified. An efficient life-cycle approach, integrating
High-cycle/very-high-cycle fatigue the model-make-measure-verify strategy in the design of these alloys is introduced and discussed.
Additive manufacturing enabled technologies
Persistent slip band

1. Introduction improvement in fatigue properties of AM alloy parts therefore not only

relies on the optimization of AM processing parameters to minimize the
Ni-based alloys are a class of precipitation- and solid solution- AM defects, but also on the redesign of alloys’ composition/micro-
hardened alloys that possess exceptional high-temperature strength as structures to enhance fatigue resistance. Moreover, efficient adoption of
well as creep and corrosion resistance [1]. They find use in extreme AM parts also requires the development of rapid certification meth-
environment applications such as gas turbine blades/discs, high-tem- odologies based on accelerated fatigue testing.
perature heat exchangers in nuclear reactors, and high-temperature Significant research efforts documented in the literature align, to
components of petrochemical plants. Ni-based alloys, however, suffer various extents, with two research directions: alloy development
from poor machinability. To minimize the need for conventional sub- [11,17–20] and rapid certification [7,21–32]. Successful implementation
tractive machining, manufacturing components made of those alloys of these approaches offers an immense potential for introducing rapidly
typically involve wrought, cast and powder metallurgy [1]. However, qualified materials with superior properties for use in AM components
these techniques typically cannot produce parts with complex geome- that can be readily deployed in the field. A review of the literature
tries or shapes. Additive manufacturing (AM) offers a cost-effective reveals, however, that considerably less research has been attempted to
remedy. It enables the near net-shaping of Ni-based alloy parts by a address properties and certification methodologies of Ni alloys. This is
bottom-up, layer-by-layer fabrication strategy [2]. surprising since these alloys are more pertinent to engineering appli-
The fatigue performance of present additively manufactured (AM) cations [1,2,33]. For instance, concerning alloy development in gen-
metal parts are inferior to that of their wrought counter parts, causing eral, much research has been conducted to tailor alloys’ composition,
growing concerns toward the applicability of AM technology to key microstructure, and architecture targeting better melt pool character-
engineering components [3–11]. Indeed, as fabricated AM parts often istics and, in turn, mechanical performances [11,17–20]. However, the
contain many non-equilibrium phases and defects, from atomic level focus on mechanical properties has been mostly on monotonic ele-
point defects to non-equilibrium phases, pores, and flaws [12,13]. ments, i.e. rigidity, tensile strength, ductility and hardness, etc. Strate-
These features can raise the local stress level to the point where plastic gies for development of AM materials with cyclic fatigue resistance—-
strains occur. During cyclic loading, the number and intensity of local which has significant engineering-relevance—is less studied.
slip bands increase and cause microstructural damages that shorten Research concerning rapid certification methods has been largely
service life [14]. Further complexities arise from the fact that the alloys devoted to online melt pool monitoring [7,21,25], defect character-
currently utilized in AM were generally not optimized for laser-based ization [22,23,26–32], numerical modeling of AM processes [21,24],
AM processes [15,16]. These factors compromise the mechanical in- and in-situ process control [25]. These approaches are particularly
tegrity and challenge quality certification of AM parts. The important to improve parts’ quality at critical locations for accelerated

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Shao).
Received 18 April 2019; Received in revised form 16 June 2019; Accepted 2 July 2019
Available online 21 July 2019
2214-8604/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

systematic integration of these research tasks appeared daunting, for

the lack of capabilities in numerical materials modeling, accelerated
fabrication, and accelerated fatigue testing of specimens [49]. With
recent developments in powder synthesis [50–57], custom metal AM
[58–62], as well as ultrasonic fatigue testing techniques [49,63–67],
opportunities for addressing these needs are ripening in terms of the
technologies and the scientific knowledge. At present, the AM research
community appears to be in a unique position to undertake such a task.
In this overview article, we primarily focus on the prior literature
pertinent to this unique research direction— the AM-enabled, ac-
celerated Ni-superalloy optimization for HCF life. The Ni-based alloys
discussed in this article are limited to the γ-γ’ alloys, due to their well-
studied microstructure and good tunability with a wide space of al-
loying elements—raising the hope that the material properties can be
adjusted relatively independently.
This article is organized as follows. In Section 2, common fatigue
damage mechanisms of metals, especially FCC and FCC-like metals
operating in the HCF regime are briefly discussed. In Section 3, a dis-
cussion on the effect of frequency on fatigue damage evolution is pre-
sented. Section 4 reviews pertinent efforts in the enhancement of fa-
Fig. 1. A flow chart summarizing prevailing literature in AM with references tigue resistance in Ni-based alloys via microstructural/compositional
discussed in this overview added (in blue). tuning. In Section 5, the various fatigue models are briefly discussed.
Knowledge gaps in the current understanding, which may hinder the
certification. However, actual fatigue life evaluations on AM materials effective development of Ni-alloys for AM, is summarized in Section 6.
still mostly rely on conventional fatigue testing [2,5,9,27,30,34–46] Section 7 is devoted to potential opportunities in optimizing HCF per-
which can be expensive, time-consuming, and limited to low number of formance of Ni-alloys. Of particular interest is the assessment of the
cycle (typically < 107). Accelerated life-evaluation based on high-fre- entire lifecycle of such alloys via computation-guided alloy design,
quency tests has so far received much less attention [47]. Relevant custom alloy powder synthesis, laser AM, comprehensive materials
research activities concerning Ni-based alloys is even less frequent [48]. characterization, accelerated in-situ/ex-situ fatigue testing, and model
To add to the utility of this overview article, the prevailing AM litera- validation. These are addressed in Section 8. An outlook on future’s
ture, as briefly reviewed above, are given in Fig. 1 in the form of a flow research directions in AM has been provided in Section 9, followed by
chart with references added. concluding remarks in Section 10.
A unique research direction, i.e. AM-enabled, accelerated design of
Ni-based alloys for enhanced fatigue performance in the high-cycle- 2. Fatigue damage mechanisms in FCC/FCC-like metals
fatigue (HCF) and very-high-cycle-fatigue (VHCF) regimes through fine
controls in the alloy composition and microstructure, appears to be Fatigue cracks in metals are initiated by slip. In HCF/VHCF regimes,
presently underexplored by the AM research community, despite its the initiation stage of fatigue cracks is especially important as it can
engineering relevance. VHCF, with typical failure cycles in the range of account for up to 90%, or higher, of the total fatigue life [68–70]. In
Nf = 109, becomes increasing relevant for modern engineering appli- this regime, localized plastic deformation occurs due to the presence of
cations, such as high speed rails. The intertwined nature of fine-tuning materials’ imperfections and elastic incompatibility across grain
calls for multifaceted and iterative research involving: development of boundaries (GBs), even though the macroscopic mechanical response
defect and microstructure sensitive fatigue models, rapid manu- appears to be elastic [68,71–73]. The presence of defects such as pores
facturing of alloy samples with variable composition and micro- and the associated stress concentrations causes localized plastic de-
structure, rapid evaluation of life and damage accumulation in HCF and formations and subsequent development of slip activities (slip bands)
VHCF, and, importantly, model validation (see Fig. 2). Historically, even at very low applied cyclic strain ranges [14]. Therefore, as com-
pared to wrought materials, AM materials usually exhibit a significantly

Fig. 2. A potential framework for accelerated alloy development enabled by custom powder synthesis, additive manufacturing and variable frequency fatigue testing.

S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

reduced fatigue life due to accelerated fatigue crack initiation (FCI). In Ni alloys, the γ’ precipitates has an ordered L12 structure which
Mechanistically, the FCI under the regimes of HCF/VHCF and low- strongly restricts the motion of dislocations [104–106], resulting in
cycle-fatigue (LCF) are indistinguishable. However, as the magnitude of PSBs with substantially different structures from pure FCC metals.
the localized plastic strain near the GBs and the flaws are smaller Eventually, continued operation of PSBs accumulates sufficient amount
compared to the global plastic strain under the LCF regime, the FCI of damage, which lead to fatigue crack initiation (FCI) [73,107–109]
under HCF/VHCF takes substantially more cycles to accomplish (hun- either at GBs (due to inter-granular deformation incompatibility) or
dreds of thousands of cycles at Nf = 106 cycles vs around a few thou- surfaces (due to intrusion/extrusion mechanism). The mechanism of
sand cycles at Nf = 103˜104 cycles). In addition, while multiple in- fatigue crack initiation from PSBs is identical in both γ-γ’ alloys and in
itiations of fatigue cracks are common in LCF, initiation of single crack pure FCC metals. Within the life cycle of PSBs, the dislocation density
is dominant under HCF and VHCF. There also tend to be a shift of in- tends to increase and eventually saturate to a critical value at which FCI
itiation sites from exterior to interior under VHCF [63]. occurs [75–77]. This observation agrees with the semi-empirical model
Abundant literature on the evolution of materials’ microstructure developed by Tanaka and Mura, which states that fatigue cracks initiate
during cyclic plasticity leading to fatigue crack initiation is available. A when a critical dislocation-interaction energy is reached due to the
comprehensive review on the formation mechanism of dislocation ar- systematic accumulation of dislocation dipoles in a PSB [110,111].
rangements in FCC single crystals under cyclic loading has been pub- Thus, the retardation of the FCI through active intervention in mi-
lished before [74]. Typical local cyclic response of a material involves crostructure and composition may offer an avenue for extending the
an initial, rapid hardening phase followed by a saturated phase with a fatigue life of AM metals. However, quantitative knowledge on how the
much more gradual change in the cyclic stress-strain response that ty- microstructure and composition influences the operation of PSBs and
pically constitutes a cyclic softening stage [75–77]. During the initial the subsequent initiation of fatigue cracks is presently lacking.
hardening phase, the dislocations rapidly multiply via Frank-Read
sources, leading to an increased dislocation density. Continued increase
3. Effect of loading frequency
in the dislocation density within the grains leads to the formation of
veins (such as ones shown in Fig. 3a [78] and as depicted in Fig. 3b)
Rate-dependent, “interruptive” events, such as cross-slip and anni-
with interconnecting screw dislocations.
hilation alter the dislocations’ paths and increase the irreversibility of
Continued accumulation of dislocations gives rise to cyclic softening
the cyclic plasticity [90,112]. For FCC (or FCC-like) materials, an im-
due to the widening of the channels associated with the formation of
portant factor affecting the rate of cross-slip and annihilation is the
persistent slip bands (PSBs) (Fig. 3a and c) [79–82]. From this stage, the
stacking fault energy (SFE) or anti-phase boundary energy (APBE). As
overall plastic deformation of a specimen is dominated by the localized
perfect dislocations always dissociate into partial dislocations in FCC
shear deformation in the PSBs (Fig. 3c) [84–87], which is accom-
crystals, i.e. a pure screw dislocation exists as two mixed Shockley
modated by the to-and-fro motions of pure screw dislocations between
partials enclosing a stacking fault. (Similarly, pairs of super partial
the sub-grain dislocation dipolar walls (Fig. 3c) [81,85,88–90]. The
dislocations are always separated by antiphase boundaries in L12
irreversibility of the cyclic plastic deformation is due to the events in-
structures [1].) For cross-slip (or annihilation) of this screw dislocation
terrupting dislocations’ back-and-forth motion, such as cross-slip and
to occur, two partial dislocations need to first recombine under thermal
annihilation [84,91–93]. These events are thermally-activated, rate-
activation (Escaig’s model [113,114]). The probability of recombina-
dependent occurrences whose activation energy is also material-de-
tion depends on the equilibrium spacing between the two partials,
pendent (such as stacking fault energy (SFE) or antiphase boundary
which, in turn, is dictated by the SFE/APBE. Therefore, the rate of the
energy (APBE) [1,94–98]). For polycrystalline materials—since high-
interruptive events is ultimately governed by SFE/APBE [115,116]:
angle grain boundaries (GB) are typically impenetrable to PSBs—the
fatigue strength is inversely related to its average grain size [99–103]. τ* − τ ⎞
JInt. = A0 ν0exp ⎛−
⎜ V and V= αD02 b

⎝ kT ⎠ (1)

where A0 is the total number of available screw segments, ν0 is the

attempt frequency factor, τ* is the critical stress for cross-slip, τ is the
resolved shear stress (RSS) in a given slip plane, V is the activation
volume, α is a material dependent constant, k is the Boltzmann’s con-
stant, and D0 is the spacing between partial dislocations, which is a
function of the SFE (or APBE), i.e. D0 = μb2 /4πγSFE . In the expression for
D0, μ is the shear modulus of the material, b is the magnitude of the
Burgers vectors of Shockley partials.
Due to the rate-dependent nature of cross-slip and annihilation, low-
(high-) frequency cyclic loadings that allow more (less) time for them to
occur are associated with greater (less) damage and irreversibility. At
higher frequencies, the rate-dependent events do not have sufficient
time to occur. As a result, “plastic deformation” at these frequencies is
more “reversible” [117,118]. In other words, the to-and-fro motions of
screw dislocations in the PSBs are less likely to be interrupted, so that
much less debris due to dislocations’ activities are left behind in the
form of immobile dislocations [119]. Therefore, the damage induced by
the high-frequency testing is expected to be considerably less than that
of the conventional low-frequency testing, even though the hysteresis
energy might be the same. The concept of slip reversibility also applies
for fatigue crack propagation studies. Therefore, results from ac-
celerated fatigue testing at frequencies of several to tens of kHz may not
Fig. 3. (a) Typical microstructure of single crystal Cu under fatigue loading correlate well with true service conditions at frequencies of only tens of
[78]. (b) Schematic illustration of vein structure and (c) Formation of PSB Hz. Conversely, fatigue testing conducted under low frequencies, may
[79–83]. not reflect the life of parts under high-frequency service conditions

S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

Fig. 4. (a) Dark-field TEM micrograph showing the γ’ precipitation structure of René 77 alloy [1]. (b) Fatigue crack propagation response of small γ’ fraction alloys

[120–125]. This is especially true for Ni-based superalloys due to their that time, establishing the precise correlation between the composi-
thermally activated nature in the plasticity leading to their strong fre- tion/structure and fatigue performance of Ni-based alloys were asso-
quency and temperature dependent fatigue behavior [123–126]. Eq. (1) ciated with high cost in equipment, materials and time. Thus, generally,
also indicates that the effect of test frequency on the deformation be- the reported findings were largely qualitative in nature. In addition,
havior can be strongly composition-dependent (via SFE/APBE) although these findings have important implications on the FCP of Ni-
[120–122]. While the frequency effects on fatigue life of wrought alloys based alloys, knowledge regarding the microscopic FCI behavior—-
have been extensively investigated [120–125,127,128], such effects on which operates under a different mechanism—is still largely lacking.
AM alloys, where the composition and microstructure can be vastly Recently, attempts have been made toward tailoring the fatigue
different, have seldomly been investigated [47,129]. Therefore, further performances of Ni-based alloys via optimizing forging processes [92].
research efforts should be directed to the assessment of frequency ef- This approach was supported by a physics-based framework on the
fects on the AM Ni-superalloys, as a function of microstructure, to prediction of crack initiation based on the energy evolution in PSBs
provide robust correlation between accelerated fatigue tests and the [93]. Such a framework is quite promising as it accounts for the effects
true service life of these alloys. of many of the underlying physics responsible for the operation of PSBs
[92,93] such as dislocation pile-up, work-hardening, nucleation of
dislocations from GBs, precipitation, as well as the interaction between
4. Effect of composition and microstructure PSBs with GBs, etc. However, the description of many of these physical
mechanisms is still largely empirical in nature. In addition, a key ele-
The Ni-alloys, while complex compositionally, have unique micro- ment— the contribution of dislocations’ self-energy—is yet to be ac-
structures (Fig. 4a) [1,130,131]. They typically consist of a solid solu- counted for.
tion strengthened Ni γ matrix, cuboid-shaped Ni3Al based γ’ pre- Research on investigating supperalloys’ compositional and micro-
cipitates with a L12 structure, and various carbides. For polycrystalline structural effects has mostly focused on conventionally manufactured,
alloys, carbides typically form at GBs and provide strong resistance to such as casted or forged, alloys. The typical microstructure of as-built
GB sliding, improving the alloys’ creep resistance [132]. For single AM Ni superalloys, due to the associated high cooling and solidification
crystal alloys, addition of carbon can improve the alloys casting char- rates, has vastly different, but highly non-equilibrium, microstructure,
acteristics [133]. However, carbides are brittle and very effective in- featuring elongated grains containing micron-width dendrites (for γ/γ’/
itiation sites for fatigue cracks. Therefore, they are detrimental to the γ” alloys such as Inconel 718 [138–140]) or nano-sized precipitates (for
fatigue resistance of Ni-superalloys [134]. Other alloying additives, γ/γ’ alloys such as Inconel 939 [141]). Research efforts targeting fa-
such as Ti and Mo, can be added to increase the SFE and APBE of the γ tigue properties of Ni superalloys [2,5,9,10,142] have been con-
matrix and γ’ precipitates. Other elements can also be added to adjust siderably less than other AM alloys, e.g. Ti-6Al-4 V. Research addressing
the γ/γ’ lattice mismatch (e.g., Mo) and to provide solid solution the effect of as-built microstructure of AM Ni superalloys on their fa-
strengthening of the matrix (e.g. W, Ta, Mo, and Cr). The size of the tigue performance has been scarce and further investigations are
precipitates as well as the grain size can be controlled by employing needed.
various heat-treating schedules. Generally, the size, and morphology, of To sum, precise composition/structure – property correlation for Ni
the γ’ precipitate is influenced by the cooling rate below the solvus superalloys, especially for AM Ni superalloys, is still incomplete.
temperature. The size of the precipitate is also affected by aging time. Consequently, efficient alloy design still remains challenging.
The γ’ volume fraction is dictated by the composition. The grain size
can be controlled by means of forging, with subsequent recrystallization
procedure at temperatures above solvus. 5. Fatigue modeling in the HCF/VHCF regimes
The notion of achieving enhanced fatigue resistance via composi-
tional and microstructural adjustments dates back to almost three Classical experiment-based macroscopic fatigue models [143], such
decades ago [135–137]. These works have shown, importantly, that the as the cycle counting methods [144,145] and energy-based methods
fatigue crack propagation (FCP) rate is especially low for alloys with [146–148], are largely empirical in nature and rely on the construction
low APBE, low precipitate/matrix lattice mismatch and low volume of fatigue data based on extensive fatigue testing. Thus, the predictions
fraction of precipitates (alloy 1 in Fig. 4b) [136,137]. However, due to made by many of the available models are limited on the specific ma-
the limitations in both computational and experimental resources at terials and test conditions considered. The generalization of those

S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

models to a broader range of materials and testing conditions are ty- DD to fatigue damage could only cover tens of cycles. While this may be
pically ineffective, as it would require considerable re-testing. In ad- sufficient for the investigation of initial stages of HCF— e.g. initial
dition, an important phenomenon in the cyclic deformation—reversi- cyclic hardening behavior [170–172], or behavior of cracks under very
bility (a quite complex parameter that depends on both material and low-cycle fatigue regions, e.g. crack initiation crack propagation
loading condition [84,117,118,149–151])—is either ignored or treated [173–178]— the analysis of the evolution of cyclic mechanical response
empirically. As a result, a great majority of the existing models cannot in the HCF/VHCF regimes are presently inaccessible.
reliably account for variations in materials’ susceptibility to damage or
accurately predict the effect of the loading frequency. For instance, 6. Present knowledge gaps
nano-twinned metals have recently been shown to exhibit extreme
cyclic stability and damage resistance, even under LCF conditions Efficient optimization of Ni-based (γ-γ’) alloys not only requires the
[151]. Moreover, their cyclic reversibility is substantially greater at technology of accelerated fabrication (such as AM) and testing (such as
higher loading frequencies [84]. Clearly, physics-based fatigue models high-frequency fatigue testing), it also requires accurate fatigue damage
that can be readily applied to a larger materials space and predict these modeling that can properly account for the effects of loading frequency
features are needed. and microstructure/composition on fatigue damage evolution.
It has been recently demonstrated that the application of irrever- However, as discussed in the foregoing sections, significant knowledge
sible thermodynamics can further elucidate the process of metal fatigue gaps exist in the fundamental understanding of these mechanisms. The
[152–157]. For instance, the nucleation of fatigue cracks can be treated lack of this understanding is even more pronounced in AM Ni super-
as a thermally activated process, and this be predicted using classical alloys. Paucity of information mainly concerns with the rate-dependent
nucleation theory [156,157]. In addition, as cyclic loading irreversibly operation of PSBs as a function of materials’ microstructure and com-
degrades the system until the final failure, the second law of thermo- position, not only in conventionally manufactured alloys but also—-
dynamics may be uniquely suitable for characterizing the evolution of more importantly—in AM alloys. These gaps can be summarized as
the associated fatigue damage. Indeed, it has been shown that a strong follows:
correlation exists between the fatigue degradation and entropy gen-
eration and that a critical cumulative entropy is reached at the point of - How do fine adjustments in alloy composition, phase composition,
fracture. This parameter—referred to as fracture fatigue entropy (FFE) and microstructure on laser AM Ni-based alloy parts affect the cyclic
[158]—is a material constant that is independent of sample geometry, behavior of dislocation arrays?
loading conditions and frequency. The applicability of this principle to - How does the test frequency affect the cyclic behavior of dislocation
a broader range of materials, including composite laminates where the arrays for laser AM Ni-based alloy parts, under the influence of the
respective FFEs are constant in the fiber and the matrix, has already aforementioned materials parameters?
been demonstrated [159].
HCF/VHCF deformation is mostly elastic as the stress amplitude is
7. Optimizing HCF/VHCF performance of Ni-alloys – a few
well below the yield strength of the material. In this case, the reversible
portion of the inelastic deformation, referred to as internal friction by
some, accounts for a substantial portion of the hysteresis energy. The
In a recent dislocation dynamics (DD) modeling-based research
irreversible portion of the hysteresis energy is damaging and is re-
[84], it was shown that the cyclic deformation reversibility is directly
sponsible for the FCI [160]. As the hysteresis energy in the HCF/VHCF
correlated with fatigue damage accumulation. In addition, the cyclic
is minuscule, discerning its damaging and non-damaging, i.e. the in-
deformation reversibility in the PSBs was found to depend strongly on
ternal friction, portions by the conventional energy-based fatigue
both the material and the loading frequency (Fig. 5). At a given loading
models is challenging. Recently, a novel methodology that uses energy
frequency, the deformation reversibility of a material is dependent on
dissipation as a fatigue damage indicator was developed to account for
its SFE. A lower (higher) SFE leads to lower (higher) rate of cross-slip/
the effect of internal friction [161]. Following this methodology, the
annihilation, which then correspond to higher (lower) deformation
initial slope of the surface temperature rise as a function of time (Rθ)
can be decomposed into contributions of the internal friction (Rθf ) and
the irreversible portion (Rθp ) [162–164], i.e.,

Rθ = Rθf + Rθp (2)

Accordingly, the FFE can be evaluated as

Nf Rθp ρcp
fTs (3)

where Nf is the number of cycles to fatigue failure, Ts is the steady state

temperature, f is the loading frequency, ρ is the mass density of the
sample, cp is the isobaric heat capacity.
In HCF/VHCF regimes, the evolution of dislocation structures gov-
erns the cyclic stress-strain response as well as the initiation of fatigue
cracks. Therefore, effective meso- and continuum- scale modeling
[165,166] of the fatigue behavior of materials under these regimes
would inevitably require an a priori knowledge regarding the disloca-
tion evolution from the lower length scale models, e.g., via discrete
dislocation dynamics (DD) models. However, the computational cost of
conventional DD calculations increases with the buildup of the dis-
location density (number of integration points on dislocation lines),
which rises significantly due to the dislocation multiplication me-
chanisms under cyclic loading. Given that the time scale of DD is se- Fig. 5. Effect of cross-slip and loading frequency on the dislocation density in
verely limited [167–169], presently the conventional applications of PSBs, obtained from a dislocation dynamics modeling-based study [84].

S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

reversibility. This is apparent when comparing the red (#3) and the
magenta (#5) curves in Fig. 5, which represents the cyclic evolution of
excess dislocation densities in the PSBs for two materials with high
(magenta, #5) and extremely low (red, #3) SFE. Note that the case #5
accumulates damage (measured by dislocation density) at a sig-
nificantly higher rate. The improvement of both HCF and LCF fatigue
performances due to the reduction of SFE has been clearly demon-
strated by nanostructured, Cu-based binary alloys [179].
For a given material, increased loading frequencies tend to induce
higher cyclic reversibility as well as lower cyclic damage and, hence,
longer fatigue life. This is also evident in Fig. 5, which shows that with
the same rate of cross-slip, the lower frequency case (#5, magenta
curve) results in more damage per-cycle compared to the case of high
frequency (#2, green curve). The higher fraction of reversible cyclic
deformation was attributed to two aspects: (1) Due to the higher im-
posed strain rate, the dislocation structure does not have sufficient time
to fully relax, via dislocation gliding motion. As a result, much of the
total deformation is accommodated by elastic/anelastic deformations
leading to a much lower hysteresis energy; (2) Due to the significantly
shortened time scale imposed by the higher loading frequency, rate-
dependent events, such as cross-slip/annihilation, do not have sufficient
time to impact the to-and-fro motion of the runner dislocations, leading
to a higher cyclic reversibility. This work also demonstrated the im-
portance and necessity of incorporating cyclic reversibility into fatigue Fig. 6. Closed M3V loop materials design approach featuring the entire life
models. cycle of an AM part, including alloy design, powder production, 3D printing,
A unique opportunity presents itself for accurately predicting the mechanical/fatigue testing, and multiscale computational fatigue damage
HCF and VHCF life of alloys by incorporating the notion of cyclic de- model development.
formation reversibility. It can be postulated that any situation—mi-
croscopic features and/or loading conditions—that promotes more re- life cycle of these alloys, namely a model-make-measure-verification
versible cyclic deformation would lead to a longer HCF/VHCF life. For strategy (Fig. 6).
instance, lower SFE and APBE (for the case of easy-shear precipitates) is In the model stage, a predictive, physics-based fatigue model, cog-
expected to improve the HCF/VHCF resistance of Ni-based alloys. nizant of the alloys’ materials properties, including SFE, APBE, pre-
Similarly, reducing the mean free paths of dislocations without indu- cipitate/matrix lattice mismatch, spacing and volume fraction of pre-
cing dislocation multiplication could also increase the cyclic deforma- cipitates capable of tracking the evolution of fatigue damage in the
tion reversibility. For instance, grain refinement is a good candidate, HCF/VHCF regimes is highly desirable. As the manifestation of various
since high fractions of GBs can reduce the dislocation density by re- materials properties to materials overall fatigue response is multiscale
ducing the number of participating dislocations in pile-ups [68,99]. in nature, such a fatigue model may involve successive information-
Indeed, available data in the literature reveal that materials’ HCF passing between multiple length scales. As the SFE and APBE may di-
strength is inversely proportional to its grain size [180–182]. This rectly influence the rate of cross-slip, atomic scale calculations are ne-
finding agrees well with the model proposed by Tanaka and Mura cessary. Limited by the available semi-empirical interatomic potentials,
[101,111] who showed that a Hall-Petch type relation exists between most of which are for binary or ternary systems [186], molecular dy-
HCF fatigue strength and grain size. Also, a well-aligned, hard-to-shear namics/statics calculations on the SFE and APBE is currently not fea-
γ’ precipitates (with high APBE and/or high γ’/ γ lattice mismatch) sible for these alloys, which typically contain ˜10 elements. Limited by
[1,137] may also serve such a purpose. These postulations are exciting the size of the computational cells, direct density functional theory
in that, if proven to be correct, the resulting Ni-based alloys would have (DFT) cannot fully address the long range dis-ordering occurring within
both high yield strength and HCF/VHCF strength—properties desirable the alloys [187,188]. More advanced methods have to be applied for
for AM materials. This is in contrast to the conclusions drawn in the FCP this purpose. For APBE of the γ’ phase, the most promising method is
studies [135–137] where microstructures with larger grains, lower the density functional theory (DFT) based cluster expansion (CE)
volume fractures of precipitates, lower lattice mismatch are thought to method combined with Monte Carlo (MC) sampling. CE [189] para-
yield higher fatigue resistance. metrizes the configuration-dependent energy of an alloy, by first ab-
Moreover, since cross-slip and annihilation are the main events re- stracting the alloy’s atomic structure into a lattice model then expres-
sponsible for cyclic irreversibility [91,92,101–103,183–185], the sing the energy into a polynomial form of the occupation states. After
amount of damage accumulated per cycle () is expected to be pro- CE, MC sampling can be performed on thousands of lattice structures,
portional to the number of the interruptive events occurring per cycle, each containing thousands of atoms, to account for the effect of che-
i.e.  ∝ JInt./ f , where f is the cyclic frequency. Therefore, the frequency mical disordering. For SFE of γ phase, direct CE/MC is not applicable
effect is also expected to be dependent on the SFE and APBE, among the since the stacking faults does not obey the symmetry of the FCC parent
characteristic microscopic dimensions discussed above. This postulate, lattice. Therefore, a hybrid method combining CE/MC with one-di-
if proven to be true, has profound engineering implications for AM Ni- mensional Ising (1DI) model [190] is needed.
based alloys, since it suggests that a simple mathematical relation may It has been shown by various studies that, under cyclic loading,
exist to bridge the frequency discrepancies between the true service dislocation density in metals monotonically increases [75–77,191,192].
conditions and lab testing conditions. It was further shown by Pangborn et al. [191] that fracture occurs when
a critical excess dislocation density is exceeded. It was also shown by
8. A model-make-measure-verify based life-cycle approach the same group [191] that since the dislocation density rises steadily up
to this critical value under cyclic loading, the fatigue damage of a
Efficient optimization of the HCF/VHCF performance of AM Ni- material at any stage of life could be determined. Dislocation density
based alloys may be achieved by synergistic integration of the complete

S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

can therefore be used as a fatigue damage parameter. Models capable of

tracking the evolution of dislocation densities in the PSB structures,
such as DD or continuum scale DD [193–195], therefore may accurately
track the evolution of fatigue damage of Ni-alloys. However, the con-
tinuum level DD models require the evolution laws of dislocation
density a priori, which are necessarily obtained from DD models. In HCF
and VHCF regimes, formation of PSBs occurs at a very early stage of
cyclic loading [63]. While full simulations may be computationally
prohibitive, opportunities to develop coarse-grained (CG) DD are
available if the treatment of “runner” dislocations and wall dislocations
is decoupled. In other words, if runner dislocations are simulated by
conventional DD while dislocation walls are treated as specialized
planes capable of tracking dislocation density.
In the make stage, informed by physics-based fatigue models,
custom alloys can therefore be rapidly fabricated via various AM plat-
forms [196] in combination with custom powder synthesis. Various
materials parameters, such as SFE/APBE, lattice mismatch, volume
fraction of γ’ and grain size can be adjusted by fine-tuning the relative
concentration of the constituents of the AM alloy with the application of
subsequent heat treatments. By actively adjusting the processing para-
meters, orientation and the cooling rate, the microstructure of the AM
parts can also be fine-tuned [32,197]. It has been shown [32] that the
alteration in the build parameters (such as laser power, layer thickness,
scan velocity and laser focal offset) and post-build treatments can
produce an extremely fine grain size (˜ hundreds of nanometers). Si-
milar effects were achieved via the in-situ printed heat sink technique Fig. 7. (top) Schematic diagram of the vibratory fatigue tester. (bottom left)
during selective electron beam melting [197], where sacrificial heat Snapshot of sample during test. (bottom right) Operating resonant frequency as
sinks were attached to the printed parts by design. a function of sample length (material shown is Cu) [202,203].
SFE and APBE can be adjusted by varying weight percentages of
some key elements. Mo and Cr may be used as the main additive to tune (XRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM),
the SFE in the γ matrix, as well as to provide solid solution strength- and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). In this state, fatigue per-
ening. The strong effect of Mo on the SFE of the Ni-Mo system is well formances of Ni-alloys with varying materials are also examined at
documented [198]. APBE of the γ’ precipitates may be adjusted by varying testing frequencies. Various types of conventional fatigue
tuning the ratio of Ti/Al, as it has been shown that the APBE directly testing platforms, such as bending, torsion, and push-pull, can be used
correlates with this ratio [199]. Using this approach, the SFE of γ and to study the fatigue damage accumulation of Ni-alloys using standard
the APBE of γ’ can be adjusted relatively independently. mechanical testers with frequencies f < 20 Hz. Effect of loading fre-
quency can be evaluated by subjecting the same samples to high fre-
8.1. Lattice mismatch quency tests.
To assess the effect of testing frequency on the fatigue behavior of
Adjustments of the SFE and APBE require introducing solid solu- AM Ni-alloys, various state-of-the-art, piezoelectric based platforms can
tions, which would inevitably alter the lattice constants of the phases. be used [49]. These testers can work in tension-compression, tension-
Within the solubility limits of various additives in Ni, the γ/γ’ lattice tension and bending, and reach a maximum operating frequency of
mismatch is very small [137,200]. Although the change in the absolute 20 kHz. For alloy tuning purposes, the ability to fabricate and to test
mismatch due to the compositional adjustments is small, studies [137] small-scale samples may be highly cost efficient. Small sized sam-
have shown that a slight change in the APBE (by a factor of 1.3) has ples—with thickness of ˜50 μm—can be tested on a vibratory based
induced a 20-fold change in the γ/γ’ mismatch. While keeping the APBE fatigue tester (schematic diagram illustrated in Fig. 7 (top) [202,203].
relatively constant (small changes in the Al/Ti ratio), the lattice con- Developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, this tester utilizes
stant of γ’ can be independently adjusted by controlling the level of Ti. samples that are of the thin-film (film thickness of about 50 μm) can-
In addition, Mo can also be varied slightly for this purpose. As a result, tilever type. Under normal testing conditions, the bimorph piezoelectric
the mismatch can be adjusted relatively independently. actuator drives the vibration of the sample at its resonant frequency
(Fig. 7 (bottom left)). The resonant frequency of a sample can be cal-
8.2. Volume fraction, size, and morphology of γ’ precipitates culated using linear elastic beam theory, i.e.
This volume fraction is dependent on the available Al and Ti, as the ωn = βn 2
mL4 (4)
γ’ phase mostly maintains a well-defined stoichiometry. Therefore, a
moderate change in the volume fraction of precipitates can be achieved where ωn is the angular frequency, βn is a vibration-mode specific
by tuning the Al/Ti contents. Note that this may lead to a change in the constant (e.g., β1 = 1.875), E is the Young’s modulus of the sample, I is
lattice constant of the γ’ phase. The size and morphology of the pre- the second moment of area of the cross section, m is the sample’s mass,
cipitates can be adjusted by cooling rate below solvus temperature and L is the length of the sample. The measured frequencies agree well with
subsequent aging time. High cooling rate typically lead to spherical Eq. (4) (Fig. 7 (bottom right)). The fatigue tests are feedback loop
morphology while lower cooling rates lead to cuboidal morphology controlled, i.e. the excitation frequency had to be constantly adjusted so
[201]. The size of the precipitates can be controlled with varying aging that the vibration amplitude is maintained at the desired level. Previous
times. studies have shown that when a critical shift in resonance frequency of
In the measure stage, the materials features of the samples resulting 10 Hz is reached, fatigue cracks have formed and penetrated a sub-
from the “make” stage can be characterized through a combination of stantial portion of the sample’s cross-section [202,203]. This frequency
materials characterization techniques including X-ray diffraction shift may be used as a failure criterion.

S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

Fig. 8. A flow chart summarizing the existing literature (with references in blue) pertaining to the Model-Make-Measure-Verify approach in the efficient design of Ni-

In the verify stage, the information obtained from the “measure” cracks.
step, i.e. effect of composition, microstructure, and loading frequency, The operation of PSBs produces intrusions/extrusions on the surface
is necessary to verify the CGDD or higher length scale materials models. of metals, whose magnitude grow as a function of fatigue cycles
Using the validated model, the effects of microstructure and frequency [93,216,217]. At critical magnitudes, fatigue cracks initiate [216].
can then be quantitatively evaluated and enabling to establish a concise Therefore, any surface treatments that can remove or impede the for-
mathematical framework. mation of PSB or these surface features can extend the fatigue life of AM
For clarity, the literature reviewed in this overview article, per- parts. This has practical implications, as treatments can in principle be
taining to the stages of model make and measure, has been summarized developed and applied to existing AM parts in a non-destructive manner
in Fig. 8. to prolong their service life. Research activities in this regard is there-
fore highly desirable. This section identifies three niche research di-
rections that may offer potential breakthroughs in the enhancement of
9. An outlook on future’s research directions in AM
fatigue life of existing AM parts:
The AM research community has long realized the detrimental ef-
(1) Surface re-polishing: Periodically polishing away the surface in-
fects of AM induced defects —e.g. porosity, surface roughness, textured
trusions/extrusions has been shown to be able to, essentially, pro-
and columnar microstructure, etc.— on the fatigue resistance of AM
long the fatigue life of a conventionally manufactured part in-
metals [12,13,204–206]. Significant research efforts have thus been
definitely [216–218]—given that the treatment is done before the
devoted into pertinent topics, namely, effects of porosity, surface
formation of fatigue cracks. For AM parts, due to the pore-related
roughness/machining, build direction [206–210]. Surface and/or near-
nature of intrusions/extrusions, conventional mechanical polishing
surface defects are generally responsible for the initiation of fatigue
would be infeasible. Instead, electro-polishing could be effective in
cracks regardless of the load regimes, i.e. LCF, HCF or VHCF
removing intrusions/extrusions formed within surface-connected
[2,5,36,47]. To account for the effects of these surface related defects,
pores. This method is apparently ineffective for near-surface-buried
linear elastic fracture mechanics-based models such as the Murakami
model [211], has been adapted to predict the HCF fatigue resistance
(2) Surface hard coatings: Various ceramic-based hard surface coat-
with success [212–215]. Detrimental effects of surface roughness due to
ings have been applied on conventionally manufactured metals and
the AM process can be eliminated by AM near-net-shaping followed by
were shown to effectively inhibit the localized slip activities asso-
light machining. However, surface machining could also expose in-
ciated with PSBs [219]. Improvements in fatigue resistance is more
ternal pores to the surface-connected or near-surface-buried conditions.
pronounced in the HCF regime, as the higher loading amplitudes
Surface connected pores are preferential crack initiation sites due to the
under LCF tend to crack the ceramic coatings and leads to rapid
associated stress concentrations [211]. Near-surface-buried pores could
initiation of fatigue cracks [219]. Unique opportunities exist when
develop into surface-connected pores when the material ligament be-
applying nano-multilayered coatings to AM materials to sub-
tween the pore and the free surface fails [209,211]. The crack initiation
stantially improve both LCF and HCF strengths. These coatings,
mechanism may depend on the shape of the pores, i.e. the spherical
including metal/metal and metal/ceramic types, have hardness
pores leads to the accelerated formation of PSBs and therefore cracks,
comparable to ceramic hard coatings but with significantly higher
while the lack-of-fusion pores with sharp edges—smallest edge radius
ductility, thanks to the plastic co-deformation capabilities enabled
of curvature observed was ˜40 nm [13]—may serve as pre-existing

S. Shao, et al. Additive Manufacturing 29 (2019) 100779

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