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struck north-westwards, but were overtaken by Alfred's eldest

consciousness and the intelligence remaining normal to the

gems. Among surviving monuments, we have no completely

His name is the first word of the first hymn of the Rig-veda:

Alkoran, an adaptation of the Liber confermitatum of the

contains, among other objects of interest, a remarkable

Spanish colonies.

times. Hundreds of thousands of miles of inland waters

autumn; correspondingly there was an unprecedentedly bad yield

Chief Peaks of the Lepontine Alps.

periods. In the Mycenae circle an altar seems to have been

the external atmospheric pressure when the internal air was

the Delphic oracle to Croesus for an explanation. Lucian's

Board, will be called upon to place the proposed estimates

that for the second offence the penalty of L. 5 should be

manufactured into glucose--the oil (maize-oil) is expressed,

congregation); for promulgating episcopal edicts; reciting the

has increased in full proportion to the additions to the

Amadis de Gaula consists of four books, the last of which

dominates the FIG. 5.--Rhodophyceae, variously magnified.

an extraordinary vogue all over Europe in the middle of the

canal from the distal end of the oesophagus to the cloaca or

Revolution. While the Jacobins did all in their power to

years 1404 and 1408 Aberystwyth Castle was in the hands of

the cities they swarmed over the countryside. Compelled to

area. Pop. (1906) 127. The islands rise from 20 to 80 ft.

Alabama, central Nevada and British Columbia (St Stephen).

have a richer vegetation --dense forest where the rainfall

situated. About two centuries afterwards, in the course of

is the scene of a victory over the Canaanites by Israel

Ahmes in modern works), the name of two kings of ancient Egypt.

vegetation. South Africa is largely destitute of forest

it) may be traced for a couple of miles. Within the walls

through the middle, watered by the Ishim and its tributary the

upon the controller the naval business of the country largely

whose descendants it is still held. The motive for choosing this

below 1.80 volt during discharge at ordinary rates (10

the branches of a tree which overhangs the water or the track of

1899) is now used as an hotel. Amalfi is first mentioned

Albuminoids is the anatomical name given to albuminous

shared, and to some extent headed, the Syrian discontent

Patrolog. lat. cxxiii. pp. 181-420; append. pp. 419-436),

Dutch, French, Danish and other adventurers. Much of Senegambia

Mewar and Marwar rajas, from whom it was as often retaken by

college for the purpose of conducting an agricultural experiment

St Mary's Abbey, York (Benedictine).--Churton's Monnastic Ruins.

who on the occurrence of grave symptoms after operating on

the powers corresponding to the lenses of refractive indices

of his government was the first Burmese war of 1824, resulting

flow of tribute and bribes which he directed to Constantinople;

decoration. The arrangement of Aegean palaces is of two main

by the chemical laboratory at Somerset House. The public

second son of Andronicus Angelus, nephew of Alexius I. In

expands, and the air forced out in front of it propels the

method subsequently improved by Wohler, Bunsen, Deville and

though guilty of the impious crime of attacking his own

the new Portuguese ministry as a fait accompli; but on

nationality. Emigration to an uncivilized country leaves British

Amiens on the Northern railway. Pop. (1901) 18,519; (1906)

British India on the 16th of January 1839. The withdrawal

republic. On the restoration of the Medici in 1530 he had again

was, however, as strong as ever. He took refuge in Morocco,

conceived, and the allotment law that came into force in October


a continuous range of windows. The east end was usually

left the place a wreck, with only half its former population,

commodities he consumes. On the other hand, a great part

that, so far from being allowed to pass with impunity, the

and also of the Manchester and Milford line. It is the

a quite disproportionate share of the yearly accumulated

(Ann. Phys. Chem. xlvi. p. 449) and F. Dolezalek (Theory

I developed into shapes which might have partaken of the

upholds the synergistic views of the Scottish theologian John

the audience cried out that his was the voice of a god. But

The Amazon is not so much a river as it is a gigantic

himself which was not devoid of compunction for earlier want of

of the Frenchmen by lot and summoned a prince of the house

a successful end in September or October 640 by Moawiya, `Amr

1 1/4 acres and under 109,169 8,759 34,779 305,413 458,120

of entomology, which obtains and disseminates information

affords a bright purple colour when the milk containing it is

Goethe. Schiller.
was ``extremely handsome''; and (June 7) thanked him for the

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