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#ndees@rs MCQ Bank for Computer Fundamentals

A tt4)4. YGAis
476, Whtch of the followitg printing devices an ouryut comryed \3
A) Video Graphics Array D ofa series ofdata?
B) Visual Graphics Array A) Wire matrix printer
C) Volatile Graphics Array B) Band printer
D) Video Graphics Adapter C) Wang image prlnter
D) Both a and c

A rM1. A kittd of scanner MICR is the shortform

A) Magnetic lnk Character Reader
477, Which of the ftIlowing is anexample of fifih generation
B) Magnetic lnk Code Reader computer?
C) Magnetic lnk Cases Reader A) PIM/m
D) None B) lcl 2950
c) rBM 1401
,106. Whidt of the
I ) followirg ls not a class based on size? D) None of abwe
A) Mainframe Computer
B) Micro Compute, C 478. Magnetic disks are the mostpopular mediumfor
C) Mini Computer A) Direct access
D) Digital Computer B) Sequential access
C) Both of above
D 407. Whidt $-bit ctrip was used in matry of todayb TRS-80 D) None of abwe
A)z-smo B 479. Which of the ftIlowirg is rcta third generationcomputer?
8) Motorola 6809 A) tBM 350
c) 2-888 B) rBM ilto1
D)Z-8{' c) PDP-8
D) HP2115
' A) Hard Disks C 42 O. The numhr of rc@ills contairu d withln a block ol dato on
B) Flash Dbks magnofichp is defuud by the
C) BluRay Disks A) Block definition
D) DVDs B) Record ontain clause
C) Blocking factor
409. lUhich of the fullowirg professions has notbeenaffectcit by
D D) Record per block
" pcrsotml computers?
A) Medical D 12 7, Mark I is also known as
B) Clerical and law A) American S€quence Comrolled Calculator
C) Accounttng B) Automaticsequence Calclllatiru CorAroller
D) None ofthe above C) American Sequence Controlled Computer
D) Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
470. The word Abaans is derived
/A I from Abax, a wordfiom
A) Latin language C 422. Which of the fuIlowbg regtsterc is loaded with ihe contents of
B) Greek Language the memory locationpointed bythe pCZ
C) Sanskrit language A) Memory address registers
D) Ancient Egypr B) Memory data registers
C) lnstruction regBter
477. ln latest genemtion compute rc, ihe insbuctions
C- arc executeil D) Program coufier
A| Parallel only
B) Sequentiallyonr, 423. Which of lbt followirg are
c) Both sequentially and parallel
C the cheorystmemory devices in
terms of Ct stlBit?
D) All of above A) Semiconductor momories
B) Magnetic Disks
472. Whidtof thelollowitg memoqrnudiumls notused asmain
C mcmoryq$tem?
C) Compact Disks
D) Magnetic Tapes
A) Magnetic core
B) semiconductor 424. MIS is designed to prortide information needed
C) Magnetictape
1) for effeAive
decision makirg by?
D) Both a and b A) Consumes
B) Workers
413. Anonlfuebacking storage systemcapabte ofstoringlarger
C quantities ofdata is
C) Foremen
D) Managers
BlMemory A 425. Which isvalid statement
C) Mass storage A) 1 KB = 1024 Bytes
D) Secondary storage B) 1 MB = 1024 Bytes
C) 1 KB = 1OO0 Bytes
B 414. A ktrlld of sertal dot-matrix printer thatforms chartcterc
magnetically-charged inh sprayed dots is cailed
with D) L MB = 1o0O Bytes

A) hser printer 426. La*nq}rtime is

B) lnk-jet printer A) Time to spin the needed data under head
C) Drum printer B) Timeto spin the needed data under track
D) Chan printer C) Time to spin data under sector
D) All of above
415. l|lhidt of the following itoes not affect the resolution of a
D viileodisplay image? 427. Who built the firct Mechonical Calanlaar
A) Bandwidth C A) Joseph Marie Jacquard
B) Rasterscan rage B) John Mauchly
C) Vertical and horizontal lines of resolution C) Blaise Pascal
u) 5creen size D) Howard Aiken


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