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GMAT ISSUE ESSAY SAMPLE( MAIN) For hundreds of years, the monetary system of most countries has been

based on the exchange of metal coins and printed pieces of paper. However, because of recent developments in technology, the international community should consider replacing the entire system of coins and paper with a system of electronic accounts of credits and debits. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. The prospect of converting the worlds monetary system of metal coins and printed paper into a computerized system of credits and debits is intriguing. Opponents of the idea regard a digital economy as a dangerous step toward a totalitarian society in which an elite class dominates an information-starved lower class. My view, however, is that conversion to a digital economy has far-reaching economic and social virtues that outweigh the potential risk of misuse by a political elite. Supporters of the idea of digital cash view the move to a digital economy as the next logical step toward a global system of free trade and competition. Herein lies the main virtue of a digital economy. In facilitating trade among nations, consumers worldwide would enjoy a broader range of goods at more competitive prices. In addition, a digital economy would afford customers added convenience, while at the same time saving money for businesses. Making purchases with electronic currency would be simple, fast, and secure. There would be no need to carry cash and no need for cashiers to collect it. A good example of the convenience and savings afforded by such a system is the pay and go gasoline pump used at many service stations today. Using these pumps saves time for the customer and saves money for the business. A third benefit of such a system is its potential to eliminate illegal monetary transactions. Traffickers of illegal arms and drugs, dealers in black-market contraband, and counterfeiters all rely on tangible currency to conduct their activities. By eliminating hard currency, illegal transactions such as these would be much easier to track and record. As a result, illegal monetary transactions could be virtually eliminated. A related benefit would be the ability to thwart tax evasion by collecting tax revenues on transactions that otherwise would not be recorded.

To sum up, I think it would be a good idea to convert current monetary systems into a system of electronic accounts. The economic benefits, convenience and savings afforded by such a system, along with the potential to reduce crime, far outweigh the remote loss of a significant social or political shift toward totalitarianism.

11.When someone achieves greatness in any field-such as the arts, science, politics, or business-that persons achievements are more important than any of his or her personal faults. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. Response : When individuals have become successful at what they do and have attained the zenith of their achievements, it is imprudent to point out their personality problems or idiosyncratic natures. Every individual has his or her own faults, but to use it to weaken their achievements and contribution to society is not permissible. I firmly believe that the issue, although a contentious one, needs to be addressed. History is witness to many famous individuals who have made huge contributions to the fields of art, music, science, research, politics etc., and who have also suffered from problems that plague the common man. For example, M.F. Hussein, the world renowned painter, was a true artist. He created numerous paintings in his lifetime and even today, his paintings sell at high prices. But, because of his liberal opinions on Islam, and the creation of paintings that hurt Muslim sentiments, he was banned from entering his own country, India. But, his role in bringing art to the masses cannot be ignored. Additionally, there have been famous musicians such as Elvis Presley, who have revolutionized music and who now come to be known as Gods of music.But, on a personal level, Elvis Presley suffered from many health problems due to his obesity and unhealthy lifestyle. But, one cannot take away his achievements because of his personal problems.

One can even cite the example of Mahatma Gandhi, a man who struggled for India's independence for thirty years or more. He was the all-important freedom fighter who fought against the British to give India her independence. Although, he could never call himself a good husband nor a responsible father, he fought for what he believed in and never gave up.So people today remember him as the Father of the Nation ; they do not remember his personal failings as a family man. Some critics might argue saying that these individuals' lives need to be under scrutiny because they are role models for the youth of the country. So their personal failings will have to be highlighted when mentioning their achievements. But this point is flawed simply because the critics fail to understand that it is these personal failings that have formed the basis for the achievements. In conclusion, I will reiterate the point that an individual's personal tragedy, cannot be used as a weapon against his accomplishments. His contributions to society and his success are far more important.

12. Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life. Question In your opinion, how accurate is the view expressed above? Explain, using reasons and examples based on e your own experience, observations or reading. Analysis Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government.

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

While nearly everyone would agree in principle that certain efforts to preserve the natural environment are in humankinds best interest, environmental issues always involve a tug of war among conflicting political and economic interests. For this reason, and because serious environmental problems are generally large in scale, government participation is needed to ensure environmental preservation.

Experience tells us that individuals (and private corporations owned by individuals) tend to act on behalf of their own shortterm economic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large. For example, current technology makes possible the complete elimination of polluting emissions from automobiles. Nevertheless, neither automobile manufacturers nor consumers are willing or able to voluntarily make the short-term sacrifices necessary to accomplish this goal. Only the government holds the regulatory and enforcement power to impose the necessary standards and to ensure that we achieve such goals. Aside from the problems of self-interest and enforcement, environmental issues inherently involve public health and are far too pandemic in nature for individuals to solve on their own. Many of the most egregious environmental violations traverse state and sometimes national borders. Environmental hazards are akin to those involving food and drug safety and to protecting borders against enemies; individuals have neither the power nor the resources to address these widespread hazards.

In the final analysis, only the authority and scope of power that a government possesses can ensure the attainment of agreed-upon environmental goals. Because individuals are incapable of assuming this responsibility, government must do so

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