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Unit. -1
Industrial psychology definition

1.Industrial psychology refers to the applied organizational psychology used to

study, analyze and understand human behavior in the workplace, mainly how
business works and how employees function
Industrial psychology uses a range of scientific methods, including quantitative
and qualitative research.
Most often it's applied when the company is going through a transition phase.

2.Industrial and organizational (V/O) psychologists focus on the behavior of

employees in the workplace. They apply psychological principles and research
methods to improve the overall work environment, including performance,
communication, professional satisfaction and safety.

3.Industrial psychology applies the theory of psychology (human behavior) to the

workplace. Its purpose is to increase productivity by prioritizing the mental and
physical health of an organization's employees. Professionals in this field analyze
the attitudes and behaviors of employees while they are at work and identify
areas in which new procedures or training programs could be beneficial. It is
difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of industrial psychology, with some experts
stating that the field emerged in the 1800s as a result of experimental psychology,
with pioneers of the field including Hugo Münsterburg, Walter Dill Scott, and
James McKeen Cattell. Industrial psychology was brought into sharper focus by
World War I, at which time psychologists were called upon to evaluate the mental
abilities of recruits ( wwwww.gures/om/homework help/deline-industrial

Industrial-organizational psychology is the branch of psychology that applies

psychological theories and principles to organizations. Often referred to as 1-0
psychology, this field focuses on increasing workplace productivity and related
issues such as the physical and mental well-being of employees. Industrial-
organizational psychologists perform a wide variety of tasks, including studying
worker attitudes and behavior, evaluating companies, and conducting leadership


The main aim of Industrial Psychology is to study the human behaviour
and to suggest various ways and means lo improve the efficiency of
workers in industries. The important objectives of industrial psychology are
as under:
(1) Selection of proper man—By the use of systematic depth interviews
and psychological tests such as intelligence, aptitude, skills, abilities and
interest tests, the personnel characteristics of the persons are measured
and proper man is selected for and placed on the job.

(2) Proper distribution of work—Another aim of industrial psychology

is the proper distribution of work, according to the ability and aptitude of
the employees so that they feel themselves satisfied and the employer may
also get higher production at minimum cost.

(3) Minimising the wastage of human force—Industrial psychology

aims at minimising the wastage of human power due to fatigue, illness,
accidents etc. It studies several psychological factors causing fatigue or
accidents and suggests measures for preventing the accidents or
minimising fatigue. The techniques of motivation and morale are used for
this purpose.
(4) Promoting labour welfare—Industrial Psychology promotes labour
welfare through job satisfaction, increase in labour efficiency, health and
incentive provisions.

(5) Improvement in human relations—The main aim of Industrial

Psychology is to improve the human relations in industry. It is believed that
if the individual employee is taken care of problems of motivation,
productivity will be automatically settled. Human relation may be described
as the relations or contracts among individuals in an organisation and the
group behaviour that emerges from these relationships and Industrial
Psychology has made significant contribution to the sphere of industrial
management by developing concepts and techniques of leadership,
supervision, communication and employee participation in management.

(6) Improvement in Industrial Relations—Industrial Psychology

studies the attitude of employers and employees and offers suggestion to
improve the labour relations in industries. It assumes that all individuals
differ from each other in degree though not in kind and, therefore,
different measures are adopted in solving the problems like bringing
promotions, transfers etc. relating to each individual.

(7) Maximum production—The chief aim of an organisation is to get the

best results from the available resources. Industrial Psychology helps in
achieving the target. The production is automatically increased if proper
selection is made; the work is distributed properly; industrial relations are
improved and human relations are promoted.

1. The tools and techniques of science: Psychologists study human

behavior through the tools and techniques of science.

2. Recruiting and selecting employees: Recruiting focus on attracting,

selecting, and designing the appropriate candidates for one or more
positions within an organization, permanent or temporary.

3. Evaluating employee performance: It is the process of assessing an

employee's job performance and productivity.
4.Training and development: Professional in this area often determine what type
of skills are necessary to perform specific jobs as well as develop and evaluate
employee training programs.
5.Employee Selection: This area involves developing employee selection
assessments, such as screening tests to determine if job applicants are qualified
for a particular position.
6.Performance Management: I/O psychologists who work in this area develop
assessments and techniques to determine if employees are doing their jobs well.

7.Work Life: This area focuses on improving employee satisfaction and

maximizing the productivity of the workforce. I/O psychologists in this area might
work to find ways to make jobs more rewarding or design programs that improve
the quality of life in the workplace.

8.Organizational Development: I/O psychologists who work in this area help

improve organizations, often through increasing profits, redesigning products,
and improving the organizational structure.
9.Motivation, job satisfaction and job involvement: It includes the quality of
leadership, advancement opportunities, job security, and characteristics of the
physical and psychological work climate.

10.Employee safety, violence and health: The physical and personal

consequences of industrial accidents, economic losses cost organizations billions
of dollars in lost work hours, employee compensation, and the expense of hiring
and training new workers.

Time and motion study

Time and Motion study is an observation method used to determine the
timing and duration of tasks or procedures. It is a work measurement
technique for recording the times and rates of working for the elements of
a specified job carried out under specified conditions and for analyzing
data. The study helps in reducing and controlling costs, improving working
conditions, and motivating people.

When the time taken to complete a task is measured, machine delays,

personal needs, fatigue, and any other foreign interference is also taken
into account. Effectively a job is broken down into its component parts. The
time taken to complete each component is noted. And the components are
ordered or rearranged, keeping in mind efficiency.

A Time Standard is an important component of Time and Motion Study. A

time standard takes into account three factors: qualified worker, working at
a normal pace, and doing a specific task.

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