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機工實驗 II Unit3&4 結報 B09502081 陳學鴻


(b)15% -0.51139N /17% 0.240752N/ 20% 0.188451N

Air density 24℃=1.189kg/m^3 A=0.04m*0.21m
(b)stall point AOA=20.5° 359.9516498
L/D max AOA=20.5° 14.56016067

a-1 which symbol is responsible for the “uniform distribution” assumption?
a-2 When the flow passing our box, does this assumption still hold?
b-1 Describe the total force estimated by equation (12) with these two points?
Total force=ρ*dA*(u_out^2-u_in^2)
b-2 Can you relate the Bernoulli equation (∆𝑃 = 0.5𝜌∆(𝑢^2 )) with your answer in
可以,兩著皆是論述速度與壓力的關係,Bernoulli equation 壓力正比於
∆(𝑢^2 ),Q3(b-1)的 F 正比於(u_out^2-u_in^2)以及面積,約為壓力正比於速度
b-3-1 Does your derivation in (b-2) still hold in the following segments?
Segments2 成立 segments1/3 不成立
b-3-2 Consider segment 1 and 2, which one provides a bigger force exerting on CV
segment 1
c (1)在下風處靠近盒子的部分會產生渦流,流速較慢受 CV 影響較小(2)上風處測
量點較遠會使量測不準確,因為流場還未流經 CV 所以得到數據更接近於不存
在 CV 的情況,造成誤差。

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