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Hi!! Welcome to Nativecamp.

Can you see and hear me clearly?

By the way, My name is:
[Type Your Name in the Chatbox]
What is your name?
[Type Your Student Name in the Chatbox]
How do you want me to call you?
(Student Name)? or (Student Name)San?
Nice to meet you
(Student Name)(What He/She chooses to be called)
Am I speaking too fast or Just ok
I can see here that you choose Grammar Middle Number 32.
Is that correct?
Okay, are you ready?
Lets start.


“Today’s lesson is Lesson [Number].
The title is [Lesson Title]. Please repeat after me, [Lesson Title].”
LESSON TITLE = Would you mind me closing the windows?

Very Good!

Now, Please check Today’s GOAL.

(if the student doesn't speak read today's goal only in your mind)
(After you finished reading silently ask your Student)

Are you done?

Now, Let’s move on to Today’s Phrase/s. Please repeat after me twice(Peace Sign).

[Copy/Paste each Phrases before Reading it loud]

The First Phrase is:

(Listen Carefully to your students pronunciation)

Would you mind closing the door?

Would you mind closing the door?
Good Job!

*Door = It was a part of a House, Room, Building, Car, ETC that serves as passage
way to enter and exit.

*Would you mind = Are you going to be annoyed?

*1Mind = a person's intellect

*2Mind = Same as annoyed

The next one is:

Would you mind me/my closing the windows?

Would you mind me/my closing the windows?

*Would you mind me = Refers to the person itself or the doer of the action.
*Would you mind my = Refers to the action.
*Windows = A part of a house located on the wall that serves as the passage way of
wind and lights from the outside.


Would you mind if I closed the windows?

Would you mind if I closed the windows?
Very Good!

*Close = Similar to shut.

The last one is:

I can't stand the noise, either.

*Stand = Still, Perception to something, be able to endure or tolerate.

*Either = used to indicate a similarity or link with a statement just made.

*Either[AYDER] = was in British Pronunciation
*Either[IDER] = Was in U.S Pronunciation

*Can't Stand = Can't Accept and/or Strongly Dislike

*Noise = A sound that was ussually annoying or unpleasant.

Do you have any question?

Is everything clear now?

Next, let's check today’s grammar point.

Today’s grammar point is Would you mind ~ ?
Are you familiar with this grammar?
[If Yes]: All right, please check and tell me what you know about it
[If No]: All right, let's check together. Repeat after me once

Our grammar point is Would you mind ~ ?

[Copy/Paste Would you mind before Reading it loud]
[Student Repeating...]

Would you mind ~(verb) ing? and Would you mind if ~(verb) ed?
[Student Repeating...]

*Would you mind ~ ?” is used to ask others for a favor or permission.

*Favor = The listener is the doer of the action.

*Permission = The Speaker is also the doer of the action.

We have an Example here of Asking someone for a favor to close the door.
Please repeat:

[Copy/Paste Would you mind closing the door? before Reading it loud]

Would you mind closing the door?

[Student Repeating...]

[Copy/Paste Would you mind if I asked you to close the door? before Reading it

Would you mind if I asked you to close the door?

[Student Repeating...]

There are two possible answer for that question,

First is:

[Copy/Paste No, I wouldn't. before Reading it loud]

No, I wouldn't or I'll close the door (for you).

and the other one is:

[Copy/Paste Yes, I would. before Reading it loud]

Yes, I would or I won't close the door.

Also We have an Example here of Asking someone for a permission to close the door.
Please repeat:

[Copy/Paste Would you mind me/my closing the door? before Reading it loud]

Would you mind me/my closing the door?

[Student Repeating...]


[Copy/Paste Would you mind if I closed the door? before Reading it loud]

Would you mind if I closed the door?

[Student Repeating...]

There are also two possible answer for that question,

No, I wouldn't or You can close the door.

Yes, I would and Don't close the door.

[Always remember, When you answer the Would you mind~ questions, No: means you are
agreeing and Yes: means you disagree on the statement]

Now, Let's move on to:

[Copy/Paste I can't stand ~ before Reading it loud]

I can't stand ~(Noun)

I can't stand = is used to express something you cannot accept at all.

For Example please repeat once:

[Copy/Paste Each Example one at a time before Reading it loud]

I can't stand him.

[Student Repeating...]

It means you cannot accept being with him or you dislike being with him

I can't stand working with her.

[Student Repeating...]


I can't stand that noise.

[Student Repeating...]

Do you have any questions?

(Answer each of your student's questions)
(Check GOOGLE for any unfamilliar words)

Now, Let’s move on to Words and Expressions.

"Please check the directions.”

(if the student doesn't speak read directions only in your mind)
(After you finished reading silently ask your Student)

Are you done?

Please repeat after me twice.(Peace Sign)

Our First Word is:

Rub = (move one's hand or a cloth repeatedly back and forth on the surface of
(something) with firm pressure.)

For Example:

You are rubbing your jaw.

Very Good!

Next Word is:

Jaw = (the upper and lower bony structures forming the framework of the mouth and
containing the teeth.)

For Example:

You always rub your jaw when you think.

Good Job!

Next is:

Mind = (to be upset, annoyed or worried by something)


Example is:

Would you mind if I closed the windows?

Next word:

Attract = (to have a liking for or interest in something.)



I wonder what they are attracted by.


And Our last word is:

Tease = (to make fun of someone in a playful way.)


Our example here is:

I'm only teasing you.

Very Good!

Do you have any more question?

Is Everything clear?

(Answer each of your student's questions)

(Check GOOGLE for any unfamilliar words)

Good Job!

Now, Let's move on to Short Conversation.

Please check the Directions

(if the student doesn't speak read Directions only in your mind)

(After you finished reading silently ask your Student)

Are you done?


Let's do a role play. I'll be [ Olivia ] and you'll be [ Daniel ].

[Read each conversation according to your role.]

Now, Let's switch the roles. I'll be now [ Daniel ] and you'll be [ Olivia ].
[Read each conversation according to your role.]

Do you have any more question?

(Answer each of your student's questions)

(Check GOOGLE for any unfamilliar words)

Let's move on to Question.

Please check the directions.

(if the student doesn't speak read Direction only in your mind)
(After you finished reading silently ask your Student)

Are you done?

Please answer my questions.

(See Grammar Beginners 2's Review Sheet Question part for referrences)

Great Job!

Now, we'll have some exercises.

Please check the directions.

(if the student doesn't speak read Direction only in your mind)

(After you finished reading silently ask your Student)

Are you done?

Now, let's do the exercise.

Would you mind calling him?
it means:
Would you mind if I asked you to call him?

Would you mind me/my calling him?

it means:
=Would you mind if I called him?

Can you Answer number 1?

[Type your student's Answer whether right or wrong]

[Sample1] [Would you mind if I borrowed your phone?]

* It was also correct but since our direction tell us to Ask for favors and
permission using 'Would you mind + ~ ing?' We will use that pattern to construct
our answer. So for this one the correct answer SHOULD be:
Would you my borrowing your phone?

Next number 2:

Now, Let’s move on to the next exercise.

Please check the directions.

(if the student doesn't speak read Direction only in your mind)

(After you finished reading silently ask your Student)

Are you done?

Now, let's do the exercise.

[Read Each Example one by one]

Number 1 is:
[Type your student's Answer whether right or wrong]

1. Would you mind me/my calling your brother?

[SAMPLE1] No, you cannot call him.

Is that your final answer? Nice try.
But always remember, When you answer the Would you mind~ questions,
No: means you are agreeing to the statement
Yes: means you disagree on the statement.
so when the answer is No, You will follow it with a possitive reaction to the
statement. So an example answer is:
No, You can call him or No, It doesn't bother me at all.

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