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Muhammad tale: Khairiliah Almanawir UbOSOUISIBEUY £ Mekde Oseanogragi B Dosen pengampa ; Prop. Denny Nugroho Suygianto, $.7., 4.51" Tugas_% Diteboha’ pads isebiep \lapiran Hy Bh iden ees Cae Sink ) vz (a4) gnh Utdty) eae SEY 's 5 . stab le Ne 7) ate (ant "Hy cosh keCdty) uno. cr Simh-Kh a aya fae) Tainh Lt) cos tesa oe) VT Sink led Penyelesaion = Los use -T = 156.8) = 99,84 = 20 _ 0,1003 be 9984 J 622812 4 (O/200B~ Ot) (0, 2tFBE - O/AHIA) = _OTTHICD CO, 2010 - 0,003) ro. 68,74 0/225 89 L L o> Untuk y= 7-0 =U = T.2 cash U(20-0)/ 66,94 _ cos (Utxle tne). 0, 5242 Mls ¢ ‘sinh wr) / 68,74 C84 € 1.2 sinh 2m (ro-0)/ 98:14 sin fixie _- Ux \ O/C 1o€ mis o ginh*tr0) / 68, F4 66,24 é ee Gp = Un ®t cosh rin to-o) 1847 ao ~ tse} = 0, 454 mls o sinh eH) ] BG Gan 6 Say oo a) LEER “os T x10. at x0\ a Serwooreeta Veer © Scanned with CamScanner Jes ankle y = -2m : \ cosh2t (10 -2)/88,24 cos (te ihe). 0, 50t5 mls Sinh tit Go) 186,74 sinh 2 ° 9/88; +4 Oy: att gmbh (ey e474 8 “Goh TDI _founlak y= 4 Sha 2 cash 220-4} / C674 on ( eo Sink U0) 18G, 74 Ginh_20 (20-4) 62,74 sh (we gah U8 (ee) 16674 1 tosh 1M (20-4) /96,74 si (28 xe sigh Wes) /40 94 inh a (0-4)/86,74 eos [rt x10 sinh (WER of ute “Jeurkul y=-Ge ; | ws Ra oh th (e-6)] 0074 cos Gs> Binh TO] 6,74 Sinh_W(-0) 14624 Gn [ad x0 _ Wx ‘J on 3060. ris Slab rw (r0)/ 68,34, ee & bos T (20-6)184,34 5m famrto 2 "WMxO}_ 0/3NTA_ mis® Stal ce ( aA : ANIL Sieh (10-6)/80/24 1010 D240 Ms er Sinh MOY F4 - U = T% cosh em (t0-@ /68,74 mila @ Sink, Ue (09) 1 6q/F4 66,74 Tet sinh 1-8) / 66,44 -sin (tiate to e Sir UW UoyfGta — \eaae = Oye = UE oh at (10-6)/66, FA gin (e: so. TRO ot) sinh Weleda a4 a4 <8 Scanned with CamScanner sin em (ro-e) 166,74 eos fea.10 _ tH.0 2-0, 1944 als Sieh a C0) TF Care ‘ - to. m On? EB \ gn! me yf cosh am (20-10)/ 86,24 Sahat Ce) 10694 ss _ tne C674 6 5 0,330? pls 0,18tS m/s — sinh 2 (20-10) / 06,74 vee 20) Suhre 0) | 00,74 aera & osh_2% Ho-le) /6634 _ sin | She Oo ess a4 é G74 8 iz 095 (0 4o' _ Me 6694 | 6 = set — fe unluh_g = . See UsRt coh (20-18) 46,34 0 (ee Be) = 03068 mls e Stohr (ro) 18,94 SEH pee eins Se) Nis 3a oh Uw (tor) 186,94 f(a. Sw 0) 186,94 Cert | oe Aner Cosh Uw!) 14434 (os as) oetuio m/s * et Seas 16694 ene i 3 lg == (1H Get 1T le) (484 gos (se 2 ea\ eH Otel s et Soh (ee) 188,94 6694. 6 E lp ura ge 14m : epee — [wet ash (none) [864 052” Be OnE 6 Gur 2 (x2) [68,24 Gan 6 s Yeo vit 2 er igh 10 (toaw) /€G74 sin (12 ATs, or W5> peal Sink th Cw) 16674. 12 THA “6 on ea ane cosh TF (10-14) [65/74 sin (ane ue) oer mss Sinh vo (20) 166,94 6604 Oy = (tat sinh W(to-14) JEG AU co) (ME 2 ‘ty 3 vo3el m/s* c ie 7 Gia TG (CG I4 NCO awe) ras Seah wee) [Sere “Scanned with CamScanner = Ant cosh am (1d-1o) 186/24 sm( \s O/2182 mA gt ‘Sink 220) 1664 Corn * b : Gy 2 fA 2 sinh TW Crete) /Oe74_ es (ante ate \e 0 059% mls by 3 [Uw gi ne st Sah 2M (te) [R474 60/4 °? gaa. y Gm TD a we Dt wsh am (20-16) 06/24: Binh UC) /66F% Seam (1010) 6c, Shah emtre) 146, Po cosh Wille) [66:24 Sih Ue (r0) 106,74 Sink W(wd) [eera Sian 2) TED “pasha Ueno) [BE Pe ef sinh VC) / C674 a gin tac ae re) | C034 th air lro ) SE Goh an (eee) 186,74 sin Ua(r0)' / CEI pink 18 (20%) (bE24 “Si UR (ae) [66174 ° fet pilai u,v, ax, oy rede seliop (piran - fo. | Posist poral oy) ] U Cr /s) vlels) AxCmis') ay (m/s5*) = L 70 Ors tah 0, 5108 OG S14 >] 0, Kote 4 yee 0,507 | ones | 0/3969 | -0,34ut 3. -4 °, bs as Ae: ~0/ 1878 a tet oseco oath rE 05" 0, rece | wr | 0,069 | -o'50 | 7 O63 oth | Lone | 0 53 s025e | - oodet oe |. ocrtisys| -eerse | _|e <8 0,604 wes ||. « Te o Scanned with CamScanner — Inux’ eecepalen gparhe! pade Uedulaman ye e> Orbiler partie! Wo Wea i VAN PAPRRLINE Scanned with CamScanner

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