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What is the effectiveness of pineapple peel extract in removing different types of stains?

Objective: To determine the efficiency of pineapple peel extract as a stain remover for various types of
stains such as oil, blood, coffee, and ink.

What are the optimal conditions for using pineapple peel extract as a stain remover?

Objective: To identify the ideal concentration, temperature, and duration of treatment required for
pineapple peel extract to achieve maximum stain removal efficiency.

How does pineapple peel extract compare to commercial stain removers in terms of effectiveness?

Objective: To compare the stain removal efficiency of pineapple peel extract to that of commercial stain
removers, such as Tide or Clorox, and identify any differences in effectiveness.

What is the mechanism by which pineapple peel extract removes stains?

Objective: To investigate the chemical properties of pineapple peel extract and identify the active
compounds responsible for its stain removal ability.

Consumers: Consumers can benefit from the study by having access to a natural and eco-friendly
alternative to commercial stain removers that are often harsh on the environment and may contain
harmful chemicals.

Pineapple industry: The pineapple industry can benefit from the study by having an additional use for
pineapple waste products and potentially creating new revenue streams from the sale of pineapple peel

Environment: The study can benefit the environment by reducing the amount of waste produced by the
pineapple industry and decreasing the use of harmful chemicals in cleaning.

Health industry: The health industry can benefit from the study by exploring the potential health
benefits of the bioactive compounds found in pineapple peel extract, which may have implications for
the development of new treatments or therapies.

Scientific community: The study can benefit the scientific community by contributing to the growing
body of research on natural and sustainable cleaning alternatives and providing a better understanding
of the chemical properties and mechanisms of action of pineapple peel extract.
Efficacy refers to the ability of a product or substance to produce a desired effect, such as the ability of
pineapple peel extract to remove stains.

Pineapple Peel Extract refers to the extract obtained from the outer layer of pineapple fruit, which
contains various bioactive compounds that may have beneficial properties, including stain removal.

Stain refers to a discoloration or mark on a surface or fabric that is caused by a foreign substance, such
as food, drink, or dirt.

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