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Respect Board Game

You will need:
• Dice
• Counters
• Game Cards

Each player receives a counter. The player who is youngest begins first by
throwing the dice.
They move their counter from the ‘Start’ position to the number of places on
the board that they rolled.
If they land on a handshake mark, they must pick a card from the pile and
pass it to the player to their left. The player to their left asks the question.
The group can discuss the answer. If the pupil answers with a sensible response,
they can move forward two spaces. The teacher decides if the responses are
If the player lands on a space with words, they must read the statement and
move forward or backwards accordingly.
The first player to reach the star at the finish line wins.
Someone has You have forgotten
called you a name. your homework.
What should you do? How do you feel?

You are struggling with

Your friend is upset today.
your work in class.
What could you do?
What should you do?

Your friend looks angry today. You are happy today.

How do you know they How will your friend
are angry? know you are happy?

Think of a compliment that Think of a time when

you could make to someone in you felt excited.
class to cheer them up. Tell us about it.
Think of a time when you
What cheers you up
felt worried. Tell us about it.
when you are sad?
What made you feel better?

Close your eyes and

Think how someone could
tell us 5 of your
show that they are sorry.
favourite things.

Think about two ways to calm Tell your friend something

yourself down if you are angry. that you like about them.

A boy hurts his friend

Imagine that you have
in the playground.
been in trouble in class.
How do you think
What do you feel?
they both feel?
Respect Game

You didn’t help

a friend when
they asked.
Go back 3
You gave a spaces
compliment to
Move forward 3 spaces.

You called someone You were a great help to

a hurtful name. the teacher!

Go back 2 spaces. Move forward 3 spaces.

Place Game
You didn’t tell the Cards Here

Go back 3 spaces.

You held the door open You made a face to

for others. someone and that made
them sad.
Move forward 3 spaces. Move back 3 spaces. Finish!

You said sorry.

Move forward 3
You got
upset and
used your
Go back hands on
3 spaces. someone

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