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Bobiles,Bessica N.


"Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary." - Jim Rohn

1. What does the quote mean? Do you agree or disagree?

 The quote means that reading is a powerful tool for everyone who wants to rise
above from their present state and situation. 

It means that by reading each day, one person can become better; gain more
information and become knowledgeable about almost anything and everything.

The quote wants to remind people that all books are beneficial and helpful in
reaching success. 

I totally agree with the quote because the main message of the quote is to make
everyone realize how essential reading is to everyone's life. This means that
choosing to read everyday is a personal choice and that those who spend time
reading are people who want to seek change in their lives and live a life filled
with wisdom.

2. How important reading for the author of the quotation?

 Reading for the author is at the outmost significant because for him it is one of
the main core value of communication, learning, and basic foundation of
knowledge, a form of communication that enhance a lot of self develop skills
that can be an edge of an individual to outstand other individual.

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