RoguePlanet QRS

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1. Players roll to generate action points. 1. Compare relevant combat skills. Units like mounts, rides, light vehicles, and well
2. The player generating the higher number decides 2. Calculate the difference [if any] protected infantry have a medium armor rating. If a unit
who will begin. 3. If the initiator has the higher value, apply the has a medium armor rating, then the following are true:
3. The starting player takes actions until he has difference as a bonus [max +3].
exhausted his action points or decides to end his 4. If the target has the higher value, apply the  A combat result of 7-9 causes a single point of
turn. Any remaining action points are lost. difference as a penalty [max-3]. damage to a medium unit.
4. His opponent may spend action points to perform 5. Apply other ranged attack modifiers as bonuses or  A combat result of 10+ causes damage equal to
counter actions during his turn if desired. penalties as appropriate the absolute difference between the relevant skills
5. After a player has completed his activations, he 6. Make a combat skill check with a 2d6 roll of the combatants [CQ, RAT, DEF]. If the combat
may NOT perform counter actions in response to 7. Total the result of the roll and apply the final skills are the same, then a single point of damage
enemy actions on this turn. modifier [if any] is done.
6. On future action rolls, the player that started with 8. Resolve the combat and any related effects  If a medium unit suffers damage, then it is removed
fewer action points on the previous turn gains an from play unless the owning player expends
additional die on this roll. energy equal to the damage caused to keep it in
A ballistic skill roll receives a bonus equal to:  A critical strike/shot on unit with a medium
1. Compare relevant combat skills. armor rating causes damage equal to the absolute
 the difference of the combat skills when the difference between the relevant skills of the
2. Calculate the difference [if any]
attacker’s skill is greater. combatants [CQ, RAT, DEF].
3. If the initiator has the higher value, apply the
 the soft and hard counter values of the initiator  Medium rated units are NOT automatically
difference as a bonus [max +3].
versus the target unit eliminated on a critical strike or shot.
4. If the target has the higher value, apply the
 +1 for being on higher ground relative to target
difference as a penalty [max-3].
[including flying]
5. Apply other melee modifiers as bonuses or HEAVY
 the value of any other specific bonuses related to
penalties as appropriate Behemoths, large monsters, and mecha are found in the
gear or abilities
6. Make a combat skill check with a 2d6 roll heavy armor class. If a unit’s armor rating is heavy, then
7. Total the result of the roll and apply the final the following are true when resolving damage:
A ranged attack roll receives a penalty equal to:
modifier [if any]
8. Resolve the combat and any related effects  A combat result of 7+ causes a single point of
 the difference of the combat skills when the target
enemy unit’s value is greater. damage to a heavy unit.
MELEE MODIFIERS  -1 if the target enemy is in direct base contact with  If a heavy unit suffers damage, then it is eliminated
A melee skill roll receives a bonus equal to: an object or obstacle unless the owning player expends energy equal to
 -1 if the line-of-fire to the target enemy crosses an the damage caused to keep it in action.
 the number of friendly units engaging the enemy obstacle  A critical strike/shot on a unit with a heavy
unit in melee [not including the initiator!]  -1 if the target is in, or the attack passes through, armor rating causes damage equal to the absolute
 specific unit counters difficult area terrain difference between the relevant skills of the
 +1 for being on higher ground relative to target  -1 if the target is partially screened by a unit or combatants [CQ, RAT, DEF]. If the combat skills
[including flying] object [this is applied once and does not stack] are the same, then a single point of damage is done.
 the value of any other specific bonuses related to  the value of any other specific penalties related to  Heavy units are NOT automatically eliminated on a
gear or abilities critical strike or shot roll.
gear or abilities
A melee skill roll receives a penalty equal to: SKILL CHECKS
Conducting a ranged attack at an enemy unit that is A skill check may never benefit from more than +3, or
 the number of enemy units engaging the initiator in penalized more than -3, no matter how many bonuses or
melee [not including the target enemy] engaged in melee yields a penalty of -1 for each friendly
unit engaged with the target is imposed on the skill check penalties are applied.
 -1 if the target enemy unit is on higher ground
[including flying] [to a maximum of -3 as always].
 Add up any bonuses that apply to the skill check.
 -1 if the initiator is attacking across a linear Stop counting at +3 even if there are more
obstacle If a unit that is engaged in melee is attempting to perform
a ranged attack, a -1 penalty for each enemy unit that is possible bonuses.
 the value of any other specific penalties related to  Add up any penalties that apply to the skill check.
gear or abilities currently engaging it is applied [to a maximum of -3].
Stop counting at -3 even if there are more
If the unit is attempting to make a ranged attack at a possible penalties.
FIGHTING DEFENSIVELY unit that it is currently engaged with, then the penalty is  Roll 2d6 and apply the net bonus/penalty if any
As already discussed, a unit that is the target of a melee exist
always -3. Additionally, the target unit in this situation
attack may choose to use its DEF instead CQ value
has the option to use CQ instead of DEF as if this was a
when resolving a combat. This is referred to as fighting There are three possible results from a skill check:
defensively and must be declared before any modifiers melee attack. The shooter could definitely be injured!
can be calculated. The melee exchange is resolved as  TOTAL SUCCESS = 10+
normal with the noted exception that the unit using its LIGHT  PARTIAL SUCCESS = 7-9
DEF may not cause damage to the enemy unit even if Units like standard infantry and beasts have a light armor  FAILURE = 6 OR LESS
it the attacker fails miserably unless benefiting from a rating. If a unit has an armor rating of light, then the
special rule. following are true: TOTAL SUCCESS
On an end result of 10+, the skill check is a total success.
 A final combat result of 7+ causes damage equal to
DISENGAGING FROM MELEE the absolute difference between the relevant skills
Disengaging from melee is a move action that requires a PARTIAL SUCCESS
being used by the combatants [CQ, RAT, DEF]. If When a 7-9 result occurs, after resolving the check and
skill check. A unit is required to make this check when the combat skills are the same, then a single point
engaging another unit in melee by direct base contact any associated effects and/or actions, your opponent
of damage is done. always has the option to take a single move action with
[long-strike weapons do not have to be in base-to-base  If a light unit suffers damage, then it is removed
contact to engage in melee combat]. any one unit in his force.
from play unless the owning player expends
energy equal to the damage caused to keep it in FAILURE
A unit attempting to disengage receives +1 to the check action.
for each friendly unit engaging the enemy [or enemies] A result of 6 or less is a complete failure! On a failure
 A successful critical strike/shot causes the result, your opponent may take a move action with any
that currently engage it [to a maximum of +3]. The unit immediate elimination of a unit with the light
receives a -1 penalty for each enemy unit beyond the first single model in his force. Additionally, any specific
armor rating. An energy expenditure may NOT be failure penalties associated with the action may be
that are engaging it [to a maximum of -3]. used to save a light unit that has been harmed in applied as well. If no specific failure penalty exists [or
this fashion. the player chooses to forgo it], then he may take an
additional move action with another unit in his force.
Thomas billaud (Order #36203438)
Any time that you need to generate an FX range, you If the skill check for performing the throw is successful, Opportunity fire allows a player to target an enemy unit
will roll 2d6. Any die that shows a 4-6 is a success. Any no damage is applied. Instead, the player makes an FX at range during its movement.
die that shows a 1-3 is a failure. The degree of success roll to determine the maximum possible distance for the  When: opportunity fire is declared after an
or failure on the roll will produce one of four possible throw. The target unit is then placed anywhere within opponent has declared a movement or a charge but
measures of effect. that range [in the originally determined throw direction]. before moving.
Intervening objects, obstacles, and units MAY be ignored  Where: the OP FIRE ‘attack’ occurs anywhere
 Standard – no successes if the thrower desires. If the thrown unit ends in contact along the enemy unit’s path of movement.
 Impressive – 1 success with units, obstacles, or objects, then a collision is Movement is halted at this attack location while the
 Most Impressive – 2 successes resolved. If the thrown unit contacts none of these, then a skill check is resolved.
• Epic! – any ‘doubles’ result collision is resolved with the ground.  Who: any friendly unit armed with a missile
weapon that has LOS to the point-of-attack.
COLLISION COUNTER ACTIONS  How: an opportunity fire ROGUE die is added
A collision is an opposed roll between two or more units, This is a complete listing of currently available counter to the skill check of the charge. If it is a standard
obstacles, and objects. For each unit involved in the actions. movement, a skill check to perform the movement
collision, you will roll a die based on its armor rating. is now required. A match of the ROGUE die with
COUNTER CAST/BROADCAST either of the skill check dice negates the result on
 Light units and Groups- d4 Counter cast allows a sorcerer or psycher to attempt to that particular skill die.
 Medium units - d6 foil the attempts of another caster to use his spells or  What: If the skill check fails AND the ROGUE die
 Heavy units - d8 powers. matches at least one of the skill die, then the unit
 When: after an opponent declares that he is casting takes damage equal to the result on the ROGUE
Terrain features are also assigned ratings. Below are the a spell or psyche but before rolling the skill check. die and is staggered from the attack location. If the
most common.  Who: any caster in LOS may counter cast. check simply fails, then the unit is staggered from
 How: the player adds a counter cast ROGUE die to the attack location [as it scrambles to avoid the
 Open ground – d4 the skill roll. A match with either of the skill check attack].
 Difficult area terrain – d6 dice negates the result on that particular skill die.
 Dangerous area terrain – d8 RETURN FIRE
 Light object/obstacle – d4 COUNTER CHARGE When an enemy unit fires on one of your units that’s also
 Medium object/obstacle – d6 Counter charge allows a unit to meet a charging enemy armed with a missile weapon [or two!], you can return
 Heavy object/obstacle – d8 head-on instead of just waiting around to be run over. fire in an attempt to throw off their aim and possibly
This is usually done with a weapon blade being drug injure them in the process.
After rolling dice, you will compare the results. along the ground for dramatic effect.  When: after an opponent has declared a ranged
 When: after an opponent has declared a charge and attack but before rolling the skill check.
1. The unit with the lowest roll will take damage passed the skill check.  Who: the target of a ranged attack armed with a
equal to the difference between its roll and the  Who: the unit that is the target of the charge missile weapon
highest roll result, and both it and all other units performs the counter charge.  How: a return fire ROGUE die is added to the skill
involved in the collision are staggered [the unit  What: the counter charging unit may be moved to check of the ranged attack. A match of the ROGUE
with the highest roll is not staggered!]. meet the charging unit anywhere along its charge die with either of the skill check dice negates the
2. If there is a tie on the lowest result, then all the path AND it rolls an additional die on the collision result on that particular skill die.
lowest units take damage. roll [as if it had charged itself].  What: If the skill check fails AND the ROGUE die
3. If there is a tie on the highest result, then those matches a die, then the enemy unit takes damage
units are undamaged and not staggered. DODGE equal to the result on the ROGUE die.
4. If all results are a tie, then no damage is done and Dodging gives a unit the chance to move out of the
no units are staggered. way of a ranged attack or charging unit. This is usually GEAR USING ROGUE DIE
done at the last second and features a jump, roll, or Powered weapons and armor both use ROGUE DIE
STAGGER combination of the two. when resolving interactions. For Psionic Force weapons
A unit that has been staggered is moved anywhere  When: after an opponent has declared a charge or [which also uses ROGUE DIE], please see page 19 in the
within standard FX range of its current location. This ranged attack but before rolling the skill check. main rulebook.
movement may cause it to contact another unit or terrain  Who: the target of the attack.
feature. If this occurs, then movement is halted but a  How: the player adds a dodge ROGUE die to his POWERED WEAPONS
collision is NOT resolved. The player that caused the opponent’s skill roll. A match with either of the The powered upgrade takes a normal weapon and makes
stagger effect resolves it. If multiple units are staggered, skill check dice negates the result on that particular it better- much better! A powered weapon:
the player controlling the unit that caused the stagger skill die.
determines the order.  What: If the attacker fails and the ROGUE die was  Gains a +1 bonus on all melee skill checks
a match for either of the die, then the target unit  Is considered armor piercing
makes an FX roll and moves up to the distance  Generates an additional unit of energy during force
THROW result. If the counter-action was successfully used creation
Units with a heavy armor rating, and units equipped with to counter a charge, then the charging unit is moved  Adds a powered ROGUE die to melee skill checks
a demon claw or powered fist may attempt a throw. To to where it would have contacted the target unit.
attempt a throw, the unit must be in direct base contact If a unit making a melee attack with a powered weapon
with the target unit [or object]. A throw is a special kind INTERCEPT succeeds on the skill check AND the powered ROGUE
of melee attack. This allows a unit in your force to move in reaction to die matches one of the skill die, then the target unit takes
the movement of an enemy unit and intercept them. This damage equal to the result on the ROGUE die. This is in
After declaring that a throw is to be attempted and before is done swiftly and is usually of great surprise to the addition to any other damage.
calculating any modifiers or performing any resolution, moving unit.
the player initiating the throw chooses a spot, unit,  When: after an opponent declares a move or charge POWERED ARMOR
or object to represent the direction the throw will be action that targets a friendly unit. A unit equipped with powered armor rolls a powered
resolved in. Next, the skill roll will be resolved.  Who: any unit that has LOS and a clear path to the armor ROGUE die when the target of a ranged attack or
enemy moving/charging. The unit only has to have fighting defensively in melee.
Like a normal melee exchange, the relevant combat LOS to the moving/charging unit at the point of
skills of the combatants may produce a bonus or penalty. interception. A match of the ROGUE die with either of the skill check
However, no other modifiers are applied unless they  What: the enemy movement is halted where you dice negates the result on that particular skill die.
specifically apply to throws. If the unit attempting decide your unit intercepts it. The intercepting unit
the throw has an ‘open fist’, meaning no weapon or is moved into base contact. If the enemy movement
equipment in one hand, then a +1 bonus is applied to the was a charge, then the charge collision is resolved
attempt. If the unit has two ‘open fists, a bonus of +2 is against the intercepting unit instead.
added to the skill check for the throw.

Thomas billaud (Order #36203438)

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