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5-HT7 Receptors and Tryptophan Hydroxylase in Lymphocytes of Rats:

Mitogen Activation, Physical Restraint or Treatment with Reserpine

Article  in  NeuroImmunoModulation · March 2014

DOI: 10.1159/000357148 · Source: PubMed


18 135

3 authors, including:

Ruben Arroyo Olarte Lucimey Lima Perez

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute Rural Health Tasmania


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Original Paper

Neuroimmunomodulation 2014;21:240–249 Received: August 16, 2013

Accepted after revision: November 6, 2013
DOI: 10.1159/000357148
Published online: March 1, 2014

5-HT7 Receptors and Tryptophan Hydroxylase

in Lymphoctytes of Rats: Mitogen Activation,
Physical Restraint or Treatment with Reserpine
Mary Urbina Rubén Arroyo Lucimey Lima 
Laboratorio de Neuroquímica, Centro de Biofísica y Bioquímica, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones
Científicas (IVIC), Caracas, Venezuela

Key Words ∼5% of CD8+ cells from control rats. CD4+ decreased, and
Lymphocytes · Serotonin 5-HT7 receptors · Stress · CD8+ and 5-HT7 cells increased after physical restraint. Re-
Tryptophan hydroxylase serpine treatment elevated CD8+ and 5-HT7 cells. Con A and
physical restraint, but not reserpine treatment, significantly
augmented 5-HT7 receptor mRNA in lymphocytes. Conclu-
Abstract sions: Rat lymphocytes, expressing tryptophan hydroxylase,
Objectives: Serotonin (5-HT)7 receptors in lymphocytes play could synthesize 5-HT, functioning as a direct autocrine
a relevant role as modulators of T cell functions and might modulator. The modifications of CD4+, CD8+ and 5-HT7 re-
be modified by stress protocols. The aims of this work were ceptors in lymphocytes by three stress protocols could have
to evaluate: (i) the presence of 5-HT7 receptors in specific an impact on immune responses. In addition, the differential
lymphocyte populations, (ii) the probable modifications of distribution of 5-HT7 receptors indicates potential specific
them by inflammatory stress with mitogen and (iii) the ef- physiopathological roles. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
fects of physical and pharmacological stress. Methods: Blood
lymphocytes were isolated by density gradients and differ-
ential adhesion to plastic. Concanavalin A (Con A) was sys-
temically administered (500 μg/kg) or added to lymphocyte Introduction
cultures (2.5 μg/ml, final volume 200 μl). Physical restraint
was performed in Plexiglass boxes for 5 h per day for 5 days. Monoamines are known regulators of the immune
Reserpine administration was 2.5 mg/kg for 3 days. Immuno- system [1, 2]. In addition, serotonin (5-HT)1A receptors
cytochemical labeling of CD4+, CD8+ and 5-HT7 receptors, in lymphocytes are modified by stress protocols, such as
and also tryptophan hydroxylase cells was performed. mRNA physical restraint, or by mitogen activation [3, 4] and re-
of 5-HT7 receptors was evaluated by RT-PCR. Controls were serpine treatment [4]. For instance concanavalin A (Con
included for each protocol. Results: Con A treatment or cul- A) increases 5-HT1A receptors in lymphocytes [3] and af-
ture exposure increased the number of lymphocytes ex- fects the effect of fluoxetine on proliferation [4]. Reser-
pressing 5-HT7 receptors or tryptophan hydroxylase, as com- pine, acting on the sympathetic system as an inhibitor of
pared to absence of the mitogen. Receptors were present in vesicular transport of monoamines, constitutes a docu-
12–16% of total rat lymphocytes, in ∼10% of CD4+ and in mented pharmacological stress [5] and alters the 5-HT - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
Humbold-Universität zu Berlin

© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Lucimey Lima

1021–7401/14/0215–0240$39.50/0 Laboratorio de Neuroquímica, Centro de Biofísica y Bioquímica
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Altos de Pipe
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Carretera Panamericana Km 11, Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020A (Venezuela)
E-Mail lucimeylima @
transporter in lymphocytes [6]. Thus, this evidence stim- rogen); Chlorophorm GR (from EM Science); reverse transcrip-
ulates the exploration of other 5-HT receptors involved tion system and primers for β-actin (from Promega); primers for
5-HT7 receptors (from Eurogentech); agarose low electroendos-
in basic lymphocyte physiopathology by its presence and mosis (from Scietrade); diethyl-piro-carbamato (DEPC; from Cal-
its susceptibility to stimulus, such as inflammatory, phys- biochem); refrigerated centrifuge Evolution RC (from Sorvall);
ical or pharmacological stress. table centrifuge with basculant rotor (from Damon/IEC Division);
5-HT7 metabotropic receptors, which are coupled to incubator 4200 (from Napco); a fluorescence microscope with dif-
adenylate cyclase, have been cloned by different groups, ferential interference contrast Eclipse 600 (from Nikon); Minicy-
clerTM (from MJ Research), and GelDoc 2000TM and electrophore-
and present a homology between species greater than sis camera SubCell-GT (both from BioRad). Histopaque 1077, eth-
90% [7–10]. In the central nervous system, 5-HT7 recep- ylendiaminotetracetic acid (EDTA), reserpine, Con A IV grade,
tors are involved in frontal-like cognitive disturbance Trizma base, Roswell Park Medical Institute (RPMI) 1640 medi-
[11, 12] since antagonists enhance procognitive efficacy. um, gentamicin, L-glutamine, bovine serum albumin (BSA), fetal
In addition, 5-HT7 receptor antagonists may function as calf serum (FCS; with levels of 5-HT in a very low nanomolar
range, less than 0.2 ng per well), [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
analgesics in nerve injury pain states [13]. On the other diphenyltetrazolium bromide] (MTT) were all supplied by Sigma.
hand, agonists possess analgesic properties in neuropath- Diethyl ether, isopropyl alcohol, sodium chloride and other salts
ic pain [14]. Moreover, these receptors are related to were obtained from Merck. All antibodies were purchased from
memory consolidation [15], cognitive deficits, anxiety Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc. Other general chemicals were ac-
and depression [16]. In the periphery, 5-HT7 receptors quired from Sigma.
regulate cardiovascular function in relation to their role Animals and Treatments
on vasopressin release [17], and are involved in the patho- Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250 ± 40 g) were obtained from the
genesis of irritable bowel syndrome [18]. 5-HT7 receptor Animal House of our institute (IVIC). The rats were housed, 1 per
mRNA is expressed in spleen, thymus and peripheral cage, in a room controlled for temperature, humidity and lighting
blood lymphocytes of rat and rhesus monkeys, resting or (12 h/12 h) for at least 72 h prior to the experiments. Food and
water were available ad libitum. The treatments involved admin-
activated, and human activated peripheral blood mono- istration of a T cell mitogen as an inflammatory stress, as well as
nuclear cells [19]. two other protocols of stress, one physical and one pharmacologi-
The effects of 5-HT on monocyte apoptosis seems to cal. Controls, according to each protocol, either received vehicle or
be mediated through 5-HT1 or 5-HT7 receptors, which were not restrained. Con A (0.5 mg/ml), was prepared in a phos-
produce phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulat- phate-buffered saline (PBS; all measurements in mM: 137.9 of
NaCl, 0.9 of KCl, 1.15 of KH2PO4, 8.06 of Na2HPO4; pH 7.4) and
ed kinase 1/2, ERK1/2 [20]. Complex signaling has been i.p. injections were done on 2 consecutive days, 500 μg/kg (200–
shown in T lymphocytes, including ERK1/2 and κBα, me- 300 μl), between 08.00 and 09.30 h [3]. The rats were physically
diated by endogenous 5-HT as an intrinsic cofactor in the restricted in a different room in individual ventilated Plexiglass
activation of these cells [21]. However, the main route of boxes, 16 × 7 × 6 cm, adjustable for length to 9, 11 or 14 cm, for 5 h
second messenger production by 5-HT7 receptors is me- per day between 09.00 and 14.00 h for 5 days [4, 5]. Reserpine was
injected i.p., 2.5 mg/kg daily for 3 consecutive days in 200–300 μl
diated through Gs proteins with a corresponding increase of 0.5% methylcellulose [23]. The rats were anesthetized with ether
in cAMP [22]. Thus, based on quoted reports and since and blood samples were taken by intracardial puncture 24 h after
5-HT7 receptors are expressed in lymphocytes and mod- the last intervention.
ulated by glucocorticoids, the aims of this study were to:
(i) evaluate the presence of 5-HT7 receptors in T lympho- Isolation of Lymphocytes from Rat Blood
Blood was placed in tubes with heparin, 20 IU/ml, or 10% w/v
cytes, (ii) study the effect of activation with Con A, phys- EDTA. After centrifugation at 1,000 rpm at room temperature for
ical restraint and treatment with reserpine, and (iii) en- 10 min, plasma was separated and white layers plus some red
hance the role of 5-HT as an autocrine modulator by blood cells were diluted up to 12 ml with PBS in another tube.
showing the presence of the synthetic enzyme tryptophan Then, 6 ml of cell preparation were carefully placed in 3 ml of
hydroxylase. LymphoprepTM followed by centrifugation at 145 g for 30 min.
Mononuclear blood cells were collected, washed twice with PBS
and centrifuged at 580 g for 10 min. In order to eliminate adher-
ent cells (monocytes/macrophages), cell suspensions were placed
Materials and Methods into culture flasks with 5 ml of RPMI with gentamicin (100 μg/
ml), L-glutamine (2 mM) and 10% FCS. Incubation was done at
Chemicals and Equipment room temperature for 1 h. Nonadherent cells (∼90%) were taken,
The following chemicals and equipment were used in this washed with PBS and separated by centrifuge at 145 g for 10 min
study: LymphoprepTM (from Nycomed); sodium heparin (from and suspended in culture medium. Cells were used for culture,
Biogalenic); TRIzol reagent, deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate immunocytochemistry and extraction of RNA. Membrane integ-
mix (DNTP) and platinum Taq DNA polymerase (all from Invit- rity membrane was evaluated by exclusion of Trypan blue (>96%). - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
Humbold-Universität zu Berlin

Mitogen, Stress and Lymphocyte 5-HT7 Neuroimmunomodulation 2014;21:240–249 241

Receptors DOI: 10.1159/000357148
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According to previous results from the laboratory more blood gation was performed at 12,000 g at 4 ° C for 20 min. The pellet of    

was obtained by cardiac puncture and each measurement corre- RNA was suspended in 1 ml of 75% ethanol in 0.1% DEPC deion-
sponded to 1 rat [3]. ized water. After mild mixing in a vortex for 15–30 s, centrifugation
was performed at 7,500 g at 4 ° C for 5 min. This procedure was re-

Culture and Evaluation of Proliferation in the Absence and in peated, the tubes were dried for 10 min and the RNA was suspend-
the Presence of Con A ed in 15–20 μl of DEPC water using a pipette. Samples were incu-
In an incubator, lymphocytes were cultured in 96-well, con- bated at 55 ° C for 10 min and rapidly centrifuged. For quantifying

cave-bottomed dishes, in RPMI medium with 10% FCS, 0.1% gen- RNA, 330 μl of DEPC water was added to each well of a dish plus
tamicin and 0.2% sodium bicarbonate, pH 7.4, for 72 h at 37 ° C     20 μl of the sample, and absorbance was measured at 260 and
with 5% CO2. Con A (2.5 μg/ml) [3, 24] was added to some of the 280 nm. The amount of RNA was calculated according to Beer-
wells. Aliquots of cells were separated before plating for immuno- Lambert law, and the ratio of A260/A280 >1.8 indicated the purity.
chemical labeling. Proliferation was measured with MTT [25]. The integrity of RNA was verified by electrophoresis in 1.2% aga-
MTT was prepared in PBS (5 mg/ml), 20 μl were added to each well rose gel in Tris/borate/EDTA buffer, pH 8, giving two bands of
and incubation was done for 3 h at 37 ° C. Next, 100 μl of solution
    ribosomal RNA: 28S (4.8 kb) and 18S (1.87 kb). Genomic DNA
and 100 μl of 0.04 N HCl in isopropanol were mixed and read in a bands of high molecular weight were not observed. Linearity of
GENios lector (Tecan) at 570 nm using the Megallan program. β-actin was obtained with increasing concentrations, and also be-
Controls were done for each type of experiment. tween relative units, in 3% agarose gels (R = 0.99) and 5-HT7 recep-
tors (R = 0.97) up to 35 cycles (data not shown).
Immunochemical Localization of 5-HT7 Receptors in
Subpopulations of T Lymphocytes and the Presence of Treatment with DNase I
Tryptophan Hydroxylase Total RNA, 2 μg, were diluted in 16 μl of DEPC water, plus 4 μl
Cells (∼500,000), fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde in PBS for of DNase RQ1 free of RNases in buffer for DNase (10×). Incuba-
1 h, washed with PBS and centrifuged, were plated on poly-L-ly- tion was done at 37 ° C for 30 min and the reaction was stopped

sine-coated slides. After drying they were covered with 0.3% Tri- with the addition of 2 μl of 20 mM EGTA, followed by incubation
ton X-100 in PBS for 20 min at room temperature, followed by at 65 ° C for 10 min for inactivation of the enzyme. This treatment

incubation with 5% BSA for 30 min. Three washes were performed. eliminated all residual genomic DNA.
In order to enhance the signal, incubation was done with two poly-
clonal goat antibodies, one directed to the amino terminal and the Synthesis of Complementary DNA
other to the carboxyl terminal of the receptor, from a preparation A reverse transcriptase system was employed to obtain cDNA.
of the IgGs of 200 μg/ml at a dilution of 1:25. For labeling, CD4+ Total RNA (1 μg) was placed in the following mix: 2 μl of reverse
or CD8+ lymphocyte mice monoclonal antibodies were used, 100 transcriptase buffer (10×), 2 μl of 10 mM dNTPs equimolar solution,
μg/ml at a dilution of 1:20. In both case incubation was done for 0.5 ml of RNasin, 15 U of AMV reverse transcriptase and 0.5 μg of
1 h at room temperature. Controls were incubated with 1% BSA in oligo(dT)15. A final volume of 20 μl was reached with DEPC water.
PBS. Anti-goat IgG was conjugated with fluorescein isothicianate Incubation was carried out at 42 ° C for 1 h, followed by heating at

(FITC; 1:25) for 5HT7 receptors, and with anti-mouse IgG conju- 99 ° C for 5 min for inactivation of the reverse transcriptase.

gated to rhodamine (1: 40), either for CD4+ or for CD8+ cells.
Slides were washed with PBS, dried and covered with Immuno- Polymerase Chain Reaction
MountTM. The observation was done using a Nikon fluorescence Primers for rat 5-HT7 receptors (GenBank No. L19654)
microscope, 490 nm for FITC and 546 nm for rhodamine. The cells were: sense 5′-AGGATTTTGGCTACACGATC-3′, and antisense
(n = 300–600) were counted and expressed as a percentage of the 5′-GAGGAAAAACGGCAGCCAGCA-3′. Negative controls were
total lymphocytes for 5-HT7 receptors, CD4+ or CD8+. The per- done with total RNA to ensure avoidance of genomic contamina-
centage of 5-HT7 receptor-positive cells was determined in CD4+ tion. Positive controls were done with total RNA from the prefron-
and CD8+ lymphocytes. Two goat antibodies (1:100) against tryp- tal cortex of rats. β-Actin constitutive gene was used as an internal
tophan hydroxylase were used, one directed to internal and the standard with the primers: sense 5′-TCATGAAGTGTGACGTT-
other to external domains of the enzyme. After washing with PBS, GACATCCGT-3′, and antisense 5′-CTTAGAAGCATTTGCG-
incubation took place at 4 ° C overnight, and anti-goat IgG conju-
    GTGCACGATG-3′. The coamplification of 5-HT7 receptors and
gated with FITC was used as a second antibody. All were basically β-actin performed with various numbers of cycles was exponen-
done according to Fazzino et al. [26]. tial. For all experimental groups RT-PCR was done in a final vol-
ume of 25 μl: 1.8 μl of cDNA, buffer for PCR (1.2×), 2.36 mM of
Extraction of RNA from Lymphocytes of Rat Blood MgCl2, 200 μM of DNTPs, 500 nM of primers for 5-HT7 receptors
RNA extraction was modified from the method used by Chom- and 100 nM of primers for β-actin. The incubation was as follows:
czynski and Sacchi [27]. The pellet of cells was homogenized in new 94 ° C for 2 min; 33 cycles at 94 ° C for 30 s, at 55 ° C for 30 s and at

sterilized plastic tubes of 1.5 ml (Eppendorf) with TRIzol, 1 ml per 72 ° C for 1 min; 72 ° C for 5 min. Fragments were visualized in 3%

107 cells, and kept at –80 ° C. Samples were placed at room tem-
    agarose gels in buffer TBE (1×) and 0.0001% ethidium bromide.
perature for 15 min. Then 0.2 ml of chloroform were added to each The product of RT-PCR, 12 μl plus 2.2 μl of charge buffer (6×) were
ml of TRIzol, followed by vigorous agitation for 30 s and standing placed in the gel. The run was done at 120 V (9 V/cm) for 1 h. Im-
for 10 min prior to centrifugation at 12,000 g at 4 ° C for 20 min.
    ages were taken for densitometry analysis with Quantity One soft-
From the three phases formed, the aqueous phase was transferred ware, v.4.2.0. The relative levels of mRNA are expressed as densi-
to a tube, 0.5 ml of isopropyl alcohol was added per milliliter of tometry intensities of the corresponding bands for the receptors
TRIzol, the tubes were kept on the bench for 15 min and centrifu- divided by those of β-actin. - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
Humbold-Universität zu Berlin

242 Neuroimmunomodulation 2014;21:240–249 Urbina/Arroyo/Lima

DOI: 10.1159/000357148
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Effect of in vivo Treatment with Con A on CD4, CD8
Control and 5-HT7 Receptor-Expressing Cells
Con A in vitro
50 The percentages of CD4+ lymphocytes were 53 and
Fluorescent cells (%)

48% in control and Con A-treated rats, respectively,

40 a
which corresponded to a significant difference. The treat-
30 a ment significantly elevated the number of 5-HT7-positive
cells from 14 to 23%. Of the total cells, 13% were positive
20 a, c a, c
for CD4 and 5-HT7 receptors, and Con A administration
10 b b
significantly increased this to 20%. Of all CD4+ lympho-
cytes, 27% expressed 5-HT7 receptors, which was signifi-
0 cantly elevated to 43% by Con A treatment (fig. 3a). There
CD4 CD8 5HT7 CD4-5HT7 CD8-5HT7
was a significant increase of CD8+ lymphocytes following
Con A, rising from 32 to 42%, and also of cells expressing
Fig. 1. Percentage of CD4+, CD8+ and 5HT7 receptor-positive lym- 5-HT7 receptors, increasing from 12 to 17% (fig. 3b).
phocytes, the coexistence of these markers and the effect of Con A
(2.5 μg/ml) in vitro. Cultures were performed for 72 h at 37 ° C with    

5% CO2. Total cells were counted as >300 and specific labeling was CD4, CD8 and 5-HT7 Receptor-Expressing Cells after
detected. For CD4+ or CD8+ cells, the total number of cells corre- Physical Restriction
sponded with total CD4+ or CD8+, respectively. n = 6; a p < 0.05 vs. There was a significant reduction in the CD4+ lym-
control; b p < 0.05 vs. CD4 or CD8; c p < 0.05 vs. 5HT7. phocytes of physically restrained rats from 48 to 41%, and
an increase of 5-HT7 receptor-expressing cells from 10 to
Statistical Analysis
20%. The presence of 5-HT7 receptors calculated from the
Results are expressed as the mean ± standard error of the mean total of CD4+ cells was higher after physical restriction,
(SEM). The percentage of labeled cells was calculated by counting increasing from 17 to 35% (fig. 4a). CD8+ lymphocytes
the total cells or specific populations, with more than 300 for each and 5HT7 receptor cells increased from 24 to 34%, and
condition. One-way analysis of variance, ANOVA, was performed CD4+ lymphocytes increased from 11 to 28%. A higher
and p values were corrected by Tukey’s post hoc test. Statistical
significance was considered with p < 0.05. The program used was
number of cells with 5-HT7 receptors and CD8+ were ob-
GraphPad InStat 3. served after physical restraint when considering both to-
tal cells (6–12%) and CD8+ (24–35%; fig. 4b).

CD4, CD8 and 5HT7 Receptor-Expressing Cells after

Results Reserpine Administration
Reserpine treatment did not significantly affect the
CD4, CD8, 5-HT7 Receptors and Tryptophan percentage of CD4+ lymphocytes but did produce a sig-
Hydroxylase-Expressing Cells in the Absence and in nificant elevation of 5-HT7 receptor cells from 11 to 17%.
the Presence of Con A in vitro When the percentage of both cells was determined over
The presence of Con A significantly increased prolif- the total cells, an increase from 9 to 13% was observed for
eration (by about 60%) in all cultures. CD4+ cells corre- 5-HT7 receptor cells, and from 20 to 32% for CD4+ lym-
sponded to 39 and 36% in the absence and in the presence phocytes (fig. 5a). CD8+ cells were increased by the treat-
of Con A, respectively. For CD8+ lymphocytes, there was ment from 27 to 34%, and 5-HT7 receptor cells rose from
a significant elevation from 22% in the absence and 34% 9 to 19%. There were also increases in the coexistence of
in the presence of Con A. 5-HT7 receptors were present CD8 and 5-HT7 receptors from total cells, from 6 to 13%,
in 9% of all cells, and in 26% of those cultured in the pres- and CD8+, from 20 to 37% (fig. 5b).
ence of Con A. Six percent of CD4+ lymphocytes ex-
pressed 5HT7 receptors, and in the presence of Con A mRNA of 5-HT7 Receptors in Lymphocytes after
there was a significant increase to 14%. CD8+ lympho- Con A Administration, or Physical Restriction and
cytes expressed 5-HT7 receptors in 4%, and Con A sig- Reserpine Treatment to Rats
nificantly augmented the percentage of 5-HT7-positive The number of cycles was standardized to 33 for 5HT7
cells to 15% (fig.  1). Tryptophan hydroxylase-positive receptors, β-actin and the rest of the experiments, as in-
cells rose from 12 to 18% in the absence of Con A, and dicated in Materials and Methods. The administration of
from 52 to 68% in the presence of Con A (fig. 2). Con A and physical restriction produced an elevation of - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
Humbold-Universität zu Berlin

Mitogen, Stress and Lymphocyte 5-HT7 Neuroimmunomodulation 2014;21:240–249 243

Receptors DOI: 10.1159/000357148
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10 μm

10 μm 10 μm

a With Con A Without Con A

b With Con A Without Con A

Fig. 2. a Corresponding light microscopy

images of each immunocytochemistry re- 70
sult for detecting tryptophan hydroxylase- 60
positive lymphocytes in enriched prepara- 50
tions (>90% CD4+ and CD8+). b Images of 40
fluorescence marking with primary and 30
secondary antibody conjugated with FITC 20
in negative controls, in the absence and 10
presence of Con A, as indicated in Materi- 0
als and Methods. c Percentage of positive Without With
cells for tryptophan hydroxylase without c Con A Con A
and with Con A. p < 0.05. - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
Humbold-Universität zu Berlin

244 Neuroimmunomodulation 2014;21:240–249 Urbina/Arroyo/Lima

DOI: 10.1159/000357148
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60 60
Control Control
a Con A in vivo Con A in vivo
50 a, c 50
Fluorescent cells (%)

Fluorescent cells (%)

40 40

30 c 30 a, c
a, b c
20 20 a
a, b
10 10 b

0 0
a CD4 5HT7 CD4-5HT7 CD4-5HT7/CD4 b CD8 5HT7 CD8-5HT7 CD8-5HT7/CD8

Fig. 3. Percentage of CD4+ and 5HT7 receptor-positive lympho- counted as >300 and specific labeling was detected. For CD4+ or
cytes and the coexistence of these markers (a), and CD8+ and CD8+ cells, the total number of cells corresponded with total
5HT7 receptor-positive lymphocytes, and coexistence of these CD4+ or CD8+, respectively. n = 6; a p < 0.05 vs. control; b p < 0.05
markers (b). Effect of Con A in vivo (500 μg/kg i.p. for 2 consecu- vs. CD4 or CD8; c p < 0.05 vs. CD4-5HT7 or CD8-5-HT7.
tive days, with blood obtained on the third day). Total cells were

60 60
Control Control
Physical restriction Physical restriction
50 50
Fluorescent cells (%)

Fluorescent cells (%)

40 a, c 40 c

30 30 a
a c
20 a, b 20
a, b
10 10 b

0 0
a CD4 5HT7 CD4-5HT7 CD4-5HT7/CD4 b CD8 5HT7 CD8-5HT7 CD8-5HT7/CD8

Fig. 4. Effect of physical restriction (5 h daily for 5 days, with blood >300 and specific labeling was detected. For CD4+ or CD8+ cells,
obtained on the 6th day) on the percentage of CD4+ and 5HT7 the total number of cells corresponded with total CD4+ or CD8+,
receptor-positive lymphocytes, and the coexistence of these mark- respectively. n = 6; a p < 0.05 vs. control; b p < 0.05 vs. CD4 or CD8;
c p < 0.05 vs. CD4-5HT or CD8-5-HT .
ers (a), and CD8+ and 5HT7 receptor-positive lymphocytes, and 7 7
the coexistence of these markers (b). Total cells were counted as

the relative mRNA concentration of 5-HT7 receptors in brain, pain, memory and impulsivity testing, among oth-
lymphocytes, which was not observed in reserpine-treat- ers [12–14, 17, 21]. However, little has been done in the
ed rats (fig. 6, 7). immune system.
The concentration of Con A used in the cultures sig-
nificantly increased proliferation as previously described
Discussion [28, 29]. Con A-mediated proliferation of rat blood lym-
phocytes is inhibited by antagonism of 5-HT1A receptors,
5-HT7 receptors have previously been studied in the but it is not further elevated by agonists of this receptor
central nervous system using genetic, behavioral and [29], and Con A activation of spleen CD4+ and CD8+ T
pharmacological strategies and have been involved in cells after 5-HT depletion is increased by 5-HT2A receptor
sleep, mood, anxiety, thermoregulation, electricity of the agonists [30]. The culture of lymphocytes in the presence - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
Humbold-Universität zu Berlin

Mitogen, Stress and Lymphocyte 5-HT7 Neuroimmunomodulation 2014;21:240–249 245

Receptors DOI: 10.1159/000357148
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60 60
Control Control
Reserpine Reserpine
50 50
Fluorescent cells (%)

Fluorescent cells (%)

a, c
40 40 a
a, c

30 30
c c
20 a 20
a, b a, b
10 10 b

0 0
a CD4 5HT7 CD4-5HT7 CD4-5HT7/CD4 b CD8 5HT7 CD8-5HT7 CD8-5HT7/CD8

Fig. 5. Effect of treatment with reserpine (2.5 mg/kg for 3 days, counted as >300 and specific labeling was detected. For CD4+ or
with blood obtained on the 4th day) on the percentage of CD4+ CD8+ cells, the total number of cells corresponded with total
and 5HT7 receptor-positive lymphocytes, and the coexistence of CD4+ or CD8+, respectively. n = 6; a p < 0.05 vs. control; b p < 0.05
these markers (a), and CD8+ and 5HT7 receptor-positive lympho- vs. CD4 or CD8; c p < 0.05 vs. CD4-5HT7 or CD8-5-HT7.
cytes, and the coexistence of these markers (b). Total cells were

Control Con A 1.2 D


Fig. 6. Agarose gel (3%) of representative
5HT7 0.4
samples of DNA in control and Con A-
treated rats expressing 5-HT7 receptors in DŽDFWLQ 0.2
lymphocytes and β-actin (a) as constitutive 0
standard for semi-quantities of mRNA for a b &RQWURO &RQ$
the receptor (b). a p < 0.05 vs. control.

of Con A increased the number of cells presenting 5-HT7 Immobilization stress, 1 h daily for 7 days, significant-
receptors or tryptophan hydroxylase, indicating enhanced ly increases the capacity of 5-HT1A receptors in lympho-
5-HT transmission produced by lymphocyte activation. cytes [3] and physical restriction, 5 h daily for 5 days, el-
5-HT7 expression was augmented in CD4+ and CD8+ evates the sensitivity of 5-HT1A [4]. Restraint-produced
lymphocytes. The in vivo administration of lipopolysac- impairment of the extra-dimensional set-shifting (a cog-
charide or Con A augment the number of 5-HT1A recep- nitive task presenting more than one stimuli in which the
tors labelled with [3H]8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) subject must choose one according to relevant rules) abil-
teralin in lymphocyte membranes [3], and several mito- ity is reversed by the antagonist of the 5-HT7 receptor SB-
gens, including lipopolysaccharide and Con A, have been 269970, which improves extra-dimensional performance
shown to induce 5-HT1A receptor mRNA [31]. As shown in unstressed rats [11]. Interestingly, corticosterone up-
in figure 2, in vivo administration of Con A also increased regulates 5-HT7 receptor mRNA in primary hippocampal
the number of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes expressing cultures [31]. The increase in the number of lymphocytes
5-HT7 receptors. mRNAs of 5-HT1B, 5-HT1F, 5-HT2A, expressing 5-HT7 receptors by physical restriction could
5-HT2B, 5-HT6 and 5-HT7 present in isolated spleen cells be the result of elevation of corticosterone due to stress.
are elevated by Con A and pokeweed mitogen, and addi- On the other hand, dexamethasone produces a significant
tionally express 5-HT3 receptors [18]. No previous report reduction in 5-HT7 receptor mRNA in frontocortical as-
has been published concerning the differential presence of trocytes [32]. Modifications in the percentages of CD4+
5-HT7 receptors in a subpopulation of lymphocytes. and CD8+ were also observed, indicating modification of - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
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246 Neuroimmunomodulation 2014;21:240–249 Urbina/Arroyo/Lima

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Control Physical restriction D



Control Reserpine



5HT7 0.2


Fig. 7. Agarose gel (3%) of representative samples of DNA in control and physical restricted rats (a) or reserpine-
treated rats (c) expressing 5-HT7 receptors in lymphocytes and β-actin as constitutive standard for semi-quanti-
ties of mRNA for the receptor (b, d). a p < 0.05 vs. control.

immune function by physical restriction. Dysregulation evation of 5-HT7 receptors could contribute to the bal-
of T cell pathways and interplay could be significant in the ance with 5-HT1A receptors, which augment proliferation
pathophysiology of stress and consequent alterations by decreasing cAMP, while 5-HT7 receptors decrease
leading to autoimmunity. cAMP, and could then be a regulatory process in order to
Autoradiography with of [3H]carboxamidotriptamine maintain the function of lymphocytes.
and in situ hybridization, as well as expression, revealed The elevation of mRNA for these receptors after phys-
concordance for 5-HT7 receptors in rat and guinea pig ical restraint is in accordance to the elevation in the num-
brains [33, 34], as well as in other tissues [35–37]. Beside ber of cells expressing it, and the lack of significant eleva-
neurons and astrocytes, microglial cells present two splice tion in pharmacological stress produced by reserpine
variants of 5-HT7 (a/b) visualized by RT-PCR [38]. In a constitutes evidence of the differential mechanisms in-
study of rhesus macaques, peripheral blood mononuclear volved in each protocol. For instance, physical restraint
cells expressed mRNA of several 5-HT receptors, includ- activates the neuroendocrine axis, and reserpine mainly
ing 5-HT7, but the authors indicated that it did not occur acts through the sympathetic system.
in all samples [39]. Positive signals of mRNA detected by
RT-PCR have been obtained from isolated spleen, thy-
mus and peripheral blood lymphocytes [19]. Naïve T cells Conclusions
also express protein of 5-HT7 receptors, which is en-
hanced by T cell activation [20]. To our knowledge, there In vitro, Con A increased lymphocyte proliferation,
is no other evidence concerning 5-HT7 receptor expres- the number of CD8+ and 5-HT7 receptor-positive cells,
sion in T cells, although, in agreement with the elevation and lymphocytes expressing tryptophan hydroxylase.
of 5-HT7 receptors in activated lymphocytes, the in vivo Treatment with Con A increased CD4+, CD8+ and
administration of Con A produced a considerable in- 5-HT7 receptor-positive cells, as well as the correspond-
crease of mRNA levels in lymphocytes. The observed el- ing mRNA for the receptors. Physical restraint de- - 4/24/2014 7:36:08 PM
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creased CD4+ lymphocytes, increased CD8+, 5-HT7 re- Acknowledgements
ceptor-positive cells, and the mRNA of these receptors.
This work was supported by grant G-1387 from Fondo de
Treatment with reserpine increased CD4+, CD8+ and Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (FONACIT), Venezuela.
5-HT7 receptor-positive cells. The modifications pro- Rubén Arroyo, MSc, was a graduate student of the Centro de
duced by mitogen activation and two protocols of stress, Estudios Avanzados at Laboratorio de Neuroquímica of Instituto
either physical or pharmacological, could result in rel- Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas.
evant changes in immune system functions. The differ-
ential presence of 5-HT7 receptors in lymphocytes,
which was not previously documented, indicates the Disclosure Statement
potential physiopathological role of this subtype of
5-HT receptors. There are no conflicts of interest.

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