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Briefly describe your understanding of the following terms:

a. Adaptation – adaptation can simply define as the process that response of the individual
to the environment. Adaptation is related to the idea of the “absorbent mind”, that Dr.
Montessori referred to it first. Also, it is actually a process that younger children use to
adapt their environment to develop. Children who follow the Montessori method, they
show respect for their environment and other beings. They are ready to learn and absorb
everything that is happening around them, because of their absorbent mind, which is
ready to take in any information that is helpful for them to progress. Without a proper
adaptation grave physical and psychological difficulties will occur. An adapted person
would have had harmonious and appropriate development. Children tend to adapt to new
situations or changes, easier and better than the adults do. They are still in the process of
learning and understanding the environment around them.

b. Development – the process by which each being is brought from conception to adulthood
first on a physical then on a psychological level. Each person’s development is due to an
unconscious power. As Mary Ellen Maunz, Master Montessori Teacher and Founder
of Age of Montessori, states in another way. Also, each person used to guide, even
pushed towards the development by a vital force. The philosopher Bergson called this
force “elan vitale” sensitive periods are developmental windows of opportunity during
which children have an especially strong interest toward a specific concept or skill.
During these sensitive periods, children absorb the corresponding concepts easily and
naturally. Each child will go through the same sensitive periods at around the same age.

c. Education – education means that include all the phases of an individual life. Known for
individually paced learning and developing independence. The Montessori Method also
encourage the child to build empathy, passion for common reasonableness, and a joy in
lifelong learning. Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed
activity, hands-on learning activities. In Montessori classrooms children make creative
choices from their own learning skills. Education must correspond to the individual’s
developmental needs, and should assist the adaptive process he undergoes in relation to
all phases of his environment.

d. Hormes – hormes can define as a leading force that has a great intelligence that is
pushing all matters, living and non-living, towards its final goals. Montessori had given a
small example about hormes; it is seen in the force that unites two separate substances to
form a new compound; out of a limited number of elements also known as compound in
the universe. Only death can stop horme. Montessori once said that we must work to
defend the child against the negative aspects of these forces. Horme is the force that gives
power to the spontaneous work of the children. It is what makes them repeat an exercise
until they are satisfied. For example, the child who work with the knob cylinder for 42
e. Mneme – mneme is a hereditary memory that unconscious the memory reproducing the
past and preserving all the experiences of beings before us. All living begins experiences
both plant and animal life. Also, Mneme refers to the unconscious memory, which. stores
sensorial and emotional data. It is the depository for what the child takes in from his
environment and without its existence, there would be nothing stored in the memory.
Mneme can divide into two parts firstly the physical kind and secondly psychic mneme.
Physical kind means all life form example plant, animals and man. This allows them to
reproduce their kind. Psychic mneme means the difference between animals and man and
plant life. plants are also adaptation because of the mneme they possess. In all cases,
adaptation is much easier in the developing the child than adults.

f. Nebulae – Montessori used the term nebulae as an analogue. Nebulae in the universe are
gases and dust particles that have the potential to spontaneously come together to form
stars and planets in the heavens. Montessori says that within the child there exist
potentialities also. The potentialities Montessori named nebulae. The potentialities
spontaneously incarnate the behavioral characteristics of the culture. Nebulae can divide
into two parts for example the first is that Nebulae can have a potential to become stars
and planets and the second is that Nebulae have the potentiality to incarnate the culture of
the environment. These nebulae are indistinct indefinite but they are waiting for the right
moment to go into action.

g. Subconscious – subconscious can simply define as the collection of all experiences

amassed by an individual forms his birth onwards. It is a very strong force in the human
psyche. Also, subconscious mind, using, without thinking too much, the life experiences,
also sensory ones as a response, unconscious mind, the person is not aware of gathering
information, mostly a response to sensory information

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