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i miss you so much

why won't they let you go

you are my everything

and here without you i have nothing

can't wait to see you

i miss you so much

but i am here waiting

until you come home to me

where you belong



I know that neither one of us had in mind that we would meet someone on the Internet and fall in love
but it has happened. And for that, I have no regrets. In fact, it is one of the best things that has ever
happened. For this, and what has happened to us and between us I have you to thank. For almost the
past 3 days , you have brought so much joy to me that words can never explain.I never thought it would
this good, but it has. This is a clear indication that we have so much in common and we are building on
something that is real. And my pray is to see this thing through,( relocating to your place).And Also I
thank God every day for letting you have the strength to pick up that phone and text when you can,
means so much to me to have that instant connection to you. Honey, this days of being with you was so
amazing. I wouldn't change it for anything. I just want you to remember that I am always here for you
whenever you need me. I believe that God made us wait to be together for a reason. To HELP one
another in our times of need. And if ever one of these days you are going to get sick of me but until
then, you are stuck with me forever hahaha. Remember that I love you and I ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS,
Christopher, I am sending you this to let you know that I have been sent an angel to be with me, and you
are that angel and my inspiration, strength,joy,and laughter and above all inner peace and love 😘😘



You cheer me whenever I'm down and when I see your smile it makes my heart pound as fast as a
cheetah. You are the one I want to be with. I won't ask for more except that I want to be with you and
there's nothing more to say. If you were the one I could hold forever more I would never let you go. You
drive me crazy. I will know then I have truly loved you without question, without hesitance, without
wanting or needing a reason. My breath will have returned; for you have taken it away a thousand
times without knowing it. My heart will have restored its regular beat, for you have never been aware
how deeply it needs rhythm since it came in contact with you.

I just want you to know how happy I am with you and how much you mean to me . We have been
through so much together good and bad and we just got to keep our heads high and work together
because we are going to make it. I love you so much! You are my eyes when I can't see, my strength
when I don't have any. You keep me up when I am down. No matter what, you're always there for me
and I just want to thank you for being such a great Boy friend of mine. I wish the best for us both
because there isn't anyone or anything going to put us down!

I hope that we are together forever 'cause without you, I will be nothing but a complete wreck. Before
you, I thought of myself as a tiny, no good person. It is imperative that I have your love - to keep myself.
You hold the key to my heart that keeps me in contact with life. Without you I am nothing.

No other man or anyone will mean as much as you do. So, in closing, I leave you with this; I love you
more than life itself and more than I love myself - you are my everything.

the Tue love .

I love you strongly from my deep heart. You are for me only. You are my sun, my heart , my eyes , my
soul , my princess and more.

I cannot live without you. You are necessary for me as air.

I want to walk with your hand in hand in every place of my city. Also, I wish to fall in your warmth

I wish to be with you always. I live for you only. You are in my heart.

I want to tell you that I love you strongly. I cannot sleep of thinking about you. I want to hear your voice.
You are the best in all the world .

When I look at your photo, I want to feel the warmth and tenderness of your hands and your lips, feel
you’re passionate, your breath on my shoulder.

I, am very sincere with you in my words, my feelings and my emotions.

I really want to enjoy your company , talk to you , smile and touch your hands and your shoulders , look
in your eyes to see myself in it and also you look in my eyes to see yourself in it . I have opened my heart
and my soul to you only and i hope to share my feelings, my dreams and my life together with you. I am
for you my love and i wait you any time as you like.

I send magic kiss to your sweet lips to test the sweet of your lips.


Hello Darling, I want you to know that it is the best thing that has happened to me, to be with you and I
promise you that you are the only man that I love and want till eternity. I only choose to be with you.
Created in this world to have you as a husband and a companion. Being my friend, husband, Confidant,
Hero and Lover till death do us apart You are my dream come true baby. To me you are my best friend.

You are the true love of my life. You are the soul mate of my life. And truly baby you are what ALL my
dreams have been ...You are the love of my life and forever I will be in love with you. Thank you baby,
for making MY dreams truly come true... I love you so much and can’t wait to be with you.


Just think of you

It's the middle of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I
sincerely love the countless hours we spend talking. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've
known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no
second thoughts and no regrets. I love you and only you ... and that love will only grow stronger.

Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're
the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to
amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go. You have shown me the
difference between love and like and I think I will really wish to spend the rest of my life time beside you
and keep you a happy man all your life.


My Entire Love

I am so happy I am married to you. I love the way you care for me and the way you understand
everything that I say.i love you so much and i cant wait to be with you in your arms for ever and ever....
My love i love you so much and i really thank God for you coming in to my life and you been in my life
has change totally and for ever and ever.I am so happy I am married to you. I love the way you care for
me and the way you understand everything that I say.i love you so much and i cant wait to be with you
in your arms for ever and ever.... My love i love you so much and i really thank God for you coming in to
my life and you been in my life has change totally and for ever and ever.

you are wonderful

Life is so unpredictable. Changes always come along in big or small way. I don’t know what happened
that this sudden change has turned my whole world upside down. I don’t know exactly what it is, but
there is something really special about you.

It might be all the things I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you,
qualities, capabilities, and a wonderful smile obviously connected to a warm and loving heart; these
things set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the big things... the person you really are,
that I hope to know more someday. And it also might be the little things.. the way you walk, and all your
actions I receive so much joy being able to see a smile in your eyes. If I ever find out the magic that
makes you so special I'd probably find out it’s a combination of all these things. You are a RARE
combination of so many special things.

Inside of me there is a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest hopes are kept alive,
where my deepest feelings are felt, and where my favorite memories are safe and warm. I find that you
are on my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely just to make
my day brighter. But more often, you surprise me, and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are
many times I awaken, and realize you have been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when my
imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there’s
nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because
whenever they wander, they always take me to you.

Only the most special things in my world go inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my
life has been touched by you.


To My Gorgeous Girl

When I sit close to you

I love that you're mine.

Right then.

And you're so beautiful

And I just want to hold you and kiss you


And I love you,

And I want you,

And I think I need you.

And I love you,

And I want you so much.

You're so beautiful.

You're stunning, babe.

Your eyes are like the moon.

Your eyes are the moon.

And they smile at me

And that makes me glad.

And then I want you so much.

Your hair is brown

The most gorgeous brown

I've ever seen, and ever will

On a woman. You stun me.

The way you turn

When you're cooking a meal

And smile at me

With your soft eyes

And your cheeks

And your eyes, soft

It makes me want to cry

'Cause I know how much I love you

And it makes me want to kiss you

And touch you

And have you


When we lay in bed

And your eyes are closed

And you're sleeping; peace

Like a quiet shadow

Of love

Graces you like a ray of sun

And I stare at you

And I stare

Most beautiful woman in the world

I don't know why you chose me

But you stun me with your beauty

I fall down for your beauty

I dream for your beauty

I pine for your loveliness

I praise God for your charm

And the biggest thing of all

Is that you love me, too

You do


want to be with you

You are my love. No one can ever change that. Just thinking of you makes me feel a special something
I've never felt before. You cheer me whenever I'm down and when I see your smile it makes my heart
pound as fast as a cheetah. You are the one I want to be with. I won't ask for more except that I want to
be with you and there's nothing more to say. If you were the one I could hold forever more I would
never let you go. You drive me crazy.I will know then I have truly loved you without question, without
hesitance, without wanting or needing a reason.My breath will have returned; for you have taken it
away a thousand times without knowing it. My heart will have restored its regular beat, for you have
never been aware how deeply it needs rhythm since it came in contact with you.

I just want you to know how happy I am with you and how much you mean to me . We have been
through so much together good and bad and we just got to keep our heads high and work together
because we are going to make it. I love you so much! You are my eyes when I can't see, my strength
when I don't have any. You keep me up when I am down. No matter what, you're always there for me
and I just want to thank you for being such a great girlfriend. I wish the best for us both because there
isn't anyone or anything going to put us down!

I hope that we are together forever 'cause without you, I will be nothing but a complete wreak. Before
you, I thought of myself as a tiny, no good person. It is imperative that I have your love - to keep myself.
You hold the key to my heart that keeps me in contact with life. Without you I am nothing.

No other woman or anyone will mean as much as you do. So, in closing, I leave you with this; I love you
more than life itself and more than I love myself - you are my everything.

Together in purity

As I sit here writing today, I cannot help but feel that God has shown me down the path of what a holy,
Godly single and married life should look like. I do not pretend that I have it all, or even most of it
figured out, but through a long and often tough journey I have grown closer to God and you, my future

Though I do not yet know you or where this path will lead us down the road of life, I have been filled
with an incredible and never before experienced love and sense of direction. While it may seem strange
to say now, I love you and desire is to spend my life with you and you alone. When the time comes for
us to speak our vows to one another, I believe God will be present helping us make the right decisions.
And even after our wedding as we begin our lives as one, I pray that we will always remember who
brought us together and keep him at the forefront marriage, for it is him who has placed this love in my
heart for you. As we grow old together in love may we never forget the blessings we have received from
God. Likewise, may our love for one another never diminish, but grow stronger as we live our lives

My journey to this point has not been easy with the temptations of this world, but as I discover my love
for you, my still undiscovered bride, I pray that I remain pure for you. I have made a covenant between
myself and living God to remain as an unopened gift to you. I do not take this promise lightly for I have
made this pledge to the all powerful God of the universe who has created the world, spoken to Moses
and continues to work in hearts today as evidenced by me. While temptations will never permanently
flee, I feel no desire to waste the wonderful gift God has given to us both, by giving into a the sinful urge
of a one time experience, the momentary glimpse of immodest dress or the bodies flaunting themselves
on the computers of the world. No, these are not for me! My one sexual desire is to be with you, one
man one woman together in marriage.

At this moment and many more, I pray also for you. The world can be a harsh place filled with many a
temptation for young women as well. May the Lord place the discernment and wisdom necessary upon
you today to flee from these desires of the world as I so desperately do. Though we are not yet together
as one, let us fight this battle against impure thoughts and actions together so that we may remain
unstained until the day of our marriage. As I write, I cannot help but think back to the song “Wait for
Me” by Rebeka St James.

Darling did you know I dream about life together

Knowing it will be forever

I'll be yours and you'll be mine

And darling when I say

Till death do us part

I'll mean it with all of my heart

Now and always faithful to you

Cause, I am waiting for

Praying for you darling

Wait for me too

Wait for me as I wait for you

Cause, I am waiting for

Praying for you darling

Wait for me too

Wait for me as I wait for you

Darling wait

Darling wait

Now I know you may have made mistakes

But there's forgiveness and a second chance

So wait for me
Darling wait for me

Wait for me

wait for me

Cause, I am waiting for

Praying for you darling

Wait for me too

Wait for me as I wait for you

Darling wait

Darling wait

Wait for me

Darling wait

Cause I'm waiting for you

Cause I'm waiting for you

So wait for me

Darling wait

Wait for me

I pray that you share these same feeling. God has given us an incredible gift in marriage and let us
always remember that and keep it close to our hearts. I look forward to spending my life with you
through the good and the bad, the spiritual highs and the temptations. May we always be there for each
other in love and dedication to strengthen our spiritual, emotional and physical relationships with each
other. I feel so blessed that God has given us this gift and has shown me the way to conduct myself until
we are together.
May we always fight the fight for purity together and with Jesus Christ as our guiding light.

I love you


If Ever There Were To Be A Sentence...


A strong word in itself. To me, it is one of those everyday names that still carry a tinge of the past on it.
You say "Samantha" and I hear "Constantinople". I'm not arguing the actual history of the name itself; I
am merely telling you how I feel when I hear it. Samantha. Can you see it?


Another thing I love is the letters. A perfect amount, tucked away right in the Goldilocks Zone. Not too
many, not too little either; Just Right. When you read it, I admit, the first few letters are boring. S-a-
m...not the hottest lineup on the stage..But then you add the "ant ha", suddenly it becomes mystical.
Alphabetical Alchemy, I say. There could be fewer potions set so sweet in mixture as that.

The crazy thing is that the name is dwarfed compared to whom it refers to. Samantha (still awesome) is
a true to life reflection of what it means to be strong. As strong as your own name.

It should come as no small surprise to you that I love Samantha. Now I understand love in a different
way than most, so I feel it is important to discuss that first, so as to better understand the nature of my
own affection.

Love is, first of all, just a word. The letters in themselves can inspire feelings (like the name Samantha,
remember!) , but they are just words. And a little outside the Goldilocks Zone too. Four letters...the
word would fail utterly if it weren't for the "v" stuck in there to pep it up some. Everyone knows words
that use any of the last six or so letters in the alphabet are just fantastic.
Love describes the closeness of a bond between things. The same closeness we find, say, between the
letters "Q" and "U". Everybody knows those two are practically attached at the hip. Love is like that. "U"
knows she can go off and make all manner of fun and Unique words on her own. Unicorn,Uranus,
Ultimatum, Uncle....all fabulous words. I imagine "Q" feels the same as well. He knows, much like his
older sister "X", that he brings a certain individuality that very few other letters can offer. And he is
especially exciting in lowercase.

But see, "Q" can't do it alone. Sure, every once in a while he can do words by himself (he is a little more
famous in the eastern hemisphere), but he knows there's something missing. You see, "Q" needs "U",
and for so many more reasons than Quick, Quadruple, Quest and Quaker. The togetherness and
inherent beauty that they share together is, of course, Quintessential to "love".

My point is that love is just a word that describes a feeling. That feeling, however, is something that is
beyond explanation of the word "love", tucked away secretly in the curve and arch of every letter. The
untold centuries of work that we just fling onto the paper without much thought or respect at all. The
word is merely a small blanket that leaves your feet hanging out the end. It doesn't cover it. Nothing
can. Not four words or a million. Every sentence ever written about love combined does nothing to
explain the feeling. Only through the genetic emotional DNA left by the author behind the words do we
get an encompassing peek at what love can be.

There are volumes of books on words. The dictionary is a pretty good one I hear. The sequel, Thesaurus,
was also pretty well accepted. But think of this fact. If you took every word in the dictionary and set
them up accordingly, you still could find no proper way of expressing the true nature of what we tag as
"love". And that is a lot of words to play with.

So we obviously know by now that love cannot be properly communicated through means of words. As I
have shown, the word "love" is hardly acceptable. So what about physically? Can I express the fullness
of my love through body language and gesture, or sex? Can I prove myself and reveal my feelings with
actions, maybe instead of words?

I find it an interesting question in regards to complexity. After all of our achievements as humans, our
bodies may very well send and receive more complex questions and answers than ever could our
alphabets and books.

I don't know if it is really possible in a physical sense either. A kiss for example; it may cause what your
mind visualizes as a "spark", but is it really total? I imagine that at the very best, the combination of that
second from both people would bring us closer than any word or sentence could ever hope.
Maybe we should kiss WHILE we read Shakespeare.

I guess my point is that "love" is all encompassing. It is the total collection of not just how I feel about
the word "Samantha" when I hear it, but the total collection of humanity’s response through all of time
echoing down in the best (and fragmented) ways that it can. "Love" is the oral history of the rapidly
repeating moments in our lives that free us from everything except the closest we could ever get to

So you see now why the four letters L-O-V-E fall so incredibly short in my mind now. Perhaps that is why
"Samantha" appeals to me so much more. More room to spread yourself around in. More vowels and
syllables to give your mind a second to blossom with truth. When I hear "Love", I think "Samantha". The
reverse is certainly true as well.

So, now I have fully set my dilemma before you. How can I tell you properly just how much I love you if I
can't find a full way of doing it? There is no kiss or sentence strong enough to get across just how I feel
about you. No book or hand signal to express how I feel. There is only one thing I can offer; one picture I
can paint for you.


All of it. Every sentence professing the feelings of love. Every play or dance sending emotions flinging
from the twirl. Every poem and sonnet, novel or proposal. Everything compiling on the back of one
another, creating a towering spire of all the world has ever offered to describe how I feel when I hear
your name. "Samantha" is the same word that inspired the hand of Michelangelo; the same as it
brought Gandhi closer to peace.

I myself can never match those who came before me, the ones who experienced the raw materials. All I
have seen in my life is the finished product. The stone tablet polished and tucked away behind glass at
the museum. All I can do is read lines a lifetime removed from the author or speaker.

And yet, when I hear your name, I can put myself in the moments of creation. When I am with you, I can
be as Shakespeare when he first put the words to the paper. I can channel the tenacity and storminess
of the moment. Being with you makes me Beethoven, Tolkien, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Wells.

. If ever there were to be a sentence or word that could take us as close to the majesty of what "love"
really is as we could go, it would be your name. Samantha.
I have found no greater peace than in loving you with all I am

Thank You for That


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