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Municipal educational institution "Romanov

secondary school"

by order No. 129-od of August 29, 2022.

Working programm

in physics

for grades 7-9 basic level

2022 - 2023

Compiled by a teacher of physics: Lobanova Marina Anatolyevna.

"REVIEWED" by the
MO of the natural science cycle No.
4 dated 30.05.22.
Head of the Ministry of Defense ______ / Tishchenko S.V

methodological council
protocol No. 4
dated 15.06.22. Head of MS______ / Shamilova S
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Explanatory note

The work program on the subject "Physics 7-9" for the main school is compiled in
According to:

1. the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education (FGOS LLC, M .:
"Prosveshchenie", 2020); 2. the program "Planning of educational material Physics for grades 7 - 9", the
author's program E.M. Gutnik, A.V. Peryshkin. Programs for educational institutions. Physics.
Astronomy.7-11 grades / compiled by V.A. Korovin, V.A. Orlov.- M.: Bustard, 2019. - 334 p. 3. Author's
programs of basic general, secondary general education in physics. Textbook: A.V. Peryshkin. Physics. 7th
grade. Bustard, M., 2019. Textbook: A.V. Peryshkin. Physics. 8th grade. Bustard, M., 2019. Textbook:
Peryshkin A.V., E.M. Gutnik. Physics. Grade 9 Bustard, M., 2019


The personal results of studying the subject are the following skills:

• Understanding the growing role of natural sciences and scientific research in the modern world, the
constant process of evolution of scientific knowledge, international scientific cooperation.

• Formation of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students. • Belief in the possibility of
understanding nature, in the need for a reasonable use of the achievements of science and technology
for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude
towards physics as an element of human culture.

• To form independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills of basic and profile level.

• To form technical thinking and profile orientation. • Build skills of introspection and self-
assessment based on the criterion of success. • Mastering the ability to compare experimental and
theoretical knowledge with
objective realities of life.
• To form the skills of safe and efficient use of laboratory equipment, making accurate measurements and
adequate evaluation of the results obtained, presenting evidence-based arguments for their actions
based on an interdisciplinary analysis of educational tasks. • Willingness to choose a life path in
accordance with one's own interests

and opportunities.

• Motivation of educational activity of schoolchildren on the basis of personal

oriented approach.
• Formation of value relations to each other, the teacher, the authors of discoveries and inventions, the
learning outcomes.

The meta-subject results of studying the course "Physics" is the formation of universal educational activities

Regulatory UUD:
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• Understand by students the meaning of basic scientific concepts and laws of physics,
the relationship between
them. • Ability to use the methods of scientific research of natural phenomena, conduct
observations, plan and perform experiments, process measurement results, present
measurement results using tables, graphs and formulas, detect relationships between physical
quantities, explain the results and draw conclusions, evaluate the boundaries of measurement
error . • Ability to apply theoretical knowledge of physics in practice, solve physical problems
to apply the acquired knowledge. • Apply skills and abilities to explain the principles of
operation of the most important technical devices, solve practical problems of everyday life,
ensure the safety of one's life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.

Cognitive UUD:
• To use various natural scientific methods for knowledge of the surrounding world: observation,
measurement, experiment, modeling. • Formation of conviction in the natural connection and
cognizability of natural phenomena, in the objectivity of scientific knowledge, in the high value of
science in the development of the material and spiritual culture of people.

• Development of theoretical thinking based on the formation of skills to establish facts,

distinguish between causes and effects, build models and put forward hypotheses, search for
and formulate evidence of hypotheses put forward, derive physical facts and theoretical
models from experimental facts and theoretical models.

• To master adequate methods of solving theoretical and experimental

• Be able to identify possible sources of necessary information, produce
search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability.
• To study the contribution of Russian and foreign scientists who have had the greatest influence
on the development of physics.

Communicative UUD: •
Independently organize educational activities: setting goals, planning, determining the optimal
ratio of goals and means. • Be able to organize educational cooperation and develop
monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to express one's thoughts and the ability to listen to
the interlocutor, understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to

a different opinion.

• To use open communication for solving cognitive and communicative tasks.

information - educational space.
• Formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic
forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the tasks set,
highlight the main content of the read text, find answers to the questions posed in it and
present it. • Formation of skills to work in a group with the performance of various social
roles, to present and defend one's views and beliefs, to lead a discussion.
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The subject outcomes are the following skills:

• Describe and explain the physical phenomena and properties of bodies: the
movement of celestial bodies and artificial satellites of the Earth; properties of
gases, liquids and solids. • Distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories. • Draw
conclusions based on experimental data. • Mastering the methods of action in non-
standard situations, mastering
heuristic problem solving methods
• Give examples showing that: observations and experiment are the basis for putting
forward hypotheses and theories, allow you to check the truth of theoretical
conclusions; that physical theory makes it possible to explain known phenomena
of nature and scientific facts, to predict still unknown

• To perceive and, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, independently evaluate

information contained in media reports, the Internet, popular science

• Learn to reproduce the acquired knowledge and skills when writing control and
laboratory work. • Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities
and everyday life to: 1) ensure life safety in the process of using

vehicles, household electrical appliances;

2) assessment of the impact on the human body and rational environmental management and
environmental protection.

The content of the physics course at the basic level of education is aimed at the
formation of universal educational activities (UUD), which ensure the development of
cognitive and communicative qualities of the individual.

The content of the physics course in the 7th grade. (68 hours a year, 2
hours a week.)

I. Introduction. (3 h)

What does physics study. physical phenomena. Methods for studying physics.
Measurement of physical quantities. Measurement errors. Physics and technology.


o Observations of physical phenomena: free fall of bodies,

o oscillations of a pendulum,
o the attraction of a steel ball by a
magnet, o the glow of a filament of an electric lamp, an electric spark.

Frontal laboratory work.

1. Determination of the division value of a measuring instrument, taking into account the absolute

II. Initial information about the structure of matter. (6 hours)

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Hypothesis about the discrete structure of matter. Molecules. Continuity and

randomness of motion of particles of matter. Diffusion. Brownian motion. Models
of gas, liquid and solid body. Interaction of particles of matter. Mutual attraction
and repulsion of molecules.


o Diffusion in solutions and gases, in

water. o Model of chaotic motion of molecules
in a gas. o Brownian motion model. o Cohesion
of rigid bodies. o Increasing air pressure when
heated. o Demonstration of samples of
crystalline bodies. o Demonstration of models
of the structure of crystalline bodies. o Demonstration
of the expansion of a solid when heated.

Frontal laboratory work:

2. Measurement of the sizes of small bodies.

III. Phone interaction. (21 hours)

mechanical movement. Uniform and uneven movement. Speed. Calculation

of the path and time of movement. Trajectory. Phone interaction. Inertia.
Weight. Measurement of body weight on the scales. Density. Strength.
Forces in nature: gravity, gravity, friction, elasticity. Hooke's law. Body weight.
Relationship between gravity and body mass. Dynamometer. The addition of two forces
in the same straight line.


o Uniform rectilinear movement. o Dependence

of the body's trajectory on the choice of the reference body. o Free fall
of bodies. The phenomenon of weightlessness. o The phenomenon of
inertia. o Comparison of masses of bodies with the help of scales. o
Comparison of the masses of two bodies by their accelerations during
interaction. o Force measurement by spring deformation. o Properties of
friction forces. o Addition of forces.

Frontal laboratory work:

3. Measurement of body weight on a balance scale.

4. Measurement of body volume. 5. Measurement
of the density of a substance. 6. Graduation of the
spring and measurement of forces with a dynamometer. 7. Study of
the dependence of the elastic force on the elongation of the spring. Measurement
spring stiffness
8. Study of the dependence of the sliding friction force on the normal pressure force

IV. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases. (25 hours)

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Pressure. Ways to increase and decrease pressure. Pressure of solids. Gas pressure.
pressure in a liquid. Pascal's law. Communicating vessels. Hydraulic Press. Gateways.
Atmosphere pressure. The Torricelli experience. Barometer - aneroid. Air weight. Air
shell. Change in atmospheric pressure with height. Pressure gauges. The action of
liquid and gas on a body immersed in them. Archimedean strength. Swimming tel.
Sailing ships. Aeronautics.


o Barometer. o
Experience with Pascal's ball.
o Experiments with the bucket of Archimedes.

Frontal laboratory work:

9. Measurement of the pressure of a solid body

on a support 10. Measurement of the buoyancy force acting on a body immersed in a
liquid. 11. Finding out the conditions for floating a body in a liquid.

V. Work and power. Energy. (13 hours)

Job. Power. simple mechanisms. Lever balance conditions. Moment of power. Levers
in technology, everyday life and nature. Application of the law of balance of the lever
to the block. Equality of work when using simple mechanisms. The "golden rule" of
mechanics. Energy. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. The law of conservation of
mechanical energy.


o Hydraulic press. o The

balance of a body with an axis of rotation. o
Measurement of the kinetic energy of the body along the length of the
stopping distance. o Measurement of the potential energy of the body.
o Measurement of the potential energy of elastic deformation of a spring.

Frontal laboratory work:

12. Determining the center of gravity of a flat plate.

13. Elucidation of the equilibrium condition for the
lever. 14. Measurement of efficiency when climbing an
inclined plane. 15. Measurement of work and power with a uniform movement of the body.

Result: 68 hours.
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The content of the physics course in the 8th grade. (68 hours, 2 hours per week);

Topic 1. Thermal phenomena (23 hours).

Thermal movement. Internal energy. Two ways to change internal energy: work
and heat transfer. Types of heat transfer. Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity
of a substance. Specific heat of combustion of fuel. Melting and solidification of
bodies. Melting temperature. Specific heat of fusion. Evaporation and condensation.
Boiling. Boiling temperature. Specific heat of vaporization. Explanation of changes
in the aggregate states of matter based on molecular kinetic concepts. Energy
transformations in mechanical and thermal processes. Internal combustion
engine. Steam turbine. Humidity.


o The principle of operation of

the thermometer. o Thermal conductivity
of various materials. o Convection in liquids
and gases. o Heat transfer by radiation. o
The phenomenon of evaporation. o
Constancy of the boiling point of a liquid at constant pressure. o
Lowering the boiling point of a liquid at reduced pressure. o Observation
of condensation of water vapor on a glass of ice. o The device of a four-
stroke internal combustion engine. o Steam turbine device.

Frontal laboratory work:

1. Comparison of the amount of heat when mixing water of different

temperatures. 2. Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid. 3.
Measurement of relative air humidity.

Topic 2. Electrical phenomena (26 hours)

Electrification of tel. Two kinds of charges. Interaction of charged bodies. Electric

field. Discrete electric charge. Electron. The structure of atoms. Electricity.
Galvanic elements. Batteries. Electrical circuit. Electric current in metals. Current
strength. Ammeter. electrical voltage. Voltmeter. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law
for a section of an electrical circuit. Resistivity. Rheostats. Types of conductor
connections. The work and power of the volume. The amount of heat released by
a current-carrying conductor. Electrical energy counter. Incandescent lamp.
Electrical heating appliances. Calculation of the electricity consumed by household
electrical appliances. Short circuit. Fuses.


o Electrification of
tel. o Two kinds of electric charge.
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o The device and operation of the

electroscope. o Transfer of electric charge from one
body to another. o The law of conservation of electric
charges. o Conductors and insulators. o Electrostatic
induction. o Capacitor device. o Capacitor electric field
energy. o DC sources. o Current measurement with an
ammeter. o Voltage measurement with a voltmeter. o
Rheostat and resistance box. o Properties of

Frontal laboratory work:

4. Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current strength in its
various sections 5. Measuring voltage in various sections of the circuit 6.
Changing the current strength using a rheostat 7. Measuring resistance
using an ammeter and voltmeter 8. Measuring the work and power of an
electric current

Topic 3. Electromagnetic phenomena (6 hours).

The magnetic field of the current. Electromagnets and their applications. permanent
magnets. Earth's magnetic field.


o Oersted's
experience. o Magnetic
field current. o The action of a magnetic field on a
conductor with current. o Motor device. o
Electromagnetic induction. o Lenz's rule. o DC
generator device. o Alternator device. o Transformer

Frontal laboratory work:

9. Assembling the electromagnet and testing it.

10. Study of the electric motor.

Topic 4. Light phenomena (13 hours).

Sources of light. Rectilinear propagation of light. Reflection of light. Laws of reflection.

Flat mirror. Light refraction. Lens. Focal length of the lens. Construction of images
given by a thin lens. The optical power of the lens. Optical devices.
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o Properties of electromagnetic
waves. o Light sources. Rectilinear propagation of light.
o How the microphone and loudspeaker work. o The
principle of radio communication. o Rectilinear
propagation of light. o Reflection of light. o Refraction of
light. o The course of rays in a converging lens. o The
course of rays in a diverging lens. o Taking pictures with
lenses. o The principle of operation of the projection
apparatus and the camera. o Eye model. o White light
dispersion. o Getting white light when adding color.

Frontal laboratory work:

11. Study of the dependence of the angle of reflection on the

angle of incidence. 12. Study of the dependence of the angle of
refraction on the angle of incidence. 13. Obtaining an image with a lens.
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The content of the physics course in the 9th grade.

102 hours are allotted for studying the subject

in the 9th grade (3 hours per week).

Topic 1. Laws of interaction and motion of bodies (60 hours)

Material point. Reference system. Move. Speed of rectilinear uniform motion.

Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion: instantaneous speed, acceleration,
displacement. Graphs of the dependence of kinematic quantities on time for uniform
and uniformly accelerated motion. Uniform circular motion. Inertial reference system.
Newton's laws. Free fall of bodies. Gravity. The law of universal gravitation. Artificial
satellites of the Earth. Rockets. Elastic force. Hooke's law. Body weight.
Weightlessness. Relationship between gravity and body mass. Gravity on other
planets. The resultant force. Friction force. Sliding friction. Friction of rest. Friction in
nature and technology. First cosmic speed. Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum.
Jet propulsion. Mechanical work. Power. Energy. Potential and kinetic energy. The
transformation of one type of mechanical energy into another. Law of conservation
of total mechanical energy. Equilibrium conditions for a rigid body with a fixed axis
of motion. Moment of power. The efficiency of the mechanism.


o Relativity of motion. o
Uniformly accelerated
movement. o Free fall of bodies in Newton's
tube. o Direction of speed for uniform circular motion. o Newton's
second law. o Newton's third law. o Weightlessness. o Law of
conservation of momentum. o Jet propulsion.

Frontal laboratory work:

1. "Investigation of uniformly accelerated motion without initial

velocity" 2. "Measuring the acceleration of free fall"

Topic 2. Mechanical oscillations and waves. Sound. (11h)

oscillatory movement. Vibration of a load on a spring. Free vibrations. Oscillatory

system. Pendulum. Amplitude, period, frequency of oscillations. Energy
transformations during oscillatory motion. damped vibrations. Forced vibrations.
Propagation of oscillations in elastic media. Transverse and longitudinal waves. The
relationship of the wavelength with the speed of its propagation and period (frequency).
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Sound waves. Sound speed. The pitch and volume of the sound. Echo.


o Mechanical vibrations. o
Mechanical waves. o Sound
vibrations. o Sound
propagation conditions.

Frontal laboratory work:

3. "Investigation of the dependence of the period and frequency of free oscillations of the pendulum on
its length.
4. "Investigation of the dependence of the period of free oscillations of a spring pendulum
on the mass of the load and the stiffness of the spring.

Topic 3. Electromagnetic phenomena. (15h)

Oersted's experience. A magnetic field. Magnetic field induction. Direct

current magnetic field. The magnetic field of a coil with current. permanent
magnets. The magnetic field of permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field.
Interaction of magnets. The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying
conductor. Electrical engine. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic
field. The gimlet rule. Magnetic field detection. The action of a magnetic field
on a current-carrying conductor and a moving charged particle. Ampere force
and Lorentz force. Left hand rule. magnetic flux. Faraday's experiments.
Electromagnetic induction. The direction of the induction current. Lenz's rule.
The phenomenon of self-induction. Electromagnetic vibrations. Oscillatory circuit. Alternatin
alternating current. Energy conversions in electric generators. Transformer.
Transmission of electrical energy over a distance. Electromagnetic field.
Electromagnetic waves. Velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves. Effect of
electromagnetic radiation on living organisms. Obtaining electromagnetic
oscillations. Principles of radio communication and television. electromagnetic
nature of light. The speed of light. Sources of light. rectilinear
spread of light. Reflection of light. The law of reflection of light. Flat mirror. The
image of an object in a mirror. Light refraction. The law of refraction of light. Lenses.
Focal length of the lens. The optical power of the lens. The images given by the
lens. The eye as an optical system. Optical devices. refractive index. dispersion of
light. Phone colors. Spectrograph and spectroscope. Types of optical spectra.


o Capacitor device. o The

energy of a charged capacitor. o
Electromagnetic vibrations. o
Properties of electromagnetic waves.
o Light dispersion. o Obtaining white
light by adding light of different colors.
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Frontal laboratory work:

5. "Studying the phenomenon of electromagnetic

induction." 6. "Observation of continuous and line emission spectra".

Topic 4. The structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus (13 hours).

The structure of atoms. Planetary model of the atom Radioactivity as evidence of the complex
structure of atoms. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Rutherford's experiments. Nuclear model
of the atom. Radioactive transformations of atomic nuclei. Proton-neutron model of the nucleus.
Charge and mass numbers. Nuclear reactions. Fission and fusion of nuclei. Conservation of
charge and mass numbers in nuclear reactions. Absorption and emission of light by atoms.
Origin of line spectra. Conservation of charge and mass numbers in nuclear reactions. Half life.
Law of radioactive decay. Experimental research methods



o Observation of tracks of alpha particles in the cloud chamber.

o The device and principle of operation of the counter of ionizing
particles. o Dosimeter.

Frontal laboratory work:

7. "Studying the tracks of charged particles from ready-made

photographs" 8. "Studying the fission of the uranium nucleus from
photographs of tracks." 9. “Measurement of natural radiation background with a dosimeter.

Topic 5. Structure and evolution of the Universe (3 hours) Geocentric and heliocentric
systems of the world. Composition, structure and origin of the solar system. The physical nature
of the celestial bodies of the solar system. Planets are small bodies in the solar system.
Structure, radiation and evolution of the Sun and stars. Structure and evolution of the Universe.
The Big Bang Hypothesis.

Result: 102 hours.

Thematic planning

Grade 7 - 2 hours per week, 68 hours

No. Topic Quantity Quantity Quantity

hours laboratory control works

work 1
Introduction 3 -
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2 Initial information about the structure 6 one one

of matter Interaction of
bodies Pressure of solids, 21 6 2
34 liquids and gases Work, power, 25 3 2
energy Total
5 13 four one

68 fifteen 6

Grade 8 - 2 hours a week, 68 hours

No. Topic Quantity Quantity Quantity

hours laboratory work 2 tests 1

one. Thermal phenomena.

Change in the state of 23

one one

aggregation of matter.
2. electrical phenomena 26 5 2

3. A magnetic field. 6 2 one

four. light phenomena. 13 3 one

Total 68 13 6

9th grade - 3 hours a week , 102 hours

No. Topic Quantity Quantity Quantity

hours laboratory work 2 tests 5

1. Laws of interaction and 60

body movements

2. Mechanical oscillations and waves. eleven 2 one

Sound. Electromagnetic
3. field fifteen 2 one

4. The structure of the atom and the 13 3 one

atomic nucleus The

5. 3 - -
structure and evolution of the
Universe. Total
102 9 eight
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Application No. 1 to the work program in physics grade 7 for the basic level 2 hours per

Thematic planning Grade 7. (68 hours, 2 hours a week).

Textbook Peryshkin A.V.

ÿ Topic of the lesson

I. Introduction. (3 h)

1. What does physics study? Methods for studying physics. Physical quantities. Rules for
2 Physics and technology. Measurement of physical quantities. Error.
3 Laboratory work No. 1 "Determining the division value of a measuring device, taking into
account the absolute error"

II. Initial information about the structure of matter ( 6 hours )

The structure of matter. Molecules
Laboratory work No. 2 "Measuring the size of small bodies"

Diffusion. Brownian motion Interaction

of molecules Aggregate states of matter
Repetitive and generalizing lesson on
the topic: “Structure of matter” KR-1 on the topic: “Structure of matter”
5.6 7.8 9.

III. Phone interaction. ( 21h)

10. Mechanical Movement Speed.

11. Calculation of the path
and speed. Problem solving. 12. Inertia. Phone
interaction. Weight. 13. Laboratory work No. 3
"Measurement of body weight on a balance scale"
No. 4 "Measurement of body volume"
14. Density of matter. 15.
Laboratory work No. 5 “Measuring the density of a substance” 16.
Calculating the density, volume and mass of a body 17. Problem solving 18.
General lesson on the topic: “Mechanical movement. Density” 19. ÿÿ-2
“Mechanical movement. Density” 20. Strength. 21. The phenomenon of gravity.
Gravity 22. Laboratory work No. 6 “Determining the center of gravity of a flat plate.

23. Strength of elasticity. Hooke's law. Laboratory work No. 7 “Investigation of the dependence of the
elastic force on the elongation of the spring. Measuring the stiffness of a spring.
24 Body weight. Dynamometer.
25 Laboratory work No. 8 "Calibration of a spring and measurement of forces with a
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26. Force of friction. Measurement of sliding friction force. Laboratory work No. 9
"Investigation of the dependence of the sliding friction force on the force of the normal

27. The resultant of forces 28.

Problem solving: "The resultant of forces" 29.
General lesson on the topic: "Forces of nature" 30.
KR-3 "Forces in nature"

31. Pressure. Ways to change pressure. 32.

Problem solving: Pressure of solids. 33.
Practical work: solid body pressure.
34. Gas pressure. Pascal's law 35.
Pressure in liquid and gas 36.
Problem solving: "Pressure in liquid and gas" 37.
Communicating vessels. 38. Problem solving:
"Communicating vessels" 39. Atmospheric pressure
40. Instruments for measuring pressure 41. Hydraulic
press. Pump. 42 General lesson on the topic:
"Pressure of solids, liquids and gases" 43. Problem
solving: "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases" 44. Test work on the topic:
"Pressure of solids, liquids and gases" 45. Action of liquid and gas on the body
immersed in them. Archimedean force 46. Laboratory work No. 10 "Determining
the buoyant force" Solving problems No. 1: "Archimedean force." 47, 48. Solution
of problems No. 2: “Weight in water”

49. Swimming tel.

50. Laboratory work No. 11 "Clarification of the conditions of navigation
of bodies" 51. Navigation of ships. 52. Aeronautics. 53. Problem
solving: Sailing ships. Aeronautics. 54. General lesson on the topic:
"Archimedean force" 55. Test work on the topic: "Archimedean force"
56. Mechanical work. Power 57. Laboratory work No. 12 “Measuring
work and power with uniform

body movement"

58. Simple mechanisms

59. Moment of force
60. Laboratory work No. 13 "Clarification of the equilibrium condition of the
lever" 61. Application of the equilibrium condition of the lever. 62. Blocks.
63. "Golden" rule of mechanics. efficiency. 64. Laboratory work No. 14
"Determination of the efficiency of an inclined plane." 65. Problem solving:
efficiency. 66. Test work on the topic: "Mechanical work and power." 67.
Energy. Law of energy conservation. 68. Final summary of the material.
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Appendix No. 2 to the work program in physics grade 8 for the basic level 2 hours
per week Thematic planning for grade 8. (68
hours, 2 hours a week). Textbook: Peryshkin A.V.

No. Lesson topic.

Thermal phenomena. 13 hours .
1.1 Thermal movement. Temperature. Thermal equilibrium
2.2 Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways of changing internal
energy. 3.3 Thermal conductivity. 4.4 Convection 5.5 Radiation. 6.6
heat. 8.8
LR 1.heat. 7.7 Problem
"Comparison solving:
of the "Calculation
amounts of the
of heat when amount
water of different temperatures."

9.9 LR 2. "Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid."

10.10 Checking work "Measuring the amount of heat"
11.11 Fuel energy. Specific heat of combustion. 12.12
The law of conservation and transformation of energy into mechanical and thermal
13.13 Test 1 "The heat of combustion of fuel."

Change in the state of aggregation of matter. 10 hours.

14.1 Aggregate states of matter 15.2

Melting and solidification of crystalline bodies. 16.3
Specific heat of fusion. 17.4 Evaporation.

18.5 Boiling. Specific heat of vaporization 19.6 Air

humidity. Psychrometer. L.r.3 “Measurement of relative
air humidity".
20.7 The work of gas and steam during expansion. Internal combustion engines.
21.8 Steam turbine. heat engine efficiency. Fridge. 22.9 RZ. Preparation for control
work. 23.10 K.R. 2 "Change of aggregate states of matter".

electrical phenomena. 26h.

24.1 Electrification of tel. Two kinds of
charges. 25.2 Electroscope. Conductors, semiconductors and non-conductors of
electricity 26.3 Electric field. 27.4 Divisibility of electric charge. Electron. 28.5 The
structure of the atom. Explanation of electrical phenomena 29.6 Test: "Electrification of

30.7 Electric current. Sources of electric current. Electrical circuit . 31.8 Electric
current in metals. Actions of electric current. Direction
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32.9 Current. Units of current. 33.10

Ammeter. Current measurement. LR 4. "Assembly of the electrical circuit and
current measurement.
34.11 Electrical voltage. Voltmeter. LR 5. "Measurement of voltage in various parts of the
electrical circuit."
35.12 Electrical resistance. Resistivity. 36.13 Ohm's law for a section
of an electric circuit 37.14 Problem solving: Ohm's law for a section
of an electric circuit.
38.15 Rheostats. LR 6. "Regulation of the current strength by a rheostat."
39.16 LR 7. "Determination of the resistance of a conductor using an ammeter
and a voltmeter.
40.17 Series connection of conductors. 41.18 Parallel
connection of conductors. 42.19 Problem solving.
"Series and Parallel Connection of Conductors". 43.20 Q.R.5. "Series and Parallel Connection
of Conductors".
44.21 Work and power of electric current 45.22 LR
8. "Measurement of power and work of electric current".
46.23 Joule-Lenz law. 47.24
Application of the thermal effect of electric current. Short circuit. Circuit breakers. 48.25
Semiconductors, electric charge carriers in semiconductors,

semiconductor devices.

49.26 C.R.6 Work and power of electric current

electromagnetic phenomena. 6h. 50.1
Current magnetic field 51.2 Current coil magnetic field. LR 9.
"Assembly of the electromagnet".
52.3 Permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field. 53.4
Action of a magnetic field on a moving charge. 54.5 The
action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. Electrical engine. 55.6 Electric
motor. LR 10. "Study of the DC motor."
Test No. 7

light phenomena. 13h

56.1 Light sources. Spread of light. 57.2 Elements
of geometric optics. Reflection of light. 58.3 L.R.11 "Investigation
of the dependence of the angle of reflection on the angle of incidence."
59.4 Flat mirror. 60.5
Problem solving. 61.6
Refraction of light. 62.7
L.R.12 "Investigation of the dependence of the angle of refraction on the angle of incidence."
63.8 Problem solving.
64.9 Lenses. The optical power of the lens. Focal length of the lens. 65.10
Images given by a lens 66.11 LR 13. "Obtaining an image with lenses."

67.12 Solving problems. The eye as an optical system.

68.13 CG 9 "Phenomena of Light".
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Appendix No. 3 to the work program of the 9th grade in physics for the basic level - 3 hours per

Calendar - thematic planning for 2019/2020

academic year

Lesson topic
No. topic lesson
in No. lesson


1. Safety in the physics classroom (TB). . §1
Material point. Reference system.
Exercise 1

2) 2. Move. Definition §2,3

moving body coordinates. ex. 2.3

3) 3. Uniform rectilinear motion. Speed. § four

Distance traveled.

four) 4. Moving with rectilinear Page 18


5) 5. Graph of the speed of uniform rectilinear exercise 4

motion. Path schedule. Schedule


6) 6. Description of motion on a Synopsis, 1418, 1419

plane. The equation

7) 7. Algorithm for solving problems on
a uniform rectilinear

eight) 8. Average speed with non- Synopsis, 1479,

uniform rectilinear

9) 9. Problem solving: Finding the average 1462-1464

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ten) 10. Relativity of motion §9,

eleven) 11. Galilean transformations. Exercise 9

12) 12. Problem solving: 1497-1501

"Relativity of Motion"

13) 13. K.r. No. 1: Uniform
rectilinear movement.

fourteen) 14. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated § 5,

traffic. Exercise 5

fifteen) 15. Straight line speed / §6

uniformly accelerated movement.
Speed chart. ; Exercise 6

16) 16. Moving in a straight §7

line Ex. 7
uniformly accelerated motion.

17) 17. Movement with § eight

rectilinear uniformly
accelerated motion without initial

eighteen) 18. Laboratory work No. 1 “Research Ex. eight

uniformly accelerated motion

without initial velocity"

. abstract
19) 19. Algorithm for solving problems on
uniformly accelerated rectilinear

twenty) 20. Problem solving: 1464.1467.1471

"Uniformly accelerated motion on a
smooth inclined plane"

21) 21. Problem solving: 1484.1507

"Relativity in uniformly
accelerated motion"

22) 22. Graphical problem solving 1485,1488-1490

"Uniformly accelerated motion"
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23) 23. Test work No. 2


24) 24. Free fall § 13, ex. 13

25) 25. Movement of a body thrown § fourteen,

vertically up

26) 26. Laboratory work No. 2 Ex. fourteen

"The study of free


27) 27. Free fall of bodies at an angle 1634

to the horizon.

28) 28. Free fall of bodies along 1636.1637


29) 29. Inertial reference systems. Newton's § 10,

ex. ten
first law

thirty) 30. Newton's second law § eleven,

ex. eleven

31) 31. Newton's third law § 12 Exercise 12

32) 32. Law of gravity. Gravity. § 15, ex. fifteen

33) 33. Acceleration of free fall on Earth and § 16, ex. 16

other celestial

34) 34. Strength of elasticity. 281-285

35) 35. Problem solving: “The movement of 286-288,1560-1561

bodies under the action of forces of elasticity and

36) 36. Body weight. Weightlessness 289-293


37) 37. Force of friction. Nature and types of forces Page45


38) 38. Algorithm for solving problems: Forces in

39) 39. Movement of bodies in the 495,501,519,524

presence of Archimedean force.
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40) 40. The movement of bodies on an inclined 1534,!5391540,1543


41) 41. Movement of connected bodies. 1553,1555,1580,1584

42) 42. Solution of combined 1575,11576,578,1579,


43) 43. Solution of combined 1581.1585-1587


44) 44. K.r. No. 3: Dynamics

45) 45. Rectilinear and curvilinear § 17,18


46) 46. Problem solving: “Movement along ex. 17.18

circles, movement of bodies on
a rounded surface"

47) 47. Artificial satellites of the Earth § 19, ex. 19

48) 48. Problem Solving: Artificial Earth 1669-1672


49) 49. Body impulse. conservation law § 20, ex. 20(1)


fifty) 50. Algorithm for solving problems on the topic ex. twenty

“Momentum of the body. The Law of (2-4)

Conservation of Momentum.

51) 51. Jet propulsion. rockets § 21, 22 ex. 21

52) 52. Problem solving: “Momentum of the Ex. 22

body. The Law of Conservation of Momentum"

53) 53. Problem Solving: " Change 1683.1684.1707


54) 54. Test work number 4: . Page 95

"Law of Conservation of Momentum"

55) 55. Work. 537,539,542,546,564

56) 56. Power. 562,566,572,575

57) 57. Theorems on the 565,571,573,574

measurement of kinetic and
potential energies
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58) 58. The law of conservation of energy in abstract


59) 59. Problem solving: “Laws 1710-1714

conservation of energy in mechanics"

60) 60. Test work No. 5 “The laws of 1715

conservation of energy in

one) 61. Section 2: Mechanical Section 23

fluctuations. 11 o'clock. ex. 23

oscillatory movement. Free
vibrations. Oscillatory

2) 62. Quantities characterizing the § 24, ex. 24

oscillatory motion

3) 63. Lab #3
"Investigation of the dependence
of the period and frequency of free
oscillations of the mathematical
pendulum from its length"

four) 64. Lab #4 Section 25

"Investigation of the dependence

of the oscillation period of the spring
pendulum from the mass of the load.

5) 65. Conversion of energy during § 26, 27

oscillatory motion. damped ex. 25, 26
vibrations. Forced vibrations.

6) 66. Propagation of vibrations in a Section 28

medium. Waves. Longitudinal

and transverse waves

7) 67. Wavelength. Speed § 29,

wave propagation ex. 27

eight) 68. Sound sources. Sound vibrations §30,31,

ex. 28, 29

9) 69. Distribution of sound. Sound § 32,

ex. thirty
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ten) 70. Reflection of sound. Echo. Principles § 33, 46

Exercise 43
radio communications and television

eleven) 71. Test work number 6 Page 142

"Mechanical vibrations and
waves. Sound"

one) 72. Section 3: Electromagnetic field. 15 § 34 ex. 31

hours. magnetic field and its

graphic image. Heterogeneous

and homogeneous
magnetic fields

2) 73. The direction of the current and the § 35, 36

ex. 32,33
direction of the lines of its magnetic
field. Magnetic field detection.

3) 74. Magnetic field induction. § 37, 38,

magnetic flux. exercise 34, 35

75. Magnetic forces. abstract


5) 76. The phenomenon of § 39.40

electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule.

6) 77. Laboratory work No. 5 "Studying Section 41

the phenomenon of
electromagnetic induction"

7) 78. Self-induction. exercise 37, 38

eight) 79. Receiving and transmitting § 42, ex. 39

alternating electric current.

9) 80. Electromagnetic field. § 43, 44

Electromagnetic waves exercise 40, 41

ten) 81. Capacitor. Energy
electric field

eleven) 82. Oscillatory circuit. § 45 § 46

Electromagnetic vibrations exercise 42

12) 83. Electromagnetic nature of light. Section 47

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13) 84. Law of refraction. Dispersion § 48-50


fourteen) 85. Lab #6 Section 51

"Observation of continuous and

line emission spectra". Absorption
and emission of light by atoms.
Origin of line spectra.

fifteen) 86. Test work No. 7 "Electromagnetic Ex. 44, 45


one) 87. Section 4: The structure of the atom. 13 Section 52


The structure of the

atom. Radioactivity.

2) 88. Radioactive transformations § 53, exercise 46


3) 89. Experimental methods Section 54

particle research

four) 90. Discovery of the proton. Discovery of Section 55

the neutron. Laboratory work No. 7

"Studying the tracks of charged

particles by finished


5) 91. The composition of the atomic nucleus. § 56 Ex. 48

Isotopes. nuclear forces

6) 92. Communication energy. mass defect Section 57

7) 93. Fission of uranium nuclei. chain Section 58

nuclear reaction

eight) 94. Nuclear reactor. Laboratory work No. 8

"Studying the fission of the uranium
nucleus from a photograph of tracks"

9) 95. Energy yield of nuclear reactions §59

ten) 96. Nuclear power Section 60

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eleven) 97. Biological effect of radiation. Section 61

Laboratory work No. 9 "Measurement of

natural background radiation


12) 98. Thermonuclear reaction. Energy . Section 62

sources of the sun and stars.

13) 99. Test work number 8 Page 264

"The structure of the atom and the atomic


Section 5: Structure and evolution of the Universe. 3 hours.

eleven 100. Composition, structure and origin of § 63-65, ex. 49§

the solar system.

2) 101. Structure, radiation and evolution of §66 67,

the Sun and stars.

102. Structure and evolution of

the Universe.

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