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Major Assignment 2 (Tugas Besar 2)

As one of the requirements for students of Mercu Buana University to fulfill the OBE
Curriculum stated in Vice Rector’s circular number: 01-1/047/S.Ed/VIII/2020, is to conduct
Major Assignment 2 to replace the FinalTest (UAS), while Major Assignment 2 will be
conducted before the Final Test (UAS).
The Major Assignment 2 is writing a paper (min. 1.000 words) describing one of the topics
chosen (yourself, habits, routines, daily and currect activity or your experience in your life
related this current time).
Read the instruction below carefully:
- Introduce yourself first properly. Prepare a good opening & closing for your paper
before you go to the point of topic.
- You may combine the paragraphs with some pictures of related to the topic
- Your paper will be graded based on the content, creativity in paper layout & the
language items you use (idea of content, organization of paragraph, vocabulary,
structure & grammar of English).
- Submit this assignment in soft copy - type in A4, font 12, Times New Roman/Arial,
space 1.5 via POST by uploading a doc. file containing your personal student
identity (Name & NIM)
- The due date for this assignment is (7 June, 2022).

Good luck!

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