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Role of the

Head Nurse
Dr/ el tahra elsayed
Lecture of Nursing Administration
Faculty of Nursing
Mansoura University
Out Lines
◼ Definition of the head nurse
◼ Nursing Management Levels

◼ Criteria for selection of the head nurse

◼ Different roles of the head nurse:

I Patient care Management.

II Staff management.
III Unit management.
◼ Head nurses’ performance plays an
important role in the successful operation
of hospitals. In each unit there is a head
nurse who guides the personnel working
in the unit, to provide quality of patient
Definition of the head

The head nurse is a professional nurse

who is responsible for one hospital
unit, where nursing care is provided
The head nurse fills a first-line
management position of the nursing
management levels.

The head nurse is a link between top

and middle management levels and
staff nurses
The importance of the nurse manager role

• The provision of effective and high quality care in

any patient care delivery setting.

• Advocate up to management for nurses and other

staff, but also interpret and manage organizational
decisions that come down to the unit,”
• Contact with nearly all departments of the
hospital and are the bridge between staff nurses
and upper management

• Responsible for translating strategic goals and

objectives formulated at the operational level into

• provides not only administrative and clinical

leadership, but also has 24-hour accountability
for all patient care activities on the unit
• Is pivotal in the development and retention of staff,
as well as overall unit productivity.
Nursing Management Levels

Top management
(director of nursing service department)

Middle management (nurse supervisor)

First line management (head nurse)

Criteria for selection of the head
1- Educational qualification

2- Professional qualification

3- Personal qualification
Educational qualification

◼ The head nurse must has bachelor degree

in nursing, with advanced preparation in
management techniques an skills.
Professional qualification
◼ Currently licensed to practice professional nursing.

◼ Have at least two to five years of experience in the area of

clinical nursing.

◼ Attended continuing education courses related to


◼ Possess professional qualities for leadership role such

as; good judgment, communication skills, decision
making, able to identify human needs.
Job qualification
◼ Maintain optimum physical and emotional health.

◼ Demonstrate knowledge and skills gained from

education and experience in clinical practice.

◼ Provide coaching and supervision to nursing staff.

◼ Continue staff development activities to maintain

up to date nursing knowledge, as well as skills.
Different roles of the head nurse
The head nurse has multi-roles in different
areas in nursing as follows:

I Patient care Management.

II Staff management.
III Unit management.
I. Patient care Management.
Head nurse must have a body of
scientific knowledge and proper
competencies to be able to use the five
steps of nursing process and ensure that
each staff nurse is able to use nursing
process to provide patient care
H N for patient care management :
A. Nursing process

B. Assignment of personnel to meet patient

needs (purpose, principles of assignment,

C. Participate in patient education and

H N for patient care management

◼ Supervise all nursing activities related to

direct & indirect patient care through
conduct's rounds during the day by self,
with unit staff and with physician.
Round by self. Its purposes

▪ To observe all the patient & talk with them

▪ Observe general condition, physical


▪ To assess the adequacy of the nursing care

given based on the standards and offer
guidance and teaching
Round with unit nursing staff.

▪ To observe health education given to the patients,

assess their progress and to discuss needed intervention

▪ To promote good interpersonal relationship with unit

staff by showing interest in them

▪ To assess the adequacy of nursing care given by the

nursing staff and given necessary assistance if needed

▪ To receive information about the patients education from

the assigned nurse
Round with the physician.

▪ To exchange information concerning

patient condition & progress in the
presence of an assigned nurse

▪ To receive new orders

II. Staff management
A. Orientation of new staff
B. Staff utilization
C. Time schedule
D. Patient assignment
E. Staff supervision.
F. Staff development.
G. Staff performance appraisal
A.Orientation of new staff

◼ General orientation to the hospital

◼ Orientation to nursing unit

Staff utilization
◼ Ensure that every nurse knows her duties
and responsibilities
◼ Ensure that each nurse is competent in
utilizing the working time
◼ Plan time schedule for staff and maintain
staff moral.
◼ Observing working conditions to prevent
III. Unit management
1- Transcription of medical prescription.
2- Maintenance of supplies and
3- Maintenance of records and reports.
4- Plant maintenance
5- Reception of visitors.
6-Attend doctors round.
Transcription of medical prescription

The head nurse establishes a routine for

filling and handling medical prescription. She

checks the orders for medications and their

Maintenance of supplies and equipment
◼ These are activities that involve ordering ,
storing, issuing, controlling and maintaining
◼ The head nurse check the requests for needed
supplies or equipment, or it may ask the clerk or
any staff nurse to do such work.
◼ Also, the head nurse has to check storage,
maintaining, usage of these supplies and
Attend doctors round:Activities before
doctor's rounds:
To keep ready all investigations

✓ To complete patient charts organized in

order &ready

✓ To keep unit ready

✓ All equipment in order

✓ All patients are in bed

◼ Activities during doctor's rounds:

✓ Assist with the examinations

✓ Take notes on significant comments

✓ Report symptoms, reactions

◼ Activities after rounds:

✓ See that the patients are comfortable

✓ Carry out the changes ordered, eg.

investigation, new medication, stat
Role of head nurse in patient management
Date: Time of shift: Unit:
No. of patient: Head nurse name:

Patients' name bed

Problem Role Outcom e

Signature of The head nurse

Role of head nurse in staff management
Date: Time of shift: Unit:
No. of staff: Head nurse name:
Problem Role Outcome

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