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#nd@qstets MCQ Bank for Computer Fundamentals

545. Afictorwhtch would strongly ln!fuence a businesli Wrson to
D adopta computer is its 558. The contributian ofKonrad Zuse was long ignored because
A) Accuracy C A) He made the computers secretly
B) Reliability
B) his computers were very complicated and it took time for the
C) Speed
people to recognize its power
D) All of above
C) of political reasons. He was German.

l) 546, Who inventcd prnched cards?

A) Charles Eabbage
D) All ofthe above

B) Dr. Herman Hollerith 559, Any methodfurconfrotlitg accessto oruse of memory is

5 known
C) Howard Aikin
D) Joseph Jacquard A) Memory map
B) Memory protection

B 547. Each model ola computer has a

A) Assembly of a computer
unique C) Memory management
D) Memory instruction
B) Machine language
C) High level language A 560. ln what respect computers are suryrior to human beings?
D) All ofthe above A)Diligence
B) lntelligence
D Whidt of the follow@ is not o primary starqge device?
A) Magnetictape
C) Both of above
D) None ofabore
B) Magneticdbk
c) Optical disk
f'[ 567. ComlnLatints
Dl Allof the above
A) intensifying prefix
B) intemifying suffix
t) 549. In a purdrald uril
systefiL data is ptcesrrld by a
A) Keypunch macirine, sorter and posting machine C) a term that means to rec*on
B) Accounting machine, posting macfrine, and billing madrine D) None ofabove
C) Sorter, pGting maclring and billing machine
D) Accounting miching keypunch machine and sorrer I) 562. The syshmwrfiof a Wrsonal cornputcrtypical$r contahs all
ofthefullowitg except:
D 550. Wtd detttce is requfued for the Intornet con rection? A) Microprocessor
A) Joystick B) Disk controller
B) Modem C) Serial interface
C) CD Drive D)Modem
D) Nlc Card
563. Whbh of the fufiowitg ts re latcd b fifrh genetation
D 557.A xt of
rldaswhere numbercwerccatted and uuah, A compuUns?
multipliution and division aids is krrcwn as A) Knowledge information processing system
A) Pascaline B) Very large scale integration (VLSIl
B) Napie/s Bones
C) Both of above
C) Stepped Reckoner
D) only b
D) Slide Rule

552. Sesktime ls ts 564. The proccss ofstartirg a or restartw o L?,mprrtet sr$t,,m by

laadhg instruclionsfrom asecondary storage dev{ce inta tlla
A) time to position the head over propertrack
comgtermemory iscalled
B) time to po6ition the head o\rer propersector
A) Duping 41
C) time to position the head o\rer proper cylinder
D) none of above B) Booting
C) Padding

ts 553. Tape speed is measrcd ln D) cPS

A) Fe€t persecond
B) Indr per second
C) Met€r per second
A 565, MSI standsfur
A) Medium Scale lntegrated Circuits
D) Cemimeter persecond B) Medium System lntegrated Circuits
C) Medium Scale lfielligent Circuit
554. Parched cards were first intoduced by
D A) Powers
D) Medium System tntelligent Circuit

B) Pascal C 566. APixel is-

C) Jacquard
A) A computer program that draws picture
D) Herman Hollerith
B) A pidure stored in secondary memory
C) The smallest resolvable part of a picture
B 555. Which computor sapryrt co-processors?
A) XT computer
D) None ofthese

B) AT computers
C) Norc ofthese
D) Both ofthese
A 567. A/n _
is sentto the
Device is any
dwice thatprovides informatio4 which

A) lnput
C 556,
A flqpy disk conto,ins
Cirorlartrack only B) Output

B) Sectors only c) cPU

C) Both circulartracks and sectors D) Memory
D) None ofthe above

557. The capacity af3.5 inchfloppy ilisk is

C 568, Whatwas the nlckname of dre canputcr useil by the
Americans in 7952 for their H-bomb project?
D A) 1.210 MB A) ENTAC
B) 1.44 GB B) EDSAC
c) 1.4O CB C} MAN|AC
D) 1.44 MB O) UN!VAC


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