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University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

Section Course Outline Report

Department: Computer Science Printed Date: 18-Mar-2023

Section Course Detail

Semester SPRING 2023

Department Computer Science

Section A

Subject Title CS-272 Design and Analysis of Algorithms


M easureable Student Learning Outcomes

CLOs Description PLOs Level

CLO1 Classify algorithms according to their complexity PLO01 Medium

CLO2 Solve time and space complexity of algorithms using algorithm analysis PLO02 Medium

CLO3 Apply the algorithms and design techniques to solve problems, and PLO03 High
mathematically evaluate the quality of the solutions, typically using the
taught algorithms

Grading Policy

Class Timings

Section Content

Week Topics

week1 Course Introduction

Introduction to Algorithms
Analysis of Iterative Algorithms

week2 Asymptotic & Sorting

week3 Solving Recurrence

week4 Randomized Algorithms

week5 Sorting Algorithms and O(n)

week6 Hashing, BST, RB Trees

week7 Graph Representation and Analysis

week8 Midterm
Revision of concepts

week9 Dijkstra & Bellman Ford

week10 Dynamic Programming

Unbounded Knapsack
0/1 Knapsack

week11 More Dynamic Programming


week12 Greedy Algorithms

Activity Selection
Huffman Coding

week13 Even More Greedy Algorithms

Minimum Spanning Tree

week14 Minimum Cuts

Karger’s Algorithm

week15 s–t Min-Cuts & Max-Flows

The Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

week16 Course Overview

Chairman Signature: _________________

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