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Answer the following questions. (yellow pad send in google classroom)
1. How is Singer’s ethical position both similar to and different from Tom Regan’s?
Singer and Regan’s have the similarities which is taking part with the
vegetarianism and advocacy about the banning of animal experiment. While their
differencies is that Singer is on a utilitarian approach, while Regan is on deontological

2. What is biocentrism? What are its main claims?

Biocentrism is a environmental ethics that has a claim about the status of
moral object from human being to all other living thinhs in the earth. And this claims
about human are not superior to any other species either moral or ethical ways.

3. Is leopold’s land ethic just an entension to the biocentric outlook on nature?

The extension of ethics to this third element in human environment is, an
evolutionary possibility and an ecological necessity. Individual thinkers have asserted
that despoliation of land is not only inexpedient but wrong. Society, however, has not yet
affirmed their belief. I regard the present conservation movement as the embryo of such
as affirmation.

4. What does leopold mean by the term “biotic community?”

Leopolds concept of biotic community is similar to ecosystem, since like an
ecosystem it includes abiotic componets and like an ecosystem it is at least partially
characterized in terms of energy flow.

5. What is the meaning of sustainable development? How would a kantinan deontologist

and a utilitarian argue for or against its validity as an ethical guide for action?

6. What is culture for kohak? Why is it relevan in the study of environment ethics?
7. Think of a specific environmental issue. Using kohak ideas on dwelling, locate the
essential root of the problem. Is kohak position utilitarian or deontological? Explain.

1. Draw a biotic community. Discuss the possibility of crating such a community in your
nation. Where would it be? What would it be like?
2. Make an artwork, which portrays the nature of the human being as dweller.
3. Design a campaign advertisement on the value of environmental ethic’s in today’s
modern world. (post in facebook, number of likes will be basis of rating.)

Answer the following questions:

1. How is the stockholder theory similar to and different from the stakeholder?
2. How is the concept of legality related to the social contract theory of business?
3. Can a moral organizationa be ethical? If so, how? It not, why not?
4. What are some notable differences between legalistic corporation and a responsive
5. Why is corporate social responsibilit an integral part of doing business ethically?
Research on a minimum of five companies that do not implement cororate social
responsibility and reflect on the reprecussions of their neglience?
6. How can be the profitmotive co-exist with ethics?
7. Can you think of practical ways by which giant oil firms, mining anf logging
companies can conduct their business without unethically exploiting the environment?
8. How can one make sure that all stakeholders are given due consideration in making
business decisions? Is there a practical way to ensure this?

Choose one activity that you would like to do.
1. Simulate a business board meeting and perform the difference between the
stakeholder theory and the social contrat theory. Come up with actors nd scripts to
demonstrate this through video presentation.
2. Research on campanies that ave a reputation for being ethical in running their
business. Come up with a list of their practices that exhibiit their advanced
organizational moral development.


Answer the following questions:
1. Reflect on your experience as a woman or of women that you know. Do you see the
possible forms of discrimination that they have to endure? How does it hamper their
human flourishing? If you are a man, do you see yourself taking part in or allowing
discrimination and violence to happn in to women?
2. How do you understand microagression? How does it embody violence against
3. How would you explain the idea that women’s rights are human rights?
4. What areas of the struggle for equality are important to you? Do you feel that there
areas you wish to prioritize and why?
5. Do you think women and gay people suffer similar problems? Do gay people need the
same forms of liberation as women? Why or why not?

Do any of the following:
A. Watch an episode of your favorite telenovela or a movie. Idntify the women
characters. Discuss what roles they play and what charactiristics they have. Are they
lead actors? Do they drive the story or do they react to things? Cn you consider them
to be strong characters? Are they mere caricatures or do they present women as real
persons whose stories are worth considering and admiring? Knowing what you do
about feminst theory, how do you assess he treatment of these characteristics by the
director and writer?
B. Discuss how you might evaluate different moral situations and how you would reason
about it. You can focus on the question, if a women sexully abused by her boyfriend
and becomes pregnant, should she have her baby aborted? This is considering that she
is still in law school and may have a good career ahead of her as a lawyer.


Assessment: (yellow pad)

1. What is moral dilemma in the field of medical ethics? Provide examples of medical
moral dilemmas.
2. How relevant is the personalist perspective in the consideration of biomedical ethics?
3. Explain the significance and nuance of the mandate, “ embryos ought to be treated
like human persons”.
4. What is ectopic pregnancy? Explain the principle of double effect in this case.
5. List and evaluate the availability of personal enhancements and general-well-being
improvements obtainable today.
6. Why is the common good relevant in the consideration and evaluation of techniques
that improves childbearing of couples?
7. Explain the difference between euthanasia, DNR, and the termination of other
“extraordinary means” for patient who is terminally ill.
8. What is a living will and how important is it today?

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