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CHEN Qixin (Crystal)

Rm.601, T block, Morningside College, CUHK

(852) 55116956 •

China Renaissance Hong Kong
Semester Intern at Investment Banking Division, TMT (return offer extended) 08/2019 – 12/2019
• Significantly involved in the marketing process of a leading food service distribution company’s private placement;
prepared management presentation, data pack and participated in 5 meetings with institutional investors
• Drafted valuation discussion materials for a leading dating APP’s US IPO; made recommendation for comparable
company selection and IPO valuation methodologies; performed valuation with comparable company analysis
• Researched on key competitors’ operating and financial metrics to conduct detailed benchmarking analysis for a
leading lifestyle retailing company; analyzed comparable company’s strategy to give development advice
• Engaged in the due diligence process of Canaan Inc.’s US$90 million IPO; synthesized financial due diligence
findings and conducted 30+ third party due diligence with key customers and suppliers
Jazzyear Technology Services LLC Beijing
Full-time Intern at Financial Advisory Division 05/2019 – 08/2019
• Conducted deep dive sector research for a machine vision technology startup’s private placement; prepared
presentation materials by liaising with management and conducting comparable company benchmarking analysis
• Researched and analyzed the total addressable market for AI education sector by using a bottom up approach;
drafted business due diligence question list and prepared presentation materials based on management feedbacks
• Presented in 12 internal weekly meetings with senior management to provide the latest update for the transactions
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance · Minor in Statistics · GPA: 3.5/4.0 Expected 06/2020
• Scholarships: Admission Scholarship (Top 0.03%; HKD 480,000); Master’s List (Top 10%; HKD 12,000)
• Relevant coursework: Financial Management (A-/A); Time Series Analysis (A/A); Applied Regression Analysis
(A/A); Econometrics (A/A); Basic Concepts for Statistics and Probability (A-/A); Algorithm Trading Strategies,
Arbitrage and HFT (In progress); Statistical Computing (In progress)
McGill University Montreal, CA
Fall 2018 Exchange Program at Desautels Faculty of Management 09/2018-12/2018
Asia Investment & Banking Conference 2019 Hong Kong
Delegate 06/2019 – 08/2019
• Identified potential acquisition target for Coca-Cola based on its business fundamentals and development strategies;
researched on the global non-alcoholic beverage market and synthesized the market development trends
• Evaluated potential revenue and cost synergies from the proposed transactions; advised on the transaction structure
• Conducted football field valuation analysis by using DCF, trading multiples and precedent transactions multiples
University Professional Enhancement Club Hong Kong
Vice President, Leader of Consulting Project 01/2018 – 05/2019
• Directed a team of 6 students to compile a strategy proposal about online client acquisition and marketing for a
recruiting startup; drafted weekly timetable to ensure all parties’ timely completion of their respective workstreams
• Invited 2 startup CEOs and 4 experienced consultants to a strategy planning sharing session through alumni network
• Prepared poster and other marketing materials for a sharing event, attracting 50+ participants
Languages Mandarin (Native), English (Fluent), Cantonese (Fluent)
Computing Proficient in Bloomberg, Capital IQ, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Python, C++, R

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