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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics

Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

1. The analysis of a propeller that operates in water at 20 °C shows that the pressure at the
tips of the propeller drops to 1 kPa at high speeds. Determine if there is a danger of cavitation.


The minimum pressure in a pump is given. It is to be determined if there is a danger of


Properties The vapor pressure of water at 20C is 2.339 kP.

Analysis To avoid cavitation, the pressure everywhere in

the flow should remain above the vapor (or saturation) pressure
at the given temperature, which is


The minimum pressure in the pump is 1 kPa, which is less than

the vapor pressure. Therefore, there is danger of cavitation in
the pump.
Discussion Note that the vapor pressure increases with
increasing temperature, and the danger of cavitation increases
at higher fluid temperatures.

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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics
Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

2. Consider the flow of a fluid with viscosity μ through a circular pipe. The velocity profile in
the pipe is given as u(r) = umax(1 – rn/Rn), where umax is the maximum flow velocity, which occurs
at the centerline; r is the radius distance from the centerline; and u(r) is the flow velocity at
any position r. Develop a relation for the drag force exerted on the pipe wall by the fluid in
the flow direction per unit length of the pipe.


The velocity profile of a fluid flowing though a circular pipe is given. The friction drag force
exerted on the pipe by the fluid in the flow direction per unit length of the pipe is to be
Assumptions The viscosity of the fluid is constant.
Analysis The wall shear stress is determined from its definition to be

=− =− 1− =− = !"

Note that the quantity du /dr is negative in pipe u(r) = umax(1-rn/Rn)

flow, and the negative sign is added to the w
relation for pipes to make shear stress in the
positive (flow) direction a positive quantity. (Or, du R
/dr = - du /dy since y = R – r). Then the friction drag r
force exerted by the fluid on the inner surface of 0
the pipe becomes umax
#= $ = !"
%2&'() = 2*& +, )
Therefore, the drag force per unit length of the pipe is

#/) = 2*& +, .

Discussion Note that the drag force acting on the pipe in this case is independent of the
pipe diameter.

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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics
Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

3. A thin 30-cm × 30-cm flat plate is pulled at 3 m/s horizontally through a 3.6-mm-thick oil
layer sandwiched between two plates, one stationary and the other moving at a constant
velocity of 0.3 m/s, as shown in Fig. P2–77. The dynamic viscosity of the oil is 0.027 Pa·s.
Assuming the velocity in each oil layer to vary linearly,
(a) plot the velocity profile and find the location where the oil velocity is zero and

(b) determine the force that needs to be applied on the plate to maintain this motion.


A thin flat plate is pulled horizontally through an oil layer sandwiched between two plates,
one stationary and the other moving at a constant velocity. The location in oil where the
velocity is zero and the force that needs to be applied on the plate are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The thickness of the plate is negligible. 2 The velocity profile in each oil layer
is linear.
Properties The absolute viscosity of oil is given to be  = 0.027 Pas = 0.027 Ns/m2.
Analysis (a) The velocity profile in each oil layer relative to the fixed wall is as shown in
the figure below. The point of zero velocity is indicated by point A, and its distance from the
lower plate is determined from geometric considerations (the similarity of the two triangles
in the lower oil layer) to be

..0 12 3
= 4.3  yA = 0.23636 mm

Fixed wall

h1=1 mm V = 3 m/s

h2=2.6 mm
y yA Vw= 0.3 m/s

Moving wall

(b) The magnitudes of shear forces acting on the upper and lower surfaces of the plate are

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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics
Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

du V 0 3 m /s
Fshear,upper   w ,upperAs   As   As  (0.027 N  s/m 2 )(0.3 0.3 m 2 )  7.29 N
dy h1 1.010-3 m
> >?
#shear, lower = , lower $= = $= 1
= $= @A
= %0.027 N ⋅ s/m. (%0.3 × 0.3
[3 % 4.3(] m/s
m. ( 2.6×10-3 m = 3.08 N
Noting that both shear forces are in the opposite direction of motion of the plate, the force F
is determined from a force balance on the plate to be

# = #shear, upper + #shear, lower = 7.29 + 3.08 = 10.4 R

Discussion Note that wall shear is a friction force between a solid and a liquid, and it acts
in the opposite direction of motion.

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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics
Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

4. The clutch system shown in Fig. P2–79 is used to transmit torque through a 2-mm-thick oil
film with μ = 0.38 N·s/m2 between two identical 30-cm-diameter disks. When the driving shaft
rotates at a speed of 1200 rpm, the driven shaft is observed to rotate at 1125 rpm. Assuming
a linear velocity profile for the oil film, determine the transmitted torque.


A clutch system is used to transmit torque through an oil film between two identical disks. For
specified rotational speeds, the transmitted torque is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The thickness of the oil film is uniform. 2 The rotational speeds of the disks
remain constant.
Properties The absolute viscosity of oil is given to be  = 0.38 Ns/m2.

Driving Driven
shaft shaft

30 cm
2 mm

SAE 30W oil

Analysis The disks are rotting in the same direction at different angular speeds of 1 and
of 2 . Therefore, we can assume one of the disks to be stationary and the other to be rotating
at an angular speed of ST − S. . The velocity gradient anywhere in the oil of film thickness h
is V /h where U = %ST − S. (Vis the tangential velocity. Then the wall shear stress anywhere
on the surface of the faster disk at a distance r from the axis of rotation can be expressed as
> %W W (
= = @= A
Then the shear force acting on a differential area h
dA on the surface and the torque generation 2r
associated with it can be expressed as
%W WA (
X# = X$ = %2&V(XV
%W WA ( A .Z %W WA ( 3
XY = VX# = @
%2&V(XV =

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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics
Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

.Z %W WA ( \/. 3 .Z %W WA ( ] Z %W WA (\]
Y= [ 4
V XV = =
@ @ ^ 4 3.@

Noting that S = 2& *_ , the relative angular speed is

1 min
ST − S. = 2&%*_ T − *_ . ( = %2& rad/s([%1200 − 1125( rev/min] =
60 s
7.854 rad/s
Substituting, the torque transmitted is determined to be
Z%4.3e N⋅s/mA (^ /s(%4.34 h(]
Y= 3.%4.44. m(
= 1.19 R ⋅ i

Discussion Note that the torque transmitted is proportional to the fourth power of disk
diameter, and is inversely proportional to the thickness of the oil film.

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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics
Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

5. The density of seawater at a free surface where the pressure is 98 kPa is approximately
1030 kg/m3. Taking the bulk modulus of elasticity of seawater to be 2.34×109 N/m2 and
expressing variation of pressure with depth z as dP = ρg dz determine the density and pressure
at a depth of 2500 m. Disregard the effect of temperature.
Ans: ρ = 1041 kg/m3 and P = 25.5 MPa


The density of seawater at the free surface and the bulk modulus of elasticity are given. The
density and pressure at a depth of 2500 m are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The temperature and the bulk modulus of elasticity of seawater is constant. 2
The gravitational acceleration remains constant.
Properties The density of seawater at free surface where the pressure is given to be 1030
kg/m3, and the bulk modulus of elasticity of seawater is given to be 2.34  109 N/m2.
Analysis The coefficient of compressibility or the bulk modulus of elasticity of fluids is
expressed as
lm m
j=k or j=k (at constant T )
ln o n

The differential pressure change across a differential fluid height of dz is given as

X = kpXq
Combining the two relations above and rearranging,
nr s s n r s
= pk. n
 nA
= t

Integrating from z = 0 where k = k4 = 1030 kg/m3 to z = z where k = k gives

n n r s T T rs
[n nA
= t [4 Xq  nw
−n = t
Solving for  gives the variation of density with depth as
1 z
%1/k4 ( − %pq/j(
2500 m
Substituting into the pressure change relation X = kpXq and integrating from z = 0 where
= 4 = 98 kPa to z = z where P = P gives
m s r s T
[m X = [4 %T/nw ( %rs/t(
 = 4 + jln
T %nw rs/t(

which is the desired relation for the variation of pressure in seawater with depth. At z = 2500
m, the values of density and pressure are determined by substitution to be
k= = 1041 zp/i3
1/%1030 kg/m3 ( − %9.81 m/s. (%2500 m(/%2.34 × 10y N/m. (
 1 
P  (98,000 Pa) (2.34  109 N /m 2 )ln 2 
 1 (1030 kg/m )(9.81 m /s )(2500 m )/(2.34  10 N /m )
3 2 9

 2.550 10 Pa

 25.50 MPa
since 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 1 kg/ms2 and 1 kPa = 1000 Pa.
Discussion Note that if we assumed  = o = constant at 1030 kg/m3, the pressure at 2500

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ENM3218/ENS6100 Fluid Mechanics
Tutorials 1 Questions & Solutions

m would be = 4 + kpq = 0.098 + 25.26 = 25.36 MPa. Then the density at 2500 m is
estimated to be
{k = k|{ = %1030(%2340 MPa( T %25.26 MPa( = 11.1 kg/m3 and thus  = 1041 kg/m3

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