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Health Assessment of C-602

Mechanical Review of Compressor

Following inspections are recommended to find the root cause for vibration :-
1- Check frame level +/- 2.0 mm , also check level on top of unit crank case .
2- Check soft foot of the compressor & Engine and skid.
3- Crosshead Clearance
4- Compressor to distance piece bolt tightening verfication
5- Take the piston rod run out(V/H) of all compressor stages
6- Crank Deflection
7- Check Engine & Comp alignment
8- Addition of adequate support if required.
9- Inspection of VVCP/dismantling
10-Crank shaft End Clearance
11-Verification of crank & head end clearances
12-Verfication of Engine to compressor coupling alignment
13- Bore clearance of all compressor throws
14- Inspection of foundation bolts
15-Inspection of compressor foundation support shims/re-shimming
16-Inspection of 3rd stage support wedge
17-Foundation grout inspection
18-Inter-skid pipping support Inspection
19-Check all anchor bolts snugs
20-Inspection of all LCV/ADV of Scrubbers

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