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Examen de Science. Maps and Plans.

1. Complete

2. Look at these three maps and complete the descriptions.

a. A_______________________________________ map shows the borders of a country and its different regions. It
uses a red dot for the capital city and black dots for the regional capitals.

b. A________________________________________ map shows high land in brown and low land in green. It shows
rivers as blue lines.

c. A _______________________________________ map shows the different types of roads in different colours. It

also shows railway lines and airports.

3. Which one is different in each group? Choose.

4. Read about Castleton. Label the streets.

There is a post office and a hospital in North Street. The supermarket

is in High Street, opposite the park. The swimming pool and tourist
information centre are in Castle Street. There is a restaurant in New
Street. There is a petrol Station, a bus stop and a hotel in Bank Street.

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