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Urea Teg Re A Study in Scarlet eet A Study in Searlet VJ Eterna Seem eterna) enters ee eed CNG Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 4 The Characters e one DR WATSON REMEMBERS sereRowe INTRODUCTIONS 0 crasientwo MURDER IN BRIXTON z were tee. A MYSTERIOUS VISITOR 3 ‘owrresroun — GREGSON’S ACCOUNT 4“ ueteneve — POISON s 10 IN THE COUNTRY OF THE SAINTS cyarmnoe THE MORMONS 6 naerentwo ESCAPE 7% creren mame REVENGE 9s cwerenrour A CASE SOLVED tos Dos London in the 1880s «2 The Mormons 20 FQE__ Finteonfatein nesoer Trinity-style lish Examination style ex infu te the beginning and endef the inked tothe isting activ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Bithur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Eedinburgh. He was the second of ten children of Charles Doyle and Mary Foley, In 1885 Conan Doyle seceived a degree in medicine from the University of Edinburgh. He was *309 Joseph Bell, a surgeon at the Edinburgh Infirmary. Much of the character of Sherlock Holmes is based on Joseph Bel, particu his powers of deduction One of Conan Doyle's fist jobs was as a doctor on an Arctic ‘whaler, an experience he enjoyed. He then became a doctor on a . —- ifort ship that travelled to Africa. However, he didnot like ned to England. He started his own doctor's practice in Southsea, eae Portsmouth, Iwas while he was wating for patents to arive hat he ist began writing crime fiction Conan Doyle had many diferent tens; dung his i was a medical doctor a politician spiritualist and of curse, an author. However, he i best known forthe creation ofthe two charaéters we meetin A Sludy in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, A Study i Scarlet was the first of many novels and shoet stories based around these two charac they solved together. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson almost yemed to have a life oftheir own, and overshadowed many of Arthur Conan Doyle's more serious works His first historical novel, Micah Clarke, was Wel exceed but fs now slmost forgotten, Arthur Conan Doyle wanted 1 be recognised and remembered as a erlous author, but the Holmes and Watson novels are what he is mos famous for A Study in Scvet was fis published in Bcton's Christmas Annual in 1867. In 1890 the second Sherlock Holmes novel, The Sign of Four, was published, establishing Holmes and Watson in literary history: Shortly ate, a series of shore storie featuring Sherlock Hi ies and Doctor Watson were published in The Strand magazine, These stories were very succesful, making the author, the characters andthe magazine world famous. Conan Doyle felt that his life was being taken ver by Sherlock Holmes, and in story called “The Final Problem’ he tried to eliminate Sherlock Holmes. Inthe story, the character falls to his death in the Roichenbach Falls, waterfall in Ssitzerland. But, because of the Tiying The Stand megane Later, Conan Doyle wrote a new Sherlock Holmes navel, The Hoo ofthe Raster: instead of bringing Sherlock Holmes back to life, he decided to write it a8 if it was an adventure which Iappened before he die, The Sra published the fist eid in 1801; twas a huge sucess While his writing career developed, Conan Doyle marti Louise Hawkins and hod two children, Mary an Kingsley. But he ws 0 busy working both asa doctor and a writer, that he didnot notice (oa ate rns vey in 1B she was diagnosed with tuberculosis Conan Doyle lost both his father and his wile in a short space of time and it was perhaps this which caused his interest in spiritualism and le after death Mamight seom strange that a person with such interest in logic ana enson woul in Ine if have such interest a spictulite and proving the existence of fares, Although the press made fun of Conan’ Doylesan the Chirch disapproved of hin Ie eontimed tis researc, taking it a8 seriously as he took everything else he iin it ‘Arthur Conan Doyle was a broad-ainded, highly intelligent man, ‘whose achievements were many and varied, He wos given the tle sir in 1902 for his work in hospital in south Africa. Although Sherlock Holmes perhaps was not Conan Doyle's favourite character, he certainly was forthe general public. He remains a fascinating character, ith museums, books, films and websites voted to hi and his fiend, Doctor Watson © stow are thee dates connected to Arthur Conan Doyle's fe? Look at the example and write a sentence foreach one © soser the questions low: 1A "Where aid Conan Doye work before starting his doctors What ther interest i Conan Doyle have? what started Conan Doyle's interest npr? Are peopl in your country stil interested in Sherlock Holmes © whar do you know about Sherlock Holmes? Which of these eles arc cect th be Tr cers ar eomrcted wth Smother famous detective. Do you know who tis? shot the shoulder. | went to hospital and started to recover, but thentbecame Il with fever, For many months Iwas dose todeath, + bt finally was strong enovgh to make the journey back to England ‘My health was very weak and | had ne friends or family in England, the Government gave me a smal allowance ! for each somewhere cheaper to live. Tha Holmes, (One day, | left the hotel and by chance | meta young man lenew called Stamford. "why, you'r very thin and as brown a6 nut, Watson. What have you been doing?” We went to lunch together and I told him about my ‘adventures and my current maney problems. ‘maybe able to help you said Stamford. *! know a man who neds someone to share some nice rooms he's found, They're too expensive for him on his own, Tm just the right man for him. When can meet hie? Stamford gave me a strange look. "You don’t know sherlock Holmes yet he sai, ‘You might not geton with him, ‘aut why? 1 asked. was extremely curious about im. He's a decent man’ said Stamford, ‘but he has some strange Ideas. He studies many different things; medicine, science, ntomy.. but apparently with no reason. ed stil ike ta mest him sad After lunch we went t laboratory where he warked, ‘Dr Watson, Mr Sherloce Holmes, sad Stamford, introducing Us. ‘How are you he sald, shaking my hand firmly. You've been In Afghanistan, perceive meet Sherlock Holmes at the U. — BS DY, ‘How di you know that?’ Lasked in great surprise. “Never minds hese nvghing to himself. ‘We came here on business interrupted Stamford "My friend here needs somewhere to lve and know that you need someone to share your rooms: MeHolmes seemed pleased ‘ve seen some rooms in Baker Steet he sald. ‘Do you mind the smell of tobacco?" ‘ma smoker myself | answered. ‘That's good. 1 also usually have chemicals about and sometimes do experiments. Would that bea problem for you?” "Noy t epi. ‘vim. What abaut you? We need to know the worst things about each other before we can ive together i don’t like noise, and {getup at strange times, and I'm very any? ‘oh, thats alright!” he laughed, ‘Come to see the rooms tomorrow. ll mest you here at noon: (on our way out | suddenly remembered something. How did he know that been in Afghanistan?” asked ‘Stamford smiled ‘Many people want to know how he finds things out "Oh, a mystery is i€? How very interesting! left Stamford and walked to my hotel itrigued by my new acquaintance. * ‘The rooms were at 2218 Baker Street; two comfortable bedrooms and a large sitting room. We moved in immediatly. As the weeks passed, my curiosity and interes ‘nereased. Even his appearance was ina ‘over six feet tall, but he was thin: ee salle. stud ll kinds of subjects: his knowle arleabl, bu ‘so was fis ignorance, For example, he dd nat know thatthe Earth travelled around the sun. "But what do Ucar?’ he sid ‘if we go round the moon it makes no difference to me or my work ‘Rut what was his work” thought to myself, During the fist week we had no visitors and I thought that Holmes, like myself, had few friends. But soon I found that he hhad many acquaintances from all different classes of society “When these people came to vst, Holmes asked rouse the siting raom and went tomy bedroom. 1 have to use this room as 2 place of busines,’ he explained, land these people are my clients’ Again, { wanted to ask him ‘what his business was and soon my question was answered by Holmes hinself ‘While we were esting breakfast ane morning | was reading an article in a magazine. The article said that by looking Carefully, a person could lern lot from everyday details. The weiter said that from an expression, a tiey movement or & lok Of an eye, one person could read another person's thoughts, ‘With a lt of study, one could earn to tell what happened in a person's past. if you were good at observation, you could look Carefully at their lathes and the way they looked. Then It would be easy to say what they did for living. * AS, on UDY carledt UDY Bay injured because you held it in an unnatural way, Where could an English army doctor have been i and wounded? Obviously in ‘Afghanistan. ll these detalls went quickly through my mind and led me tothe correct conclusion "Ws very simple when you explain 1 sid, smiling | looked out ofthe window. "1 wonder who that i sai, pointing tothe street, where a ‘man was looking atthe street numbers. He had & large envelope in hishand, Sherlock Holmes loked out "You mean the retired sergeant ofthe Marines? he sai "mm, very clever; thought to myself "How dol know if he's Fight?’ But soon | had the chance to Find out; the man knocked on the door and eame up the tse "ror Mr herlock Holmes, he sai handing him the envelope ‘can Lash’ ssid tothe man, what itis that you do?" “twas » sergeant, sir, nthe Marines. that all, i? Right sn ‘Sherlock Holmes was right again’ I thought, a the man left the room, Maybe he is as clever as he thinks hes" Meanwhile Sherlock Holmes was reading the letter. "Here he sald, ving it to me. Look at this. “aut thi i terrible’ exclaimed after reading it. There's been murder? Go back to the text For questions 1-4, choos the answer (A,B, Cor) which you tink fits best according to the text, 1 hichisthebest desertion of Doctor Watson's shuation at the 8» Hehas no money ands ving with eer 1B (] Heisveryilland stil in hora ©] Hes jus returned to Landon and slooking for cheaper secommodaten [1] Hehe josearvedin London and looking fra hotel 2 What do we know about Sherlock Holmes from Maton friend Stamford? 3] Heisman with trang ideas. ©] Holsaninelectual anda seen (| Medoes nt ike te company of other pele '3 What does watson al Sherlock Holmes about hi own character? 18] Hela smoker, doesnot ke noise and gets up very ery. 5 [| Hemakesalotof noise night tui verylany during the ©] Hedoes not ke noise ges upat strange tines and ian. D [| Hedces nt ke noe, but kes ding chemical 4+ wich ofthese sentences best esribes the rooms at 2218 Baker St? 18 Ey There were two bedrooms and a siting room where guests were iterviewed 18 [1] There wae one bedroom anda siting rom used asa scored becom, [1] Therewere thre bedrooms and an ffce wed to welcme gute [There were two bedrooms anda sting room used by @ summary Put these eventsn the order the happenin the sory (the first one ie done for yu): One of them does not happen ~ donot writes number ext this enter. | Sherlck Holmes, Watson and Stamford are nthe abratory ] Molmes aks 1 Watson abou the rom in Baker 1 Watson isin hospital in Afghanistan, [1] Holmes and Watson are present atthe scene ofa murder Use the tre sentences ar aas to make short summary of chapter (nein your own words, Use the past tense, @ vsechepictuestoexpainhow Holmesloew that Watsonhadbeenin | _Afghanistan if you mt Watson today where would you guess had bee. if you had the sme nformation a Haines di? eet eo © vncerstancing the story Whois the narrator ofA study in earl? B Sirarthur Conan Dove O@wering ‘A Study in Scart i writen inthe fist person The narator simply tells us the events as they happen. Write your ow account ofthe ‘events that have happened to you in the past wee. You can make it ‘more personal and write your own flings about the events if you want, or you ean simply write about the most importane detail and how they happened You choore! Before you read ‘A Doyou think someone normally vet in hishouse? How do yu think the man ded? € Cl wow ihe vcr € [1] whatiathecane of dent © El Whotstheowrerct he weg ng? © E] hoi jnghsangerson? Cl ithe madera G [ What does the murderer look like? 1 iy the murderer rete ord ACHE on ha wal 1 E) wha don the wort nec ean 1) hae emote forthe mae © complete the table below withthe deta you know. I you donot now yet, put a question mare ‘where [cause of thebodies | death vwerefound_ | (fknown) desertion ofthe murderer (or | Motmes'ssurpect) | Lok atthe table again. What do the wo murders have in common? ‘Wiha things Suggest the murderer ithe same man? © choose the best answer, A, Bore. tn A Study in earet we know © Lo thesame face that the pole know Look at your answer. Why do you think the author chooses tet ut Which of the folowing was nt Found inthe room? ¥ ? ett Eee @ wich fshose tems most interests Holmes? @ How does Homes test the pills? In your own words describe the sffects of both pill Why do you think the murderer had nets? vocabutery Look at the words in the box. Which object ould be ed ap murder ‘weapons? Write five sentences using the verbs piven and ae see fife vie candlestick rope letter money — pills fingernail Are you 2 good detective? Read this story. Can you guess why the man always ats cut a the ninth floor? Discuss your conclusions with a partner. A lazy, forget young man lve othe 12 for ofa tall Dulling. Inthe morning he sets in the Bit down to the sro Moor, goes out ofthe bulking and drives to work, When be reese gosto the ‘9 oor an then was the other fur fons up to his at. Occasionally he etn ll he ay 4 dhe 128 or in thei. Bu aly when raining an the remembers his unbrea! thirty people lived in one small house. The East End was fll of poverty rime, theft and prostitution In 1888, the year ater A Sin et was published, Jack the Ripper murdered at last seven women. They were al prostitutes tnd all klein the same way: thet theoats were cut and ther bodies mutilated. Jack the Ripper was never caught despite all the flor of Scotland Yard. Many people believe that Jack the Ripper was protected by a member ofthe Royal Family, Albert Victor, srandson of Queen Vicor, is suspected of being the Ripper by some people. This isthe theory explore inthe escent im about Jack the Ripper, From Hal with Johnay Depp However forthe richer asses of solely in Landon the 1880s were atime of peace and security, the age of house partes and long. ‘weckends inthe country. Quen Vitoria celebrate fit yar of her reign inthe Jubilee year of 1887, Frank Harts, an Irish American Aecttrnts of Lacon fe Landon Pigriage (102) Ga ‘writer, described London as city of vara dlights... de queen ‘ty ofthe world without qual But the values of Vivian society were dsintyating, Darwin's The Orign of Species, published in 1859, ad his iar works The Deven of ‘Mar, questioned the long established religious, philosophical and social belies ofthe Victorians, Perhaps afer al, humanity did not have a special roe inthe world a8 proposed inne ibe But. we seein A Study in Sarees changes did ot seem 19 ‘worry out hero heriek Holmes. He remaing convinced of his own ‘importance, and ashe sa, ‘You Say that we go ound the sun Ife ‘went ound the moan, would make 10 dif one or my work @ decieit hese statements aretrus (7) rfe (Then correc the 1 inthe ate 18008 very few poor people cul ead Stories ike those published in The Stand ar Efren to the ones we read tos. © there ar several fis that show some the dark and violent aspects of crime which o woried readers bets igo shee ‘time or mystery fms you have seen tht seem is ene hoows one and describe what heppens esparner ofthe clase inthe centfe of North america there isa large MES desert, which for a long time stopped people crossing the continent. No one could live in the desert; many people ded trying to cross itt reach more ferle lands, In the year 1847, a traveller stood on a rocky elif, ooking cr055 this empty land. All he could see were the bones of other people who had tred to resch the West, The man was dying from hunger an thirst. With hm he had small child, a gil, who he was carrying na blanket. They were the only ones let ofa gro ‘of twenty-one people who tried to travel to a better life: others, Including the little gir's mother, were dead. The my ‘name was John Ferrer and as the little girl had no one ele adopted her, and called her Lucy Ferrier. John knew that tHe i not find food and water soon, both of them would dl But he was very tired, He and Lucy sat down on the cliff above the desert Before long bath of them were asleep, ln the distance there was a cloud of dust, The cloud became bigger as it got nearer, until ie was clear that it was made by & large group of moving creatures. It was a huge group of ears, + ‘men and women, children, horses and animals, who were traveling across America to find a new place to live One of the ‘men saw Lucy and John high up on their cf, The pres tral of wagons, men and women stopped while some of the men climbed up to see who they were. John Ferrier woke up and was shocked to see the empty desert now full of people and life. The ‘men took the man andthe ite gir tothe wagons. ‘Who are you? asked john Ferrer, "Thee are so many of you" There are nearly ten thousand of us’ sad one ofthe young "Where are you going” asked john Ferrier ‘We don't know. The hand of God is leading us through our Prophet. You must come before him. Hell decide what todo with ‘The Prophet, a man called Brigham Young, was ina large brightly painted wagon, with six horses pulling it. Lucy and Jabn a a DY ASJUDY on Scartted ther bac IRE Poked de eet rey cyte oR SE armece ec ea glad ts rns of the lghtened hore and rege he arated ey ey, hope yore noth Mi ld he our man arene art Ebest yore the ghar of oh Fete md the young I ‘man. ‘Ask him i he remembers Jefferson Hope from St Lous. He andy ater were goad ers "Wd pcr aed hn oc eas eas ar are ibs tte Gand yoy Bele as cecraiad TE herd sed Jo eer hat sme ght eve te fare mary times, tling tres of umn. mining for aver an ‘ering on ranches at erat tnd fen nove Either vekes Cena ueraa "T must go Lucy’ he sad. won't ask you to come with me now, but willyoube ready to come when !'m here again?” “When wil that be?’ she asked “about two months, Your fathers happy for us to get married, if can make enough money te look ater you If you and Father have arranged ial, there's nothing more +0 say she sid resting her ead on his chest. He kissed her. ‘Goodbye my daring ~ in two months yout see me again’ She watched him ride sway, the happiest gi inal of Utah ‘Three weeks passed before the trouble began. Brigham Young ‘ame to wst John Ferrer, ‘srother Ferrier’ sald Brigham Young, we've been very go 0 you. You've grown rich with our hep. In return, we asked, to become a true believer in our faith, But you've failed us, haven’ taken any wives, and now | hear that Lucy's going ‘married toa man who isnt one of us, This can't be allowed. Ferrier was nervous at these words. Brigham Young continued be "We the Elders want Lucy to marry one of our sons, ether Stangerson's or Drebber's, They're bath young and rich. Lucy ‘must choose between them, Ferrier was silent for some time, At last he eid, You must {Ve us time. My daughter's very young: ‘uy ean have a month to choose said Brigham Young, “After ‘hat she must gve us an answer.” He turned and let Lay came into the room. Her frightened face showed that she knew what the Prophet planned for hr. ‘What can we do? she asked ‘There ae such terrible stories of ‘what happens to people who don't do what the Prophet ase’ ‘Welllsend a message to Jefferson, sd her father. "Hel help sto escape from Utah and the Mormons” “Leave utah? cred Ly. "We have no choi, sald John, “We'll wait for Jefferson to come back and then well leave “ut they won't let us leave! said Lucy. ‘Wait until Jefferson comes. There's nothing to be afraid of and there's na danger” ‘That night, John Fervier very carefully locked all the doors and ‘leaned and loaded his old gun, Go back to the text @ comprenension Decide f hare statement re true (7) or fae (F). then correct the sores ‘kay and john were the only people from their sroup. 3 The Mormons were going find her prophet (The Mormons tok the Ferrers to Las Vega. After the incident onthe horse Ly and Jefferson feliniove Joba Ferrer opposed the marsage of Lucy and Jefferson, ao F Jefferson eft Utah to make money forthe mariage ooo oC a C 1G TheMoemons wanted Luy to mary a Mermen. Brigham Young gave Lucy a month 0 choose ‘between Jefferson Hope and Joseph Stangerson 1 Ly was happy to leave Utah, oo © dincun these questions witha partner ‘why do you think the authors teling us this new story based in North Amenc,when the murders happened is London? 1 Aron Feces first twelve yearsin Sale ake ity a success? Leokat the pictur on pages 66-9 How da you think the to characters Lucy and Jefferson, ae fling? © the Mormons and other wort religions How much doyou know about diferent world eligions? Complete the {able using theae words and following the examples, church The Hly Bible Abraham Joseph Smith ‘The Book of Mormon Siddharea Gautama "The Guan ‘Mount sinai Temple the Prophet Muhammad. Tet synagogue Salt Lake city Jerusalem mosque Moses Name ofrelign | Central [Holyplaces [Piaceof [Holytext figure? worship ‘under ado Fiera Note hs Christianity [Jesu Crt ‘sla Ma dais emp The church of Jesus Christof Later day saints (Mormons) | ppp rennet prourcr 44q Connect oe ntmet ana oto wa kaise com or ‘cde Ise the eo aro he te of the book nt our ‘search engine, (pen he page or A Stud Scale. ick on te tame roget ink ‘Go down the page unl you find he tao hiebook and lex on he rolovent ink or post. ‘Choose one of th eugene fom te tabla above ad do some research of your oun- Discover the moat important des a acts ‘bout the ralgon you chose and ropare oak bout hom, Fn out ‘whother ase egans are packed n your county, Ar TE Otisrenine EEO witing —a tener GE Year te ple aig abot rps chose om the ‘Yousregoingto represent your country in the Winter Olympic Read Teta wat onc person say Use the tire nonce, ere one this eter fom the Olympic Federation, on which yo have made ctralater hich you dona ned tue. cme notes. Then. using the information in your het, writes stale rep, Write your letter (120150 mers) in an appropiate 1] esta bina oF family ole 2 elerate New Year in tun, € L] wesupto yeu you man tobe s vegetarian or not. Congratulations! 1 ean contin that your ee Sisto fo our tau to app oto nes D E tsingortane1ofolon your grandparent tactons. Se 1: yan twa coo roe ein thi ent wu-oece gustan an rn as ea 1 theptoorpanien evra ervey "OC Pere Wak is your arial dive eed tow many are = ther your pa GEO read the to blow bout Sl Lae Cyan think ofthe word hat a Jou und aay nn ve ne ow SO bes fs each space. Ure oly one word for ech space, Ther sa Sa ‘example a the begining) ‘athe ete eg tn 17 smal group of ploneers() Aid. inthe Sa Lake Valin ts? Pleato write aay notional Utah. "The pioneer! was the narse given the early ears European setters n Amer. Sms of @) were ing rene oe aie ‘We ok orwat mentngyou, to find and fre from perseciton, lic she group @) ‘Yours aneray cement bear known the Merron er ona “Te Mormons arrived inthe area (6) coum ther leader Brigham Oats Comte Mester ‘Young on July 24th this day became a local holiday (8) Pioneer Day. the ne eters worked hard, They bok the had earth pd changed the direction (@) the nearby vers to water the dryland In the newt conury Salt Lake City ew qulcky. ts fortunes started Before you read not lng (2) nn the search For go in California. Many people stopped thereon thelr way to the west and ie was known az the © which o these things do you think wil happen in Chapter Two? ‘croraroade ofthe wes alt Lake Cy (@) precious metal ‘29, and the mine soon replaced farming asthe main nd. 1k tcy marries Deebber, one ofthe Merman elders Today the main industries ee profesional and business industries 3] bacy and Jefersn un away to Califor. (@) 88 banking and information techrogy. Sale ake City sa © Jefferson ls oe ofthe Mormon ers ee yan ting) ian vr 08 Dreher ane Stangerson ae flowed by Jefferson. Ie wat chosen as the hort ofthe Winter Olympics, a fact which te a ee residents are naturally proud af, vents humble esi. : ae ‘Maybe you dont know who we are’ sid one "Thies the son Of Elder Deebber and 'm Joseph Stangerson. We've come ta help you decide whieh of us will marry Lucy Jobin Ferrier waited, ‘As Ihave ony four wives and Drebber has seven, think i's better if sey chooses me, esd Stangerson. ‘no, no said Drebber. "Tm much richer than you. can afford te keep mare wives. Shell marty me: ‘For now, you can bath stop fighting over my daughter and {get out of my house! shouted john ‘She has a month to choose Now go! "You! be sorry!’ shouted Stangerson as e left. ‘No BR ‘opposes the Prophet” The next moring, John woke upto find a aote on is bed. t sald, Twenty nine days eft! John did nt now how this message was delivered ashe slept. All the doors and windows wer locked very day John found another note, counting down the day ti Lucy ha to choose. There was stil na news frm efferson, ‘One evening Jahn sat alone trying to thik of away out oF his ‘rouble, That morning the number two vas writen on the wall of his house. The next day was the last day of ucy’s Freedom, ‘Suddenly he heard a quiet seratching onthe door to the house John opened the door. He leaked right and et and saw no one ‘Then he looked down; thee on the ground was jefferson Hope. "you scared mets John. Why dld you come lke that?” "How's Lucy? asked Jefferson, ‘le she wey ‘She doesn't know the danger’ sai Jon, “Tha’s good, The house s watched on eer side, Thats why crawled! to the door lke that. We must eave tonight. have three horses wating in the Eagle Canyon, do you have money? John nodded. “Go and wake Lucy. We mst leave atone ‘They waited until @ dark cloud covered she moon. then they climbed out of the window into the smal garden. silently they crossed the garden into a fed. Suddenly, fferon pulled them ‘down int the shadow. They saw two mien meetin the darkness, “Tomorrow at midnight sid one. al ther Drebber ASTUDY, én Scearhed evn fre The two men separated and dappeared ino erie Jefferson Lucy and John quly crossed the fie and came to the road, Soon the road led between two deck rocky Imounais Eagle Canyon, where the horses were wating fe them. As they travelled further and further sway from the Mormons al tree felt happier. But they were stil nde the beundiy ofthe Mormon cassie ston alt, Who goa thee ha shoe “Traveler for Nevada replied eferson $y uhoe permis? “hy Ears anne ei Seven to lve reple Jefferson, remembering the cade words hed heard carter may pa ad the igure The trea kom tha reeds ay baad of them They continued through the ight and at suis hey stopped to eatand ret ut jefferson didnot wan toa lng “they mus be flowing by wom he sd We ut gto Carson iy ad then be safe Tey cared on nthe second dy, thle food an ot and Jefferson knew that he must go hunting for fond to sure. Inn heer pac, he bull smal fre and left icy and John terest whe he went, hunting He searched fortwo or tree hours thot sores * then he ound and shot awl hep. He exe ff os mach net he could ery and started backt Lucy and John But he es ESCAPE lost. 0k him along time to find his way and it was ge®i ark. Finally he recognised the place where Lucy and John war He shouted to them but there was no reply. He rushed on and, ‘uring the commer found a ple of Hot ashes fom the fi sign of John and Lucy. Even the animals had gone ‘Jefferson looked around him. At one side of the fie was a pile of earth, 1 was nev grave. On was a stick with a piece of| Paper omits Joho Ferier Previously of Salt Lake Cty ASTUDY a catled Jefferson looked around for a second grave but there wasn’t lone. They must have taken Lucy back to become the wife of Drebber or Stangerson. As Jefferson realised that he was powerless, he wished that he too was dead lke John Ferries ‘But then he decided to fight back fhe could not have Lucy, he would have revenge. He would kill Drebber and Stangerson. For five days he walked bac the way he had comme with Lucy and John on horse days before. He was tied and hungry but ail he kept gong. nthe sith day he arive in Eagle Canyon From here he could see Salt Lake City, the home of the Mormons. A rman on horseback was passing by. Jefferson knew him. Peace, tel me what happened Lucy Ferien’ he asked the man. ‘The man looked scared. ‘I can’t be seen talking to you. he al, ‘They Kl both of us. ‘us ell me, asked Jefferson ‘he was married yesterday to young Drebber’ he su, ‘But | on’ think hell ave Lucy for long. she's more like a ghost than ‘arroeans What wal fou? 1m leaving’ sia Jefferson, He turned and walked back into ‘the mountain, ‘The man was right. Lucy never recovered from the loss of her ‘father and Jefferson. na month she was dead, Drebber dd not ‘seem sad. He only married her for her father's farm and wealth Buthis other wives mourned for he? and sat with her body the night before she was buried. Early In the morning, they were “ sitting around the body when the dact was thrown open and a savage looking man walked in. He walked up to the body that once contained the soul of Lucy Farrer. He kissed her and took the wedding ring rom her finger. “she won't he buried in that’ he sald angrily. He deappeared assuddenly ashe came, For several months, Jeferson stayed in the mountains around the Mormon city. There were stories of etempts to kl Drebber and Stangerson. They knew it was Jefferson and tied to find their enemy and ll him before he killed them. Bu they failed ‘efferson was il frm livingin the mountains. He decided that his revenge could wait while he regained his health and earned some money. Five year Inter, he returned to Salt Lake City, degused ! and with a different name, However, the Mormons were no longer together, There was a split between the younger and older Mormons, Brebber and Stangerson were no longer Mormons and ‘they left Salt Lake city. No one knew where they were. They only knew that Drebber was still very rich but Stangerson was not. He ‘was working for Drebherashis secretary. Jefferson travelled frm ety to chy in America, searching for hie enemies, Year after year, he continued his search unt finally he found the two men in Cleveland, Ohio. But they managed to scape him again, by leaving for Europe. Jefferson worked for 2 hile to ear the money to follow them, but he always just missed ‘them. when he reached St Petersburg, they left fr Paris: when he strived In Paris, they went to Copenhagen. He followed them all ‘ver Europe ntl finaly he found them in London. To know what happened there, we can return tothe dary of Doctor Watson, were he recorded Jefferson Hope's story. ee Go back to the tex! © Lookat the words bal. Which ones can be wed to describe A Hope, '8 Drebber and. Stangerson? There an be more than one person for @ summary ach one Put these events from the fist part of Chapter Two inthe corest onder hard-working dedicated cruel powerfl ‘drunk violent weak poor 18 (1 Jetferson anes hating for food, 8 [ete tna nye tc oe na ake chy — 2 © [pnd aneeeonibed a aes one Git > item deere nth ee € Stagen — + Catena ay oven we mening ner te ce on he wads fom ect 4 nthe word search belw [Jefferson comes back to Salt Lake City. e © [| Jefferson, john and cy arve at Eagle Canyon. [John throws Dreber and stangerson out of his hous. Simic lolejc eye ea ae Use the sentences asa basis to makea short summary of Chapter Two In your own words Use the ast tense © Understanding the story ‘ook back at Chapters One and Two. We now have some more Information about the victims and the murderer Tick (/) the ‘questions you ean now answer about the murderer and the victims. (an you pss the answers athe rest? | | | ] Where dd the vets come from? iy dd the murderer want the ringback? Bebo she eb aes bo CRE eee vee ge faiieh on pee eons be-NZszanE0rOEx e>paanoncedexn< (Ti wy aid etferson come to kurape? Fi wy aie efferon il his time inthe wayhe di? |>remowrnczances © 5] How di sherlock Holmes know the llr was Jtferson? O charactors ave cur impressions of Jefferson Hope, Enoch Drebber and Joseph stangerson changed sine theirt part ofthe book? in whe way? © ne mane raya cin imagine yaar Hepler Wht would you say to defend Hope in court? @ Pronunciation ave you noticed how many ofthe characters have names ending “40 ist therm. what do you think hit ending (afi) means? © 0 you have similar endings (ues) or prefixes in your language? Match the prefixes and sifines tothe languages below, ars French 5 Cl vande aan EB @ son's pronounced (sn, but when it eat the end of & surname te ‘Pronounced [sy Listen to these sentences and repet them, 1 Stangerson was Driers secretary 2 Lucy was johns daughter rot ison 3 Madame Charpentier on did't ike Drebber 4 Jefferson Hope war an honest man 1 Gregson ina detective at Sctland Yard Whereis son pronounced (sn) and where ist pronounced (sn? Sa Soe ® Vocabulary crime and eiminale Jefferson Hope i murder, atch the types of ciminals below to the desrptons A, Amugger 2kinapper ahiacker 4 pickpocket Sturgler6shopiter 18] Someone who tes yr the contol of «vile (analy Plane) by force 8 1 someone wh ses frm other peopl’ pockets or bags, © [1] someone who ste rma shop or store [1] Someone who sta from sorbane nthe sret after physically threateing er hurting them, ] Someone who stl fra haute 8 bulding. [Someone who tae ay another person by force and asks or @ Now rewrite the word nthe purse. the shaded eters will evel nother criminal Checkin iionary and rite a description for his @spoaring an you thnk of any sare you have heard in the news recenty related to the crimes fom xerize 10? Tell your partner or the case shout what yourememby, The Mormons Bien [New York by man called ms the name of religious also known as the Chusch of Josus Chris of Latter-day Mormonism was expanded by Bigham Young who we met inthe second hal ofA Sty in Sar Mormons believe that a man olden plates. Joseph Sith tan own as The Boo of Marmont was published in Joseph Seth teste the Church of a tenth ofthe income 1 before marriage, pornography and coffe. When the rigon though sat polygamy was o practised polygamy, that is, having wrong. People ‘of them as outsider, wth 2 strange and than one wife. As we in the novel this cused prob members: Bu from the Begining Mormenise at Ame hee wll ase mith was put in prison mone than thirty time to find lief. In 1844 Joseph and his brother were Ferret, meet them forthe fst ime in A oned for something they had not done. The prison was migration, lke the migra ' “ hot den, leave Egypt in search of the After Smith died, Brigham Young became the new leader. He knew ‘he Mormons was Slt La that the Mormons were not safe. They were afte attacked by rowed afe place to lve. Thi ond Luc not only Slt Lake City but also another thre hundred and twenty fie towns. They asked the American govern ‘of land anew state. But the Mormon practice of polygamy again ‘used problems. Many Moemons wee put in prison and were not : allowed to vote. Finally the Mormons stopped the practic amy. This allowed them tobe accepted by the resto Americ, 11896 Utah became the fory-fih tate of the USA Altho h there are some similarities between Mormonism and li; many people do not think the Mormons are Chistans The Mormons celebrate Christmas and Easter and slo have a festive ied Pioneer Day on July 24. This isthe date when Brigharn Young and his olowers first arse in Slt ake Valley in 1947 Tosay there are cleven millon membets ofthe Church of Latter APE Ore stn nthe mie. Co wyotin ] srgham Young ands flowers rived i Sa Lak ee a Dp) ivTeRNeT Pros CConnoet tho itemet and 900 xnccideb ts nor the We o part of hee fhe bok no ou: — engine. ‘Open the page or A Stayin Scale. Ck onthe tenet projeclink. ‘Go down te page ul you fd he into otis book and ccs he relevant ink or react. Werk n groups. Group 1: How do Mormons ive toy? Where ate te largest ‘communis of Mermons? Have things change! since ths ary was rite? 7 ‘Group 2 Find out more Yormaton aout Sa t 2k0 Cy Wire down ‘ toners and places to vat When you nave tied, exchange iniomaton. © discus the questions below witha partner. rer we got ovr ‘alm and did not UDY, ‘made into a pill made some pills which were harmless and Some withthe deadly polson. With these I could give Drebber the ‘hance to choose, and | would eat the other il "When we arrived at the house, Orebber was still drunk and he ‘thought was the hotel. He followed me down the path and we ‘went into the empty room. lita candle and turned to him, "Now Enoch Drebber, who am 1" He stared at me drunkenly, the horror shoving in his face as he realised who was, ‘are you going to murder me?' he stammered. ‘ld you show mercy to Licy and her father”! ered. ‘Let God Judge between ws. Choose and swallow’ I sald, holding out the pills. ‘There's life in one and death In the other, Let's see if {here's justice on the earth, "hele my knife to his throat until he obeyed me. | swallowed ‘the other pilland we walte. ll never forget the lok on his face as he felt the polson in his body. 1 held Lucy's wedding ring in| front of hls eyes before he fell tothe ground, He was dead. "Blood was running from my nose, I don't know why I wrote fon the wall witht, perhaps to confuse the police. After { wrote ‘the word on the wall, returned to my cab and drove away. put iy hand in my pocket for Lucy's ring: It was gone. The rng was the only thing {had to remind me of Lucy #01 returned to the house and waked straight into a policeman. | pretended to be Aranleand pot aay. ‘That's how Enoch Drebber died. Now 1 wanted to find Stangerson, | went this hotel and I soon found out which was from his bed and attacked me. stabbed Wh “My business was done and | wanted to ‘earn money to return to America, | was standing in the cabdriver's yard hen a poor young boy asked fora eabdrver ‘named‘jefferson Hope, He said that his cab was wanted at 2218| Baker Street. | went chere, suspecting nothing, and the next thing 1 knew, this man had put the handeuffs on me, Thats my story, gentlemen. You may thine 'm a murderer, but | tink Vm ss much an officer of justice as you ae” ‘We sat in slenee fora minute after this man’s story of justice and retribution. There's just one thing! want to ask said Sherlock Holmes. ‘who was your frend who came fr the ring? Jefferson Hope smiled. '! can tell my awn secrets’ he sd, ‘but I don’t cause other people trouble, He was a friend who ‘offered to goin cas it was a tap. He dd it wal didn't he?” "es, ined, said Sherlock Holmes ‘Now gentlemen’ sald the officer In charge, ‘the prisoner will be held here until Thursday, sehen he goes to court! Jefferson Hope was taken off to a prison cll. Sherlock Holmes and 1 went back 0 Baker Stree. SS ae Go back to the tex © comeronensin Ont picture of cab, how where Himes, Watson, tenon Hope andthe we detecive oat or st caring the dono Inghaper ree @ x: the patie station Hope tls his story. Much ofthe information he res weal mn rom Watson werson Whe nw inormton © what pace oF nformation docs he refuse to give Holes? a O speaking Look at these tani. Which city are they from? How are they diferent from the cab Jeersan Hope drove? @ topic - patton At the time of Sherlock Holmes few people had ther wm transport land a horse-drawn cab wa an ideal way of getting around. Tay ‘many people have ther own cars andl thicauses problems in ig les beeatse of the pollution they create ‘Answer the questions belw and prepare five-minute akon how public transport can lp reduce paition nig cies, SS Before you read @ Looking at pictures "Look atthe pletureon page 105. Desenbe the expressions on Holmes and Watson's faces, FB @ Listening FE Uses tothe being of Chapter Four For quston 4, howe the 1 onvhich day was Hope expected in court? 5 Thursday BC Monday © [i tuesday 2 Why did Hope not atend cour? BC Hewas dead © Cl Hehad escaped 13 Where dd Hope ie? Caza saber sueet “+ Mow many day iit take Holmes to dscover the ently of the murderer? 2 Ly fredays © three dys © ow do you think the stony wil end? | taper ACASE SOLVED - eats 7 srenecetncariniceri ne RB on Thursday. However a reday mes jeferson Hope was ety ead On crt Fal opp beating and hewas found the next morning in hl reo cel ying on the ‘oor with a contented smile on his face. ‘her ‘fm so glad | didn't miss tis investigation” he sal‘ realy kc Holmes was cheerful has been avery interesting case, although it was very simple, there are many useful things to be learned from it ‘simple exclaimed, ‘Ofcourse, said Sherleck Holmes, "The proot is that, with ony «few ordinary deduetions, | was abe o find the criminal in only three days = ASTUD wen! Ie read: Jefferson Hope, suspected murderer of Mr Enoch Drebber and Me Joseph Stangerson, has dad. The details of the case will probably never be known, although we do know that the crimes were a result of an ald feud, "in which love and Mormonism played a part. Bath the victims belonged to the religious group the Mormons when they were young. Hope also comes from Salt Lake City, where the Mormans founded their religion, ‘Our police force has been very efficent in capturing the murderer. ll eredit must go to the well-known detectives, Gregson and Lestrade, The murderer was captured in the rooms of a Mr Sherlock Holmes, an amateur detective who has also shown some talent. Perhaps, in time, he will be as clever as “Gregson and Lestrade. “Didn't | tll you atthe start" laughed Holmes. ‘For hard work, Gregson and Lestrade tae all the credit” “Never mind! | answered "Ihave all he facts in my dary and ‘the public wil know them, even theugh no one else appreciates you Go back to the text @ comprehension Decide if these statements ate true (1) oF fle (F). Than correct the fate ones [8 On Thursday Jefferson Hope went to court. a B Holmes knew about Hop's relationship with ty.) The telegram war ole robber know that Hope was salar hi, 1D Holmes went tall the ab companies in ondon tofind the murderer, Gregson and Lestrade were gventhe credit for sing oo+ a Sherlock Holmes was very angry about the newspaper arte oo © i» chapter Four the cate Ie solved. Look at these cues, What ‘onclsion Is Holmes able to arrive 3 by ing these cles? The fst (eele done fryon, [A The racks made by the wheels The people ho aed a the house nBricon mart hve core na ca 18 Thebitersmelonthe dead mars is {©The cxpreston onthe dead man's face, 1 The wedding ring. Thetolegram, M-in europe, FF Amurderer would not aves cab diver cutude while he was frac ling someone ——e FEO charciore @ ne 301 » good detective? "For questions 1-6, read the text below. Ure the word in capitals atthe How doyou think thes objects could eater? Witha partner fed ofeach ine to for 2 word that sn the space in the same lin !nventa crime story using these object There isan example () a the Benning o a Sherlock oles dhe cen econ deduction, wasabletfindthe(®) £8 Ineny | CRIME . et tire aya Weal re in me 8 Holes telus how be | AMAZE trv athe only posse) ‘rom nsts | coneLUDE eis, Conan Bay's roe srahew alway a a ahs How dosha? y dhstoe a ductors nvto tere Frome ech ID " “he'd a door nes can then be checed by more ® mattis echetustonvestpt | SaENce ‘he second half ofthe nineteenth century was also i} a the age of scent progress. With Deen's theory of @ van the origin of humans could be | EVOLVE ® this was the case then surly 8 | EXPLAIN brian, rational man lke Holmes could find the ® oat a sowe Now continue the detective story you began in Three Remember once: @ Your opinion + More detail abou the characters, eg the detectives the criminal ‘A whats your opinion of Sherlock Holmes? Ise avery clever man cm or ishe ust arogant? Give reason for your opinion, 1 Doyouthinkshederecve,Gregaon and Lestrade are realy as oes happen? stupid athe author makes us lee? Whyrwhy no? : +The cnclsion: does the murderer escape? ire captured? Do © Lookat the clues inexercise2. If you did't have the same ‘neknow what happen or does the story end with something for Information, woud there be anyother posible cations othe ‘eto guess? ee oe @ compete the questions with the correct question word and then snswer them, des Watson go tole with heroc Hees? are the names ofthe two detectives frm scotland Yan? lows Sherlock Holmes know the man smokes cigars? comes forthe rng? oes efferson Hope follow Drebber and Stangerson to? © Doyou remember these places fom the story? [A Theloeation ofthe second murder 3 “Sherlock Holmes and Watson share rooms here © The town he Mormons took icy ad John Frist. Gregronand Lestrade wor here E Jefferson Hope ieshere, (© complete each sentence with a word from the box and number them inthe onder th events are tld. the first one ls done for you victim find murderer justice cate Mormons murder ‘A Sherlock Holmes tells Watson his deduction out the sfterleaving the house in Brinton Road | Jefferson Hope tls Holmes, Wats ae the two detectives about how he commited the, © Gregson explains hie theory about how he thinks the, was kiled ane who the murder (key Fried of broken heart and eerson determined The nuns has ben solved and Holmes ic quietly etched FT Watsons en Stamford intraduces him to Hales Ley an ohn ervier begin ther Ives with hen Salt Lake Cy © reve (1) false (67 correct the flee sentences with your own description of the characters, ‘A Gregson and strae are vryinteligent and quick tonotie even the males deta Baton nterestdin the ese and how shurloc ‘Holmes solves‘ buthe docs not chet ied © Enath rebberat Fist appears tobe an innocent ‘victim, But we son find out that he ven. Jefferson Hopes a cre, vile man He had no Intention of confessing his crimes bt had no choc Sherlock Holmes thinks hes very clever but in fact he slays makes mistakes. Herelson Wetson to give him his anewers Fre kow nothing about Stangerson, We ony know hisjoband thathe was murdered ‘na. uy foun sage ery SASr7 specu og ogg it sae 9 np er seam oantuns 3g. snenbun yuri doysoe tapeeten, "ome sym ane Apary oy pv saap yonesoega ane “PouNs —J4 unjon jor seeaie mop a ease aoe ‘3 Rue ns se op ucp 5 ows uaa a susan odouosiot~J01 >. peop sar ou soem sanenypnb coat ng hop anae nfo spo pur uae Ae (soon 9 use 4 Gr) ea (ousn a (ormw).eo Copmulee Gaurd ey & hs Sonia upen a Sm sono} 4 cacy “use jo pas ¥ ea BuO Loti ed wii daa ub yo eo mp oe a on pee ‘ween yng anon deo amapmnuee soon eyceneeg ei ‘lo: Anne ery ses le ‘etter acd ba wera iy rts oi a foie Reacompoe sf he Ape ne rc ie He ta siete cn Four 82.1 ‘ure ete peut, Foi Sl fie went ‘rho orsnce ura en) ately pte SeContoal Pt es. cai ie Gs ecninee toh Also available at . ‘The Big Mita and Ot Str A Critmas Carl Cres Dishns ay Mie ys from The Newt Calendar ok the Ripe ee een A Midsseer Night's Drea ‘itm Ste “The Scent Aga sem Cond Stay nS Sir rth Cna Dayle The Tap fF ‘The Taro Sere Hy ame Washing Square Her anes “ee EXPANSIVE READING Sto bck calaa cos ‘th tp sus ‘crmegena Traine rte cd ‘Sle, Nannie amctre fom fver ps ‘tennis or aul ‘meray sod cei Step Four B2.1 Pa ee Snl te taco. Pee Pre Contino enfeished pt i re onc ann choo anya Roped neat eds et gcse een one ee RSS rere Sar Tasos ‘he Camera Takes eiiy Chast Asma Carl Charis Dickens trot The Neat Caer ‘The Sere get eh Contd ‘The Sig oa Si Ar Caan Dap e Teta fe Fn Washington Square Hey

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