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Professional occupational crime- crimes by professionals in their capacity as professionals. The crimes of
physicians, attorneys, psychologists and the like are included here.
Individual occupational crime- crimes by individuals which include income tax evasion, theft of goods and
services by employees, the filing of false expense report and the like.

Occupational crime refers to:

1. White collar crime
2. Avocational crime- committed by one who does not think for himself as a criminal and whose major
source of income is something other than crime.
3. Corporate crime- committed by corporate officials for their corporations and offense of the corporation
and the offenses of the corporation itself.
4. Economic crime- illegal activity that principally involves deceit, misrepresentation, concealment,
manipulation, breach of trust and illegal circumvention.
5. Organizational crime- illegal actions taken in accordance with operative organizational goals that
seriously harm employees or the general public.
6. Upper world crime- law- breaking acts committed by those, who, due to their positions in the structure
have obtained specialized, kinds of occupational slots essential for the commission of these offenses.


1. Bank Fraud: To engage in an act or pattern of activity where the purpose is to defraud a bank of funds.
2. Blackmail: A demand for money or other consideration under threat to do bodily harm, to injure
property, to accuse of a crime, or to expose secrets.
3. Bribery: When money, goods, services, information or anything else of value is offered with intent to
influence the actions, opinions, or decisions of the taker. You may be charged with bribery whether you
offer the bribe or accept it.
4. Cellular Phone Fraud: The unauthorized use, tampering, or manipulation of a cellular phone or service.
This can be accomplished by either use of a stolen phone, or where an actor signs up for service under
false identification or where the actor clones a valid electronic serial number (ESN) by using an ESN
reader and reprograms another cellular phone with a valid ESN number.
5. Computer fraud: Where computer hackers steal information sources contained on computers such as:
bank information, credit cards, and proprietary information.
6. Counterfeiting: Occurs when someone copies or imitates an item without having been authorized to do
so and passes the copy off for the genuine or original item. Counterfeiting is most often associated with
money however can also be associated with designer clothing, handbags and watches.
7. Credit Card Fraud: The unauthorized use of a credit card to obtain goods of value.
8. Currency Schemes: The practice of speculating on the future value of currencies.
9. Embezzlement: When a person who has been entrusted with money or property appropriates it for his
or her own use and benefit.
10. Environmental Schemes: The overbilling and fraudulent practicesexercised by corporations which
purport to clean up the environment.
11. Extortion: Occurs when one person illegally obtains property from another by actual or threatened
force, fear, or violence, or under cover of official right.
12. Forgery: When a person passes a false or worthless instrument such as a check or counterfeit security
with the intent to defraud or injure the recipient.
13. Health Care Fraud: Where an unlicensed health care provider provides services under the guise of
being licensed and obtains monetary benefit for the service.
14. Insider Trading: When a person uses inside, confidential, or advance information to trade in shares of
publicly held corporations.
15. Insurance Fraud: To engage in an act or pattern of activity wherein one obtains proceeds from an
insurance company through deception.
16. Investment Schemes: Where an unsuspecting victim is contacted by the actor who promises to provide
a large return on a small investment.
17. Kickback: Occurs when a person who sells an item pays back a portion of the purchase price to the
18. Larceny/Theft:When a person wrongfully takes another person's money or property with the intent to
appropriate, convert or steal it.
19. Money Laundering: The investment or transfer of money from racketeering, drug transactions or other
embezzlement schemes so that it appears that its original source either cannot be traced or is
20. Racketeering: The operation of an illegal business for personal profit.
21. Securities Fraud: The act of artificially inflating the price of stocks by brokers so that buyers can
purchase a stock on the rise.
22. Tax Evasion: When a person commits fraud in filing or paying taxes.
23. Telemarketing Fraud: Actors operate out of boiler rooms and place telephone calls to residences and
corporations where the actor requests a donation to an alleged charitable organization or where the
actor requests money up front or a credit card number up front, and does not use the donation for the
stated purpose.
24. Welfare Fraud: To engage in an act or acts where the purpose is to obtain benefits (i.e. Public
Assistance, Food Stamps, or Medicaid) from the State or Federal Government.
25. Weights and Measures: The act of placing an item for sale at one price yet is charging a higher price at
the time of sale or short weighing an item when the label reflects a higher weight.


1. Advanced Fee Schemes: Actor induces victim to give him some type of advanced fee in return for a
future benefit. The future benefit never occurs and victim never receives the advanced fee back.
2. Airport Scam: Actor approaches victim in an airport stating that the newspaper stand cannot change
his one hundred dollar bill and asks the victim for change. Victim provides actor with the change, actor
returns to the store to get the one hundred dollar bill back, however, never returns to victim.
3. Auto Repair: Actor hangs out around an auto repair shop and approaches victims who leave after
getting estimates. Actor claims to do work off duty at a very low cost. Once actor has the car, inferior
work is completed and victim cannot get the return of the car until the very high bill is paid..
4. Check Kiting: A bank account is opened with good funds and a rapport is developed with the bank.
Actor then deposits a series of bad checks but prior to their discovery, withdraws funds from the bank.
5. Coupon Redemption: Grocery stores amass large amounts of coupons and redeem them to
manufacturers when in fact merchandise was never sold.
6. Directory Advertising: Actor either impersonates sales person from a directory company like the yellow
pages or fraudulently sells advertising which the victim never receives.
7. Fortune Telling: Actor advises victim that victim is cursed. Actor advises victim that the curse must be
removed. Actor advises that she must meditate to the spirits and will require payment. Over a period of
time, victim pays fortune teller thousands of dollars to remove curse.
8. Gypsies: Actor states that victims money is cursed. In order to remove the curse, the money must be
placed into a bag or box that the actor provides. The bag or box is switched. Actor advises victim to
perform certain rituals over the money and the curse will be removed. The bag or box cannot be
opened for a period of time when it is opened, the money is gone.
9. Home Improvement: Actor approaches a home owner with a very low estimate for a repair or
improvement. Inferior or incomplete work is performed. Once the repairs are completed, actor
intimidates the victim to pay a price much greater than the original estimate.
10. Inferior Equipment: Actors travel around selling inferior equipment such as tools at high prices.
11. Land Fraud: Actor induces victim to purchase tracks of land in some type of retirement development
which does not exist.
12. Odometer Fraud:Unscrupulous used car salesman purchased used cars and turns back the
odometers. The used car is sold at a higher price due to its low mileage.
13. Police Impersonation: Actor tells victim that his bank is being operated by fraudulent bank officers.
Actor instructs victim to take money out of bank and place it into a good bank. After the money is
withdrawn, the actor allegedly takes the money to the police station for safe keeping. The victim never
sees the money again.
14. Ponzi: An investment scheme where the actor solicits investors in a business venture, promising
extremely high financial returns or dividends in a very short period of time. The actor never invests the
money, however, does pay dividends. The dividends consist of the newest investors funds. The first
investors, pleased to receive dividends, encourage new investors to invest. This scheme falls apart
when the actor no longer has sufficient new investors to distribute dividends to the old investors or the
actor simply takes all the funds and leaves the area.
15. Pyramid: An investment fraud in which an individual is offered a distributorship or franchise to market a
particular product. The promoter of the pyramid represents that although marketing of the product will
result in profits, larger profits will be earned by the sale of franchises. For example, if a franchise price
is $10,000.00, the seller receives $3,500.00 for every franchise sold. Each new franchise purchaser is
presented with the same proposal so that each franchise owner is attempting to sell franchises. Once
the supply of potential investors is exhausted, the pyramid collapses. Many times, there are no
products involved in the franchise, simply just the exchange of money.
16. Quick Change: Victim is confused by actor's speedy series of money exchanges and in the end, is
short changed.
17. Shell Game: Actor #1 manipulates a pea beneath three walnut shells or bottle caps. Actor #1 moves
the caps around and shows victim the cap with the pea under it. With the encouragement of another
player, also Actor #2, victim places larger and larger bets as to which cap contains the pea. The game
is ended by Actor #1 when the take is large enough.
18. Utilities Impersonators: Actor impersonates utilities employees by wearing jumpsuits with name tags.
Actor approaches victim with story about a gas leak or electrical surge to gain entry to the home.
Valuables are taken by actor.
19. VCR Scam: Actor purports to sell new VCR's or televisions at an extremely low cost due to his
connections. Victim pays for the VCR or television only to discover that the box has been filled with
20. West African Investment Scams: Actors target businesses and obtain business' bank account
information from which all funds are later withdrawn.

Dealing with White Collar Crimes

Gary Green pointed out those professional criminals would probably continue to enjoy immunity from
prosecution. Hence, they are likely to be deterred by sanction or threat and are likely to be formally disqualified
by their professional organizations. They will therefore feel free and are free to continue or begin their
James Coleman suggested four areas of reform which white collar crime might be effectively

Conventional crimes are those traditional, illegal behaviors that most people think of as a crime. Most
crimes are conventional. Non- conventional crime s may be; organized white-collar, political etc.
Convectional crimes are groups of crimes categorized as violent crimes (index crimes) and property
crimes. It was been argued that cyber crime is just a conventional crime committed with high-tech devices.

Violent crimes are criminal acts, which in the threat of or actual physical harm by an offender to a victim. It
presents not only index offenses that everyone recognize as violent (murder, rape, robbery) or other acts
involving force and intimidation but also " violent crimes" that are commonly categorized as " social problem"
such as domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse etc.

Violent acts are in the form of:

1. Interpersonal violence- forcible rape, murder, serious assault, family violence, robbery
2. Political violence- terrorism
3. Collective violence- riots, mobs, crowds, urban violence

Are crimes of economic interest? It includes those crimes that would most commonly be categorized as
theft in ordinary language. It also includes but not limited to offenses such as unlawful entry to commit theft,
shoplifting, vandalism and arson.
1. Occasional property crimes- shoplifting, vandalism, motor vehicle theft, check forgery
2. Conventional property crime- burglary, unlawful entry to commit theft, fence, larceny/theft
3. Destructive property crimes- arson


A. Murder- the unlawful killing of human being with malice and with the act of "violence".

1. Serial murder- an act involving killing of several victims in three or more separate incidents over a
week, a month or year.
2. Mass murder- it is the killing of four or more victims at a location with one vent.
3. Spree murder- the killing of, in two or more locations with almost no break between murders.

B. Homicide/Assault- unlawful killing without the qualifying circumstances of murder. It is generally regarded
as the most commonly committed of all the Index Crimes (based on the UCR offenses).

Assault is called "unlawful attack" to another person purposely to harm or inflict physical injuries. It is the
crime that involves offering to give bodily harm to a person or placing the person in fear state.

C. Robbery- INTERPOL defined robbery as "violent theft". It is the taking of property belonging to another
with intent to gain by means of force upon things, violence and intimidation against the person.
Kinds of Robbery
1. Robbery of person- "hold-up cases".
2. Robbery in open place following sudden attack- "snatching cases".
3. Robbery in private premises- "forcible entry".
4. Robbery after preliminary association of short duration between victim and offender
5. Robbery in case of previous association between victim and offender.
Types of Robbers
1. The professional robber- has a long-term commitment to the crime of robbery as a major source of
2. The Opportunist- the commonly known as the "bandits", as one who has little commitment to or
specialization in robbery and one who is all purpose property offender.
3. The addict robber-one who committed the crime of robbery to support the drug habit
4. The alcoholic robber- like the addict robber, who engages in robbery occasionally in order to
support his habit.
5. The Muggers- they are the most feared robbers. They are semi-professional robbers who are
sometimes called "strong armed robbers"- the street robbers who commit everything from
snatching to the brutalization of the victim.

D. Rape- commonly defined as the "carnal knowledge, of a woman against her will". Rape is the fastest
growing UCR index crime.
1. Real rape- aggravated rape involving violence, weapons and attackers
2. Simple rape- anything that does not fall as "real rape" such as: victims are viewed as suspicious
particularly if the victim did not physically resist. Rape is a violent crime due to the means employed
usually characterized by violence, aggression and domination.
General effect of Rape
1. "Rape Traumatic Syndrome"- refers to the adverse psychological impact rape victims continue to
suffer long after the incident. It includes;

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