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3.1 Introduction to Chapter 03
This chapter comprises on mainly focusing on the areas such as develop the conceptual
framework, to find and critically analyze the inter-relationship between the dependent variable
and the independent variables, find out the functions of the relevant variables, develop the
hypothesis to examine the relationships between variables, this chapter includes the
methodology of the study. Moreover it explains research population, sampling and sample
technique, methods of data collection, data analysis and presentation techniques and
trustworthiness of the methodology in the study.

3.2 Research Methodology

The goal of this study attempts to determine the impact of training and development on
employee performance having tested the developed hypothesized relationships. Qualitative
research is of top importance to Human Resource Management in relationship to quantitative
research as human resources management mainly deals with the human attributes, quality and
behaviors. However for the purpose of this study, mix methodology has been used in which
both qualitative and quantitative philosophy is used. Qualitative information required was
gathered through discussions, observations and secondary data collection methods whilst
quantitative information was proved with the help of SPSS software and excel in which data
gathered through questionnaire has been analyzed thoroughly. Even there is an immense value
of adding qualitative data to the research as well, because in the area of Human Resource
Management, it always discuss about human attitudes, behaviors and qualities, it was not
practical to narrate qualitative data with the limited time frame.

3.3 Conceptual framework

To implement the study the researcher has identified dependent variable and independent
variables separately. The conceptual framework has been developed in order to achieve the
above mentioned objectives. The conceptual model of this study reflects two main variables,

employee training and development and employee performance of which five attributes are
independent and three attributes are dependent. The dependent variable is employee
performance. The independent variables of the study are factors affecting to training and
development of the dependent variable is attempted to be explained by independent variables
identified as sources of training and development.

Dependent variables – The feedback provided by the employees.

Independent variables – The service provided by the Employee to the clients.

Employee Training &

Employee Performance

Motivation Accountability
& responsibility
of duties

Quality of work

Knowledge Expertise


(Conceptual Framework 3.1)

As indicated in the above conceptual frame work, each independent variable was tested
separately to explore its impact to the dependent variable. The operationalization of the
dependent and independent variables was done by labeling collected data through using ‘Five
Point Likert-scale’. Also, the operationalization of the dependent and independent variables
was done by primary and secondary data collection methods. Thus, five point ordinal scale was

used as the level of measurement ranging from strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree,
strongly agree.

The dependent variable comprising of accountability & responsibility of duties, quality of work
and use of expertise was operationalized by categorizing collected data with the use of five-point
likert scale in order to identify the impact of Training and development on employee
performance. The independent variables as Motivation, Attitude, Creativity, Knowledge and
Ability were operationalized by labeling data using five-point likert scale.

3.4 Hypothesis
Hypothesis explains the relationship between factors affecting to the training and development
and work performance. The following hypothesis was developed to test the relationship between
the dependent and independent variables.
H1 H1.1 There is a positive relationship between training and development and employee
performance at tax & advisory department of ABC (Pvt) Ltd

H1.2 There is a negative relationship between training and development and employee
performance at tax & advisory department of ABC (Pvt) Ltd

  H2.1 There is a positive relationship between motivation and work performance

H2 H2.2 There is a negative relationship between motivation and work performance
  H3.1 There is a positive relationship between attitude and work performance
H3 H3.2 There is a negative relationship between attitude work performance
  H4.1 There is a positive relationship between creativity and work performance
H4 H4.2 There is a negative relationship between creativity and work performance
  H5.1 There is a positive relationship between knowledge and work performance
H5 H5.2 There is a negative relationship between knowledge and work performance
  H6.1 There is a positive relationship between ability and work performance
H6 H6.2 There is a negative relationship between ability and work performance
Table 3.1: List of Hypothesis

[Source: Researcher’s work, 2015]

3.5 Operationalization
Main Question Scale of
Sub-Parameters Analysis through Questionnaire
Concepts Number Analyzing
and responsibility B.1 I feel to take ownership and responsibilities of duties assigned Likert Scale 1-5
of duties
  Quality of work B.2 The quality of service has been improved with training Likert Scale 1-5
  Expertise B.3 I am able to use the required knowledge and skills to perform job competently Likert Scale 1-5
Training &
Motivation B.4 My job gives me to learn new things Likert Scale 1-5
  B.5 I’m rewarded appropriately for my performance Likert Scale 1-5
    B.6 what I learn on job is equability Likert Scale 1-5
    B.7 My work is valued by this organization Likert Scale 1-5
    B.8 I’m willing to do a great effort than expected Likert Scale 1-5
  Attitude B.9 I think the business cares about me as a person as well as an employee Likert Scale 1-5
    B.10 I think people appreciate the work I do Likert Scale 1-5
    B.11 I received training when I asked for it. Likert Scale 1-5
    B.12 When change is about to happen, I am consulted Likert Scale 1-5
    B.13 I think I am paid the right amount of money for the work I do Likert Scale 1-5
I feel confident that I can perform creatively on many different tasks at work
  Creativity B.14 Likert Scale 1-5
    B.15 My colleagues think of me as a creative employee Likert Scale 1-5
    B.16 Creativity at work is important to me Likert Scale 1-5
    B.17 I am able to achieve most of my personal goals at work Likert Scale 1-5
  B.18 I demonstrate originality at my work Likert Scale 1-5
  Knowledge B.19 Understanding of the duties and the responsibilities Likert Scale 1-5
    B.20 Understanding of organization Vision, Mission & Goals Likert Scale 1-5
    B.21 Understanding of emergency problem solving Likert Scale 1-5
    B.22 Understanding of Organization policies Likert Scale 1-5

    B.23 Understanding of trainings Likert Scale 1-5
Ability B.24 Ability to learn new things Likert Scale 1-5
    B.25 Ability to work with different people Likert Scale 1-5
    B.26 Ability to work in different places Likert Scale 1-5

    B.27 Ability to Perform high Likert Scale 1-5

    B.28 Ability of job understanding Likert Scale 1-5

Table 3.2: Operationalization Chart

[Source: Researcher’s work, 2015]

3.6 Role of the researcher

The researcher is an outsider to the organization and information gathered is from reliable sources which will only be used for the
purpose of the research all the information about the organization and research outcomes will only be utilized in academic purpose to
complete the research and any information will not disclosed to any other organizational body or to any other competitor. Thus, prior
permission has been obtained to conduct a pilot survey and discuss with relevant parties required for the research. The research
conducted will contribute to the organizations success through recommendations and strategies being suggested having analyzed the
problem underlying in the study.

3.7 Research Design
This research was designed with the main purpose to achieve the objectives of the study and to
implement effective solution to the identified research problem. With the clearly identified
dependent and independent variables of the study, the research is formulated to evaluate the
variables according to the research topic. Thereby, the hypothesis was developed to test the
relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Thus, the research was based on
both qualitative and quantitative philosophy, where primary and secondary data collection
methods have been used. Through the operationalization the dependent and independent

3.8 Population
The Tax & Advisory department of the ABC (Pvt) Ltd was selected as the total population of
this study. The total number of Tax & Advisory department in the company is 350. ABC (Pvt)
Ltd has Six departments namely Audit, Tax, Advisory, Administration, Learning & development
and Human Resources. Therefore the population for the study comprises of 100 employees from
two departments of ABC (Pvt) Ltd. The core reason for opting for this population is based on
the preliminary investigations done by the researcher, having identified that impact of trainings
in the organization to perform well.

3.9 Sample and the Sample Technique

The size of the sample was determined by using Simple Random Sampling Technique, and the
researcher selected a sample size of 100 out of 350 Tax & Advisory department employees. This
sample was calculated trough The Sample Size Calculator, applying 95% confident level, with a
confidence interval of 5.

The main reason of selecting the stratified random sampling technique is due to the whole
population been grouped into relatively homogeneous subgroups (departments) and sample is
taken from two departments. Thus the sample size of each stratum will be determined based on
the population stratum size. Therefore to arrive at the sample size of 100, employees from
different departments are selected from the 350 employees in Tax & Advisory department.

3.10 Data Types

3.10.1 Primary Data Collection Questionnaire Method

Primary data for the study is gathered through standard questionnaire constructed using a five-
point likert scale and series of likert scale questions ranging from Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly
Disagree (1) for each statement being asked. The questionnaire consist of two parts section (A)
focused on gathering demographic information from the survey respondents, and section (B)
includes the in-depth identification of impact of trainings on employees performance and the
dependent and independent variables considered under the study. Questionnaire Design

The questionnaire comprises of 32 questions overall in considering section A consists of 04

questions and section B consists of 28 questions (Refer Appendix A for Questionnaire).

Section A of the questionnaire comprises of demographic attributes as gender, age, education

level and occupation (years of service) which is used to analyze the data.

Section B of the questionnaire comprises of identifying the overall level of trainings at work and
work performance with the use of Likert-scale approach in identifying and analyzing the
independent and dependent variables as mentioned in testing the hypothesis. Further, series of
likert scale questions ranging from Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly Disagree (1) for each
statement have been asked.

3.10.2 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data was collected through published data as research articles, books, journal articles,
and previewed articles was used throughout the study.

Thus, below table demonstrate the sources of data collection, purpose of using the selected
methods and facts and information that was collected.

Sources Objectives Facts to Gather
 Questionnaire To examine the impact of trainings Based on the employee
of their performance. ratings on the questionnaire
and their opinions.
To study and improve the trainings The main reason for the
that will be more important to the effective performance of
employees. employees is the training
 Literature review To gather theoretical knowledge Opinions, views, theories,
(Journal articles, about stress and employee models and findings of the
books etc.) performance previous researchers
 Company reports To gain general information and Information about the company,
and corporate understanding about the values, practices, policies.
website employees and organization.
Table 3.3: Methods of Data Collection

[Source: Researchers work, 2015]

3.11 Data collection procedure

The questionnaire was distributed sample size being selected during working hours, Employees
were given two options either to fill the questionnaire in the morning or evening and also for
certain employees under tight schedules where given the option of take-home and fill. and
collected those in the evening. Few of them handed over the questionnaire in the next day, as
they were on busy schedules.

Secondary data gathered after thoroughly referring the sources of literature review mentioned in
the reference list. Reviewing corporate website, company reports and salary survey facilitated to
collect some more secondary data.

3.12 Data analytical and presentation techniques

3.12.1 Data Analysis

The researcher has used quantitative analytical techniques in the study to analyze collected data.
Questionnaire was distributed to the selected sample and discussions and observations were
carried only to understand the need of trainings in the organization. Data was analyzed through
the SPSS software upon data being collected through the questionnaire. Thus, in order to analyze
the strength of relationship between dependent and independent variables the Pearson’s
correlation (R value) was used and the relative contribution of each factor was analyzed by
coefficient of determination (R2 value). ‘Simple linear regression’ analysis was used to interpret
the relationship between dependent and independent variables.

Further, statistical measures was used to describe the basic features of the data in the study and
show simple summaries about the sample and the measures, with graphics as bar charts and pie
charts to summarize demographic data, independent and dependent variable data. Moreover,
likert-scale questionnaire were used to test the dependent and independent variables.

Tools used for data analysis:

 Microsoft Office Excel

The five point likert-scale questionnaire was used in scaling the dependent variable, work
performance (Y) and identifying the relationship between dependent variable and independent
variables (X) was operationalized using below approach:
Work Performance (Y)
Work Load (X) Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree          
Strongly Agree          
Table 3.4: Likert-scale
[Source: Researchers work, 2015]
3.13 Data Presentation

The data collected was presented in tables, figures, text formats, diagrams along with graphical
techniques as pie charts, bar charts, graphs with the use of Microsoft Office Excel and SPSS.

3.14 Trustworthiness of the methodology

3.14.1 Research Limitations

 This study is limited to the Tax & Advisory department employees of the ABC (Pvt) Ltd
and the focus area of the study is the impact of training and development on employee
performance for tax & advisory department of Abc (Pvt) Ltd
 Due to time constraints taking the entire population is ineffective, therefore the sample
size is limited to 100 employees.
 The reliability of responses from the respondents might not be accurate as they may be
reluctant to give their actual opinions on certain matters.
 Among the many variables in trainings of employees in ABC (Pvt) Ltd, researcher
expects to identify the contribution of five selected dimensions.

3.14.2 Research Reliability

The research is based on training and development on employee performance and the
effectiveness of the company performance is ‘Training and Development’ has been identified
through a pilot survey, interviews and observations in the work environment. Thereby,
researcher has undertaken to distribute a questionnaire based on key variables being identified
and carryout thorough analysis through SPSS based on questionnaire the results are proving that
the effectiveness of the employee performance is a training and development of employees,
which makes good impacts work performance.

3.14.3 Research Validity

The research is based on Training and development and employee performance in which the
researcher has carried out a thorough analysis of the selected company ABC (Pvt) Ltd. The
research findings and recommendations suggested for the organization to enhance the employee

performance by maximizing the training beneficial for the top management, employees, HR
manager and also other departments within ABC (Pvt) Ltd. Further, this research is of paramount
importance and an asset to people conducting research on this concept in future.

3.14.4 Ethical Validity

The information gathered from the company and the employees will only be used for the purpose
of the research and privacy of all respondents will be maintained at all times. Names of the
respondents attending the questionnaires will not be disclosed under any circumstance.

3.14.5 Generalized Validity

The research variables addressed in the study is covered by distribution of 100 questionnaires,
the selected sample size from a population of 350 employees. The training and development
variables are being analyzed (independent variables) alongside employee performance
(dependent variables). Thereby, suggestions and recommendations are provided based on the
analysis benefiting the company and different departments as a whole.

3.15 Summary of Chapter 03

This chapter explained the methodology used to conduct the study and its attributes. The
methodology undertaken a mix methodology is being used. The conceptual framework which
clearly highlights the dependent and independent variables which tests the relationship between
the two concepts through the hypothesis developed. An overview of the population and sampling
technique is clearly explained from a population of 350 a sample size of 100 is selected on the
stratified random sampling method. In addition to this the data types used in this study explained
as primary data and secondary data, and the methods of data collection accordingly. Alongside
the questionnaire distributed for the research analysis containing of two parts, section A and
section B. Finally, trustworthiness of the methodology clearly stating the research limitations,
reliability and validity is being reviewed in this chapter.


Appendix A

I am Jancy Joseph Roy, a final year student currently following the Professional Qualification in
Human Resource Management at Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka in 2018. As a
requirement for the professional qualification, I have to undertake my research on the impact of
training and development on employee performance for tax & advisory department of Abc (Pvt)
Ltd. Please be kind enough to fill this questionnaire as genuinely as possible with accurate
information. I assure you that your responses will be used only for the intended academic

Please choose the most suitable answer with a sign in the given box.


A.1. Gender


A.2. Age

20 & below
21-30 years
31-40 years
40 above

A.3. How many years of service have you completed with the organization?

Less than 1 year

1-2 years
3-5 years
More than 5 years

A.4. Educational Achievement

Up to A/L
Degree (or undergraduate)
Professional qualification (or part qualified)
Master Degree


Please choose the most suitable answer with a sign on the most appropriate response for
the below mentioned questions.




Employee Performance
B.1) I feel to take ownership and responsibilities of duties assigned          
B.2) The quality of service has been improved with training          
B.3) I am able to use the required knowledge and skills to perform job competently          



B.4) My job gives me to learn new things          
B.5) I’m rewarded appropriately for my performance          
B.6) what I learn on job is equability          
B.7) My work is valued by this organization          
B.8) I’m willing to do a great effort than expected          





B.9) I think the business cares about me as a person as well as an employee          

B.10) I think people appreciate the work I do          
B.11) I received training when I asked for it.          
B.12) When change is about to happen, I am consulted          
B.13) I think I am paid the right amount of money for the work I do          






B.14) I feel confident that I can perform creatively on many different tasks at work          
B.15) My colleagues think of me as a creative employee          
B.16) Creativity at work is important to me          
B.17) I am able to achieve most of my personal goals at work          
B.18) I demonstrate originality at my work          




B.19) Understanding of the duties and the responsibilities          
B.20) Understanding of organization Vision, Mission & Goals          
B.21) Understanding of emergency problem solving          
B.22) Understanding of Organization policies          
B.23) Understanding of trainings          




B.24) Ability to learn new things          
B.25) Ability to work with different people          
B.26) Ability to work in different places          
B.27) Ability to Perform high          
B.28) Ability of job understanding          


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