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Grade Level Subject Topic Goals Objectives

1.The students
will be able to
create new
through playing
invasion games.

2. The students
will be able to
improve their
Physical 1. The students sense of fair
Grade 6 Education Invasion Games will develop new play specifically
skills and obtain to values such
physical benefits as honesty, self-
control, bravery,
and persistence.

3. The students
will be able to
exercise their
bodies through
playing invasion

1. The students 1.The students

will learn the will be able to
different ways of use different
Prevention and preventing and ways of
control of controlling preventing and
Grade 6 Health disease and diseases and controlling
disorders. disorders. diseases and

2.The students
will be able to
know the
importance of
preventing and
diseases and

3.The students
will be able to
follow different
ways on
preventing and
diseases and

Leon Martin S. Mangui-ob 1st year BEED-Generalist

ASSESS: Compare and enumerate the differences between Goals and Objectives
using a T-chart.

Goals Objectives
Intangible Time-bound
Non-Measurable Measurable
Articulate a global statement of intent. Specific
Narrow, discrete intentions of student

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