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3.3 Chemical Formula tthe end of the lesson, pupils are able to: 33.1. State the meaning of chemical formula, ; empirical formula and molecular formula Determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide, MgO through an activity Determine the empirical formula of copper) Madtenyp of Gochion (perkut oxide, CuO through Cragin in) an activity And amrionn (titre) Solve numerical : problems involving wD To wite Te chemical empirical formula and er molecular formula mv |ae you acec +e Construct chemical formulae of compounds Fauw tie fovawlae of Cation ano amon aver S Table below Show furawine ot Catwa ond Snion pen = = » Cation is Petrhvely Charge iva Anion 15 AegKbVEly Chavge toa Go, how 40 remember cation ond enon ? awe a a : Sodin- bean Magmon & p Sodivm fa ae susan CYa*) © Potnssum son, & pur Ce*) : ® siver 100, Ag* silver CAs 5) 7 » ammoaivan von, NH am mumum cues & Uthivw im, tie pike CLI ty P Hyaryer im at pen tt) maemoare Dp copper cil) iva, Cu?* fengy, (co) PQArne iva, ay petty C2a?*) BiwaCn) tm, fe>+ fea ea Pmagaetivn itm, My” mat Mg?) PBaviva i , Ba?* tent Palen ® Caleivan ion, Ca?* cueu Cee?) ® Tin Cn) jor, Sat* Timah ¢ sa?*) bm Lead cn) im, Pb?” Pergi C ) ® Mickel cn) iva, Ni?" wepar ons ) macmonre Behvo mize Cit) iv, Co cikgy Cc") ® Aluwiaivm ith, Al a Arwen © ait) piwacit) ior, fe*t famous (Ge) (charge = rag tat ce mane monic atom. chloring A oananet® cine & ae i ut 0 » Sica iene re row) bm Flowide 160, 7 a ferrari CF") B Hydwrde ta, on we onl cou) © wteake ion «GO; ) : wo wu, & Manganate (vn) io, MOQ Onde im , 0” OH (0%) Sulphate iva, SOy” form (£04) Sulplite iva, $e, Maluaya Cary) Maemonic Sari (50,7) Sulphide ion, $9 Sarv (g**) Cov buante ta, CU," wows Dichromats Cv») ion, Cv,0,*° Chromate (v1) tun, CO?” Gow C004") Date Cv, 0,7) Chro age Ctr0,?") Tips For anion pide Aw Gsdqviphuvs s Sulphide Con) hyarun ae Coyotygea,? = onde CEE love Gk = Flour ie COnbrr mines Brom as Cenrenforing = chloe e ate \D Co, cov borate 6%, siphate NU, Nitrate How to cunttwtd Chamital fosulat fov joe Compuma ? Tare acted FT - ee N & — —— ‘Name: Cation: Zinc ion Anion: Chloride ion Calero Uitete co** NOs *b Ll <2 a Ct Suosevip) aumby canes ee Siar anor acae = CACM), oved “ie Su eranee ach Determine Cheav'tal ovale, tov follom'ey Towe Comp oucat a) Potassium onde b) Awmiaiun onde Ast or ks gh ad y «| |x a vu 2: ) A ie oF 4. © b,0 Ss Al,O; fm For Ware compound, nom a fillow by Laavon, foritan) ern Nee Cre ott we Some metal haus more Anon one type oF ion. pm To dishaguish these, Lomen aumorls is oft =a = & Fur molecurer cwapovad, mons olecho positive eewnt is Aawed first Follow by mone Clethy aegehve element Crample name fw Mmolecwlav Compourol Co us Cavbon + MoneAidt —_p Since only | ofygen ¥ atom iavuilve ,we call it monoxide .¢ mono =! Cavbun moaotide £ oO, ) Ps covhon + diode “Pe Since 2 otygtr atom ravol¥& , we call it . : Aionde », ai sd Cuyoun Atotide CGle “i Carbon + tetrachloride =p Since AH Chloving + akan savelve , ue call ik det chloride Cavoun tettchior'de : % 44m = ¥ BI, a ay Born + titedide Dy Since 2% foorine 4 Otom iavolve , ue Cal it teriediche Borun tritodtae en 3

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