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* MgQ S@tS MCQ Bank for compurer Fundamentats

C Oir.oYfff *"*?ntsistedinaprccessor 464. Which of the ftllowirg is inptt

A A) scanner

B) cu B) speaker
C) Memory
C) monitor
D) Registers
D) projector

D 453. IBM 7401 is the

first amputerto enter in Nepal.Itbetonged 465. Which of thc followirg is true?
A) Fields are composed of bytes
A) First Generatio" D B) Records are composed of fields
B) Second Generation
C) Fields are composed of charactex
C) Third Generation
D) Froth Generation
D) All of abwe

C 454. Thc Thfud Generation C.omput*r was made with

A) Vacuum Tube
C 466. lUho built the world's first elecbonic calcalator using
telephone relays, light bulbs and batterie s ?
B) Discrete Components A) Claude Shannon
c) tc
-. B) Konrard Zues
D) Bio Chips C) George Stibits
D) Howard H. Aiken

C 45 5. Which of the followirg are the two main comryp nts of the
CPU? 467. WAN is a mostused abileviation in Networkirg, yrrat til r'rs
A) Control Unit and RegisteB b fulUorn?
B) Regtstes and Main Memory A) WAP Area Network
C) Control unit and ALU B) Wide Area Network
D) ALU and bus C) Wld€ Array of Neturork
D) Wireless Access Networ*
t1,56. Fifih gewration umputor is also known as
A) Knotledge information procBsing system C
t168" In which langaage is souru prqram writtcn?
B) Very bryescale integEtion A) Engllsh
C) Both of abore B) Symbolic
D) None of above
C) High level
457. hand Generution coryutcrs werc devetoped
ts A) 1949 to 1955
469, Which of the fullowirtg is tr,rrect acrv,Irym ofVGA?
B) 1ss5to1e6s A A)Video Graphie Array
C) 1965to 197)
B) Vbual Graphics Array
D) 197oto 1990
C) Volatile Graphics Array

C 458. What is the name of the cr,mputcr terminal whtch giv* paper
D) Video Graphics Adapter
AlDisplayscreen B
470. A sorg being played on amputer speaker is
B) Soft copyterminal A) hard output
C) Hard copy terminal B) soft output
D) Plotter C) both hard and soft output
D) neither hard nor soft output

B 459. Prqrums are executcil onthe basis ofa

Al Batch processing system
priorily nwnberina
477. In the IBnllC-At, what do the wods AT stand for
B) Muhiprogrammin; ts A) Add itionafTerminals
C) Time sharing B) Advance technology
D) None ofthese C) Applied technology
D) Advanced tenninology
C ,160. Wenwas Apple Macintodrll microcomputrlrintrodue;d in
the market? 472. Size of the prlmary memory of a pC rarryes between
A)1s54 c A) 2KB to 8KB
B) 1s7O
B) 54KB & 2s6KB
c) 1e83
c) 2s5KB & 540K8
D) 1986
D) None ofthese
p 467. When was the world's first laptop computcr introduced in the
marketarld bywhom?
473. What is the number of read-write heods in the drive for a 9-
trac magneticttw?
A) Herrvlett-Pacliard
B) Ep6on, 1981
A A)e
B) 16
C) Laplink traveling software 1n1982
D) Tandy model-Zooo, 1985
c) 18

B 462, Todoy's amputer giant IBM was earlier known by different

namewhichwas changed in1924. Whatwas that nime? 474. Apple compony used chipsfram_for its computcrs
u'urrr' LU'
A) Computer Tabulating Recording Co. A) lntel
B) TheTabulatorltd. ts B) Motorola
C) lntemational Computer Ltd. C) Both of above
D) None of above D) None ofabove

o t!63. The perconnel who deals with the computer and its
nanagement put together are called D
475. Which of the following is
a feature offifih generation
A) Software A) Use of natural language
B) Human ware B) artificial intelligence
C) Firmware C) bio-chips
D) Hardware ul Ail Ot above


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