Lab Report Analysis: GC MS Analyisis of Olive Oil and Clove Volatile

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Lab report analysis: GC MS Analyisis of Olive oil and Clove volatile

In the globe, scientific experiments help to identify the nature of the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables of any component. In food, chemistry experiments lead to
analysing the information about the chemical composition, quality control and foodstuff
contamination that ensures compliance with trading and laws of food. This is the kind of study
that inherited the analytical, physical biochemical and nutritional aspects of foods. It contains the
technique of food processing. Within the proper analysis and experiment-based tests of food
items, the researcher can develop entire food chemistry. This paper introduces the lab report
analysis of the sampling and Gas chromatography of fatty acids and clove volatile.
The primary aim of this research report is to adapt the scientific interpretation of the fatty acids
and the Clove volatile for the audience. This aimed to provide the relevant information with a
systematic way to exhibit proper analysis for the development of food chemistry. This research
will also lead to the creation of a detailed analytical and graphical presentation of the lab test
results that ensure the proper analysis of Both components. This report will explore and interpret
the data with relevant experiment methods which focused on the scratch of the food chemistry
within understanding the chemical interactions among teh components of foods involving the
extraction, nutrients and future application of it.
Material and methods
In this research, the gas chromatography method is used to analyze the mass spectrometry of
fatty acids and Clove volatiles.
Clove volatile materials and method
In mass spectrometry of clove volatile the clove essential moil is utaken in 1,2mg /ml amount.
For the injection of the liquid 1ul is used and for the SPME analysis sample solution is taken
(Uchôa et al. 2020). Then the internal standards is determined.
Figure 1: SPME extraction diagram
In this GC_MS method the process is followed with some methods. In this, inlet
temperature(220c), volume of injection, injections mode, flow, type of column dim,ensions, oven
program, heating thenn tranmsfering the line and the temparaturter sources, this with the
Parameters of MS and delay of the solvent. In this method detection of parameter is exhibited.
Isolation of oil
The isolation process of clove oil was exhibited by the “steam distillation method”. Clove were
weighed and placed into the distillation flask. It is done in 6 hours. This was distillate and dried
GC MS analysis of Clove volatile
The GC_MS nalysi was created using the Gas chromatograph that is ointerfaced with a
detector”Aglinet Mass spectrometry”. The colum is used “HP-%MS” Capillary collum. Te
tempaertute of oven is increased from 40 to 200 degree per minit. Then it continued to 280
degree temperature (G et al. 2020). The injector nad detector with te temperature of 25o degree.
“Quinakline” was used as te exrernal standard. The chemical properties of clove olil were detr
ijned by comparison the results of chromtiogram and retention of reference by the use of “Wiley
mass spectra library”.
Figure 2: Detection of parameter in Clove volatile analyis
Olive oil materials and method
In GC analysis of Olive oil many of steps rae performed with the SPME-GC method analysis.
The head spce, septu mn and alumminium seals, Gas chromatoigraph, SPME injector, colum of
capillary, fiber, Analytical balance for the accuracy of weighing. Aprt from the instruments the
reagents are also collected . [Reffered to appendix 4]
Figure 3: Chromatograms in analyis of nalayis of Oliveoil
(Source: http//
This process is bcomntinued with creating teh sequence of the GC analysis fopr creating the
curves of calibration. Then the standard solution and preparation of the sample. Then the stock
standard preparation was done (da et al. 2020). Within all the steps it will led to the continue
analysis. This GC SPME method determined the exact analysis of the volatile compound.
The following steps are accordingly performed in the GC -MS analysis of olive oil-
Isolation and extraction of oil from the plants
Oils are extracted and puircghes fro the market. Fixed oill seeds are extracted from the seeds by
extract the excess part.
Preparation of FAME from the olive seed oil
Myrtle esters of olive oil was prepared as the per the method.
GC-MS analysis of Fatty acid methyl esters
In the capillary colum it cpuplesd to the “GCMS-QP2010 ULTRA MS”.
Indentification of physico chemical properties
The ph and teh reflective index of isolated seed oils and the commercial oil that measured in the
normal temperature (Radzimierska et al. 2021).
Activity of “in-vitro anti oxiadnant”
This “in-vitro anti oxidant “ activity is identified by the use of DPPH.
“Cytotoxic: activity of olive oil
Then the cytotoxic active was done with 3 different concentrtions.
Evaluation of antimicrobial activity
In the fixed oils teh activity of antibacterial is identified by teh diffusion method.
Results and Appandices
Tabulation of data
Clove volatile analysis
Liquid injection chromatograms

Figure 4: Clove oil with standard 1

Figure 5: Clove oil with standard injection 2
At first the liquid injection chromatograms is detected. Here the counts versus acquisition time is
analysed. The liquid injection is injected two samples of the clove oil (Boyko et al. 2020). Te
time eis accounted as per the level of the peak. Here teh highest peak is 17.5712 and 17.568.
Mass spectra

Figure 6: Mass spectra

In this mass spectra data for the major 3 peaks in the sanople of clove oil “eugenol standard”.
Here teh red part isnhighligheted as the mass spectrum and teh blue indicated the relevant
reference from databases. [Reffered to appendix 1 and 2]
SPME chromatograms and MS information of 3 major peaks

Figure 7: Major peaks

Here with the detection of major peaks the SPME chromatograms and the information of MS is
analyssed. It has beed seen the highest peak is in first graph it is 9.067 in second graph it is
17.555 (Shukla et al. 2022). This chromatograms led to calculate the the counts of the volatile
compound prent in the clove oil in a particular time. [Reffered to appendix 3]
Olive oil
Figure 8: GC analysis of Olive oil
In the GC analysis of olive oil the peaks are generated by the appropriate process of GC analysis.
It extracted the peaks (Revelou et al. 2021) . in the GC analkysi of FAME aalso the peaks are

Figure 9: GC analysis result

The peak time is selected from the range of 1 to 24 te retention times are also alalysed as per the
parks from 2 to 48. I the GC analysis of FAME the peaks are selected from 1 to 33 and the
retention Peak area are determined.
Figure 10: GC analysis (duplicate)

Figure 11: GC analysis result (duplicate)

Here the duplicate GC analysis is provided for the another expmale of the GC analysis of the
Clove volatile. The Interpreation of the data are done as per the method of Gas-chromatography.
The gas chromatography method is utlized the plotting of teh graphs accurately.
GC-FID analysis of fatty acids
GC analysis opf Fatty acid
Esterification of triglycerides is the first step in the whole process of fatty acid methyl ester
FAME)’ analysis, which also involves injecting, separating, identifying, and quantifying the
FAMEs. Every one of these stages needs to be adjusted for the desired accuracy and precision to
be obtained. Lipids can be esterified using a variety of chemicals through base- or acid-catalyzed
processes (Cecchi et al. 2020). Those chemicals' benefits and drawbacks are described. Sample
introduction is the most important stage in the “gas chromatographic” analysis of FAMEs. The
most popular method for analysing FAMEs, the conventional split infusion approach, may have
the drawback of sample selectivity that is reliant on boiling temperature.

Figure 12: GC analysis of FAME

Figure 13 : Tabulation of GC of FAME

In the tabluation of the FAME the the relative proportions of teh each FAME is included. The
saturated fat in the olive oil are requiredc to be 14 percent of entire amnount of calories. The
monosatuarated fat need to be 73 percent approx of tortal amount of calories. The PUFA need to
be 11 percent of total calories (Kaur et al. 2019). The ratio are suggested as 1.0 to 1.5 for MUFA
and PUFA. teh PI value is required as the 80 to 90.

Figure 14 : ECL graph for FAME

The effective chain length of Fame is exhibited that plotted the “saturated FAME CN vs.
Retention Time.
The identification of FAME by the GC m,ethod is one of teh most common analysis in teh
resrach of lipid. The quantification of FAME by the Gas chromatography method with teh FID
has affecrtively performed in some of time. Here the detcetion withnthe MS has createcv for the
qualitative analysis. Thye sensitivity and the selectivity of the methods adhered to the
quantitative role of GC (Olmo et al. 2019). There are lots of factor that affecting the separation
in the GC m,ethjod. This involves the type of the colum and the cinectration of teh sample,
temperature of teh oven and the flowing rate of the gas. Here it can be minimizes the possibuility
of the active samples from adsorving on the sites of active. It also requirec teh excat
temp[arature teh polaruity of teh components.
The assumption of the relative proportions are as per the duplicate sample analysis provided in
result part (Da et al. 2019). The olive oil contains 100 percent of fat. The assumptions are based
on the further analysis of the method.
GC-MS analysis of CLOVE volatile
In the GC analysis of Clove the obswravtion is created for the “fibre selectivity”. In this process
teh volatile form of teh fiber is need to observed(Dafaalla, 2022). This is used in the headspace
of this analysis. The optimized fiber is selected with several coating that involves the largest
peaks in it. The “equillibium” condition among the sample in teh coating of the fibre bwas
provided in high temperature.

Figure 16: n-alkanes(C8-C18)

Here the alkene retention data is used in plottng of these graphs. It calculated the 10 peaks in teh
gas chromatography analysis. From the above graph it is seen that the highestr peak is in the
20.777 and the owest peak is 4.262. From the sample of C8 to C18 the graphs arfe plotted as per
the aqusted time.

Figure 17: Chromatogram result

In the result of Chromatogram the highest peak is in the 9.067 and the lowest peak is denoted as
5.418. As per this interpreation the result might be mostly correct. Beacuse the peaks are
showing both highest and kowest peaks for the volatile compounds. Yes the calculated I values
are agree as of the I values in the NIST library.
Yes the library idenbtification is relevant for the identification of volatile compund in the

Figure 18: Eugenol in headspace of clove

In the clove head space the Eugenol compound is the main which is identified in this GC
In VOC composition of the sample SPME offers the significant advantage that cvretae the
method more faster . here biological sample processing is not required. Parameters of
supplementary is revealed. Analysis of teh compounds ccan be stated with teh GC_MS analysis
of clove.
MS or Mass sprectra is needed for this analysis that determined the 3 major of peaks in teh
sample of clove oil. This also for the standard of the eugeonol.
Therefore to conclude, the entire research is focused on excreating the lab report analysis of GC-
MS of Clove volatile andthe olive oil. In this resrach scientific interpretation is done as per the
nalyais of the volatile compounds in the different sanmples. The different plotting of grpjhs and
the vast analysis with results led to create the postive pathway for non scientific audience. This
partuicular experiment report will able to provide the interrelated way in food industry with the
different stakeholders and market. . this resrach can be helpful to the food industry for
developing the quality of the food items in future. This research can be exhibit the clear
understanding and the knowledge of the Gaschromatography and mass spectra method for
analysisng the food items. It able to produce wider pathway for the furtture resarcher to create a
more depth study and accuracy in result in any components. This can open up a innovative path
for the food industry. As of the self opinion it can be done in more focusing on the interpretation
of the data for making more more efefctive experiment on these Clove nad olive oil. Part from
this this will have the great chances for the future development on food compounds.
Reference list
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:
Appendix 4:


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