Instrumentation and Monitoring of Coast Landslds at Lyme, Fort Et Al 2000

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Instrumentation and Monitoring of the Coastal Landslides at Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK D. $. FORT, A. R. CLARK, High-Point Rendel, London, D. T. SAVAGE, and G, M. DAVIS, West Dorset District Council, UK INTRODUCTION Lyme Regis is a coastal town of 3,500 inhabitants which rises to 14,000 in the holiday season. ‘The area has a history of coastal erosion and instability and is affected by landslides covering an area of 75 hectares. As part of the Lyme Regis Environmental Improvement Studies being funded jointly by West Dorset District Council (WDDC) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), a monitoring programme has been set up to provide quantitative information on the location, rate, magnitude and distribution of landslide movements and groundwater variations across the town of Lyme Regis. This information compliments the geotechnical ground models that have been developed for the town and will form part of the rationale for the design of any future stabilisation measures that may be undertaken. The information also contributes to the early warning of potential landslide instability, ‘This paper describes the instrumentation used, gives an outline philosophy for the long term monitoring strategy for the instrumentation and presents examples of the types of results obtained to date. The details of the ground investigation, the developed ground models and the slope failure systems are described in separate papers (see References). BOREHOLE INCLINOMETERS Installation and Commissioning During the ground investigation 34 borehole inclinometers ranging in depth from 10.25m to 50.15m (total 975.35m) were installed. They were sited at key locations to identify and confirm the landslide systems and movement rates, postulated from the ground models developed fiom geomorphological mapping and borcholes. ‘The inclinometer tubing, comprised plastic PVC tubing of 49mm ID with 54mm keyways. The grout used for the inclinometer tubing installation generally comprised a 3:1 bentonite:cement mix by weight to be compatible with the in situ strength of the landslide material. The satisfactory operation of each installation was confirmed by taking two consecutive readings using a biaxial inclinometer probe. It was found that it ‘sometimes took a number ‘of weeks for the inclinometer tubing to stabilise in the borehole as the conection of the keyway axis direction to be made to the inclinometer readings, Where boreholes were located in relatively active parts of the landslide system in which rapid ground movement had been observed which would quickly destroy an inclinometer installation, sacrificial slip indicators were installed. These comprised standpipe tubing containing stainless steel mandrels. These were checked periodically to determine the depth of movement in the standpipe. Landslides in research, theory and pracice, Thomas Telford, London, 2000, 574 LANDSLIDES Monitoring In view of the large number of inclinometer installations, the monitoring frequency was optimised to a manageable level in accordance with the following monitoring philosophy: i) Following commissioning of the inclinometer installation, 2 consecutive repeatable readings of each inclinometer were taken. This provided a ‘confirmed! base level reading, from which future readings would be compared. ii) In order to optimisc/minimise the frequency of reading of individual borehole inclinometers, a series of relatively intensive and time-consuming monitoring was undertaken, Initially all inclinometers were read and processed at nominal monthly (4-6 week) intervals during the autumn/winter period to identify active movement. iii) On reviewing these results the monitoring regime was optimised by;- e continuing to read ‘active’ borehole inclinometers showing ongoing movement at nominal monthly intervals; reducing the monitoring frequency of selected inciinometers, say to 2 months; omitting the monitoring of certain borehole inclinometers, with monitoring only being resumed when adjacent frequently read inclinometers show movement or at nominal quarterly (3 month) intervals; © increasing the frequency of monitoring at selected locations following heavy rainfall. Processing Typical examples of the monitoring results are given in Figure 1. The following standard graphs were prepared for each inclinometer: + Cumulative deviation plot for the A/B and C/D planes for the base readings only. This gives the "profile" of the inclinometer tubing in the ground. + Displacement profile plots for the A/B and C/D planes showing ground displacements between each set of readings compared to the baseline readings. The displacement data was then resolved to find the maximum displacement and direction of landslide movement For inclinometers where movement is recorded, plots of displacement versus time at the shear zone position and rate of displacement versus time. STANDPIPE PIEZOMETERS Installation A total of 50 standpipe piczometers were installed to depths of between 3.60m and 54,65m below ground level). The piezometer tips were generally installed either at or close to the base of landslide material or at depths within solid intact geology often at the position of suspected shear zones ot stratigraphic marker horizons. The installations typically comprised plastic standpipe tubing with plastic type Casagrande piezometer tips. The piezometers were installed in sand cells of varying length and sealed with bentonite above, and where appropriate below, the sand cell, The remainder of the borehole was grouted with a bentonite/cement (3:1 ratio) grout. In general, a 50mm diameter standpipe was used to allow the insertion of a pressure transducer and cable whilst leaving sufficient room for manual dipping using a conventional dip meter. Where more than one standpipe was installed in the same borehole the diameter of each standpipe needed to be reduced to 25mm. The placement of two standpipes in the same borehole at times proved to be unsuccessful due to leakage between the piezometer installation FORTATAL 575 seals. Bourdon pressure gauges were installed on standpipe piezometers where artesian water levels were encountered. Monitoring In order to optimise the collection of groundwater data, 27 of the piezometers have been monitored using an automatic reading data logger system, The data loggers were placed in manhole chambers of inside dimensions of 430mm x 280mm and 300mm depth constructed at each borehole location. The 'Hydrokit data logger system comprises either @ single or dual Jogger connected via a cable to a pressure transducer inserted down the standpipe to below the water level. A weatherproof lap top portable PC is used to upload the groundwater data from the loggers. Each logger can store up to 20,000 readings at intervals sct between 10 seconds and 99 hours. In general the reading rate was set to 12-hourly intervals with each data logger being uploaded at monthly intervals. In selected boreholes the data logger was also used for close frequency automatic monitoring to establish any tidal variation relationships with groundwater levels. The data was presented on a spreadsheet and graph with the groundwater being plotted as depth, head above tip and elevation for each piezometer. The automatic data logger system has proved to be a reliable and cost effective system of obtaining frequent, high quality groundwater readings compared to that which is commonly obtained using conventional manual dipping. Examples of typical monitoring results obtained from the piezometers are presented in Figure 2. Those piezometers without data loggers, including some still serviceable from previous ground investigations, are monitored using a dip meter on a 2 to 4 week interval. In selected piezometers, piezometer buckets were also added to record highest water levels GROUND SURFACE SURVEY MARKERS As part of the preliminary studies 70 ground surface survey markers have been installed throughout the Lyme Regis area. These stations are being surveyed at regular intervals (3-4 months) using differential global positioning satellite methods (DGPS) in both the horizontal X- Y and vertical directions to a repeatability of 47mm. In order to ensure the accuracy of the DGPS survey, 2 independent static reference stations on stable land are used. Five types of permanent ground markers have been used depending on the nature of the ground in the area; i.e. nails driven in tarmac surfaces, brass bolts drilled and cemented into concrete structures, 600mm long steel ‘FENO” markers either driven into soft ground or cast into a conerete block, cot macks punched into iron frames of manhole covers. The Ordnance Survey coordinates of each marker are calculated fiom the DGPS coordinates using a set of transformation algorithms Gerived for the local area. The apparent vector movement of each marker is calculated in the horizontal and vertical plane by comparing the coordinates of successive DGPS observations. OTHER OBSERVATIONS A systematic record of ground movement observations such as opening of cracks in roads, footpaths, renewed slope instability, damage to seawall structures etc, is also undertaken by regular physical inspection of the area. This forms a useful record which may be linked with the inclinometer and surface survey monitoring data described above. INTERPRETATION OF THE MONITORING RESULTS: Since the completion of the ground investigation in September 1997, a significant quantity of data has been obtained from the monitoring of the inclinometers, piezometers and ground surface survey markers. The short term aims of the monitoring included the collection of precise geotechnical data to more clearly determine the nature of the complex multiple landstides models at Lyme Regis (Sellwood et al, 2000). This required the determination of the position of 576 LANDSLIDES ground movement, whete possible to include the direction vectors of movements, and also to measure rates and magnitude of movement. In areas of relatively rapid active movement, the surface survey markers provide both vertical and horizontal vectors, and rates of movement at the ground surface, whilst the inctinometers provide precise measurement of depth, diction (in the horizontal plane) and rate of movement along sliding surfaces. From this information it has been possible to build up a picture of the distribution of ground movement within Lyme Regis and also to confirm the mechanisms and kinematics of slope instability by examining the vector movernent and depth of movement at each individual landslide unit within the multiple Jandstide complex (Figures 3 and 4), mn order to provide information to allow stability analyses of the postulated slips to be canried out, a groundwater model has also had to be developed. The monitoring of the many standpipe piezometers installed at various depths and geological horizons in the landslide system enabled an understanding of the complex multilayered groundwater regime to be made, Another objective of the geotechnical monitoring is to establish the intetrelationship of ground movement with piezometric levels and rainfall, with the ultimate aim being the forecasting of ‘ground movement within Lyme Regis based on antecedent rainfall and groundwater levels. A ‘weather station/rain gauge has been installed to monitor rainfall, whilst historical daily rainfall records are available for the area since 1868. Rainfall data (daily, weekly or antecedent etc) is routinely compared to the response in groundwater level and rates of ground movement Continued long-term monitoring will provide additional data that should enable both the landslide models and the relationship of ground movement to rainfall and groundwater levels to be further refined, MANAGEMENT STRATEGY An important aspect of the monitoring regime is the development of a management response strategy. A response procedure is in place for the possible situation that significant movements are observed which could pose a threat to the safety of the public and property. The response strategy considers the following issues: ~ thresholds of significant movement ~ _ amevaluation of the likely consequences of continued movernent ~ communication procedures ~ nominated individuals’ responsibilities ~ actions to be taken in the event of movements s clearly defined response pathways CONCLUSION A considerable investment bas been made by West Dorset District Couneil and MARF in the Studies, investigations and ground monitoring at Lyme Regis. The importance of fully understanding the landslide problems at the town is described in Clark et al, 2000, and it is considered that a major benefit of the monitoring is the provision, for the first time at Lyme Regis, of a global appreciation of the landslide behaviour which will eventually lead to the development of @ landslide strategy and stabilisation works for the historic town. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank West Dorset District Council, for granting permission to publish the paper. The Consultants for the studies are High-Point Rendel, The Contractor for the ground investigation and the installation of the inclinometers and piezometers was Exploration Associates Ltd. The piezometer data loggers were provided and installed by FORTETAL 577 Hydrokit Ltd. The DGPS survey work was carried out by Merrett Survey Partnership. Thanks are also due to Professors E Bromhead and D Brunsden for their advice during the studies. REFERENCES Clark A. R., Fort D, S. and Davis G. M. The Strategy, Management and Investigation of Coastal Landslides at Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK. 8" Intemational Symposium on Landslides, Cardiff, 2000. Sellwood M., Davis G. M., Brunsden D. and Moore R. Ground Models for the Coastal Landslides at Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK. 8” International Symposium on Landslides, Cardiff, 2000. Lee. E. M., Brunsden D. and Sellwood M. Quantitative Risk Assessment of Coastal Landslide Problems, Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK. 8" International Symposium on Landslides, Cardiff, 2000. % woo 7" is os : 4 - 0.20 A : ge ae 8 en ‘ i 4 2 m0 z & 2 z z zp 5 &g z = g § g & g & $8 $ € 8 Seen etsis Figure 1. Example of inclinometer monitoring results: a) cumulative displaccment across a shear plane; b) rate of movement (Displacement profile not shown) Apr98 — Sun-98 Jul-98 —-Sep-98 —-Nov-98Dec-98—Feb-99 Figure 2. Exanaple response plots from piezometer monitoring: a) slight seasonal response; b) seasonal response with 14-day tidal influence; c) typical seasonal response; d) contrasting ‘summer and winter responses) 578 LANDSLIDES Ne beeleseeess @ Permanent ground marker, A Inctinometer Figure 3. Detail from plan showing movement vectors Denotes moving landslide 4998 cite Position of shear surface ‘op ‘position wm contirmed by nctromster oF Visual observation, 4998 curr 40p position Active slip surface observed £8/990 rox zm above e 950°88 don 96 spree Zin above, Grey edo iPfexposure ‘obove seawall edge 22" Looging, ot head to Ere ve ie 8 gion 98 s Mudsie Fish Bea om, eee ESE Figure 4. Typical ground model section showing monitoring results LANDSLIDES in research, theory and practice VOLUME 2 Edited by E. Bromhead, N. Dixon and M-L. Ibsen Proceedings of the 8" International Symposium on Landslides held in Cardiff on 26-30 June 2000 Vit ISL ee Vv Thomas Telford

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