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108, ii. 27, iv. 56, 57.

For the criticism of Herodotus's

the middle of the 19th century (see EGYPT and AFRICA,

rapidity of the contact may be modified or even eventually

diameter. At first it lies in the lower part of the neck,

leading up to it (a device to evade the pre-Deutero- nomic

(7) Amahai (the southern part of Mid-Ceram); (8) the Banda

und Firn (1901); E. Rambert, Ascensions et flaneries (2

for many years they had been accustomed to receive. They

build up a Social-Democratic political party. This soon led

But both identifications are conjectural. Nevertheless the

objectives for groups more with regard to the field of

remarkable analogy between the Albanian and the neighbouring

sacristan of the church of Beverley in the first half of the

Ogoki and Kenogami rivers are the principal tributaries.

temperament. Napoleon thought him a ``shifty Byzantine,''

quartered in the naval barracks and drafted from them to the

been founded in 1494 by Ahmad Nizam Shah, on the site of a

the Samoa settlement, this neutral zone was partitioned between

(1670), which is said to be an imitation of the temple of

grandfather, Ferdinand of Toledo, educated him in military

Italy. Its date cannot be later than the 5th and is possibly

Rovigo, 15 m. F. by rail from the town of Rovigo. It is

experimentalen Asthetik) a series of experiments carried out

of the Southern Nigeria protectorate. It contains luxuriant

prize. The same statute of Anne and acts of 1739 and 1744 give

as Willmans and Schulten, and especially of a great number

the palmy days of Ghazni miding was the road by which the
G. Refectory. supernumerary monks.

mathematics was thus effected in Italy, and it is to that country

as an 18-hole golf course; a section is reserved for cricket

pride. But its real aim is not the ``pity and terror'' of

most interesting documents of the reign, or indeed of English

xxii. 20. (b) Detached Amen, the complementary sentence

year, when he was placed at the academy of Turin. After

Berlin. But their constitution is not yet solved, there

sodium chloride is obtained by purifying natural or artificial

of Seyssel on the eastern frontier, besides which potter's

following table shows how this was done by Dupuy de Lome, and

ships instead of wood, complete boats for portage, motor-car

Alabama. Old party lines were broken by the Compromise of

In fishes, batrachians and reptiles the intestinal tract

The present entrance to the Palacio Arabe, or Casa Real (Moorish

777 and 786 built a magnificent palace on the site of that of

Mbunda peoples, Wa-Rungu } group

subsequent agricultural advancement. Weston was ambassador

His brother, GIOVANNI FILOTEO ACHILLINI (1466--1533),

its importance under the Romans. In later times it was the

attains a width of 100 m., but has no well-defined crest

are somewhat specialized, though here, too, are found the

the time of the revolution the promise was, ``to be true and

during a siege stone bullets of great size, as well as heavy

A small museum of local antiquities was established in 1897.

some outlying cases of indeterminate type, in which continuous

some is still, was obtained by passing chlorine into milk

confirmed in it by the success of Arian psalmody, Ambrose

Neemuch gives copious supplies to Malwa, Jhalawar and Kotah

accepted as king by Judah alone, was meanwhile reigning at

master the works of Euler and Bernouilli. In later life he

an unpublished work dating between 1540 and 1550 that Vasco

Virtuoso, in imitation of Spenser's style and stanza'' (1737)

parts and boiling-pans for confectionery and in chemical

Methods of production.

dedicated to Robert Boyle. A Short Account of Scots Divines,

Lakes and mountains of Equatorial Africa.

laying waste the Ogaden country. Two British officers

1896. The opposing principle, that of concentrating power

are almost entirely confined to England, and this is even

day, 10th December, but the appointment is virtually for

Sakya-Muni. In architectural relics of a later date than the

headship of the clan was sometimes hereditary, sometimes

The account of these alphabets is drawn from this work and from

plain. But the last barrier has yet to be passed, the Pongo

fragments. As distinguished from ordinary ash beds or tuffs,

progression of the line of apsides in a moderately elliptical

the Roman king Maximilian from his imprisonment at Bruges, and

of extremely little fall, sufficient, however, owing to

of the Portuguese power. In 1512 he sailed for the coast of

and chief town of the amt (county) of its name, on the south

From the very first invention of balloons the problem has

times. It has been found in Mycenaean tombs; it is known

of alum, namely, Roman alum, Levant alum, British alum and

importance. Its roots have occasionally been mistaken for

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