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CITED DEFICIENCIES BY THE PROSECTUOR’S OFFICE PERSONNEL | Prosecutor's Office (OCPO) “coordination” of training of Chief LaCicero. Chief aCivero attended an orientation program hosted by the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NISACOP), Chief LaCicero is a member of NISACOP, the orientation program is held annually, and the Borough of Lavallette paid for Chief LaCicero to attend. OCPO provided no coordination for this program. Appointment of Sgt. Monica by the Borough to the position of Internal Affairs Officer. ‘This appointment was made atthe suggestion of Chief LaCicero, with the understanding that OCPO remained in charge of the Internal Affairs function, and Sgt. Monica would receive the appropriate training before assignment as the LA officer. “Updating” of the PowerDMS system. PowerDMS is an internal email system that also serves as a way to document that policies, training, and procedures are issued to employees. Although the Prosecutor's report indicates thatthe system was updated, no ‘updates were made to the system, and the system remains in use as it has for several years. |. Radio System, Lavallette is one of the few towns that maintains our own radio system. ‘The Borough has invested significantly in the purchase, maintenance, and upgrade of the system over the years. The particular event mentioned by OCPO references a power failure in the water tower that resulted in the battery backup system running out of power. The radio system remained operational, but with limited range. The system was quickly repaired by the Borough once the problem was realized. The antenna was not replaced, and the system remains operating exceptionally well. The Department also has several redundant back-up systems in place. Personal cellular phones were used to notify dispatch of the problem when the radio system experienced issues. Contrary to the OCPO report, the use of cellular phones as a primary means of communication was never a. common practice. | CAD information. The OCPO report indicates that the Spillman Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system was not used to “flag” locations or individuals in the system. Flagging has been used extensively by the Department for many years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of flags were input into the system to identify persons and places who tested positive for COVID-19 for the protection of the officers and other emergency personnel. . Department forms. Although the OCPO report states that all department forms were updated, in fact some department forms were changed to reflect the retirement of Chief Grant and the appointment of Chief LaCicero. There remain many forms that need to be updated, which Chief LaCicero has been working on for several months. 7, Background checks. OCPO suggested more thorough background checks needed to be ‘completed. The Borough paid for training for officers to attend background investigation training class, All additional background checks did not reveal any previously unknown information on any candidates. es that they implemented “Fit 8. “Fit for duty” Evaluations. While the OCPO report indica zen subject 10 for Duty” evaluations, al officers who attend the Police Academy have be psychological evaluations for decades. Those who do not pass this screen do not Kitend the academy. Tis was nota requirement until 2023, however the Department has long recognized the importance of this screening process. id an outside vendor to conduct training 9. Field Training Officer Program. The Borough pai tis still being for four officers. A FTO program fitting the needs of the departmen developed at this time. ‘OCPO report, the Body Armor policy of the th several other policies, Chief LaCicero reviewed last updated in 2016. The policy was the same. Officers have beea nt to participate in the body armor 10, Body Armor Policy. Contrary to the department remains unchanged. As wit the Department's body armor policy, which was reformatted, but the content of the policy remained required to wear body armor, as tis is a requireme ‘grant program. ‘Two Officer Minimum. In 2014, then Chief Grant approached the Borough with a plan ‘a one car minimum staffing during weekdays in the off season. A. the governing body approving this change. A one smaller municipal police departments in Ocean to re-implement motion was presented and passed by t car minimum is consistent with other s1 County. 12, Area Checks, OCPO personnel required officers to each conduct two area checks per ‘shift. These area checks were logged into the CAD system. A large portion of these area checks were of empty bay front parking lots and of the beach front during the winter season. In March 2023 alone, nearly 30% of these area checks were conducted on the parking lots along Bay Boulevard. Evaluation System. Chief LaCicero and Lt. Haggerty developed an employee evaluation system, using examples from other departments and tailoring it to our needs. The system has just begun to be implemented. 1B. 14, Evidence Room Audit. ‘The evidence room was audited by OCPO evidence personnel. ‘All evidence was accounted for during the audit, OCPO and the Borough administration disagreed on the manner in which currency would be turned over to the Borough. The currency in question is largely items turned into the “Lost and Found” and is placed into ‘evidence for safe keeping, and is less than $500 in total. These funds are kept separate 3 from any currency held as evidence. Chief LaCicero is finalizing plans with the Borough to transfer the funds. 15, Operations/Event Plans. While the OCPO report takes credit for the implementation of Operations Plans, “Ops” plans have long been in use by the Department, ‘as well as the Office of Emergency Management to coordinate multi agency responses 10 ¢venIS including Founder’s Day and the Fourth of July fireworks. Chief LaCicero has extensive training in the Incident Command system, and serves as the Borough’s Emergsne Management Coordinator. 16.RADAR Units, RADAR units were placed in some patrol vehicles, Chief Grant had discontinued the use of RADAR units as the equipment upkeep and taining costs did not justify any anticipated court revenue. 17. Patrol Vehicle Checklist, Vehicle checklists have been in use for decades by the Deparment. Chief LaCicero updsted the SOP on vehicle checklists with input from the Department's patrol officers. 18. OC Spray. The Borough purchased new OC spray for the Department Although it was ugeented that the previous OC spray was flammable, the manufacturer disputed these claims, and “NON FLAMMABLE” was printed on the product. 19, Elementary School Access. ‘The Department has had a long standing positive felationship with the Elementary School. While the OCPO report states that OCPO Soordinated access to the Elementary School, every officer has been equipped with a key fob to access the school for several years. Recently, the schoo! placed a lock on the perimeter fencing, A key was provided to the Department, Set. White discussed this issue with Dr. Gleason after the release of the OCPO report, and reassured school staff" that the Department has full access to the school, 20. Police Presence at School. Any increase in police presence at the elementary school was temporary. OCPO personnel directed additional patrols of the school after the Texas school shooting, The Department has been a constant presence at the school for many years, especially during school drop off and pickup, and often serve as Crossing Guands, 21, Deficiencies with DOC. While the OCPO report states that issues were cured during their presence, the NJ Department of Corrections regularly inspects the department for compliance, and since the construction of the new building, the Department has received a waiver for various issues identified by the DOC, 22, Juvenile Justice Commission. The JIC also conducts inspections of the Department, A minor change was made to a door lock in the interview room at the suggestion of the NC, 23, Department Webpage. The Borough webmaster posted diversity information on the Department website in accordance with Attorney General guidelines. 24, Facebook Page. Chief LaCicero created and maintains a Facebook page for the Department. 25. Privacy Film. Privacy film was affixed to the Dispatch and Records Department glass in response to an individual attempting to film inside these sensitive areas. This was done at the direction of the Department Liaison Councilwoman Filippone. The Borough paid for the installation of the film. vy DEFICIENCIES THAT REMAIN . Lack of Executh a rear oman Staff. The OCPO report suggests the need for additional officers out of work lust last year, the Department had, at one time, four out of eleven office ‘work on various types of leave. Today, the Department is stil short two ficers, nearly 20% of the workforce, Until the Department returs to full staffing, it is not prudent to add any additions to the rank cially at the top o' struct ture, especially at the top of the . Detective Position. Sce above. Additionally, there are not enough investigations to require a full time Detective. Conductive Energy Devices/Tasers. The OCPO report cites that lack of CED/Tasers. Over the past ten months, the Borough Administrator expressed to the OCPO command staff his interest in equipping the Department with Tasers. They expressed no interest in doing so. |. Shotgun Mounts. This topic was debated from the beginning of the supersession of the Department. There was a disagreement between OCPO Command Staff and Chief LaCicero, as well as the Borough administration, regarding the placement of the shotguns in the patrol vehicles. The Borough offered o place shotgun mounts in patrol vehicles in the manner suggested by Chief LaCicero. OCPO Command staff finally agreed to compromise with the Borough in the final days of their presence in the Department. Meddlesome Behavior. Although the OCPO report refers to various Borough officials as “‘meddlesome,” Chief LaCicero found the governing body, business administrator, and ccurrent township attorney to be responsive, professional, and to be working in the best interests of the Department and the community. It should be noted that OCPO staff had ro contact with the Borough administration since mid-December 2022, nearly three months ago. The structure of municipal government cals for significant oversight of police departments by the local government. OCPO command staff my have not Fully understood this relationship, as it differs significantly from the relationship between the Office of the Prosecutor and the county government. OCPO staff also failed to provide the Borough with reports on the operations of the Department, as required by law. They also expressed a lack of understanding of Civil Service guidelines. ;. Acereditation. Chief LaCicero, Councilwoman Filippone, and Administrator Bennett met with representatives from Lexipol, the accreditation consultant, regarding the accreditation process. It was determined that accreditation was not the highest priority of the Department at this time. There are several other projects that require immediate attention that the Department expects to complete in 2023. a OFFICER TRAINING Pages 12-14 of the OCPO report document trainis training completed by the Department in the ls yar Al ining was provided by ous vendors poi for ‘by the Borough, unless offered ier bea 1 training indicated was scheduled prior tothe supersession of the A glaring issue in this section is the omission of Domestic Vi ini 3 is 7 sid Jomestic Violence training. This training is required by sate statute and Attomey General Guidelines. I has been revealed the statutorily required Domestic Violence training was not presented to officers in 2022. All “officers have participated in the required Domestic Violence training in 2023. CONCLUSION Upon taking command of the Department on March 4, 2023, Chief LaCicero as identified several deficiencies that remain. The Chief's office showed signs of hasty © aoa ee vere sewn about, including psychological examination forms removed from files dnd eft on the table. The Internal Affairs file was also in disarray. There was transition from ret enters command of te Deparment o Chief LaCioero, OCPO command left on weareaay afferoon, and Chief LaCicero was informed on Friday moming tpt they would not be Thursday “Chief LaCicero has spent several days sorting trough th offi apd reorganizing tbe renurmin® ef LaCicero has since losated the missing and misplaced files and retumed them to ‘their appropriate place. twas also realized after Chief LaCicero took command ofthe Department that Soret mandatory taining was not completed during the tenure ofthe Prosecutes's Office personne! in aan gment, As a result, Chief LaCicero has undertaken his own audit of the training files. Chief LaCicero is also working to ensure that all mandatory training i, ‘completed by Department personnel going forward. “The OCPO command also operated the Department with lite concern forthe bude hie it hould be noted that OCPO was only in command ofthe Department foe approximately Mie i ins in 2022, overtime forthe year exceeded the budgeted amount by 989% Chief seyee me thas made several changes to Deparument operations already including returning to & ae car minimum, which wall maximize the efficiency ofthe Department In addition to these issues, Chief LaCicero is also continuing an update of the Department standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). Many SOP’s have been identified in ned of wpdating saree paul fo ensure the Deparment is operating in accordance with eurent best practices.

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