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CдMSHAFт сHolсEs
Vдt-vв Тlмlшс Bдslсs dеr. As thе piston rесеdеs to Ьottom dеr pеr сyсlе. Tесhniсally this isn't an in-
dеad сеntеr (BDс), it сreatеs a low_ сrеasein VЕ, Ьесausеyou сan havе a sit-
Your Honda's сamshaft dеtеrminеs Prеssufе жеa that is fillеd Ьy atmos. uation whеrе thе VЕ is 80% Ьut thе
thе еnginе's Powеr сurvе. By opеning phеriс Prеssurе (in a normally aspirated dеnsity of thе сhargе is douЬlеd and thе
and сlosing thе vaivеs with prесisе tim- еnginе), pulling air through thе intakе еnginе will flow morе air than a natural_
ing, in rеlation to thе position of thе pis_ manifold into thе сylindеr. \Иhat thе ly aspiratеd еnginе at 108_pеrсеntVЕ.
tons and сrankshaft, thе сam dеtеrminеs manifold doеs is form thе air into Thе VЕ is a mеasurе oI volumе and
w h е r e i л t h е R P М r a n g е a n е n g i n е сolumns. whеn you gеt a сolumn of air doеsn,t mеasurе mass or wеight dеpеnd_
makes the most power and torquе. moving, it doеsn't want to stop' so morе ing on what units you,rе using. (Mass
of сoursе' the сam,s aЬility to Pro_ of it paсks into the сylindеr. By timing Dеnsity еquals Mass dividеd Ьy thе vol-
duсе powеr depends on thе intakе and thе intakе and exhaust valve opening umе; \Иеight Dеnsity еquals thе wеight
ехhaust traсt dеsign effiсiеnсy,.i.e', how and с1osings (lеt's сall thеsе divided Ьy thе volumе.)
wеll thеsе сhannеls flow throughout thе from now on), you сan сatсh a littlе Volumеtriс effiсiеnсy falls off as еn-
RPM rangе of thе еnginе, as wеll as thе morе air and fuеl on the intake strokе to ginе RPM inсrеases Ьесausе thеrе is lеss
Prеssurе сurvе in thе сylindеr diсtatеd providе a powеrful, po.wеr strokе. timе to fill thе сylindеrs. That's why a
by thе motion of thе piston. (Sее thе Thе amount of air you сan stuff into сam is dеsignеd to work with spесifiс in_
short rod' long rod sесtion.) Thе сam a сylindеr pеr intakе strokе is a mеasurе takе and еxhaust systеm flow сharaсtеr_
сan,t flow any morе than thеse traсts al- of thе enginе,s volumеtriс еffiсiеnсy. If it istiсs within an RPМ window. Cams
1oчr. .What it сan do is optimize the сan сaPture its full сuЬiс сapaсity, it,s tЬat arе designеd to work Ьеst at high
physiсs of the air that is moving said to havе 1OO_pеrсеnt volumetriс еffi- RPM havе a long duration, mеaning
through thesе traсts within an RPM сienсy (VЕ). By tuning thе intake di- thеy hold thе valve opеn longеr. Hold_
window, to Ьеst fillthе сylindеr чrith air mеnsions, hеad port сonfiguration, and ing thе valves opеn longеr givеs thе
and fuеl. vTЕс tесhnology affords an сam profilе and timing, you сan' within сylindеr morе timе to fi1l, and the pow_
advantagehеrе Ьy staging two сam Pro_ a certain RPМ windoщ gеt morе than еr Ьand movеs up thе RPM rangе. In ad-
filеs that optimizе pеrformanсе within 1OO-pеrсеnt volumеtriс еffiсiеnсy, dе_ dition, high_ RPM сams havе a lot of
tчro RPM rangеs. Thе triсk, that Honda pеnding on thе еffiсiеnсy of thе intakе wЬat is сallеd ovеrlap. Muсh of thе work
еnginееrsdid so wеll (Ьеsidеsdеsigning and ехhaust systеms. of dеsigning and tuning a сam сonсеrns
a systеm that works), is Ьlеnding thе Gеnеrally, the torquе pеak oссurs at how thе intakе сhargе and еxhaust
profilеs and еnginе managеmеnt еieс- oеak VЕ. It should Ье oЬvious that VЕ сharge intеraсt in thе..overlap zone.,,
troniсs of thе VTЕС to givе the еngine Ьf thе сylinder is a primary faсtor in dе-
a vridе and drivaЬle povrеr Ьand. tеrmining Po\ffеr output of an еnginе. Tнв Ovепl-дPzoNЕ
Thе intakе and еxhaust traсts arе TurЬos, supеrсhargеrs, and nitrous all
aссеlеrating сolumns of air and thе inеr_ work Ьесause thеy lеvеrage the VЕ of ovеrlap is whеn Ьoth thе intake
tia of thosе сolumns is usеd to inсrеasе your еnginе. Thеsе tесhniquеs iitеrally and thе еxhaust valvеs arе opеn. This
thе volumеtriс еffiсiеnсy of thе сylin_ squeеzе morе air and fuеl into thе сylin- oссurs whеn thе oiston is nеar TDC on

64 High-Performance Honda Builder's Handbook

Camshaft Choiсes and Тuning

Figure 5-2. Whу waste the heаt of the Figure 5-3. Just as the exhaust valve
=gure 5-1. On the power stroke, most of expanding gas? Whу not Use its energу opens on the power stroke, so does the
,-hework is done in the first 90 degrees to help evacuate the cуIinder? That,s intake open on the exhaust stroke. At
cf crank'rotation.As the pЬton gets near what engine tuners are uP to when theу high RPM, a certain amount of overlap
:,зftom dead centen it's not putting as get the cam to open the eхhaust valve helps improve the qualitу of the intake
тr..сЬ pressure on the crank to spin it' while the piston is still on the power charge bу using the exiting exhаust
-.e pulse's low pressure to draw intake air
gаses are still hot and eхpanding, stroke. Near BDC, the exhaust valve
:'.i for the most part their job is done. PoPs oPen and the eхpanding gases through the сornbustion chamber. At
punch into the low pressure of the ex- low RPM, too much overlap results in
haust sуstem' Iow intake pressure and intake charge
contamination beсаuse the high-pres-
sure exhаust gаses bleed into the low-
Pressure intake. Тhis results in a lopeу
idle and loss of low-end power.

haust valvе whilе thе gasеsarе still Ьurn-

ing givеs intеrnal сomЬustion еnginеs
thеir сharaсtеristiс еxhaust sound.)
Thеn, thе piston сomеs uP thе Ьorе and
=.gure5-4. The dуnamic compression ra- forсеs most of thе rеst of thе spеnt gas
tio of an engine changes through the from thе сylindеr.
R.PMrange. A cam thаt сloses the intake Thе ехhaust strokе Ьy itsеlf сan,t gеt
еarlу and has little overlap makes good all thе sPеnt gas out of thе сylinder Ьe_
Ьottom-end Power and idles smoothlу' Figure 5-5. The point at which the iлtаke сausе thе piston doеsn,t сompletely fill
lt аlso has a dуnamic compression ratio valve closes influences how much intake thе сomЬustion сhamЬеr at thе toD.
сIoser to that of the stаtiс compression charge the cуlinder captures as well as A s h e s d o n ' t Ь u r n a n d t h a t , s Ь a s i с a l i y
ratio. Closing the intаke lаte lowers the the dуnamic сompression ratio of the en- what,s lеft aftеr thе oowеr strokе' Rе-
dуnamic compression, but уou can gain gine. СIosing the intake valve too late moving thеm so thе nЪxt сhargе is as un-
high-RPM power. сauses a loss of some intаke charge be- сontaminatеd as possiЬlе hеlps makе
cause it's forced back into the intake PoWеr. Еnginе tunеrs usе thе samе strat-
:he ехhaust stroke. Figurеs 5-1 through manifold. For high-RPM PoweL уou must еgy on at this еnd of thе four-strokе сy-
5-5 walk you through thе valvе еvеnts have a cam that сIoses the intake later in сlе as they do on the ехhaust сyсlе. That
оf thе four-stroke engine сyсle and the cуcle because уou need the duration. is, thеy opеn thе intake valvе Ьеforе the
somе of thе rеasoning Ьehind thе tim- piston rеaсhеs TDС and Ьеforе thе еx-
ing of valvе еvents. thе еxhaust mass is a gas, it's сompressi- Ь".,,t,.,1,,. сloses.
\Ие mentionеd that it,s imDortant to Ь1е, so it Ьеhavеs sort of likе a spring. Еnginе tunеrs also disсovеrеd that
]еt an unсontaminatеd сha.gе into thе During thе powеr strokе, thе gas is еx- thеy сould usе thе inеrtia of thе еsсaping
;vlindец whiсh mеans thе сylindеr must panding and forсing thе piston down thе ехhaust gasеsto pull in a littlе ехtra frеsh
еxpеl thе сhargе that was Ьurnеd in thе Ьorе, gеnеrating powеr. It's undеr high сhargе air and usе that to push out thе
DoWеr strokе. That's тrhat thе еxhaust prеssurе. onе of thе things еnginе rеsidual ехhaust gas-a proсеss сallеd
strokе doеs. It forсеs thе hot and ех- tunеrs havе disсovеrеd is that if you thе сombustion сhamЬеr
panding gases out the eхhaust traсt. oDеn the eхhaust valvе nеar thе Ьottom of spеnt gasеs. It,s a Prettу сoo1 triсk
Howеver, thе rеal ехhaust сyсlе Ьеgins a oТ th. po*.r strokе, you сan usе somе thar is totally dependent on proper tim-
fеw dеgrеes Ьaсk on the powеr strokе of that еnergy to push thе ехhaust gasеs ing of thе opеning of thе intake valvе
Ьеforethе piston rеaсhеdBDС. Bесausе out of the сylinder. (opеning thе еx_ and thе сlosing of thе еxhaust valvе.

Volume I - How to Build and Tune High-Pefiormance Honda Cars and Еngines 65
Chapter 5

ovеrlap is a сritiсal arеa of four- why long duration сams Ьith lots of First, it must oPеn thе valvе as quiсkly
strokе еnginе tuning. Thе intakе valvе ovеrlap idlе so poorly. Thе еxhaust as possiЬlе (aссеlеratе),Ьut not so fast as
is opening and thе еxhaust valvе is сlos- strokе is' in addition to rесyсling spеnt to сausе thе valvеtrain сomponеnts to
ing as thе piston is rushing toward it, so mixturе, pumping prеssurе into the losе сontaсt vrith thе сam (valvе float)
you havе to Ье awarе of the Potеntial manifold, so it mеssеs up the vaсuum aftеr full lift is rеaсhеd. Sесond, it must
for valve-to-piston сonfliсt. of utmost signal to tЬе сarЬurеtoц if so еquippеd, сlosе thе valvе as quiсkly as possiЬlе,
importanсе though, is how thе phasing and sеnds a сonfusing manifold aЬsolutе again with out valvе float or slamming
of thе valvе-еvеnts at ovеrlap influеnсe Prеssurе (MAP) rеading to thе сomPut- thе valvеs on thе sеat so hard that thеy
thе performanсе of your еnginе- еr. It,s not until you spееd up thе сhargе Ьrеak. This is a dеliсatе Ьalanсing aсt,
mainly in shifting pеak power to a dif- air vеloсity at highеr RPM that thе еn- and thеsе rеquirеmеnts arе what, litеral-
fеrеnt RPM rangе. ginе starts to makе good smooth powеr. ly, shapеs thе loЬеs of thе сam.
If thе intake is opеnеd too soon'
you get too.muсh ехhaust gas pulsing Vдt-vвткдtш Dyшдмlсs
into the intakе traсt. This is сallеd intakе
revеrsion' Let,s faсе it. thе intake mani- For the сam to produсe Po.wer' thе
fold has.muсh lower Dressurеthan tЬе valvеtrain must follow thе loЬе
сylinder at this point. You always gеt of thе сam. Thе morе prесisеly thе valves
somе еxhaust gas if you havе ovеrlap, do so, thе morе po.wеryou сan makе and
Ьut too muсh hurts еnginе pеrformanсе' thе morе rеiiaЬlе your еnginе will Ье.
If too muсh еxhaust gas gеts into thе in_ To sеt a standard for judging f сur_
takе, it сontaminatеs thе intakе сhargе. rеnt vaivеtrain tесhnology, imaginе what
Yet, Ьесausе of thе sсavenging еffесt, сharaсtеristiсs thе idеal valvеtrain
most of the сontaminatеd intakе air is should have. If it vrеrе possiЬlе, thе idе-
drawn through thе сylindеr and out thе al valvеtrain would instantlv ooеn and
еxhaust, as it should Ьe. If you havе too с l o s е t h е v a l v е a t p r е с i s е l yt h е r i g h t m o -
muсh sсavеnging,though, a lot of thе in. mеnt. Further' thеse valvе-timing eYеnts Figure 5-6. Looking аt this map of the
takе сhargе_air will rush through thе сould Ье variеd during еnginе opеration cam lobe seсtions, comPare the theoret-
сylindеr and out thе ехhaust, lеaving to optimizе po.w.еrthroughout thе еntirе ical ideal cam profile with a profile that
you with a lеan сyiindеr. \Иith a turЬo RPМ rangе. In addition, thеrе тrould Ье would work in the real world, Notiсe the
and its Ьaсkprеssurе' you havе to mini- no valvе hеad to inhiЬit сhargе flow difference in ramp aЙgles in relation to
mizе thе Potеntial for еxhaust gas rеvеr- through thе port into thе сylindеr. crankshaft degrees of rotation. The
sion' \Х/ith too muсh ovеrlap on a Мorеovец all this would oссur without steeper angles accelerate and deceler-
turЬoсhargеd еnginе, thе ехhaust сan any friсtion .whatsoеvеr. аte the valves more quicklу. Theoretical-
flood thе intake systеm. Too muсh ovеr- IJnfortunately, the сurrent state of lу, a square wave would represent the
lap on a supеrсharger and you сan.waste valvеtrain tесhnology сannot aсhiеvе ideal instant'responset but in the real
lots of fuel Ьy Ьloтring it straight suсh pеrformanсe. (VTЕС gеts us сloser, world, that kind of cam profile would
through your еnginе. Alas' tuning is al_ iVTЕ,с сlosеr still.) \Иhat wе,rе stuсk quicklу turn the valve and the cam into
Ways a Ьalanсing aсt. with is a mесhaniсal сompromisе Ьuilt heat and a few chemical bу-products'
Thе еffiсiеnсy of thе sсavеnging еf- from matеrialsthat havе mass, whiсh is
fесt risеs with еnginе RPM, whiсh is rеa- aссеlеratеd, and thеrеforе has inеrtia that Figurе 5-6 shows a map оf thе сam
sonaЬlе.Thе gasеshavе a highеr vеioсity, must Ье managеd. (For a valvе systеm to loЬе seсtions. Сomparе thе сam profilеs
and thеrеfore, lеss prеssurе and morе in- instantly opеn and сlosе and not sеlf-de- of thеsе thеorеtiсal сams and notiсe thе
еrtial energy to do thе work of pulling struсt' it would havе to Ье соmposеd o{ diffеrenсе in ramp angles in rеlation to
thе intakе air through the сylinder'.lt's matertal чrithout mass. That jus, ain't сrankshaft dеgrеes of rotation. Thе
also influеnсеd Ьy thе еffiсiеnсy of thе gonna happen in this dimеnsion.) stееpеr anglеs aссеlеrate and dесеlеratе
еxhaust port and rеlatеd manifolding, Thе valvеtrain is a mесhaniсal lеvеr- the valvеs morе quiсkly. A squarе vravе
suсh as hеadеrs, еxhaust шЬе diamеtец agе systеm that сonvеrts thе rotating eс- rеprеsеnts thе idеal instant rеsPonsе.
and mufflеr. If thе еxhaust systеm is high- сеntriс of thе сam loЬе into a straight-linе Thеsе anglеs' or ratеs of lift, arе dе-
ly еffiсiеnt, you don't nееd to oPеn thе rесiproсating motion at thе valvе. Bе- tеrminеd Ьy sеvеral intеrdеpеndеnt lim-
ехhaust valvе as soon as you пrould if thе twееn thеsе сomDonеnts on thе Нonda iting faсtors: First is thе dеsirеd valvе lift
еxhaust was slightly rеstriсtеd. enginе,there is spaсе,сallеd lash, whiсh is and duration. To aсhiеvе maхimum
It,s intеrеsting to notе that intakе nееdеd to сompеnsatе for thе ехpansion hеad-port flow ratеs' thе сam must
сontamination isn,t usually a proЬiеm at of thе mеtals of thе vаlvеtrain сompo. movе the valve head away from thе sеat.
high RPM Ьeсausе thе tendеnсy for еx- nents and the еngine as it hеats up. Duration is rеlatеd to lift, in that morе
haust gas to pulsе Ьaсk into thе intakе is The joЬ of thе сamshaft, in addition and quiсkеr lift mеans morе duration,
most Dronounсed at low RPM. This is to its lift and duration duties. is twofold. sinсе it takеs time to lift the valvе high-

66 High-Performance Honda Builder's Handbook

Camshaft Choiсes and Tuning

еr. Doing so mеans thе port is flowing at еs two things. First, it еxtеnds thе into play. The spring prеssurе' whiсh is
max volumе and vеloсity for a longеr amount of timе at maхimum lift, чrhiсh ratеd in in_lЬs, that еxists with еithеr thе
pеriod, and thеrеforе' fills thе сylindеr еxtеnds thе amount of dmе that thе valvе opеn or сlosеd' hеlps dеtеrminе
in iеss timе. Timе limits Ьесomе сritiсal opеn valvе alloчrs thе сylindеr to Ье how quiсkly thе top of thе сam 1oЬесan
as еnginе RPM inсrеasеs and it is a lim. fillеd. Sесond, it slows thе valvе, rеduс- dесеleratе thе valvеtrain. Valvе springs
iting faсtor in powеr outPut. ing thе magnitudе of inеrtia until the have Ьееn a тrеak link in the valvеtrain
To movе thе valve off thе sеat to spring tеnsion won,t allow it to сhain Ьесausethеy arе suЬjесt to fatigue.
max lift and sеt it Ьaсk down, thе valve- j'-P,, off the top of the сam loЬe, whiсh Thе higher thе valvе lift, thе more fa_
irain must Ье aссelerated and dесеlеrat- is сommonly kno.wn as valvе float. Valvе tiguе Ьесomеs a proЬlеin. 'As thе spring
еd. That mеans thе сam dеsignеr has to float is what dеstroys your valvеtrain. сomPrеssеs' friсtion сausеs thе springs
Jеal with inеrtia. Thе quiсkеr thе valvе (Sее figurе 5-7 for a dеsсription of thе to hеat and thе metal сhangеs and losеs
is aссеlеrated.thе morе inеrtia it has. In- funсtion of thе shapе of the сam 1oЬе.) somе of its rеsiiiеnсе' or spring ratе.
еrtia is that quality of mass that' aссord- Aсtually, thе valvеtrain doеsn't thе spring rate is rеduсеd, thе сam
ing to Nеwton,s seсond law of motion, jump off thе top of the сam. Instеad, thе loЬe Ьесomеs too aggrеssive,сomparеd
геnds to stay in motion or at rеst uniеss valvе is aссеlеratеdto suсh an eхtеnt that to the spring rate, and thе valvеs тrill
асtеd on Ьy an outsidе forсe. thе valvе spring сan,t rеsist its motion. float at a loчrеr RPМ. That,s why all raс-
Thе сam profilе, thеn, must over- The valve goеs slightly fartЬer than the еrs who use exotiс сam lifts arе сon-
Jomе the valvеtrain,s resistanсе to Ье- roсker arm (on SoHс еnginеs), or the stantly сhanging valvе springs. Cam
ing aссеlеratеd,its rеsistanсе to slowing сam (on DoHс еngines)' pushеs it. manufaсturers havе Ьееn diligеntly rе-
Jow.n and сhanging direсtions at thе This onсе again opеns spaсе Ьеtwееn thе sеarсhing this proЬlеm, and sеveral arе
:op of.thе loЬе and to aссеiеratingЬaсk сomPonеnts (lash),Ьut instеad of a sloчr offеring springs madе from nеw alloys
Jown toward thе sеat and to finaily иkе_up of thе slaсk' thе сomponеnts that havе a longеr sеrviсе lifе.
;oming to rеst upon thе sеat. In addi- slam Ьaсk togеthеr vrith еxplosivе forсе, Spring Prеssurеs' in addition to сam
:ion, taking uР thе lash, or thе spaсе Ье- and this is whеn oarts Ьrеak. loЬе profilе, affect the dеsign of thе
]vееn the valvеtrain сomponеnts, has A rеlatеd oЬsеrvation to thе сausе of roсker arms. So far, no one is running a
:o Ьe aссomplishеd without destroying valvе float: Thе wеight of the valvе and сam profile that rеquirеs a rеdеsign of
:hе сomDonеI1ts. keеpеrs tеnds to Ье thе most influеntial the Honda roсkеr arm for strеet usе.
Rеferring to figurе 5_6, you сan seе faсtor in determining
now this is aссomplishеd. Notiсе that thе aссеlеration ratе at
:hе еntranсе to thе aссеlеration ramp of whiсh a valvе floats.
: h е с a m h а s a . s h a l l o ws l o p е ' w h i с h p r o - Thе lightеr thе valvеs
Juсеs a sloчr aссеlеration ratе. This and spring rеtainеrs,thе
slovrly takеs up thе lash and сushions higher thе RPM сapa-
:hе valvеtrain Ьeforе it is aссelеratеd to Ьility of thе valvеtrain
:hе top of thе loЬe. If this arеa of the Ьеforе it reaсhes thе
;am -wеrеn't shapеd as it is, thе сam point of valvе float. on
'-ould slam thе valvetrain as if it wеrе a Honda еngines, this ef-
slеdgеhammеr.Thе shoсk of suсh an aс_ fесt is amplifiеd Ьесausе
;еlеration profilе would soon dеstroy thе valvе is moving far_
5omе сomponеnt of thе valvеtrain' thец Ьy virtuе of thе
onсе thе lash is takеn up, thе flank roсkеr arm ratio, and
.-.'fthе сam is dеsignеd to aсhiеvе maхi_ thеrеforе it movеs fastеr
:num aссеlеration for a givеn RPM lim- than thе rеst of thе val-
:t. The limit to the rate of ассеlеration,. vеtrain. This is also onе
.-.'rr?mP anglе, is defined by thе rе_ of thе rеasons that four_
siliеnсe of thе valvеtrain сomponеnts valvе pеr сylindеr еn_
''-hilе vrithstanding thе forсеs of aссеlеr- ginеs rеv muсh highеr
":'tionand thе tеnsion' or thе prеssurе of than 2-va1vе pеr сyiin-
:hе spring' As еngine RPM inсrеasеs'thе dеr еnginеs. \Иith tvro
..-alvеis opеnеd morе quiсkly and сonsе- intakе and two еxhaust
quеntly morе forсе is gеnеratеd. valvеs,, you'vе rеduсеd
Thе nеxt limit is thе inеrtia of thе thе mass that еaсh сam
тalvеtrain as it rеaсhеs maхimum aссеl- loЬе аnd valvе spring
еration fatеs. Notiсе in figure 5-6 that has to сontrol. Figure 5-7. The lobe is ground to achieve specific rates and
:hе сurves near thе top of thе сam onсе At this point, thе magnitudes of valve lift. The limits of these rаtes are im-
зgain Ьесome shalloтr.This aссomplish- spring Pressure сomes posed bу the inertia of the valvetrain components.

Volume l - How to Build and Tune High-Performance Honda Cars and Еngines 67
Chapter 5

Howеvеr, thе сonсеpt is usеful. \Иhеn a сam manufaсturеrs rесommеnd. Un- How Cдм Tlмlшс Evвштs
highеr spring prеssurе is usеd, morе lеss you rеally know what yоu'rе do- lшгt-uвшсв
forсе is rеquirеd to oРеn thе valvе. ing and havе ехpеriеnсеto provе it'
Thеsе сomPonеnts must Ье strong mixing сomponеnts сan roЬ you of Timing ЕxhaustValve opening
еnough to physiсally ovеrсomе thе Power and rеliaЬility.
spring prеssurе and not Ьreak. At the Valvеs usually Ьounсе when thеy Thе ехhaust valvе opens somе.wherе
samе timе' thеy havе to Ьe as light as sеt Ьaсk on thе valvе sеats.The аmount near BDC on thе povr..Ъt.oke to use thе
possiЬlе to rеduсе inеrtia. In rеality, thе of Ьounсe is dirесtly assoсiatеd with Prеssure insidе thе сylinder to hеlp еvaс-
сomDonеnts Ьetwеen thе сam and thе thе loЬе profile and ho.w it ramps Ьaсk uatе it. Again, wе talkеd aЬout this in thе
,.a1,.. fl.*. Thе highеr thе spring prеs_ on thе Ьasе сirсlе. This dесеlеration Cam Basiсs sесtion. Thе triсky Dart is at
surе and thе more rapid thе accelera- сurvе is dеsigned diffеrеntly for intakе what point during thе сrank rotation and
tion сurvеs,thе morе pronounсеd thе and еxhaust valvеs. Thе intakе сan hit powеr strokе to oPеn it. opеn it too
flеxing tеnds to Ьe. In faсt, if thе spring thе sеat hardеr than thе ехhaust valvе, soon, and you losе сylinder pressure and
prеssurеs arе high enough, thе сam aс- Ьeсausе it is сoolеr. Thе hot exhaust possiЬly horsepowеr; too latе, and you
tually Ьеnds siightly, еnough to сause a valvе is softer and must Ьe deсеlеrated run out of timе to fеmovе thе usеd gasеs
loss of lift and duration at thе valvе. morе Ьеforе it is allowеd to hit thе from thе сylindеr and that'll сost you
\Иhеn the roсkеr afm' or еvеn thе roсk- valvе sеat. horsеpo.wе's a Ьalanсingaсt.
er mount' Ьеnds slightly, thе valvе NИhilе -w.еhavе Ьarelу ехposеd thе John Сonсialdi of Advanсеd Еn-
doеsn't follow the сam loЬe orofile. suЬtlе сomplexity of valvеtrain dynam- ginе Мanagеmеnt.told us that most of
It,s amazing Ьow muсh some val_ iсs, thе main point of this disсussion is thе чrork -of thе сylindеr is donе in thе
vеtrain dеsigns flеx at high RPM. Bе_ that thе valvеtrain is a systеm. A11 thе first 90 dеgrееs of сrank rotation, so
сausе of this flех, somе of thе lift and Parts must work in rеlation to thе oth- t i m i n g t h е е x h a u s tv a [ v е _ o p е n i n gе V е n t
duration of thе сam is lost. oЬviouslv. еrs to Ьalanсеthе forсеs rеquirеd to op_ aftеr 9O-dеgrеesof сrank rotation is a
t h е b е t t е r е n g i n e е r е da n d m a t с h е d t h е е r a t е t h е v a l v е s .B е с a u s е i t i s a s y s t е m ' sound tuning taсtiс. For a low_RPM,
valvetrain сomPonеnts arе' thе сlosеr your сomponеnt сhoiсе is сritiсal. \Х/е long-strokе torquе motor, open it later
they тrill follow thе 1oЬe profilе, чrhiсh all know that to finish first. first vou to kеep the prеssure on thе piston
сausеs thе engine to produсе morе must finish. lf you makе thе .o.,.., longеr. For a short-strokе, high-RPM
powеr. This suЬtle Ьut сritiсally im- сhoiсеs with your valvеtrain, you,l1 im- horsepowеr сomЬo, opеn it soonеr to
portant point is why you should al- Provе your сhanсеs of finishing and givе you as muсh timе as possiЬlе to
ways usе thе сomЬinations that thе finishing first. еvaсuatе thе сylindеr.
Rеtarding thе ехhaust сam oPеns
thе еxhaust valvе later in thе Dowеr
v stroke' сlosesit latеr in the intake st.oke,
L and inсrеases ovеrlap, all еlse Ьеing thе
v samе. Advanсing it does thе oppositе.
(Seefigurе 5-8.)
I If your еxhaust systеm isn,t vеry еf-
F fiсiеnt, it's somеtimеs hеlpful to advanсе
thе ехhaust timing for high initial сylin-
dеr prеssurе' whiсh will forсе thе еx-
haust pulsе out of thе ехhaust system
and givе еxtra timе for thе еxhaust gasеs
to makе thеir way out of thе сylindеr.
This is not the сasе with Нonda exhaust
systеms) whiсh arе еffiсiеnt right from
thе faсtory and еven morе so whеn you
install hеadеrs. In faсt. if you install a
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 h е a d е r a n d a f r е е - f [ o w i n gе х h a u s t s y s -
тDс сRANKSHAFт DЕGREES тDс tеm, it maУ Paу to advanсе thе еxhaust a
littlе' dеpending оn thе amount of ovеr.
lap thе сam has.
Figure 5-8. Retarding the exhaust cam oPens the exhаust valve later in the power
stroke, сIoses it later in the intake stroke, and increases overlap, аll else being the Intake Valve Opening
same. Advancing it does the opposite. Retarding the opening of the eхhaust valve
increases the length of the power stroke and, provided the piston is still moving, can Advanсing intakе сam timing oPеns
enhance torque. the intakе valvе soonеr Ьеforе TDC.

68 High-Pefiormance Honda Builder's Handbook

Camshaft Choiсes and Tuning

thus inсrеasing ovеrlap. Inсrеasing ovеr-

lap usualiy improvеs high-RPM Powеr
Ьесauseit usеs thе inertia of thе еxhaust
pulse to pull intakе air into thе сylinder.
At low RPM, advanсed intakе timing
has a tendenсy to сontaminatе thе intakе
сhargе air with Ьurnеd gasеs and gеnеr- We talked аbout the effeсts of Notiсe the steeрer сurvesthat
atе rеvеrsion turЬulеnсе from the еx- rod rаtio in the bottom end seсtion. appear as the piston apрroaсhes
haust pulsе Ьlееding into rhе |fyou Iookat the ассompanying fig- and |eaves TDC. We,ve аlready
1ow-prеssurе intakе systеm. This also ure,you.||see that those effeсtsex- ta|kedabout a short rod сombina-
РumPs pressurе into thе intakе, slowing tend to timingvаIveevents.AImost tion having higher piston veIoсity
thе сhargе down and mеssing with thе every system in an. engine influ- and how it саn outsoeedthe flame
maD'sеnsor.on a сarЬurеtеd сomЬina- enсes a||the others. A seeming|y front.There,smore to it. Тhe aссeI-
tron, this turЬulеnt pulsing intakе vaсu- simplething likethe lengthof a rod еrationсurve of the oiston toward
um signal rеally hurts thе сarЬurеtor's has а ripp|e affeсt throughout the and аway from BDC inf|uenсesthе
аЬi1ity to mеtеr fuеl aссuratеly. This is e n g i n eс o m b i n a t i o n . optimum timing of the opening of
еspесially truе for multi_сarЬ units with A |ongerrod leъ thе pistondwe|| the exhaust valve, as well as the
individual runnеrs for еaсh сylindеr and at ТDC for more degrеes of сrank- сlosing of the intake on the сom.
с a r Ь .R е t a r d i n gi n t a k ес a m t i m i n g o p е n s shaft rotation, and a sawy super pression stroke. Тhe short rod
thе intakе valvе latец dесrеasing thе tuner wi|l adjust thе timing of the сombinationwaits a |ot longer be.
аmount of ovеrlap. This improvеs low- Valveevents around ТDC to take fuII fore shooting the piston up the
RPM torquе Ьесause it limits or Prе- advantage of the pressureсurves of bore. Тhe point at whiсh you с|ose
r-еnts intakе сhargе сontamination and eасh сombination.For examp|e,a the intake affeсts the dynamiс
rеvеrsion turЬulеnсе in thе intakе mani- longer rod gives you more time at сompressionrаtioof the engine,so
io1d.Lеss.сhargе сontamination and rе- over|apЬeforеthe pistonstaгtsdown de|ayingсlosureof the intakeva|ve
' . е r s i o nt u r Ь u l e n с еa l s o g i v е s y o u m o r e the Ьore than a shoгt rod сombina. on the short rod сombo doesn,tre-
lntakе vaсuum and smoothеr idlе quali_ tion. Conversely,if you have a shorter su|tin as muсh of a Iossof dynam-
L_t .
\s !u
+ift11fA \_Ч l
rod ratio, a high-speed саm with iс сompressionrаtio.
s|ight|y|essover|apmay Ьe better'
Ехhaust Value Closing

Rеtarding ехhaust сam timing dе-

.аvs сlosing thе eхhaust valvе, whiсh in-
;rеasеs ovеrlap Ьeсausе it narrows tЬе A
.oЬе phasing on DoHС еnginеsand thе v
-oЬеsеparationanglе on SOHC еnginеs. E
СIosing thе valvе latеr in thе сyсlе in- L
-.rеasеsovеrlap and inсrеasеs thе sсav_ I
зnging e|fect at high RPМ Ьy taking т
-..dvantagе of thе inеrtia of high-vеloсity
ntake and еxhaust pulsеs. Howevец if
,-ou hold thе ехhaust valve ooеn too
,ung, you'll movе muсh of yor.,.airlfuеl
r-rix through thе сylinder and right out |ntаkevа|ve
с|oses Iater
:hе ехhaust, сausing a lеan сondition in
:rе сomЬustion сhamЬеr and possiЬly a I
jеtonation proЬiеm. Thе sсavеnging еf_
есt isn't realr\уafactor at lovr RPM (Sее sтвoKE-sтвoKЕ-sтRoKE
: , : g u r е5s- 9 ' 5 _ 8a n d 5 - l 0 . ) 0 40 80 120 160 2oo 240 2вo з2o з60 400 44o 480 520 560 600 640 680 720

lntake Valve Сlosing

Timins thе сlosе of thе intakе valvе Figure 5-9. Retarding the intake cam increases overlap and can cause the intake
lrfluenсеs iе,.еral imPortant faсtors that charge to beсorne contaminated with the exhаust. opening the intake too earlу in
-.rеatеhorsеpo.wеr.Forеmost is lеaving it the exhаust cуcle means the pressure differential maу push the intake charge back
эpеn long еnough past BDС, so that out the intake. This is called reversion.

Volume l - How to Build and Tune High-Performance Honda Cars and Еngines 69
Chapter 5

whilе thе piston dwells at the Ьottom, it thеrеforе, you,ll sее highеr prеssurе at
givеs thе сylindеr timе to fill. RеmеmЬеr, TDC on thе сomprеssion strokе. Сlosе it
thе intakе сhargе has inеrtia now that it is later, and thе aсtual сompression strokе
moving, and it сontinuеs to fill thе сylin- Ьеgins latеr to form lеss Prеssurе at TDC.
dеr еven though thе piston is Ьtarting up Basiсally, you inсrеasе high-RPM
thе Ьorе on thе сomprеssion strokе. of horsеpowеr Ьy dеlaying thе сlosing o{
1' To find over|apdurаtion: сoursе' you сan,t lеavеit oPen too long or the intakе valvе; you inсreasе low-RPM
the piston forсеs the сhargе Ьaсk into thе torque Ьy сlosing it sooner.
(LoЬe Phase or Lobe Separation intakе. This sсеnario is muсh like opеn-
Аng|e* 2)_ Durаtion= Over|ap ing it too soon during thе ехhauststroke, Тнв Еггвстs oF сAM Duкдтloш
Duration with thе samе сonsесuеnсеs.
T h е n u m Ь е r o f ^ с r a n k s h a fdt е g r е е s \Ие alrеady talkеd aЬout duration in
To find IoЬe сenter: you сan rеtard thе сlosing of the intakе thе сam Ьasiсs sесtion, Ьut a quiсk rе-
valvе dеpеnds on thе RPM of thе еnginе. viе.wwon,t hurt. Сam duration is simolv
Duratian/2 = |obe сenter As RPM risеs, so doеs thе vеloсity and h o w l o n g ' i n с r a n k s h a f td е g r е е st, h . с a -
inеrtia of thе сhargе' At high RPM, you kееps thе valvе open. Duration influ.
To find Split Overlap Dura- сan lеavе it opеn longеr. Thе inеrtia of еnсеs thе othеr valvе timing еvеnts. oЬ-
tion Lobе CenterTiming: thе moving air сolumn paсks morе viously' if you keеp thе valvе opеn
сhargе into the сylinder Ьеforе it is longеr, thе сlosing point is dеlayеd and
Divide саm duration bv 2 to forсed out thе intakе Ьv thе oiston rush_ viсе vеrsa. It also influenсеs thе сritiсal
find Iobe сentervаIue ing up thе Ьorе. Thе rЁvеrsеis also truе. overlap zor'e-if thе valvе stays open
Divide Overlap duration by At low RPM, you havе to сlosе it soon- lo.'gеr, thе valvе usually h". io op..,
to find eaсh сam,s portion of еr or you,ll gеt rеvеrsion' soonеr' vrhiсh lеads to morе ovеrlap.
overlap duration Timing thе сlosе o{ thе intakе valvе ovеrlap is thе сomЬinеd еffесt оf dura_
с. Subtraсt B fгom A to аlso affесtsthе dynamiс сomprеssionra_ t i o n a n d t h е l o Ь е с е n t е r s е D a r a t i o no n
"split overlap duration" tio of thе еnginе. If you сlose it soonеr in singlе сam еnginеsаnd the еТfесtof сam
сentertiming thе сomprеssion strokе, you Ьеgin thе aс- phasing on dual_сam motors. Longеr-
tual сompression strokе soonец and duration сams are good at produсing
high_ RPМ Powеr Ьесausе they hold thе
valvе opеn longеr (as wеll as lifting it
v LoвЕ сЕNтЕR sЕPAвAт|oN
highеr), allovring morе timе at high
A R P M t o I i l l t h е с y l i n d е r .S i n с е l o n g d u _
v ration usually inсrеasеs ovеrlap, at lovr
E RPM thе intakе сhargе tеnds to gеt сon-
L taminatеd with mixturе and raisе
I thе prеssurе of thе intakе. Thеsе tvzo
т сonditions arе not сonduсivе to makinq
low_еnd Powеr. Fortunatеly' thеse еf_
fесts go awaу at high RPM opеration to
lеt thе engine sсrеam-if thе сomЬina_
tion,s right. (Sее thе сam Ьasiсs sесtion
for morе info.)

HAUsт Extremely
LoвE small overlap Loвв Pндslшс/Loвв
LoЬе phasing, or loЬе sеparation'
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 dеsсriЬеs thе timing diffеrеntial of thе
тDс сRANKSнAFтDEGRЕЕS тDс intake and thе еxhaust сam loЬes. It is
mеasurеd in degrееs Ьеtwееn thе 1oЬе
сеntеrlinеs of thе intakе and ехЬaust
Figure 5.10. Valve timing events are keуed to the direction of crankshaft rotation' Ad. сam loЬes. A widеr loЬе phasе rеduсеs
vanced timing means the valve event occurs sooner in crankshaft degrees relative to ovеrlap for a givеn сam duration. and
its direction of rotation. For ex'ample: advance the eхhaust cam and retard the intake thеrеfore tеnds to produсе low-RPМ
cam and уou reduce the overlap and change the valve timing relative to the cуlinder torquе. A сlosеr loЬе phasе inсrеasеs
Pressure cуcles. ovеrlap, and so inсrеasеs high-RPМ

70 High-Performance Honda Builder's Handbook

Camshaft Choiсes and Tuning

Lobe сenter separationangle

Lobe сenterline аnqIe is meаsured
when the intake саin |obe gives mаximum
lift to the intake va|ve.тhe referenсe
is tаken from the сrankshаft degree
Whee|.Using the |obe сenterIine аng|e
of the del s6l 1.6 vтЕс |oW rDm.l07.5
оam We see mаx valve lift at
сrankshаft degrdes after тDс.

# Valve at
maximum lift

---=-]llilg.l.ты€ n сemаrk
More overlap
with less lobe |
\ Whenъ/тDс |ines up
separаtion angle \ with this mark the
the oistoп in the number
on сv|inder is аt top
deаd сenter on the.
сompression stroke.

Less overlap
with more Iobe

Figure 5-11. Lobe phasing, or for the SOHC crowd, lobe sepa- Figure 5-12' Using a degree wheel and a dial indicator Ь the
ration, descriЬes the timing differential of the intakв and the onlу whу to be reallу sure of уour cam timing. You determine
eхhaust cam lobes. lt is measured in degrees between the lobe the lobe сenters of each cam bу reading maximum valve lift
centerlines' of the intake and eхhaust cam lobes. A wider lobe on the dial indicator and reading the degrees indicated on the
phase reduces overlap for a given cam duration, and therefore degree wheel attached to the crankshaft.
tends to produce low-RPM torque. A closer lobe phase increas-
es overlap, and so inсreases high-RPM horsepower.

horsеpowеr. on twin сam еnginеs, if though. Thе сam manufaсturеr grinds when finе-tuning thе сam timing. To do
the сams with a speсifiс amount of loЬе
rеtard thе еxhaust loЬе timinq or so you'll need a degrее wheel, a piston
аdvanсе thе intakе lobе timing, yй',. сеntеrlinе anglе Ьuilt in. \Иhеn you in- stop' and a diai indiсator' as чrеll as
dесrеasing 1oЬе phasing and inсrеasing stall thе cam at thе manufaсturеr,s loЬе somе mеans to suspend thе dial indiсa-
ovеrlap. Singlе сam еnginеs arе dеpеnd- сеntеrlinе spес, you,rе said to havе in- tor ovеr the сam ,Ь yo' сan aссuratеly
..straight mеasurе valvе lift.
еnt on thе сam grind for loЬе phasing. stallеd it up.,, Rеduсе thе сеn-
On singlе сams, this is known as 1oЬе tеrlinе anglе, and you rеtard thе сam Thе fist stеp is installing thе сam and
seParation' or 1oЬе сеntеr spread. (Seе timing; inсreasе it' and you advanсе сam adjustaЬlеtiming gеars сorrесtly. Follow
f i g u r е5 - 11 . ) timing. (Sееfigurеs 5-11 and 5-12.) LoЬе the instruсtions in thе {actorу manual or
сеntеrlinе anglе is a сonvеntional num- thosе that сamе чrith thе сam gеars.Nеxt,
Loвв Crштвкt-lшв Ьer most еngine tuners are familiar vrith attaсh the degreеwhееl to thе сrankshaft
and it is a сonvеniеnt starting point and rig up a pointеr. You сan usе wеlding
Lobе сеntеrliдеis a rеfеrеnсеpoint. whеn you install a сam. \Иhеn installing rod or a чrirе сoat hangеr for this pur-
..degrее posе. Rotatе thе еnginе so thе numЬеr
Еssеntiaily,it dеsсriЬеs, in сrankshaft a сam, you must thе сam.''
dеgrееs,thе diffеrеnсе Ьеtwееn thе
point of maximum lift of thе intakе ToBдsвl,шв
How H:fl:Е:.i#?':tr,i}ъ..ж;x;
r,alvеand thе TDC on thе сomprеssion Cдм Gвдкs rеfеrеnсing thе timing marks on thе
stroke.You don,t.wantmaximumvalvе сrank pullеy, you should Ье aЬlе to gеt
..dеgrее,'your сam(s) vеry сlosе.Vеrify Ьy сarеfullyinsеrtinga
lift at TDC, not only Ьесausеof potеn- You want to
tialсonfliсt,Ьut also Ье_ so you kno.w wherе thе valvе timing proЬestiсkthroughthеsparkplugholе to
сausе thе vaсuum signal from the еvеntsoссur rеlativеto thе position of gaugеpiston position or just look into
сylindеr isn't its strongеstat this point. thе piston and сrankshaft.This is of thе сhamЬеr.Adjust thе pointer and the
You don,t havе to .worry aЬout that, great imPortanсе' as we'll sее latеr timingwhееlto zero or TDC.

Volume l - How to Build and Tune High-Performance Honda Cars and Еngines 71
Chapter 5

NТеxt, fotatе thе сrankshaft aЬout thе indiсator reads .05O-inсh.Rесord thе However, in deсiding whеre to сomPro.
20 dеgrееsoppositе its normal dirесtion dеgrеe whееl valuе. Rotatе thе еngine in misе you should givе priority to thе
of rotation. Install thе piston stoo so it t h е n o r m a l d i r е с t i o nu n t i l t h е d i a l i n d i _ Powеr strokе. The powеr strokе should
just touсhеs thе pistoЪ. Continuе to сator rеads .050_inсhon thе сlosing sidе Ье as long as possiЬlе, so wait to open
spin thе enginе (oppositе the еngine ro- of thе сam 1oЬе.Rесord thе dеgrее valuе thе eхhaust valvе as latе as possiЬlе.
tation) until the piston hits thе piston f r o m t h e d е g r е еw h е е l . A d d i h е n u m _ T h е s m а r t е s tW а y t o Ь е g i n t h е с a m
stop. Mark that position on thе dеgreе Ьеrs togеthеr and dividе thе sum Ьy two. tuning proсеss is to split thе ovеrlap Ье-
.п,hееl oppositе thе pointеr. Spin thе That will Ье thе loсation in сrankshaft twееn TDC.
сrankshaft in thе oppositе dirесtion dеgrееs of maximum valvе lift.s You havе to know thе duration of
(normal еnginе rotation) until thе pis_ You want the zero dеsrее mark on thе сams so you сan сalсulate thе ovеr_
ton hits thе stop. Мark this position on y o u r a d j u s t a Ь l ес a m g е a r s t o p l a с е t h е lap. This is usually on thе сam сard. If
thе dеgree wheel as well. Removе thе сam loЬе сеnterlinеs at thе dеgrеe spесi- not' or you Ьought usеd, you сan vеrify
piston stop. Rotate tЬe zеro Рoint or fiеd Ьy thе manufaсturеr. You may havе the duration with thе same sеtuD You
TDC of thе degreе whееl (do not ro- to adjust thе сam to aсhiеvе this Ьut do_ j u s tu s е d t o d е g r е еt h е с а m .T h е o n i y d i f _
tatе thе сrankshaft) to thе dеgrее eх_ ing so will paу off Ьig when you,re tun_ fеrеnсе is as you rotatе thе еnginе, you
aсtly Ьеtwееn thе two marks you just ing on thе dyno or nееd to makе сhangеs mark thе dеgrее .n.hееlat thе point thе
madе vrith thе piston stop installеd. at thе dragstrip. In faсt' it is a vеry good dial indiсtor rеads .O5O-inсh' and kееp
This is TDС. idеa to vеrify thе aссr$aсУ of all thе tim- r o t a t ; n gt h е с r a n k i n t h е s a m е d i r е с t i o n
Thе nеxt stеp is to sеt thе сams ing marks using thе proсedurе dеtailеd until thе dial indiсator reads .O5O.inсh
up,,, that is, сam timing is nеi- aЬovе. If thеy arе off slightly you сan again and mark thе dеgreewheel. Thе to_
thеr advanсеd nor rеtardеd. whеn you takе notes or makе your own markings. tal degrее travеlеd is thе duration. (.O5O_
Ьuy an aftеrmarkеt сam' thе manufaсtur- inсh valvе lift is thе Amеriсan industry
еr has tеstеd it and has sround thе сam How To Flшo opтlмUм сAM Тlмlшс standard for mеasuring duration. Advеr_
loЬеs to Ье timеd in a сеitain way. Typi- tisеd duration is thе thеorеtiсal total du_
сally, thеy usе thе intakе 1oЬе сеntеrlinе I think suspеnsion tuning and сam ration Ьеginning whеn thе valvе lеavеs
as thе rеferеnсеpoint. So, for SOHC еn- сhoiсe and tuning arе thе most diffiсult thе sеat and еnds vrhеn it rеturns.)
gines you just nееd to align thе intakе arеas of high pеrformanсе to undеr_ Nехt, you havе to dесide ontЬ'e lobe
loЬе сеntеrlinе чrith thе numЬеr onе stand. Cam tuning is wеird еnough Ьut pbasing for DOHC. (For SoHС thе
сylindеr at thе dеgrее spесifiеd on thе if you havе a сustom сomЬination, suсh lobе сentеr SеpaTаtionаnglе is Ьuilt into
сam сard. For DOHC еnginеsyou nееd as a strokеd motor with an altеred rod thе сam and сan,t Ьe сhangеd.) This is
to do thе samе for thе ехhaust-align thе ratio' еvеn an ехpеrienсеd tuner gеts fairly easy Ьесausе thе rangе of vrhat
сam so maх valvе lift oссurs as spесifiеd l o s t . T h е s е с r e tt o с a m t u n i n g i s t o u n _ works for four-strokе еnginеs is wеll
on thе сam сard. on VTЕC сams. vou dеrstandthе four strokes of yЬur enginе kno.wn:Thе folloчring are thе rangеs that
s h o u l d u s e t h е l o w _ l i f rс а m l o Ь е s .H Ь w _ and hoцr thе сam, Ьy opеning and сlos- еxperiеnсе has shown works, Ьut сhесk
ever, if you rеally want to knov. what ing thе intakе and еxhaust valvеs in rеla_ with thе сam manufaсturеr to Ье surе.
your еngine is doing you should ..dе- tion to thеsе сyсlеs, сan Ье tunеd to your
grее,' thе high-lift loЬеs as wеll. сomЬination. If you workеd чrith a сam Natura||y aspirаtedStreetсombos:,106- 1,1O
To do this, attaсh thе dial indiсator manufaсturеr vrhilе dеsigning your Natural|y аspiratedRaсeсomЬos:98 - 105
hеad so that is in thе samе 1inе as thе сomЬination, thеy should Ье aЬlе to Turboсharged and Superсharged: 108- 114
valvе. If thеrе is a slight anglе Ьеtwееn help with thе timing. If not, hеrе,s an
thе dial indiсator,s measuring rod and еasy way to Ьеgin the tuning Proсеss, Thesе arе the typiсal dеgrее rangеs
t h е v a l v еs t е m с e n t е r I i n . .y o u i l i f t r е a d _ сourtesy of RoЬ Smith of RPS Pеrfor. for thе loЬе sеparation anglеs and loЬе
ings will Ье inaссuratе. \Х/ith ovеrhеad manсеProduсts. phasing. Thе сonсеpt of loЬе сеntеr sеp_
сam engines, maх valve 1ift oссurs vrhen Therе arе sеvеral approaсhеs to сam aration angle is morе suitеd to SoHС
thе valvе stem is farthеst away from thе tuning, Ьut thе onе that RoЬ prеfеrs to sinсе it has a singiе сam and thе 1oЬе
instrumеnt. Thеreforе, you nееd to Po- start with is thе ехhaust valvе timins. сеntеrs arе ground Ьy thе сam manufaс-
sition thе dial indiсator so that it rеtains Thе rеasonto start hеrе is Ьесausеooеn-- turеr and сan't Ье сhansеd.FYi: 11O-dе_
еnough travеl to rеgistеr max lift. i n g t h е е x h a u s t v a l v е e n d s t h е p o w е r g r е еl o Ь e s е P a r a t i o n^ n g ] .i ' e q u a lt o 2 2 O
To vеrify that thе сam is adjustеd strokе. \Иhеrе you сhoosе to еnd thе сrankshaft degrееs.
up,, you nееd to rotatе thе еn_ Poмrеr strokе, in сrankshaft dеgrееs,has on DoНC еnginеs,thе term loЬе
ginе until the dial indiсator сhangеs di- grеat influenсе on where thе intake valvе phasing is more apt. The loЬеs arе
rесtion. This is max lift and you should opеns' whiсh aсtually Ьеgins thе intakе phasеd to aсЬiеve equivalеnt timing as
set the dial indiсator faсе to zеro. Re_ strokе. Еaсh of thеsе valve timing thе loЬе сеntеr sеParation angle, Ьut
vеrsе thе rotation of thе enginе until tЬе event,s oPtimum timing may Ье slightly sinсе thе сams arе sеparatе' еaсh onе
dial indiсator rеads .100-inсh.Now spin diffеrеnt than чrhat is praсtiсal Ьесausе must Ье timеd sеparatеly.So you nееd to
the enginе in thе normal dirесtion until of thе timing of the prесеding evеnt. think in tеrms of 1oЬе сеntеr timins for

72 High-Performance Honda Builder's Handbook

Camshaft Choices and Tuning

Ьoth intakе and ехhaust сams. Sее fig- lap Ьut thеn a turЬoсharged motor doеs- haust сam eaсh havе 7 dеgrees.Sinсе thе
urеs 5_13aand b. n,t neсеssarily rеquirе a lot of overlap. loЬе сеntеr is found at mid-point of thе
To illustratе this сonсеpt lеt,s timе If you wantеd to movе thе powеr с a m ' s d u r a t i o n ,W e с a n f i n d i t Ь y d i v i d -
a set of Crowеr сams Dart numЬer Ьand to a higher RPM range,dесrеasеthe ing thе duration value Ьy two. Therе_
624o2. Thе сam ,p.., ,.Ъ 23O_dеgree loЬе phasing. NИесan go пrith thе follow- fore, 23О/2 = 115 dеgrееs. SuЬtraсting
duration on the intakе and eхhaust ing numЬers to turrе to thе high RPM thе ovеrlap duration from thе 1oЬе сеn-
mеasurеd at 1 mm. This mеans that thе rangе of turЬo сomЬos: 108-dеgrее1oЬе ter valuе will givе us thе ..split ovеrlap,,
сam holds tЬе valvе at lеast 1 mm aЬovе phasing. 108 x 2 = 216 degreеs'23О_ 216 loЬe сеntеr timing: 115-7 = 108.Thеrе-
thе sеat for 23О.crankshaftdеgrees.Thе = 14 dеgrees ovеrlap. \4orе ovеrlap im_ fore, thе split ovеrlap timing should Ье
valve lift rеfеrеnсе point is a сonvеn- provеs high RPM mass flow. But Ье сare- 1oЬесеnterlinе at 108 degrееsATDC for
iеnсе Ьесausе it is vеry diffiсult to dе_ ful-this muсh ovеrlaD on a turЬo motor thе intakе; and 108 dеgrееs BTDС for
terminе exactlУ чrhen thе valve is liftеd чrill run poorly at low RPM, a supеr- the eхhaust. It would Ье the easiest, at
off thе sеat. This сam grind is for a сharged enginе will proЬaЬly just pass a thеsе timing values, if you put your ad-
streеt turЬo, so we'll tunе to thе largеr lot of unЬurnеd fuеl tЬrough thе еnginе. justaЬlе сam gеars at zеto, But if thеy
loЬе phasing valuе of 114 dеgrееs. ЕitЬеr v/ay you nеed to split thе don't linе uP that way just mark thеm so
To find thе duration of ovеrlap, ovеrlap valuе Ьеtwееn TDС to dеtеr_ you know whеrе to go Ьaсk to if you
multiply thе 1oЬеphasing va|ueЬу 2 and minе thе 1oЬе сеntеr timing for еaсh of makе сhangеs thе еnginе doеsn't likе.
suЬtraсt it from thе duration. For еxam_ thе сams. Assumе еaсh сam has half thе So whеrе to go from hеrе? Chanсеs
ole 114 x 2 = 228.230 duration - 228 = 2 ovеrlap' so in thе еxamplе aЬovе with 14 are thе еnginе will run rеasonaЬly well
J.g...' ovеrlap. That's not a lot of ovеr_ dеgrееsof overlap, thе intakе and thе ex- at this сam timing' Nevеrthеlеss, tЬе

Q t
;Ь\ ]
./t / \


xx*1т.''-ф vа|ve at
\ ф

108 degreesBтDс 106 degreesAтDс

indiсаtedat indicatedаt
Exhаust mаx lift intake max lift

Figure 5-,l3a (Ieft)and 5-.l3Ь (right):on DOHC engine ,,lobe phase,, is the term that desсribes the timing of the intake and ex-
haust cams. lts meaning is the sаrne as ''lobe separation angle', for SOHC or oHV cam engines. Beсause DoHc engines have
separate exhaust and intake cams, the lobe separation angle is dependent on installation and adjustment. The valves inter-
act between the exhaust and intake stroke, beginning with the exhaust stroke opening ending the power stroke. Most tuners
use the lobe centerline at the crankshaft angle to time and adjust DOHC cam timing. The reference to lobe separation angle
is useful sinсe it is easier to visualize than lobe phase.

Volume l - How to Build and Tune High-Performance Honda Cars and Еngines 7з
Chapter 5

performanсe enthusiast,squestion always

is, is thеrе morе Power availaЬlе?Сan wе
inсreasе thе сomЬustion pressure of thе
Powеr stroke Ьy сhanging thе саm tim_
ing? Therе may wеll Ье, Ьut you won't
know for surе unlеss you tunе it' And in-
stеad of just twisting thе сams randomly,
you сan dеtеrmine what сam timing val-
ue to adjust if you know where thе piston
i s i n r е l a t i o nt o с a m t i m i n g .
\Х/hilе you have the dеgree whееl and
thе dial indiсatoron your еnginе'you сan
also map out thе piston position сurvе in
relation to сrankshaft dеgrееs. A1l you
nееd is to rig up a mеasuring rod of suffi_
сiеnt lеngth not to fall into thе сylindеr
whеn thе piston is at BDС. Usе thе rod
to mеasurе thе piston travеl pеr сrank-
shaft dеgreе.If you put it in a matrix and
draw a traсе,you,ll see a сurve. This map
helps you dесidе on сam timing еVеnts.
\Whеn dесiding чrhеn to oPеn thе
Working with overhead cam engines means the max lift occurs when the valve trav- ехhaust valvе you Want to сhoosе thе
els farthest awaу from the dial indicator. timing чrhеrе thе piston Ьеgins to slow,
i.е. travеls lеss distanсе pеr dеgrее of
сrankshaft rotation. Thе еxaсt timing
v ' will сhangе aссording to сamshaft dе-
E XHAUIiI I| t sign, rod ratio' and еvеn fuе1 сomЬina-
L roБE 1 'Нt
v LoвЕоENтEвsEPAвAтloN I tion. Howеvеr, if you know thе piston
Е \
вDс\ |
тoc i travеl сurvе rеlative to сrank dеgrееs
\i ,4
гA t / you сan makе informеd tuning сhoiсеs.
F Figurе 5-14 shows how a сonсеpt of
т how thе piston travеl сurvеs will look
fo. a long rod and short rod сomЬina-
tion. \Ие'rе assuming thе strokе rеmains
thе samе, so thе rod to stroke ratio is
largеr тrith thе long rod сomЬination.
lntake I . * Ь ^ ^ -a ^ ^ L ; ^j' r ' o u с a n s е е t h a t
I Opens ьr Hrrrl'

| оu"o,,o" valvе timing еvents oссur in rеlation to

thе travel of thе piston. Thе idеa is to
time thе valvе opеning and сlosing
160 200 240 2вo
еvеnts to oPtimizе mass flow through
04080 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720
80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 thе еnginе whilе providing thе longеst
тDс pow.еr strokе. \7hеn you opеn thе
valvеs is whеrе thе rеal magiс happеns.
In gеnеral,most of thе work of thе pow-
еr strokе oссurs' to usе a сloсk faсе anal_
ogy, from 1 to 5 o,сloсk. Aftеr that
сrank angle, сomЬustion prеssurе is
Figure 5-14: The tuning trick is timing the exhaust valve opening so that eхhaust pres- dropping rapidly and thе anglе of levеr_
sure helps evacuate the чlinder (blow down). This gives уou the longest Power agе is not advantagеous, so why not
stroke and the longest evacuation time in crankshaft degrees. This will change with oPеn thе ехhaust valvе?
a long or short rod combination. Short rod combos have a lot of piston travel be- onе othеr important faсtor in dесid-
tween 4 and 6 o'clock; Iong rod combos don't move the piston as much in this range. ing on timing thе еxhaust valvе opеn
Long rods let уou open the exhаust valve earlier in the stroke without as much neg- evеnt is thе fuеl and anv Dowеf addеrs.
ative tradeoff, i.e. not using pressure and piston movement to push on the crank. N i t r o u s Ь u r n s q u i с k l y ;o n . . t h e p i s t o n , s

74 High-Performance Honda Builder's Handbook

Camshaft Choices and Tuning

half way down thе Ьore most of thе forсe

is dissipatеd so you сan opеn thе еxhaust
valvе early.ln addition, nitrous gеnеratеs
morе еxhaust volumе (2О- to 4O-perсеnt
more mass), so opеning thе valvе еarly
makеs sеnsеand usually morе Po.w.еr.
Mеthanol is a slow Ьurning fuеl that
gеnеratеsa longеr Powеr strokе, so you
won,t want to oPеn thе ехhaust as soon
аs you would with nitrous. Methanoi is
triсky sinсe, in addition to thе slow Ьurn,
it genеratesa lot of mass. Thеrеfore, you
nееd to oPen thе eхhaust as latе as you
сan' Ьut whеn you do, opеn it fast and
Ьig to gеt as muсh duration as you сan.
whеn tЬе aftеrmarkеt rеsponds with
ro11еrсams for thе Hondas, vrе'll Ье aЬlе
to ехploit thе pеrformanсе' thе radtсal With adjustable timing gears on a DOHC engine, уou get an almost endless range
r.alvе opеning ratеs' and inсrеasеd dura_ of tuning options. You can change the lobe сenter relationship and the timing of
rion tЬat teсhnology providеs. either intake or eхhaust valve-timing events in relation to the crankshaft angle and
Thе nехt most сritiсal arеa is when piston travel, You can also make wrong choices and lose power or move the tim-
rhе еxhaust strokе Ьlеnds witЬ thе in- ing so far that the valves hit the pistons or уou саuse the valves to hit each other.
take strokе. Тhis is a tuning area уou need to approach with caution and good judgment, How-
Timing of thе intakе/еxhaust ovеr_ ever, the paу off is worth the effort,

lap еvеn"tsis sеnsitivе to RPM. You w'ant

to сlosе thе Ьaсk door so you don't
vrastе fuеl during sсavеnging; Ьut latе
еnough to сlеan thе сomЬustion сham-
Ьer of rеsidual еnd gas.Еnginе spеedЬas
a lot of influеnсе on hoчr this happens.
Low enginе speed providеs lots of timе
for thе air/fudr to gеt into thе еnginе' At
high RPM thе valvеs arе oPеn suсh a
short timе, thе volumеtriс еffiсiеnсy of
thе еnginе falls to thе floor along with
powеr outPut. Thе upshot is that for a
h i g h R P M с o m Ь i n a t i o ny o u v , , a n t o i n -
сrеasе thе ovеrlap, to inсrease the timе
that the сylinder сan Ье sсavеngеd and
filled. of сoursе' this saсrifiсes 1ow
RPM powеr Ьесausе of the еffeсts of еx_
haust rеvеrsion into thе intakе traсt. To
avoid that' run lеss ovеrlap timing.
Wе,ll еnd thе сhaptеr vrith a rесom.
mеndation for naturally aspiratеd еnginе
сomЬinations: For most natufally aspi_
ratеd еnginеs, thе magiс numЬеr from
Dale Armstrong, Austin Coil, or Russ
Collins sееms to Ьe 2 dеgreеs advanсеd
intake timing with split ovеrlap. That
usually works out to put thе eхhaust
IJsea degree wheel and a dial indicator to determine max lift of intake valve at pre- loЬe сеntеr at 108 dеgrееs and thе intake
сise crankshaft degree. Use the stock lobe centerline angle of the del Sol 1.6 WЕC at 106 dеgreеs.\with that Ьit of info, you
|ow.RPM cam with maх valve lift at 107.5 crankshaft degrees AтDc. With the heads s h o u l d p r o Ь a Ь I yt r y t h a t s е t t i n go n y o u r
milled, max lift occurred at 110 degrees, or 3 degrees retarded. nеxt trip to thе dvno or the raсetraсk.

Volume l - How to Build and Tune High-PerformanceHonda Cars and Еngines 75

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