USD Method Wall Footing Design in Excel Sheet

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Ø12mm@ 8.

00 in c/c
Ø16mm@ 12.00 in c/c
Ø20mm@ 18.00 in c/c 16.00 in
Ø25mm@ 32.00 in c/c
Ø12mm@ 5.00
Ø16mm@ 8.00
Ø20mm@ 12.00
t = 13.50 in

Ø25mm@ 22.00
9 in

6.00 ft

Step-1: Insert Data Here

Size of Wall, a = 16.00 in

f'c = 3,000.00 psi
= 3.00 ksi
fy = 60,000.00 psi
= 60.00 ksi
DL Load from Wall = 14.00 kips / ft
LL Load from Wall = 10.00 kips / ft
Allowable Soil Pressure, qa = 4.50 ksf

Service load from Wall, Ws = 24,000.00 lb / ft

Step-2: Footign Size

Let, the thickness of the footing, t = 12.00 in

So, d = 9.00 in
So, the footing weight per sft, Fw = 150.00 psf

So, pressure of Soil, A1 = 100.00 pcf

Top of the Footing below GL, B1 = 3.00 ft
The Soil Pressure at 3.00 ft depth, C1= A1xB1 = 300.00 psf

The net bearing pressure of the soil to carry the Wall Service Load, q net = qa - Fw - C1
= 4,050.00

Hence, the required width of the footing,L = Ws / qnet

= 5.93 ft

Say, Width of the Footing, L= 6.00 ft

Step- 3: Checking "d" from Moment

Factored Load from Wall, Pu = 36.60 kip / ft = 36,600.00 lb /ft

Upward pressure caused by the factored load of Wall, qu = Pu / L
= 6,100.00 psf

Moment, Mu = (1/8)*qu*(L-a)2 L-a = 4.67

= 16,605.56 lb-ft / ft
= 199,266.67 lb-in / ft

P= 0.75 Pb = 0.75x0.85x0.85x(f'c/fy)x(87000/(87000+fy))
= 0.016
Mu = ØPfybd (1-0.59P(fy/f'c)

d= 4.863 in < 9.00 in So, OK

Step-4: Checking "d" against Beam Shear at a distance "d" from Colm face

The selected value d= 9.00 in will now be checked for one-way or beam shear on section ef.
The factored shear force per feet acting on that section is :-

Vu = qu*S3*1 lb / ft L/2-a/2= 2.33 ft

= 9,658.33 lb / ft S3 = L/2 - a/2 - d
= 1.58 ft

Design strength, ØVc = 2ØÖf'cbd

= 10,056.19 lb / ft > Vu = 9,658.33

Since ØVc > Vu, So, d = 9.00 in is adequate for Beam shear.

So, d= 9.00 in
t= 13.50 in

Step-10: Steel requirements in the Long Direction (main)

As = Mu / ((Øfy(d-a/2)) Let, a= 0.84 in

= 0.430 in2 / ft
Check, a= Asfy / 0.85f'cb
= 0.843 in = 0.84 in, So OK

pmin = 200 / fy = 0.003

Asmin = pmin*b*d = 0.360 in2 / ft

So, As = 0.430 in2 / ft

Reinforcement Required: -
(1) Ø12mm@ 5.00 in c/c
(2) Ø16mm@ 8.00 in c/c
(3) Ø20mm@ 12.00 in c/c
(4) Ø25mm@ 22.00 in c/c

Step-11: Steel requirements in the Short Direction (Temp. & Shrin.)

The minimum reinforcement required to control the shrinkage & temperature cracking: -

As = 0.0018bt in2 /ft for, fy=60,000

= 0.002bt 2 for, fy=40,000
in /ft
= 0.292 2 for, fy=60,000
in /ft
= 0.324 2 for, fy=40,000
in /ft

Reinforcement Required: -
(1) Ø12mm@ 8.00 in c/c for, fy=60,000
(2) Ø16mm@ 12.00 in c/c for, fy=60,000
(3) Ø20mm@ 18.00 in c/c for, fy=60,000
(4) Ø25mm@ 32.00 in c/c for, fy=60,000

Reinforcement Required: -
(1) Ø12mm@ 7.00 in c/c for, fy=40,000
(2) Ø16mm@ 11.00 in c/c for, fy=40,000
(3) Ø20mm@ 16.00 in c/c for, fy=40,000
(4) Ø25mm@ 29.00 in c/c for, fy=40,000

Step-12: Development Length for footing in the long direction (L)

9.5Öf'c where, D= dia of footing reinf.

Max Bond Stress, u =
= 1,040.67 psi for Ø12mm

= 832.54 psi for Ø16mm

= 693.78 psi for Ø20mm

= 520.34 psi for Ø25mm

As f y where, SO = Perimeter of Reinf.

Reqd Development Length, ld =
uSO = 2*P*r
= 7.34 in for Ø12mm = P*d
= 11.37 in for Ø16mm P= 3.14
= 16.14 in for Ø20mm

= 28.98 in for Ø25mm

From face of column, the actual ld = (L/2 - a/2)*12 - 3

= 25.00 in > 7.34 in for Ø12mm
= 25.00 in > 11.37 in for Ø16mm
= 25.00 in > 16.14 in for Ø20mm
= 25.00 in > 28.98 in for Ø25mm
So, bond is adequate

Step-13: Development Length for wall reinf

9.5Öf'c where, D= dia of footing reinf.

Max Bond Stress, u =
= 1,040.67 psi for Ø12mm

= 832.54 psi for Ø16mm

= 693.78 psi for Ø20mm

= 520.34 psi for Ø25mm

As f y where, SO = Perimeter of Reinf.

Reqd Development Length, ld =
uSO = 2*P*r
= 7.34 in for Ø12mm = P*d
= 11.37 in for Ø16mm P= 3.14
= 16.14 in for Ø20mm

= 28.98 in for Ø25mm

in c/c
in c/c
in c/c
in c/c
qa - Fw - C1


shear on section ef.

lb / ft
dia of footing reinf.

O = Perimeter of Reinf.

in for Ø12mm
in for Ø16mm
in for Ø20mm
in for Ø25mm

dia of footing reinf.

O = Perimeter of Reinf.

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